If you’re one of the multitudes writing to tell me about that goofy squid panspermia article, I done already covered it. I do find it interesting how these weird stories have a kind of tidal popularity — the attention just comes in surges.
I’m also gratified that whenever a squids from space story appears, so many people immediately think of me.
So you are a SQUID FRO-OM SPA-A-A-A-CE!!! [echo echo-o-o]
I can’t speak for others, but with so many spacequids raining down on me, I do get rather bruised — not to mention messier and smelling even more like an alien — so I do rather wish they would pour down elsewhere instead. You are quite welcome to them.
Sadly, they seem to be inedible. Fortunately, they don’t stain, but they, as mentioned above, they do smell. Stink, actually. This is perhaps not only why they were ejected from their home planet, but also what powered their flight across the galaxy — a desperate desire to get away from their own odor. If you could bottle it — and that’s a rather big “if” as I suspect the stink can dissolve the bonds within an atom’s nucleus — then you could probably sell it via Goop as the latest trend, Alien Naturally-Deoribited Nut- and Gluten-Free Exotic Spacequid.
“… then you could probably sell it via Goop …”
Does it come as a spray or is it a solid? One needs to know if it is sprayed or inserted into the vagina!
Sell it as 23 Squidouche.
I wouldn’t mind trying squid panspermia. Anyone know a good recipe?
It’s pretty simple. Just start with your favorite jambalaya recipe, then substitute the sausage and mirepoix with squid and all of your sperm.
It does seem suspicious that whenever a new squid is spotted landing from space, PZ is sure to immediately write about it and deny everything. whispers: Oh no wait, I’ve uncovered the secret of the squidvasion! How can I stop them finding me out? Ha! I know, I’ll just evade capture by posting this secretly on a blogpost of the Squidmaster General which I’m sure no squid actually read…
I also find it just too coincidental that we never see a photo of a space-squid and PZ in the same location at the same time.