Just so you know, Jason Thibeault (The Lousy Canuck) is going to do the cunning work of transferring all of my files from the dying Scienceblogs site to the thriving Freethoughtblogs site. At some point in the near future there will a sudden surge of old content, so I thought I’d mention a few stats before they get bumped upward. Pharyngula on Freethoughtblogs has 986,224 comments on 11,009 articles; if all goes well, Jason will be hauling in 831,367 comments (that number is low; Seed Media butchered the comments in their last major update) and 14,387 posts to add to that, so we’ll kind of double in size.
Do you realize that the commenters here have written so much more than I have? And here I thought I’d blocked and censored everyone.
In the Olde Dayse, we’d be writing Letters To The Editor in our local newspaper.
You’re quite the puppeteer. It’s obviously what you like doing more than anything else, and it’s inspiring to see how devoted you are to your craft.
Well, I guess it might be inspiring, but as a mere instrument I had to say that. You’re not the most humble puppetmaster, but I suppose that’s a small price to pay.
I thought that we were all your sock puppets (which is really impressive considering the range of writing styles, punctuation styles (all hail the Oxford comma!), alternate spellinge styles, and sheer range of different ideas (some of them even useful and/or good)). Which would mean that you were banning yourself. Unless those few, those lucky few, who were banned were actually the only real non-sock puppets on the blog?
A thank you to Jason.
— bot commentator mdp
Your data’s in good hands.
Hopefully he’s a better data-transferrer than he is a Canuck!