What’s with all these photos of animals snuggling up next to capybaras? It’s like they’re the St Francis of the animal world.
There’s got to be some angry creature in the background seething with jealousy, or it’s just not complete. Some Iago. Now I want to meet them.
I’m guessing the seething background angry creature is probably a jaguar.
Sorry, but all I see are a couple of white-faced whistling ducks and a ringed teal sitting on top of some rodent.
They’re herbivores, so they’re not as threatening. Doesn’t take a lot of mean attitude to sneak up on a plant. So they can chill and let chill; seems like a good strategy.
Herbivores can be much more threatening than carnivores though. Carnivores are really only dangerous when they’re hungry or you piss them off. On the other hand herbivores are often constantly on edge to avoid being eaten. In fact, hippos and cape buffalo are some of the most deadly animals in Africa.
Capybara are the best, that’s why all the other animals want to hang with them, they’re the cool kids at school.
The mildly deranged penguin says the only reason those animals are near oversized amphibious mice is because there isn’t a conveniently available nearby penguin.
And here’s a cute little rodent, Giant Solomon Islands rat believed to eat coconuts discovered:
This has been another episode of “simple answers to stupid questions”.
I’m pretty glad to hear that. It would be very disturbing indeed.
Thank you for introducing me to the capybaras!
Maybe the reason other animals like them so much is because of the name. Who could not love an animal with a name like that?
The picture with the rat and the capybara is very much fun.
A rather disturbing subthread on the Dumpster fire vs NK thread had me thinking of what sorts of things are eaten in other cultures and why they are taboo in others and capybaras came to mind. This link is mostly about rodent consumption in general, but capybara are eaten in Venezuela and elsewhere:
“For chef Pocho Garcés, owner of the restaurant “Aguacero” in the Venezuelan island of Margarita, consumption of rodent meat is deeply embedded in Venezuelan culture and society, dating back to the times of the Spanish conquest. “The Chigüire was eaten during holy seasons, as Catholics did not eat beef in those dates. It was probably consumed instead of fish during Easter, due to its aquatic habit, spending most of the day submerged in the many of the ponds in the Venezuelan Llanos”, he said. Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) or Chigüire were likely domesticated in Brazil even before the arrival of Europeans. In Venezuela, the capybara, a massive rodent that can weigh up to 80 kg, is raised on ranches, which produce about 85,000 animals each year.”
They appear as oversized guinea pigs, which I have kept as pets, so that kinda works at me as to whether I would partake. But out of curiosity once or twice I have Youtubed Peruvian methods for preparing guinea pig and if I were to visit I would be very tempted.
Sorry to rain on the cuteness parade.
Giliell@8, oh that’s a classic Grauniad typo! Unfortunately, they’ve fixed it now…
However, rat-eating coconuts seem a plausible progression. We don’t know how coconuts defended themselves from Ken Ham’s coconut-eating T. rex, and biting-back (well, first, probably, just one chance and all that…) seems like it might deter the hungry dinosaur. Sadly, T. rex is a now-infrequent problem, so the coconut’s dinochewers have probably atrophied, but there still could be a tendency to bite first…
blf beat me to it. Hmm…so the Solomon islands is where the drop bears hide out?
Wasn’t there some story about capybaras being considered fish by some catholics?
That’s an often repeated story, Marcus, but I believe the actual evidence for it is considered dubious (it’s always a record of someone saying that someone else said it).
I think it was Christopher Hitchens who told that story, so it was probably just another way of portraying religious people as stupid.
Capybaras and beavers, and it’s actually true.
Though to use this as a claim that they were stupid is a whole new kind of stupid in itself. Catholics have always been very good at finding loopholes around fasting. Southern Germany has a speciality nicknamed “cheat the lordies” because apparently if you wrapped pasta dough around the meat the lord couldn’t see it.
@Giliell #17:
If the Bible convinces them that bats are birds I don’t suppose it’s too difficult to then go on to believe that beavers are fish.
My theory is the capybara is really Philip K. Dick’s wub. Eat of him and he shall have eternal life.
Rich Woods
Now you’re making the same stupid assumption that christians are just stupid.
There also has to be a creature that is delighted to be free of those ducks so that they can get something done.
As for “fish”, PZ might know the actual case, but hasn’t this always been a vaguely applied term? My M-W app has a subdefinition: “ an aquatic animal — usually used in combination ” . And the sea turtle conservation guru Archie Carr wrote a book _The Sea Turtle: So Excellent a Fishe_.
In a sense we are all fish or have fishy derivative innards as in Shubin’s book.
If I was given the choice of frog legs, chicken gizzards and guinea pig I would surely lean toward the last one, though the first two are common delicacies where I live in the American South. No pigs feet for me either. Sorry.
If I ever make it to Peru I will give guinea pig a try, but will need several pisco sours to get into a proper frame of mind. The only pisco experience I have had is at a Chilean house party in Miami and I know that is a matter of nasty contention:
I have overcome culinary thresholds in the past. Octopus sushi…kitchen dish sponge consistency. Guinea pig has to be much better than *that*.
If you want over the top, when he’s not painting others, our pal Henry Rollins has done this:
go have that conversation with a hippo.
really. might be educational for you.