I get the impression that our Republican overlords read Lord of the Rings from a slightly skewed perspective — they seem to think that Mordor was the ideal fantasy state. I would just like to offer a few correctives.
You are entirely correct that you will deter immigration by earning a reputation as a domain of unparalleled evil. It is an effective strategy for warding off elves and dwarves who might want to settle on your plains. But what’s wrong with elves and dwarves?
Turning your plains into “a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust, the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume” will also dissuade immigration, so I can sort of see the logic of Scott Pruitt. I think, though, that you’ve forgotten the health and happiness of your residents.
Putting up walls is rather redundant. You’ve got your natural barriers, your Mountains of Shadow, what’s the point of building a Morannon or Cirith Ungol? No one wants to get in, anyway, and they just turn into convenient nesting grounds for unspeakable horrors.
You want orcs? Because this is how you get orcs.
It’s not even going to stop immigration. You’ll still get sneaky hobbitses coming in, only it won’t be to till a nice farm or build a homey little inn for weary travelers — they’ll be coming in with the intent of toppling your citadel of evil.
This part should chill you the most: when they succeed, the world won’t look on them as terrorists, but as brave heroes who saved the world. They’ll write books about them and make movies and cosplayers will dress up as them, and Mordor will be reviled as the cruel, foul land that was righteously overthrown. And they won’t be wrong.
Pointing out these comparisons won’t change anything. Unfortunately, Stephen Miller is quite enjoying being the Mouth of Sauron, and they’ve got a line of sadists eager to be transformed into Ringwraiths. Besides, they’re really into pissing off those smug, snooty elves.
They have a cave troll!
nah, Sarah H Sanders is more the cave troll in this analogy.
Kind of a random idea here: A novel about characters of Mordor from their perspective. You know, in kind of a sympathetic light.
marcoli @3. It’s been done: The Last Ringbearer.
So who has the Ring in this analogy? Please, not the DNC!
I was going to make a joke about boring child prisoners with Tolkien but I can’t.
just about every novel I can think of, the GOP seems to be taking the villain role, and using the novel as their manual.
Most recently was reminded of Sophie’s Choice which the admin seems to be using as operating manual for immigration “enforcement” [scare quotes deliberately].
re @5:
I would put Barack Obama in the role of Isildur who had the Ring chopped from his finger by “45”. Bernie is Gandalf, dot dot dot
let me say I’d like Joseph Kennedy III as the next Frodo, to retrieve the Ring and become Aragorn to reestablish a just system of governance.
thank you for reading
carry on
The GOP and especially their fundie xian base, have always been huge fans of Orwell’s 1984.
They use it as their instruction manual.
The Trumpists are also huge fans of Goebbels, the Nazi Sarah Huckabee, and his Big Lie tactic.
Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
(It seems Goebbels never said exactly this.
But Hitler and Goebbels said similar things and this is actually what they did.)
Trump quite literally lies every day and has done so since before he was elected.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) @8,
The role of Frodo (or any of the Hobbits, for that matter) would pretty much have to be someone unknown to the greater world at large. I’d place the Kennedys in the role of Dúnedain…descendents of the peoples of Númenór, well past their ascendancy. Which is actually kind of fitting, I think. Any solution to our current situation is going to have to come from common people standing up and saying ¨No more. What can I do to help?¨
The town folk of Bree, and the folk of the Shire never really knew what was going on. Or didn’t want to know. Tom Bombadil said he could do nothing, yet he did much. So, will you ride with the Eorlingas when the horn is blown and the signal fires lighted ?
Or will you sit in your comfy hole and dream troubled dreams ?
Not only that … once your Ring has gone to the Fire, and you have become a huge shape of shadow, impenetrable, lightning-crowned, filling all the sky., enormous you will rear above the world, and stretch out toward the victors a vast threatening hand, terrible but impotent, for even as you lean over them, a great wind will take you, and you will all be blown away, and a great hush will fall.
[I will not quote the Homeric simile about the death of the ant-queen, though it’s a great one; check _RotK_ “The Field of Cormallen.”]
And sometime after that, the Ephel Duath will break and let in the Great Sea to cleanse every trace of your existence, and there will be nothing left of you except a footnote in the Red Book.
— djheydt, Mrs. whheydt
I’ve always thought Tolkien’s description of “The Mouth of Sauron” the perfect-pen picture of the Internet edgelord calling their opponents’ intellects and motives into question but shrieking about infringement of their FREEZE PEACH when offered the least amount of pushback:
Or they’ve been reading (?*) John Gardner’s Grendel.
