Officer Karen was victimized by the Hamburglar

Oh, dear. I read the intro to this video and was concerned about what horrific abuse this officer of the law experienced.

Stacey who has been a cop for 15 yrs went to @McDonalds
She paid for it in advance and this is how she gets treated for being a cop. Come on America. We are better than this.

Given that cops have been pepper spraying and shooting rubber bullets with wild abandon, and have been murdering black people for years, I braced myself for some terrible and nearly equivalent atrocity experienced by this woman.

It’s a bit of a letdown.

She breaks down in tears because her Egg McMuffin was late! They didn’t get part of her order to her in a timely fashion! OH THE HUMANITY!

Conservative wackaloons are all over this example of gross injustice. “We are better than this”, sure…then have some sympathy for the minimum wage, stressed out service worker who didn’t get a McMuffin to a cop fast enough.

By the way, you always pay for it in advance. That’s the way the drive up window works at McDonalds: first you pay at one window, then you drive up to a second window to get your food. If there’s a delay in your order they send you to a spot to park for a bit so you don’t hold up the line. That’s not a special punishment for cops only.

Snowflakes. They’re all snowflakes.


  1. stroppy says

    Cognitive dissonance will kick your ass. It’s not about the happy meal (?) of course. One day she’s living the myth, and then cold hard reality intrudes. She needs to rethink her choice of profession and get out while she’s still young. IMO.

  2. Rob Curtis says

    She doesn’t hear thank you enough.

    Thank you for not tear gassing the employees and thank you for not shooting them with rubber bullets.

    I can empathize, though not agree with her. Don’t go through drive thrus. Prepare your food yourself and improve the image of the police by treating all people with respect.

    Cops have destroyed the public trust. They have a lot of work to rebuild it.

  3. brucegee1962 says

    I’m wondering if the next phase we may go through will be widespread police resignations and/or strikes.

    Some may say that would be great, but it would certainly bring its own set of problems as well. But perhaps we all need to go through some pain before things can be set to rights?

    Anyway, we certainly live in interesting times.

  4. bcwebb says

    This is horrible, McDonalds might as well have teargassed her and clubbed her to the pavement.

    Clearly the cops have failed to control crime in her neighborhood. Probably lost it to the hamburgler.

  5. says


    I have anxiety and I have never had a meltdown over my order being late. I have worked those jobs; you get a rush and fall behind on your orders and you have to catch up. It freaking happens. But this woman is trusted with a weapon and she’s three seconds away from pissing herself over a damned McMuffin?!

    I can’t even with this.

  6. offthewall says

    She should be taken off the street, now. She is an accident/incident waiting to happen.

  7. consciousness razor says

    15 years? She should know by now that as a cop you just have to ask “may I shoot at your manager?” for a full refund on both the muffin and the coffee, with no jail time.

  8. says

    @9 I’m pretty sure we’re long past “waiting” if she’s this delicate.

    @4 This is something that all too often impedes progress. Most people (and especially most politicians) are unwilling to go through the short-term problems that long-term solutions require.

  9. davidc1 says

    @1 I remember watching one of those Crash, Bang ,Wallop ,Cops type programmes .
    It showed a cop leaning in an open window of a donut shop while the staff were busy ,and using his baton to steal some donuts ,
    don’t think he lasted long on the force after that.

  10. brucegee1962 says

    @12 If I was a cop, I’d be trying to organize a 24-hour nationwide police strike right now, on the theory that this would be the best way for the public to welcome me back with open arms. They might even be hoping for a Purge-like situation.
    Incremental change is vastly frustrating, but often the only alternative seems to be lurching between extremes, and I see even less good coming out of that.

  11. Mrdead Inmypocket says

    She breaks down in tears because her Egg McMuffin was late! They didn’t get part of her order to her in a timely fashion! OH THE HUMANITY!

    It’s not just that they made her wait for her order. She’s thinking that they made her pull up and wait so they can sabotage her food. She says “Don’t bother with the food because I’m too nervous to take it”.

