Games! For Science!

I played a few card games.

The games:

Origins: An Evolutionary Journey: An Interactive Card Game for Biological Anthropology

Women in Science
Or download the free pdf of the cards & print out your own!
(There’s also a Spanish version)

Go Extinct!

Clades Prehistoric


  1. methuseus says

    I’d bring my wife and kids over to play some of those games with you and your wife. Sounds like a fun time.

  2. methuseus says

    I forgot to mention that it wouldn’t be any time soon since we live in Florida currently.

  3. lotharloo says

    The drawings of “Women in Science” is pretty weird and to be honest ugly. I think it is a very nice idea but the execution needs to be better. We have “Good night stories for rebel girls” which overlaps a lot with the people represented in these cards but the drawings are absolutely fantastic and they are done by many different artists.

  4. says

    lotharloo thank you
    “Good night stories for rebel girls”
    Great b’day prez idea for my Granddaughter.
    The preview on Amazon had me at Ada Lovelace, especially since I’m August’s ‘GrandNerd’ [sic CamelCase].

  5. Larry says

    Or, as the game is sold in Arizona:

    Origins: A Biological Diversity Journey: An Interactive Card Game To Help Our Children Get Into Liberty University

  6. canadarocks says

    If you are Interested, there are several really great science-themed games available (see
    Biology – Cytosis, Evolution (Climate), Pandemic, Dominant Species
    Chemistry – Compounded, Covalence
    Physics – Pentaquark
    Geology – Coal Baron, Peak Oil
    General Science – The New Science, The Art of Science


  7. says

    Downloaded the “Women in Science” kit. Gad to see the Australian palaeontologist, Dorothy Hill included. Her work on Australian fossil corals and compilation and authorship of two coral volumes of the “Treatise of Invertebrate Palaeontology” was foundational to so many postgrad theses including my own. Sadly her impressive research collection and personal library entrusted to the University of Queensland were turned upside down and sent into disarray thanks to “rationalisation” by the Uni’s bean counters.

  8. vole says

    One really good science-related card game, played with a standard pack, is Eleusis. It’s about discovering natural laws. Play it, and your respect and admiration for scientists who discovered real ones will increase by leaps and bounds.