* more likely watching the animated version Grendel Grendel Grendel
Huh. I’m afraid you’ve become a mouthpiece of the paper balrogs of Numenorean revanchism and elvish neo-neo-neo-imperialism!! Long live Comrade Sauron!!! Long live the late Comrade Morgoth!!!!
A paper balrog would be rapidly consumed by its own flames, not to mention being severely hampered in deep lakes, by snow, and other locales where they are know to be found. They can, however, trivially survive a miles-deep fall. The only danger a paper balrog presents is making one laugh so hard one forgets to shout “You Shall Not Pass!”
I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss paper balrogs. Death by a thousand paper balrog cuts is a painful way to go, even for a Wizard.
To be fair the tower of Barad-Dur was much more tastefully decorated than its Trumpian analogue in the real world…
We might also note that, following the Mordor programme, one tends to end up with the kinds of cruel, tyrannical allies that the Free Peoples of the world rightly despise. Who exactly the Easterlings, Haradrim, Corsairs of Umbar, and Variags of Khand represent in this picture is an exercise left to the reader, but I think we can safely say that Orthanc is the Kremlin, sending out its Wormtongues to disrupt the political procedures of the peoples of Rohan and Gondor.
#3 marcoli
I don’t know about being done sympathetically.
What I found interesting about the character Sauron is that he didn’t see himself as evil. In fact just the opposite. Morgoth enlisted him because of Sauron’s deep seated need for order and perfection. Sauron saw the other Maia, and Ainur, as chaotic and wasteful, thus he sought to impress his version of order on Arda.
The focus on ‘order’ is something you see over and over again in authoritarian ideology, both in fiction and reality. Tolkien recognized that and used it as a core precept in the development of his antagonists. (And in fact in the development of his protagonists too. Objectively speaking, even if some King like Aragorn was seen as “good” it was simply because his version of order was more acceptable to those fighting against Sauron’s concept of what the order of things should be. Namely, under Sauron’s control and for the greater good of Orcs, goblins, trolls et al, rather than for Humans, elves, Dwarves etc.)
We look back on history and wonder “Didn’t these people know that they were evil?” and the truth is no, they didn’t think they were. NAZI’s didn’t wake up in the morning thinking “I’m going to be so evil today”. No. At a fundamental level they thought that what they were doing was bringing order to chaos. For things like foreign interventionism, ethnic cleansing, holocausts and all manner of stuff, order is usually the core underpinning principle. (Let me be clear here that understanding their thought process is not condoning it or being sympathetic to it.)
On the same line of thinking, it’s no wonder that in some religions evil is often portrayed as the force of chaos.
If we look at the inclination for Christianity to bring Christ to the “savage races”. Or the US’s need to bring “freedom and Democracy” to the Middle East. (And many other places) Or in fact any historical empires idea that they have a duty to impress their idea of order. Whether that’s in fiction, like the literal “Empire” of Star Wars or Sauron’s nation of Mordor. Or whether you’re talking about some real authoritarian regime, either historically or contemporary.
In this way characters like Sauron or Emperor Palpatine do not see themselves as evil, but as a force for order. From that underlying principle any manner of atrocity can be committed and justified as necessary organizing and controlling.
So now cadet bonespurs will ask for billions to build a huge tower on the border, capped with an all-seeing death eye that fries randos with megawatt laser pulses. Because reasons.
No one wants to get in? There are no Syrian refugees or Mexican immigrants trying to get into the U.S.? Is this analogy still supposed to apply to the U.S. because if it is I think you’ve lost any grounding for it.
npb596@23, Please learn to read for comprehension. Learn about irony, exaggeration-for-effect vs lying, and wit. And other rhetorical tools. This isn’t the first time the point has been so completely missed to such an extent the WHOOSH is inaudible — an reference I expect is not understand…
Oh, and incidentally, Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero — and Perhaps Less. That is from 2012, and obviously the trend might have changed since then. So please also learn about evidence, and how to use / cite it.
Re: marcoli @ #3…
try “Grunts” by Mary Gentle. https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2018/06/18/lessons-from-mordor/
I am rather fond of Tolkien’s 1938 response to a German publisher’s attempt to verify that Tolkien was not Jewish before publishing a German edition of The Hobbit
Sadly, it would probably go over the heads of our current Republican overlords.