Did you know that leftists are teaming up with witches to attack America?
Thus, the left has used the occasion to bring together ecologists, socialists, feminists, LGBT activists, pro-abortion advocates, and others to push their false class struggle narratives upon the American public. Less known, however, is the involvement of darker forces. Satanists and witches were invoking evil powers to aid those participating in the violence.
The witches do not hide their involvement in the violent protests. Mashable reports that witches’ covens are actively engaged in hexing police, whom they accuse of brutality. They especially target those who are risking their lives to stop the riots. The witches also cast spells asking for protection for protesters that confront the police. Witch activists used their dark arts as cutting-edge weapons for those who want to engage in a more spiritual class warfare.
The article is right about one thing: secular leftists don’t seem to care. That is correct. Having a contingent on your side that also thinks sending “thoughts and prayers” (and curses and magic spells) is a waste of time and effort, but sure, if it makes you happy, wave your hands in the air, burn a little incense, do some chanting. What’s ironic is who is complaining: Catholics. How can a good conservative Catholic complain about magical thinking?
The author of that article is John Horvat II, who runs a site called The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property. Just the name of the organization has me making the sign of the cross and looking for my holy water (I actually have some somewhere in my office!). But then I discovered their neat list of things they hate, which is a real blast.
The American TFP has opposed:
contraception; abortion; euthanasia; human cloning; the social acceptance of homosexual practice; anti-discrimination laws that give homosexuals a privileged status; the lifting of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in our military; homosexual adoption; domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same-sex “marriage”; transgenderism; homosexual films, theater plays, events, and pro-homosexual clubs on Catholic college campuses; public blasphemy; nudism; socialist childcare; socialist healthcare; socialist allocation of federal waters; death taxes; self-managing socialism; international communism; President Carter’s human rights policy; the policy of détente with communist regimes pursued by the American and Western governments; progressivism; liberation theology; the Vatican’s policy of Ostpolitik with communist governments; the retroactive lifting of statutes of limitations for civil cases involving sexual abuse; the enactment of State laws forcing clergy to violate the seal of Confession in cases of child abuse; the removal of beauty from and the democratization of the Catholic Church; “frenetic intemperance” in the economy; the ecological movement; pacifism; imprudent nuclear disarmament; and the Occupy Wall Street movement.
No wonder they’re unhappy — they’re all a bunch of tightly puckered sphincters. I approve of all of those things! Well, except for removal of beauty. There’s nothing wrong with beauty. But they seem to have an idiosyncratic notion of what beauty means.
In these times of great trials for the Church, it does good to souls to contemplate the sublime beauty of the Church in all its splendor and hierarchy.
Catholic churches have always seemed over-the-top kitschy to me, but this person seems to think rigid order is a synonym for beauty. Then I found the death cult dogma: The Prophet Daniel and the Beauty of Death. Catholicism seems to revel in a kind of gothic creepiness at times.
It is beautiful, because it proclaims that everything in the sensible world is delicate. It exists only with God’s intervention and through no merit of its own. Placed before the specter of death, man senses everything in him that is small and fragile. Death whispers in his ear: “Don’t you realize that everything in life is dust and ashes?” This is good for man, since he is accustomed to seeing his greatness compared to all other perishable things.
There are two other Old Testament phrases that express this same idea: “Vanity of vanities and all is vanity,” (Ecclus. 1:2) and “I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold all is vanity, and vexation of spirit.” (Ecclus. 1:14)
This voice ascends above these little perishable things, to teach man that even those things that are seemingly great, are nothing. However, there is Someone, Who hovers above all Creation, Who is a true Marvel. He is God, Our Lord in His Eternity, Inaccessibility, Intangibility and Immutability, Who touches all things without being touched.
In this spirit, the angel proclaims: “Go thou thy ways…and thou shalt rest.” In other words: “You, who were great in the eyes of God and man, you too shall go to your end. You too are perishable and your transitory state shall be broken tonight. The law that all material things must end, applies to you, too. Think of this and you will not be misled to measure Divine things by your puny grandeur.
“You must realize that you are small before the things of God, but also that you have an immortal soul. You have something that is not material, but imperishable. Thus, this end you enter tonight is temporary. In you exists the very principle of life, which is nobler than you and it shall remain.
“Moreover, your soul is good, so you will posses the happiness that things of earth cannot give. You will sleep, but afterwards will come the reconciliation between God and man and eventually your resurrection.”
God is so good that in spite of the perishability of flesh, He will resurrect the body so that it can share in the joys or torments of the soul, according to whether the man was good or bad in this life.
At the end of his announcement, the angel states: “stand in thy lot unto the end of the days.” This is a reference to this General Resurrection. One begins to hear angels sounding the trumpets and coronets that will call all men to judgment. The angel tells Daniel to sleep peacefully and wait for that day, for the death of the just is a dream that awaits the resurrection.
That is why one should always keep death before his eyes and order his life accordingly. Then, when death approaches, he can expect a joyful resurrection on Judgment Day. Living in this perspective will prepare him for the moment when Our Lord will appear with Our Lady at His side, to fulfill, perhaps His greatest promise: “I will be your reward exceedingly great.”
So, man will first be judged immediately at death, when his body is still warm. Aided by Our Lady’s mercy, he will be sentenced according to his love for and union with God, not by his position in the eyes of men. Then he shall see God face-to-face.
All right, that is simply a repulsive set of freakish beliefs. I guess I’m just going to have to summon a demon and cast some unholy imprecations on the Catholic Church. It isn’t beautiful at all.
As a /physicist/ I find witches awesome.
Good stuff.
I think you missed the point. He’s upset because he believes it’s true that there are witches and evil spells. So I say sic all the witches in the universe on him.