    She “fears for her life” while doing something as innocuous and everyday as waiting for her fast food order. Who can say for sure, but that kind of paranoia could stem from her threat assessment training. If you wonder how a police officer is capable of killing someone while they pull out their wallet when asked for ID, or summat. Well, that inculcation runs deep. These people police our communities, with weapons. Disconcerting, eh?

    At the very least it’s a small window into a developing dynamic. She talks about how people would offer to pay for her order, now she has fear because she hasn’t seen the food prepared. So in this one small example the widespread protests against police violence has caused this one individual to, at least, doubt whether their privileged status will be enough to protect against some imagined retribution. Anecdotal but interesting nonetheless.

  12. sherylyoung says

    She’s a mess & needs to be taken off the streets. Her supervisor should see this.

  13. says

    @#14, brucegee1962:

    That’s the absolute last thing the police want, a strike. The CHAZ is peaceful and law-abiding without cops, the areas where the cops are holding ground are riot zones, and the things cops are supposedly there to prevent are happening anyway. If the cops went on strike there is a very significant danger that the public would notice that everything got noticeably better without them. (Which, incidentally, has historically been the pattern: when cops go on strike, crime falls.) They literally can’t afford for people to see how much better off they’d be without police; the illusion is already shaky, and that would collapse it entirely.

  14. Ridana says

    I think this was fueled by the fake story about the three cops being poisoned at a Shake Shack in Manhattan. They ordered ahead, thought their shakes tasted funny, then talked themselves into feeling sick and went to the hospital and were released. If anything was wrong with the shakes, it was most likely improperly cleaned equipment (the cops wouldn’t be identified as cops on their order anyway unless they were charging it to the NYPD or the order was for We B. Cops).

    So she hears that amplified through Fox and right wing media and becomes suddenly paranoid while waiting for her McMuffin.

    She should seriously think about retiring, and while she’s thinking, she should be relieved of duty. This is not the line of work for her.

  15. says

    This isn’t parody, right? I mean I heard about the Monty Python bit that got quoted on Reddit and then Fox ‘news’ took it seriously…the video cut Officer Karen off, she wasn’t even done!

  16. schweinhundt says

    While it’s easy to make fun of her reaction, she strikes me as someone who legitimately needs to see a counselor. Sometimes a person’s coping mechanisms get overwhelmed and they need assistance to handle whatever stressors they’re dealing with. (And, no, I’m counting the drive-thru experience as one of those stressors.)

  17. brightmoon says

    She’s probably stressing but honestly if she is then this is not the job for her.

  18. schweinhundt says

    @#22, brightmoon: She probably shouldn’t be on the street right now but that doesn’t mean she can’t handle the job over the long haul. I’ve worked with people going through experiences like this. The breakdown is often temporary–especially if dealt with early on/at the first signs of a problem.

  19. tedw says

    My egg McMuffin was late the other day too! I didn’t think to make a video about it though. They apologized for my wait and I told them it was no big deal, these things happen. Then they threw in a free order of hash browns to thank me for my patience; win for me!

  20. flange says

    On the other hand, she must be right. Because she’s white, young, blonde, and attractive.

  21. says

    I’m in no place to criticize anyone for melting down over a “little” thing — I once panicked because a dry leaf looked like a pile of cat sick. (I wasn’t going to touch it to check!) I panicked at Christmas because I got the sticky spot on the couch and, yeah, I stuck. I’ve melted down trying to decide what I want to eat (either it all looks so good, or there’s too many choices). I’m NOT going to come at this woman for having a moment over a breakfast sammich when I’ve had moments over far less.

    It’s more that she’s a police officer, on the clock, and armed. I feel like police should have better self control than, well… me.

  22. hemidactylus says

    Ok maybe not at McDonalds but I thought cops had some sort of tacit privilege where they got freebies at restaurants…at least coffee and donuts. From POV of restaurant owners the presence of cops would convey a perception of safety worth the cost of providing free stuff. Or maybe it was generosity toward what were thought to be deserving public servants.

