This is revealing. According to Laura Ingraham, demographic shifts are not organic, but have been forced upon the country by the mysteriously powerful Left, which has the ability to compel people to have children and to move to new places.
The words she says are even worse.
In some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like. From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically, in some ways, the country has changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal, and in some cases legal immigration that, of course, progressives love.
The America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore
…because there are more brown people living here. Most of us
— meaning Fox News viewers, not intelligent, compassionate people — don’t like these brown people living here.
I guess “demographic change” is the new code phrase for non-white people that we
don’t like.
There was a lot about the America we knew that didn’t deserve our love, and I’d be glad to see it change, if only there weren’t people like Laura Ingraham trying to make sure all the changes make it worse.
davidnangle says
Sometimes I think the world should set aside a country so all the assholes and racists and dangerous perverts should move there. Other times, I think the world already did that, and I ended up being born there.
willj says
IMO, Fox News is the real problem in this country. Almost any kind of mental illness passes for news. So we have one media station that speaks for all conservatives without any real competition. Since Trump’s glued to it all day long, it even affects US policy, like the tail wagging the dog. But its huge dominance among conservatives may also be their weakness. Dems should fight to boycott the crap out it. Fox News lunacy won’t go away if Dems win elections. That’s how we got where we are.
Saad says
Yeah, the demographics of this land changed dramatically without the inhabitants ever voting for it.
SC (Salty Current) says
Cross-posted from Political Madness:
Lot of good responses to Ingraham. This is my favorite so far.
cartomancer says
I think the biggest lie in there is the notion that America actually has an organized political left anymore. Much less that it includes the Democratic Party.
On the other hand, the correct response to dreck like this is generally always “why does Rupert Murdoch want people thinking this way?”
Snarki, child of Loki says
Ingraham didn’t vote for getting old and wrinkly, either.
But she can put a stop to that “inevitable change” by sucking on a bullet.
raven says
A huge amount of immigration, legal and undocumented has been mediated by US business interests.
That capitalist thing.
People cross our southern border because…they can easily find jobs here!!! (Or could anyway, not so much anymore.)
Jobs that native born Americans don’t want to perform, while being cheap labor.
Farmworkers, domestic servants, service workers of various types, gardners, construction, etc..
Don’t blame the all but nonexistent left which has all but zero power.
Blame American business, American capitalism, and the oligarches love for cheap labor.
You can also blame all the upper middle class and upper class white people who hire fleets of domestic servants for everything.
Bronze Dog says
I think people like her miss having segregated safe spaces away from colored people.
Bronze Dog says
Oh, and @willj, please mind the references to mental illness. People like me suffer from enough stigma for falling outside “normal”. (Autistic Spectrum Disorder, here.)
marinerachel says
Lady certainly knows her base.
raven says
Laura Ingraham is of course, a total idiot.
A lot of the ongoing demographic shift, probably most of it these days, is being driven by differentials in birth rates between nonwhites and whites.
It has nothing to do with the mythical left somehow controlling people’s family size choices.
Fertility rates 2016.
White 1.72
Black 1.83
Hispanic 2.09
Replacement is 2.1
Nonwhites are outbreeding whites.
(incidently, without immigration, our population would eventually start shrinking. That is not necessarily a bad thing although many people on the right would say so.)
.1. Part of the reason whites aren’t breeding has to do with the hellhole the right wingnuts are making in the USA.
Good jobs are scarce, job security nonexistent, the social safety net disappearing, higher education results is huge sometimes life long debts, medical care is expensive, people like Laura Ingraham and Donald Trump are our rulers, etc..
Many look at that and decide bringing children into the world isn’t all that great an idea for them or the children.
.2. Ironically, the almost certain loss of abortion and Roe versus Wade and the right wingnut religious kooks war on birth control and sex education will dramaitcally make these fertility differentials worse.
Nonwhites use abortion at far higher rates than whites.
The white right wingnuts are helping to make themselves a minority in the USA.
Not thinking things through does have a price to pay.
euclide says
There is a thing I never understand about the USA
People of Italian or Greek descent a now considered white (I know it wasn’t the case at first)
But not Mexican ?
laurian says
Ironically, Laura’s words would be true had they been spoken by Sitting Bull
lumipuna says
Would it be poor taste to cross-post this in the Caine memorial thread?
Samuel Vimes says
I’m sure the indigenous peoples of this continent would agree about the detrimental effect of unasked-for demographic change.
lumipuna says
euclide and laurian – I understand Mexicans are genetically largely of native ancestry (the rest is mostly European), which causes them (and by extension all Hispanic-American peoples) to be perceived or stereotyped as non-white in the US.
So, I guess this leftist immigration agenda is meant to Make America Again?
F.O. says
@willj #2
Stigma on mental illness is bad enough as it is, please stop stoking it.