He doesn’t like: “the removal of beauty from and the democratization of the Catholic Church.” In other words, he’s still re-litigating Vatican II. He probably wants a return to Latin mass, wearing the scapular, and all sorts of even more quaint practices. He may even be in favor of bringing back the Inquisition to burn all those nasty heretic Protestant types at the stake.
A quick scan of the Wikipedia article on his group says that they’re pulling in $8 million a year from hate-filled reactionaries to spread their message, and that they have 65 paid staff members. Obviously, their grift pays pretty well.
I see the HandofNuggan in that list.
“…socialist allocation of federal waters…”
That’s quite a laundry list they have there, but I’d love to see the theological argument against Ski-Doos.
In trying to oppose them you are spreading their propaganda, at length, verbatim, for them. That doesn’t seem to be such a good idea.
It is interesting that the current Pope doesn’t agree with this take at all. At least as the position of the demonstrations are concerned. I’m not sure anyone has directly asked his position on witches being involved.
I wished they had added ” And Methodists ” to the list of things they were opposed to .
Quite a list of gibberish here.
At least half of it has nothing to do with Catholicism at all and is just right wingnut politics.
They could shorten their hate list by just opposing everything that happened since the Dark Ages ended and the Enlightenment happened.
I noticed that there wasn’t one word on the last major heresy, the Protestant Reformation.
There is one reason why.
The Protestants fought back and won.
Catholics learned to only bully the weak and defenseless, those who don’t have armies and heavy weapons.
My problem with witches and wiccans is that there tends to be a lot of cultural appropriation in the group, and also a lot of TERFs.
There’s really not much question that the Catholic Church is a death cult. All you need to do to see it in its full glory is visit one of the really important European churches from the medieval pilgrimage circuit and see the relics. There’s an entire vault of them in the Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua, including such delightfully gruesome things as Anthony’s “miraculously preserved” (not really) tongue. Or there’s the Basilica of the Holy Blood in Bruges where they take a vial of… something out for a spin around town once a year. The art in these churches can indeed be something quite beautiful, as anyone who’s seen a fine Titian or Tintoretto can attest, but there’s also much weirdness that is centered on the whole memento mori aspect of Catholicism that can make a non-believer get really creeped out.
Hmm, let’s see. I’ve done16 of them (including human cloning! yaay!) Though if you count things I just support or think are a good idea it goes up to 29. I couldn’t care less about Liberation Theology or Vatican Ostpolitik, and I have no idea what “frenetic intemperance” is.
Perhaps we need to find the person who ticks all 32 boxes and make them our King. Sorry, sorry, forgot, make them our democratically elected commune overseer.
Also, is this guy seriously trying to claim that covens of angry witches fighting the police with powerful sorcery wouldn’t be cool as anything?
cartomancer@12, “make them our democratically elected commune overseer.” And the strange women lying in ponds distributing swords…?
What I found rather telling in the list quoted in the OP is
. I suppose its encouraging they use the term child abuse (that is, acknowledge what it is), but otherwise it’s the usual protect-the-child’s-rapist(-priest) abhorrent position.The irony here is that people who call themself witches don’t actually think they have magic powers. But these clowns do.
3 Brent
Good list but in my opinion it is “The Discipline” he really misses. A good half-hour of self smacking could set him up to exorcise the local zoo.
I bet Pope Francis is happy to have the support—assuming they don,’t think he is illegitimate and probably a communist-fascist puppet of Putin’s.
@azpaul3 #6:
So basically you’re saying that no-one should ever use anyone’s else’s own words, presented in context, in order to argue against that point of view.
Are you really sure you’ve thought this through?
@7 Ronald Couch
Except.. numerous people have pointed out all the ways the current pope a) doesn’t actually appose these people, save by words, b) does nothing to get rid of them, c) allows them to keep operating as normal, while “officially” rebuking a few things, here and there, and d) seems to have been picked to be a, “nicer sort of tyrant”, solely because the trend has been for the churches followers to be more liberal in their ideals. The end goal here has never been to modernize the church, its been to, “Wait out this small deviation from the true path, until the public is once more ready for evil.” Oh, sorry, I meant, “the true and proper ideals of Jesus”, in that last bit. Always get them confused when talking about Catholics, for some reason…
I once bought the book of exorcism in the Vatican bookstore. I gave it to a Catholic friend so his wife could put it to use.
@2: Generally I think witches have better things to do than take part in some farcical pageantry dreamed up by people who demean them for invented reasons.
@20: She needed a doorstop?
In reply to the original post:
… Maybe he could touch the little children a bit less. And yes, we all know you’d like to think he’s untouchable because the priesthood would hide him even if he was Old Scratch himself. It’s the thin garishly robed line.
Surely it is way past time to redraw the line between religion and mental illness?
I see he’s against social medicine–guess he won’t be signing up for Medicare. There must be a painfully big hole in this guy’s psyche to be so hateful; it’s kind of sad, really. But I do like the part about reminding us that we’re all dust. Humans think way too much of themselves, as if we’re actually important, ( at least on a cosmic scale).
Um, just because the author is Catholic doesn’t mean it’s what the Catholic Church holds to be true. It’s incorrect to conflate the two.
I mean, I’m as anti-Catholic as anyone, but dishonest claims are not something I’m willing to endorse.
@23 publicola
We may be the only light of knowledge in the universe.
“frenetic intemperance” is one hell of a name for a rock band.
This is a bit of blow back from the Cold War. These “tradition, family and property” organizations emerged in Latin America during the 60s as a response to revolutionary currents in the region and, of course, quickly found support in certain circles of the US government. So thanks CIA, we still have to deal with these dopes.
Of all the things that are crazy about what those people say, the thing I least understand is their complaint that the left is in league with “ecologists”. Ecologists?? What is their gripe with ecologists?
Kirk, possibly, Genesis 1:26
“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.””