  23. hemidactylus says

    In my own experience though I didn’t do fast food often previous to pandemic there had been multiple times where I was directed to the waiting parking spot for a few minutes or so. No biggie. Some stuff has to be made or dropped in fryer. McDonalds was usually on the ball with orders as far as matching requests.

    My local Burger King not so much. Bad management? I recall them mangling my order on multiple occasions and one day I went kinda “Karen”. I checked my food after driving away and it was totally jacked up. I calmly walked in and approached the counter and loudly asked for a refund “so I could go to McDonalds”. At that point all eyes were on me. Brazen act of frustration. Manager consulted. Refund granted.

    I got into a hot dog phase years later and BK had them. The drive thru there had improved quite a bit.

  24. stroppy says

    I don’t know about McDonalds either. When I was young and working at a convenience store many years ago, I was instructed to give police free access to the coffee. A matter of facilitating good will, something you appreciate when you’re working the night shift alone there.

  25. says

    #20 may be the only one who has figured it out.
    Yes, I’d say it likely is a parody – note that the Richmond Hill Police Dept. now says that “the officer in the video does not work for nor represent the Richmond Hill Police Department.” And the McIntosh County Sheriff’s Department says “She is not and has never been an employee with our Sheriff’s Office.”
    Maybe “Stacey” is another persona of Wendy Diaz?

  26. nickmagerl says

    “Give me a break”!!! She got one when she was hired and she’s just proved what a mistake that was.

  27. Rowan vet-tech says

    @34 it’s not a parody. That’s the wrong police department. That one making the statement is in Oklahoma. This one who’s afraid of food she can’t see being made (which you can’t see when you use the drive-thru anyways, wtf) is from Georgia.

  28. wzrd1 says

    Although I rarely patronize McDonald’s, this afternoon, after not eating since morning, I picked up some Big Macs for my wife and a McChicken and small fries for me. Took around 10 minutes in the drive-through, due to a fairly long line.
    Interestingly, I couldn’t see them spill the lettuce all around my chicken sandwich either.
    Maybe I should make a video complaining that gravity is an unfair and oppressive law.

  29. brucegee1962 says

    @#14, brucegee1962:

    That’s the absolute last thing the police want, a strike. The CHAZ is peaceful and law-abiding without cops, the areas where the cops are holding ground are riot zones, and the things cops are supposedly there to prevent are happening anyway. If the cops went on strike there is a very significant danger that the public would notice that everything got noticeably better without them. (Which, incidentally, has historically been the pattern: when cops go on strike, crime falls.) They literally can’t afford for people to see how much better off they’d be without police; the illusion is already shaky, and that would collapse it entirely.

    It may be true that cities would be more peaceful with no cops, but they would never believe that was true. In their own culture they are the thin blue line, the only thing standing between the helpless sheep-like citizens and endless waves of vicious criminals.
    Also, if all you read is Fox News, then as far as you know the CHAZ is a horrible Purge-like anarchic hellhole where law-abiding citizens cower behind locked doors while criminals run rampant. Fox runs about six stories per day with that gist.

  30. John Morales says

    Perhaps the old utopian Star Trek (instead of the current dystopian version):

    “It’s the police, Jim, but not as we know it!”

  31. microraptor says

    Hmm, I should probably say that they’re allegedly striking, since I’m having trouble finding independent confirmation of that tweet.

  32. Kagehi says

    @39 Yeah, and I have recently been rewatching DS9, and just watched the episode Past Tense. San Francisco 2024, and the US has devolved to a point where anyone without a job, including people that have mental health issues, which the government also won’t help (and claims it can’t), are locked in neighborhoods, like concentration camps, which are over crowded, filled with gangs, hand out ration cards for food, etc. Oh, and of course, the “cops” are sent in to put down a riot, which the characters end up involved in, which supposedly, when the public finds out the reality of what the places are like, and what happened, “Changes everything.”

    Its a disturbing echo of the crap we are dealing with in 2020.