That wage disparity will be fought for at the highest levels. Corporations are giddy over exploiting archaic social detritus for the opportunity to pay half of their employees less. They only wish they had other ways of discriminating… yeah, I mean ways that aren’t illegal yet.
“…far away countries, like India, China, Narnia.”
V. good. No doubt my wife’s employer, a multi-national financial services retailer, would just love to employ fauns, dryads and talking beavers in their call centres. They’d probably pay them with Turkish delight.
I do have a bone to pick with this video though; I’m not a woman, and I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one who ever brings baked goods into our office. Hurumph, blatant sexism!
Beatrice, an amateur cynic looking for a happy thoughtsays
At my company men bring baked goodies to work for birthdays.
… their wives/girlfriends make them for them.
Baked goodies are quite a common treat at the office where I worked in France. However, this being France, they were always(?) from some of the many boulangeries…
This video, and most like it, fail to mention the (paltry) worker’s rights that do exist and how to exercise them. Employers are actually scared of workers exercising their rights and try to intimidate them from doing so because there are thousands of government employees whose sole job is to protect worker’s rights. You can get recover money not just for having your rights violated but if the employer retaliates at all when you try to exercise your rights. Federal options for employees in the US:
If you are paid less, treated differently or harassed because of gender and/or race –
the EEOC
Common examples:
*getting undesirable shifts after turning down a boss’s sexual advances
*being paid less than white men at your same level
*potential employer asking about marital or family status
Common examples:
*Being required to do work before clocking in or after clocking out
*Being required to share tips with management
*Having certain kinds of “fines” or “deductions” taken out of your paycheck
If you are prevented from or punished for taking collective action with other workers, the NLRB
Common examples:
*Being told you will be fired if you join a union
*Being told you can’t discuss your salary with other employees
*Being banned from discussing working conditions with other employees on the clock
God I hate her. She gets to sleep with Dax Shepherd and I don’t.
I like it how they mentioned that the pay gap gets even bigger for black women and Latinas
The black woman and Latina were good touches, but did they have to make the Latina that exaggerated stereotypical? I’m Latino, know people from several other countries (in LA here so Spanish everywhere), and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone talk like that.
I have a sneaking suspicion that anti-feminists will point to the obvious absurdity of this video as proof that the wage gap can’t be real because, if it were, companies would preferentially hire women to save money. The funny thing is, before overt discrimination became illegal, this is exactly what employers did. Women (and children) were exploited as a cheap, unskilled workforce that didn’t have to be paid a living wage because it was taken for granted that they weren’t working to support a family.
At the same time, I always feel uncomfortable when people cite the “77 cents on the dollar” statistic in this sort of context since I feel like it implies that they are comparing men and women working the same job, with the same experience, for the same hours, which isn’t the case. I remember the first time I read an article about the wage gap: I was suitably surprised and angered to find that women made only 77% what men did, until about half-way through the article they mentioned that, if you compare equally qualified men and women working the same job for the same hours the gap narrows to 95%. Naturally, I’d assumed that that was the comparison they’d been making the whole time, and I felt deceived and angry (anything resembling emotional manipulation is a serious pet peeve of mine.) As I continued to read the article I came to realize why the 77% statistic is relevant (in many ways, more relevant that the 95% statistic), but I still think it’s important that people make it clear exactly what they’re comparing, and why. You know, “avoid all appearance of evil,” and all that sort of thing.
Sorry, not sure what triggered that little diatribe. I wasn’t joking about being “new to this whole SJW thing,” and I foresee that I’m going to be asking a lot of ignorant and potentially offensive questions, so I guess I wanted to establish where I’m coming from and maybe provide something of an “outsiders” point of view so I can feel like I’m contributing something and not just suckling at the teat of everyone else’s knowledge.
^ Aaaand as soon as I post that comment I notice that you have a social justice wiki, so I will be availing myself of that resource before I post again ^^;.
