The number of posts & comments on Pharyngula has roughly doubled today

It looks like Jason Thibeault has succeeded in bringing all of my old posts and your old comments over from Scienceblogs…just in time before it sinks into the abyss. So we now have 24,205 posts and 1,812,731 comments here on Freethoughtblogs Pharyngula, with archives going all the way back to 2006.

So that’s one bit of good news today.


  1. Owlmirror says


    Science of Watchmen

    And, I note happily, somehow the character set problem has been fixed! David Marjanović has his ć back, and the Hebrew I entered all those years ago is now showing up (rather than question marks).


    Less happily, the comments on later posts, and some early posts, are still absent. Hopefully, will still have them available.

  2. Ogvorbis: Swimming without a parachute. says

    So, how long before someone at a certain message board accuses PZed of fiddling with the numbers, padding the numbers, to try to (sorry for this) hide the decline?

  3. blf says

    Can we have access to all that old stuff?

    Eh? It’s there — well, here — now, albeit perhaps not fully connected-to the existing material. And a spot-check I did earlier today suggested that intra-Pharyngula cross-links between transferred SciBorg posts & comments still refer to the SciBorg site. I’d like to presume that and other glitches will be straightened out over time, but at the moment the priority is to get the material off the about-to-go-dark SciBorg site.

    Naming is relatively obvious and follows the existing FtB pattern, e.g.,
    are the posts from ten years ago (Oct-2007). And the linknames of the individual posts seem to be mostly preserved, with just the obvious change to the URL. (No idea about the linknames of the individual readers’s comments.)

  4. anchor says

    I miss the archive you used have that had a comprehensive and very fine collection of historical quotations. It also had a random ‘quote of the day’ offering if I recall correctly. That was a valuable reference.

  5. Crudely Wrott says

    Oh, my lands and stars.
    We get to review our previous words and suffer the awkward memory of the ancient slings and arrows we once cast so glibly about that we have spent all the intervening years trying to forget.
    Way to go, Jason and PZ. Just as we were about to realize the success of actually forgetting them. Timing; how the hell does that work?

    Actually, thank you guys for realizing that for many of us a significant portion of our lives are recorded and still live in the archives. I shudder to consider what moldy, dusty malapropisms are awaiting discovery.
    I can’t wait to dig in.
    Thank you, gentlemen.
    . . . I think . . .

  6. Owlmirror says


    I miss the archive you used have that had a comprehensive and very fine collection of historical quotations. It also had a random ‘quote of the day’ offering if I recall correctly. That was a valuable reference.

    The Web Archive sees all much, tells some:

    Infidel Quotes (last archive made before started redirecting to