Garbage in, garbage out: Foerster misinterprets the Paracas skulls, again » « The Doomsday Preppers of New Zealand Oglaf has got to quit reading my mind Really, it’s kind of creepy. Oglaf “The world is better dead than full of your filthy spawn” is exactly what I’d say to Peter Thiel. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Garbage in, garbage out: Foerster misinterprets the Paracas skulls, again » « The Doomsday Preppers of New Zealand
woozy says 18 February 2018 at 10:47 pm Wait… is the guy in the last two panels the guy in the boat? How’d he get to the tower?
She blew a hole right in his minshaft gap!
Wait… is the guy in the last two panels the guy in the boat? How’d he get to the tower?
@3, woozy
He swam, presumably.
The lady’s last comment is priceless.