That wage disparity will be fought for at the highest levels. Corporations are giddy over exploiting archaic social detritus for the opportunity to pay half of their employees less. They only wish they had other ways of discriminating… yeah, I mean ways that aren’t illegal yet.
“…far away countries, like India, China, Narnia.”
V. good. No doubt my wife’s employer, a multi-national financial services retailer, would just love to employ fauns, dryads and talking beavers in their call centres. They’d probably pay them with Turkish delight.
I do have a bone to pick with this video though; I’m not a woman, and I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one who ever brings baked goods into our office. Hurumph, blatant sexism!
At my company men bring baked goodies to work for birthdays.
… their wives/girlfriends make them for them.
Baked goodies are quite a common treat at the office where I worked in France. However, this being France, they were always(?) from some of the many boulangeries…
This video, and most like it, fail to mention the (paltry) worker’s rights that do exist and how to exercise them. Employers are actually scared of workers exercising their rights and try to intimidate them from doing so because there are thousands of government employees whose sole job is to protect worker’s rights. You can get recover money not just for having your rights violated but if the employer retaliates at all when you try to exercise your rights. Federal options for employees in the US:
If you are paid less, treated differently or harassed because of gender and/or race –
the EEOC
Common examples:
*getting undesirable shifts after turning down a boss’s sexual advances
*being paid less than white men at your same level
*potential employer asking about marital or family status
If you aren’t getting paid for the hours you work- The Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor
Common examples:
*Being required to do work before clocking in or after clocking out
*Being required to share tips with management
*Having certain kinds of “fines” or “deductions” taken out of your paycheck
If you are prevented from or punished for taking collective action with other workers, the NLRB
Common examples:
*Being told you will be fired if you join a union
*Being told you can’t discuss your salary with other employees
*Being banned from discussing working conditions with other employees on the clock
God I hate her. She gets to sleep with Dax Shepherd and I don’t.
No, she’s awesome. Just doesn’t share.
I like it how they mentioned that the pay gap gets even bigger for black women and Latinas
The black woman and Latina were good touches, but did they have to make the Latina that exaggerated stereotypical? I’m Latino, know people from several other countries (in LA here so Spanish everywhere), and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone talk like that.
Is it just me, or is “Kathy” actually “Janice in accounting”? You know, the one who “don’t give a fuck”?
I have a sneaking suspicion that anti-feminists will point to the obvious absurdity of this video as proof that the wage gap can’t be real because, if it were, companies would preferentially hire women to save money. The funny thing is, before overt discrimination became illegal, this is exactly what employers did. Women (and children) were exploited as a cheap, unskilled workforce that didn’t have to be paid a living wage because it was taken for granted that they weren’t working to support a family.
At the same time, I always feel uncomfortable when people cite the “77 cents on the dollar” statistic in this sort of context since I feel like it implies that they are comparing men and women working the same job, with the same experience, for the same hours, which isn’t the case. I remember the first time I read an article about the wage gap: I was suitably surprised and angered to find that women made only 77% what men did, until about half-way through the article they mentioned that, if you compare equally qualified men and women working the same job for the same hours the gap narrows to 95%. Naturally, I’d assumed that that was the comparison they’d been making the whole time, and I felt deceived and angry (anything resembling emotional manipulation is a serious pet peeve of mine.) As I continued to read the article I came to realize why the 77% statistic is relevant (in many ways, more relevant that the 95% statistic), but I still think it’s important that people make it clear exactly what they’re comparing, and why. You know, “avoid all appearance of evil,” and all that sort of thing.
Sorry, not sure what triggered that little diatribe. I wasn’t joking about being “new to this whole SJW thing,” and I foresee that I’m going to be asking a lot of ignorant and potentially offensive questions, so I guess I wanted to establish where I’m coming from and maybe provide something of an “outsiders” point of view so I can feel like I’m contributing something and not just suckling at the teat of everyone else’s knowledge.
^ Aaaand as soon as I post that comment I notice that you have a social justice wiki, so I will be availing myself of that resource before I post again ^^;.