Jeffery Ford is a genius. How do we know? He tells us so.
Jeffery Ford is an author, TED speaker and frequent guest on numerous talk radio shows. He was honored in Michigan’s House of Representatives for winning a global election to become the World Genius Directory’s 2016 Genius of the Year for America (which includes both the North and South American continents).
Whoa. I’ve always wanted to be a genius. I looked up this World Genius Directory to find out how. It’s maintained by a guy named Jason Betts, an Australian who seems to do nothing but churn out “intelligence tests”, some of which are free to lure you in, others that cost a dollar, and some that cost tens of dollars. To get on the World Genius directory, you have to get a high score on one of his tests, and mail him $11 (I think that’s the important criterion).
I’m already dubious about his qualifications. But then he went and wrote this article, “Here’s Why Leftists Truly Hate Conservatives”, and confirmed the value of weird online IQ tests.
There’s only one thing that leftists hate as much as America, and that’s the millions of fact-based, faith-based conservatives who are the human embodiment of everything that makes America and the entire Western world far superior to every other country and culture that has ever existed.
It’s the first paragraph, and I’m already whooping it up! You can’t be both fact-based
and faith-based
— those are contradictory. I also have to question the assertion that America is a superior nation in all things. If we were, how come we don’t have universal health care, and how did Trump get elected?
Leftists hate conservatives because they are damned by any comparison with them. Conservatives believe in personal accountability and in the power of the individual to make a profound difference in our world. The left doesn’t believe in the power of the individual anywhere near as much as it believes in the absolute power of the collectivist state — where everyone suffers equally and are rewarded for their efforts minimally.
Unlike capitalism, where the individual can go to work for Walmart or Amazon and be treated with respect and a living wage.
Just as the 9/11 hijackers hated America for its freedoms, so too does the American leftist hate us for subjecting them to the high risks that are inherent in a free capitalist society and that is precisely why they have been working night and day for decades now to destroy our country.
They hated us for our freedom? What is this, 2001? No, they hated us because we did not follow their religion, and because we’d exploited and bombed the Middle East and wrecked their homes, to simplify it in another way.
The left has successfully laid waste to our nation’s educational system. Over time, they have covertly transformed our educational system from being one of the best in the world into an indoctrination system that would have made Joseph Goebbels proud.
Spoken as if conservatives had ever supported the public school system, and weren’t wallowing in denial of science.
One of the left’s greatest victories over America has been its infiltration and domination of almost every important aspect of our news media. But all is not lost. As a matter of fact, conservatives are closer to winning the hearts and minds of the vast majority of American people than ever before.
Say what? What liberal news media?
You guys go have fun with this loon. I’m just going to mourn the fact that apparently I can’t become a genius by mailing $11 to some wacko in Australia.
rpjohnston says
“where everyone suffers equally – nice to be told straight-up that the whole point is for everyone who isn’t straight white and male to suffer more. The Right’s nightmare scenario is to look to the side and see some wretched [insert slur here] in an equal place.
ridana says
No, no, no, they hate us for our freedoms, plural. It always has to be plural. I don’t know why, perhaps to show we’ve got more than other places with just one freedom, or maybe it has to do with Norman Rockwell.
Artor says
The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger Club: You don’t know you’re a member of the Dunning-Kruger Club.
Sastra says
Daniel Dennett’s Dictum (somewhat paraphrased) : Before verbally engaging with an opponent, you should be able to state their position so well that they ask you if they can borrow it.
Doesn’t take a genius to see why this would apply equally well to someone writing an article explaining what THEY think, and why. If you’ve got the first one wrong, you can just stop there.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
thank you for letting me rewrite that into the following:
is what yours truly, a “Leftist”, thinks.
karl says
But they also believe in vicarious redemption. I don’t think you can have it both ways.
Gp Gp says
“One of the left’s greatest victories over America has been its infiltration and domination of almost every important aspect of our news media. But all is not lost. As a matter of fact, conservatives are closer to winning the hearts and minds of the vast majority of American people than ever before.”
So … after our great victory, “conservatives” are about to win? I actually can find common ground with intelligent conservatives, but I think the conservative people he is talking about only care about tribal dominance.
markr1957 says
“Personal responsibility” to most faith-based Conservatves seems to mean that “apologizing” to a factually nonexistent sky daddy makes the fact-based harm they do to real people justifiable in their own heads. Fuck that noise.
jr48 says
Hadn’t encountered the “Western Journal” before. Damn, what a treasure trove.
vucodlak says
Nope! We hate you because you’re:
1.) Murderous… kinda like the 9/11 hijackers but so much deadlier. You destroyed a country, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, created millions of refugees (for whom you refuse to take any responsibility), and destabilized a whole region. You blow up children by the busload and don’t even have the grace to be sorry for it.