Do you realize that people suffer and often die for treatable shit because people connect “mental illness” to “being a murderous psycho”?
Scientismist says
Yes, they never voted for demographic change; neither did they vote for global warming (how could they, since it’s a myth). When the refugees of all colors from flooded islands and coastal zones start demanding to be allowed in, conservatives won’t have voted for that either. Nor for the fires, hurricanes, deadly heat waves, and loss of agricultural land. I wonder who they will blame for bringing those troubles to their capitalist utopia? Why, the liberals and scientists who planned it all along, of course!
Really, think about it. The liberals brought in all those brown people knowing that they would eventually become liberal voters. Then they destroyed the climate to bring in more refugees and reduce resources to create a political crisis, just to promote the general acceptance of the liberal agenda of humane treatment of strangers instead of the good old-fashioned Christian Conservative Capitalist Family Values of Devil take the Hindmost. It’s all a liberal plot.
/s — but I would bet that as the inevitability of the coming disaster becomes undeniable, that’s just the rhetoric we will hear.
anat says
Dear Laura Ingraham, we didn’t vote for you to spout nonsense on TV either.
steve1 says
Laura doesn’t love America.
raaak says
This is not that far from the alt-right position on immigration. It strikes me as concern trolling. Most immigrants can only compete in a technologically advanced job market by offering cheaper labor, capitalism or no capitalism. At least economically, it is no different than robots doing those same jobs. It is not the capitalist who drives the immigration. It is your choice to buy cheaper food, cheaper clothing, cheaper everything.
Well, the way you put it, it seems that whites are having a really hard time in America, so hard that they can’t even afford to have children. Hmmm, only if the government didn’t give all the goodies to the immigrants and non-whites so they can “breed” freely….
No worries though. Policies to control non-white and immigrant “breeding” are in the works. What is not to like? The left can claim moral high ground and gain the support of the coveted “working class whites” and at the same time not lift a finger to actually resist anti-immigrant policies. America remains white and leftists get the power back. Win-Win!
DonDueed says
Saad @3: I see what you did there.
Caine would have appreciated that comment.
dobby says
Why is the Ingraha Mangle still on the air?
Raucous Indignation says
It can’t change soon enough.
Bruce says
Laura Ingrate should move back to the one village in Europe that all of her ancestors came from. Then she can give her family socialist health care. Bwaa-ha-ha.
robertbaden says
Wonder what the birthrate is for Mexican descended families who have been here a few generations. I bet it is about as low as the Anglos.
whheydt says
The country she “knows and loves” never existed in the first place.
Akira MacKenzie says
The “America that we know and love” is a racist, misogynistic, violent, capitalist, Christian shithole filled with proudly and profoundly stupid superstitious knuckle-draggers. It needs to go. If only Eva Braun Barbie (and her equally repugnant Girls From Brazil clone-sisters) would kindly shut up and get out of the way, maybe we can make this country something far, far better than what it is now.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
Weird how she thinks “demographics” is a legislation upon which one votes.
I don’t understand
thirdmill301 says
The problem is that almost the entire planet is still made up of tribalists rather than egalitarians, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. Whites are the dominant majority in the US because whites displaced the indigenous peoples (who most likely displaced other peoples before them), and whites see that if ever some other group becomes the dominant majority it will treat whites no better than whites treated the indigenous peoples before them. And given the nasty reality that most people are still tribalists, that’s not an entirely unfounded concern. It boils down to this: There will be winners and there will be losers, and I want my tribe to be the winners.
I’m not saying I like it. If I had magical powers, I would make tribalism and racism disappear tomorrow. The long term best interests of humanity is for tribalism to disappear, but it’s not going to, at least not for a long time. I think if you take the long view, things are getting better — the world is a far better place than it was a thousand years ago — but not fast enough. In another thousand years, humanity might finally have its act together. But we may not have another thousand years before we destroy ourselves first.
CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says
Doc Bill says
Ironic that Ingraham’s grandparents are from Poland, Ireland and England.
Ironic that Ingraham dated Dinish D’Souza. (ewww, ewww, ewww and just EWWWW!)
Ironic that Ingraham’s adopted daughter is from Guatamala, and her adopted sons are from Russia.
Ironic that 3 out of 4 members of Ingraham’s family are immigrants.
Ironic that Ingraham doesn’t see herself as contributing to the “problem” she’s so worried about.
Tabby Lavalamp says
Having recently read about how Texas became Texas I think I understand. They’re terrified of non-white people doing to the US what white people did to Texas.
Also, Snarki @6 – neither sentence you posted there is good.
Ed Seedhouse says
“In some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore.”
Those are the places where she and her ilk live.
KG says
OK thirdmill301, we already had a pretty good idea that you’re a racist, but thanks for giving us such a clear admission.
rgmani says
@Doc Bill
She also dated Keith Olbermann. Does that make you feel better? :)
Mike Smith says
I would vote for a lower percentage of white people in the halls of power and in the country. White people already are a global minority. Breaking up white hegemony is probably the key to saving this country.
