Much awesomeness. Look at all the octopuses!
Literally 30 minutes ago scientists found a WHALEFALL on live broadcast. And YOU can submit questions directly to the scientists right below the video on the website. This is so AWESOME!!
— Open Ocean Exploration (@RebeccaRHelm) October 16, 2019
It’s showing live on NautilusLive right now!
I thought whalefall was what the Infinite Improbability Drive gave you.
Big deal. I just ate nine jumbo shrimp, and I didn’t even have to dive to the bottom of the ocean to get them.
@dexitroboper : yep, and on the ocean floor, not too far, you can also find the remains of a potted plant.
I was too late for the live feed but the recording of the fly-by is very cool. I am pretty sure they mention the depth being “four five zero meters” so about 1500 feet.
“Oh no, not again.”
See also whale of a blob.
David at #4,
They posted the relevant video on youtube:
Also, you can go back on the live youtube feed for several hours. I noticed this six hours after it was recorded, so I found it by using moving my mouse down the video time slider (found at -6.10 hours, now it will be harder). I was using a laptop, it may be different on a phone.