2.) Greed-bag… because not only did you do the above all for the sake of profit, you also refuse to pay your fair share of taxes, refuse to allow any kind of socialized healthcare, and you make the infamous “let them eat cake” look like a model of compassion by screaming “NO CAKE FOR YOU MOOCHERS” and cutting the flimsy social safety net (it’s more of a few nigh-unusable tatters now) any time someone brings up of those things.
3.) Slaver… you create a workforce that’s desperate and miserable, you take away all their options for anything better and make their lives a struggle just to keep their heads above water. They can’t agitate for anything better, they can’t even complain when you cut their compensation. They work or they die. Their children die. Sounds like slavery to me.
4.) Scum. The kind that turns the seas to blood and poisons everything it touches.
At least, that’s why I hate conservatives.
mcfrank0 says
From the list of his articles at the website, I’d say he’s either drunk the Kool Aid and is now one with the body, or, more likely, is a professional liar.
dougalder says
Well give him credit for not going with the whole 9/11 was an inside job shtick
gijoel says
I guess Betsy DeVos is a deep cover lefty.
photoreceptor says
Oh, Jeffery Ford, what a relief – I misread it at first for Jeffrey Lord. Now there was a genius. But maybe they’re the same person, though he must have shaved off his flowing white locks to fool people.
Gwynnyd says
As far as I can tell from some googling, Ford may have had some kind of ‘recognition’ from the Michigan House of Representatives – as in; someone, possibly himself, nominated him for a mention on the House floor because of his general awesomeness – but there was no formal “award” that they voted on and gave him that I could find. When I worked at a non-profit, we had one kid who was always nominating himself for recognition by the Michigan House and then he wanted us to give him an award banquet – or at the very least let him stand up and speak at some event about how awesome the Michigan House thought he was – for every pat-on-the-back certificate he got. He had five or six certificates. It’s a racket for recognition whores, not some kind of formal ‘award’ with a nominating process, some competition, and a vote before the certificate is handed out.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Scammers sometimes use the “nominated” in sales pitch. Got a voicemail this last week with such language. I was “nominated” to receive their product. I never respond to somebody who calls me cold. They lose.
jrkrideau says
Liberalism, socialism and communism (please forgive the redundancy)
An excellent illustration of the level of his political sophistication.
jrkrideau says
@ 12 dougalder
Well give him credit for not going with the whole 9/11 was an inside job shtick
But it was an inside job. It took 18 months of concentrated psychic driving and conditioning to get those 19 Arab lads onto the plane. Kudos to the Deep State and the team at McGill.
zetopan says
“Conservatives believe in personal accountability…”
So all of those conservatives who cheated on their wives, taxes, and pretty much everything else aren’t actually conservatives? The White House is actually full of liberals? Does the author of this drivel even live in our universe?
Frederic Bourgault-Christie says
I love when conservatives trot out this “ascendancy of the individual” trope, long after they’ve lectured everyone that it’s not possible to circumvent the market or have gay marriage or countless other reforms. I can at least respect those (now vanishingly few) conservatives who say that they’re actually the hard-nosed pragmatists and believe that we can’t have everything for free. It’s still dishonest framing, but it’s at least not overtly laughable.
In actuality, in every conversation I have, it’s the leftists and liberals insisting that people as individuals can come together and change the world, and it’s conservatives who say that it’s not possible. It’s not possible to change capitalism; it’s not possible to live freer and more equal lives, it’s not possible for transgender folks and women and people of color to be treated equally. As Michael Albert once pointed out, if conservatives saying TINA (There Is No Alternative) were sincere, they would be crying, because they would recognize that it’d mean that human progress was over.
We had Dr. King. They had racist sheriffs.
But there’s actually something scary here.
When conservatives have this kind of cosmic rhetoric, they’re not conservatives anymore.
They’re fascists.
johnson catman says
I would surmise that you don’t even have to go past the title of his diatribe to know he is full of shit. Anyone who spouts about “leftists” and “the left” in the US has been thoroughly indoctrinated and doesn’t have anything worth listening to.
khms says
#19 +zetopan
You misunderstand.
Conservatives believe in personal accountability.
They don’t do personal accountability. That would be leftist!
DanDare says
Spike Milligan:
My uncle was a great man. He told me so himself. He said “I am a great man” and you can’t argue with facts like that.