Petal to the Medal says
It’s interesting how the comments of Faux News personalities often become more transparent when one replaces “Americans” with “white people.”
willj says
@BronzeDog and @F.O. -Sorry, you’re right. Replace it with racism, white nationalism, or just plain idiocy.
anat says
thirdmill301 @30:
There is another solution to this, you know. Redefine what you mean by ‘my tribe’. Or even better, recognize that making things more even does not create winners and losers, because becoming less unjustly privileged is not a loss.
Great American Satan says
Fuck this crypto-nazi creep. Meanwhile, I’m hoping to start remaking america for real over on the Resistance blog, if anyone’s interested.
thirdmill301 says
KG, No. 35, did you miss the part where I went on to say that I was merely explaining the thought process behind racism and didn’t agree with it myself?
raaak says
citation needed.
raven says
They are. Just ask them. The fertility results speak for themselves.
So BTW, are nonwhites.
I didn’t say that or even imply that.
Those voices in your head aren’t reliable.
No they aren’t. We are about to lose abortion and Roe versus Wade plus the fundie xian attacks on birth control and sex education. These increase the nonwhite birth rate over the white birth rate. I wrote that explanation and you just ignored it.
This is gibberish and you are an idiot.
unclefrogy says
the thing that distinguishes now from my impression of the past is the strength of the open resistance to the overt racism and latent fascism typified by the “a******” of the reactionary right.
We are experiencing a time when they feel emboldened to say it with fewer code words and euphemisms than the recent past. I say good on ‘im. it is much easier to fight the enemy when they so openly declare themselves.
uncle frogy
microraptor says
euclide @12: Like Italians, Greeks, Eastern Europeans, Scandinavians, and the Irish, Mexicans will remain non-white until their population is needed to keep darker-skinned people from becoming the official majority in the US, at which point they will be welcomed with open arms and expected to forget all the racism and oppression that was inflicted upon them.
lesherb says
Ingraham’s children are immigrants, for crying out loud!
What a Maroon, living up to the 'nym says
Or it could just be that teenagers are having fewer kids.
In general, higher prosperity=lower fertility rates.
Doc Bill says
Yes, I read that but even I would go out with Keith before Dinish!
No doubt, Keith looked good on Laura’s resume, not so much for Keith.
petesh says
@32 It’s definitely like rain on my wedding day
raaak says
I am telling you the talking points you brought up is too close to racist alt-right euphemistic rhetoric about immigration. If that angers you and makes you insult me, that’s your problem.
Population changes are too complex to be reduced to this kind of simplistic talking points. In any case, whites on average are one of the most (arguably the most) prosperous ethnic groups in America. Has it occurred to you that economic prosperity and fertility rates have usually an inverse relationship? Most probably, it is not that they cannot afford to have children, but that they choose not to. I don’t know for sure either. But I wasn’t the one who used a favorite and common racist talking point without proper evidence.
It is not that hard to understand. Whatever economic policy that affects whites’ fertility rates by making them poorer will have the same or worse effect on immigrants and people of color. So when you claim that economic hardship has drawn white fertility rate down, it follows that whites are specifically targeted by the economic policies in contrast with immigrants who have higher fertility rates. According to you, they should have benefited somehow from the policies that has harmed whites.
If you can’t understand why someone would find this line of argument problematic, then I have nothing more to say to you.
chrislawson says
My god. Look at that chyron on the screen grab: “ILLEGALS RIPPING APART FAMILIES ACROSS THE COUNTRY”. An outright lie blaming victims for the inhumanity of Trump’s border policies. How low will Fox go? As low as possible.
chigau (違う) says
“white” is an
?raaak says
I was thinking about this link when I wrote the comment. “Racial groups” is probably a better choice.
chigau (違う) says
You are just .
Bless your heart. And have a nice day.
ridana says
I can’t listen to Ingraham for more than 10 seconds, so I didn’t watch the video, and am not sure if this is what she was talking about or if she was just howling about brown people. But I have seen liberals put forward the idea that those who can should move to conservative, lower-population red states like the Dakotas, Alaska and Wyoming to swing their electoral votes (and local politics as well) as long as the electoral college results in some voters’ votes essentially counting more toward their representation than others’. The argument is that it wouldn’t take a huge migration to shift the balance while still leaving blue majorities in the states they’re migrating from.
I’m not sure whether I buy this or not – like trying to coordinate it seems absurd – but if people want to do it, I guess I don’t see a downside, though I haven’t thought it over much. But they’d need to be more resilient souls than I.
Meg Thornton says
Amazing the Left is so all-fired powerful in the USA, and yet it’s the Republicans who control the White House, the Senate, the Congress, the courts, and a majority of the state legislatures, along with civic offices right the way down to dog catcher. Is anyone able to explain this apparent dichotomy to a poor beleaguered Aussie?
consciousness razor says
Meg Thornton:
Well, let’s be fair: Aussies are incoherent too, sometimes. I can’t think of many very striking examples offhand, but I bet it happens now and then. It probably does so for similar reasons; and if our explanations don’t begin by recognizing that, I’d be worried that they’re missing something important.
Anyway, maybe we should read it as some kind of compliment that we’re like their all-powerful god, who does everything, and there’s no sign of him doing anything, and he needs us to do his good work for him, and these are things that can’t be done, and yet they must be done, etc., etc….
If it’s not exactly a compliment, because their god looks the same to them as the fucking devil (which I’m sure is what they really had in mind), we should probably feel alright that we’re at least getting their attention.
unclefrogy says
sure looks like that to me as well. Who else but the prince of lies?
uncle frogy
Saad says
Fuck you, CNN
dancaban says
It’s an affliction of the middle-aged and beyond. I’m sure if when she was a kid she talked to some middle-aged people they would have said exactly the same of their present.
Some people just can’t handle change.
consciousness razor says
Saad, #60:
CNN Money, to be precise. I guess some “investors” out there are interested insofar as they can find a way to profit from shit like this. But I don’t know … maybe that’s just a random, meaningless detail, and next time it’ll be covered in the sports section.
Akira MacKenzie says
Well, mostly it’s due to our nation’s long and stupid history of anti-communism paranoia that exists even to this day when the Maoist Chinese are more capitalist than we are. Even when the Republicans are on the top, nefarious, American-hating, freedom-despising forces on the Left are constantly plotting and planning to take away our guns, ban Christianity, force our wives and daughters to have abortions, gay-marry our sons to a transsexual, and tax us into destitution and give the proceeds to filthy, lazy, brown-skinned people!
It’s a narrative that keeps the rednecks and old farts coming back to the polls every election cycle.
ck, the Irate Lump says
What a Maroon, living up to the ‘nym wrote:
Fortunately, religious fundamentalists, having succeeded in nearly wiping out legal abortion in many parts of the United States, have decided (based on no evidence whatsoever) that those more effective forms of birth control are actually secretly abortifacients, so they’re working diligently to make them harder or impossible to get, too.
secondtofirstworld says
I’m disappointed guys, nobody said the good news, namely Laura Ingraham has learned a new language. I hear this shyte all the time from the state-run public channels. Apparently, you can’t even go to Vienna anymore without seeing “immigrants” run it down. Why the air quotes? Because of the ruling party and the government likes doublespeak, they talk about third world immigrants (like their allies the Turks, the Russians, or Chinese for whom they sold bonds for citizenship into the Schengen Zone) but actually, mean anyone not white and Christian.
I’ve seen people stoop lower. Remember when Roseanne Barr had to apologize for accusing George Soros of wanting to kill his mother? Leave it officially backed media channels the experience of a non-apology. They can also get away with claiming the French soccer team wasn’t French. They can get away with decrying Western media censorship over their fake immigrant reports, but don’t bat an eye when nobody can interview Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos.
What Ingraham says, she does for news aggregation. Where most of us believe we can ignore her or knock her arguments down, she’s comfortable knowing her words will not only trickle down to fake news factories but will be translated into other languages. If this were a spy novel, my story would be that through intermediaries, foreign agents supply money and plant-worthy stories that will reach the cuckoo for cocoa puffs at the bottom of the bowl. It’s the same tactic the Abwehr used in the 1930s to undermine local oppositions. Just like then, today as well, local resistance usually registers only the internal danger, where their local opponents are ready to believe they’re a fifth column. Rent out Trumbo, ’cause HUAC is about to make a comback.
ck, the Irate Lump says
Good news everyone. Ingraham appeared on TV to address this controversy, and made clear she wasn’t talking about race when she complained about demographic change enabled by immigration
. Since sex demographics haven’t changed, they’re perfectly at ease with the lopsided economic demographics, and she explicitly ruled out race, that leaves age. That can only mean that she clearly blames immigrants for the fact that the Baby Boomers no longer have a lock on political power in the country, with power starting to shift towards Millennials. I’m not sure how that works, but she wouldn’t lie, would she?secondtofirstworld says
@ck, the Irate Lump
I’m currently, with uneven frequency am being labeled a Russophobe for attacking the official position of the Kremlin that the ‘revolutions of ’53, ’56 and ’68 were CIA-backed revolts against the “legal” Soviet occupation. Apparently, it amounts to treason to be of the belief that there can’t be equal or peaceful dealings with Russia, from the same crowd that 10 years ago told me I was too lenient with making a judgment on past figures individually instead of a blanket disowning.
If they found the “logic”, don’t worry, Laura will too.