You may find these tips very helpful after November » « Now there’s an idea Friday Cephalopod: Obviously, we should have an octopus panel at #CVG2016 The theme of this year’s con is “…and how do we GET there”, which means we really should have a session on octopus locomotion. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet You may find these tips very helpful after November » « Now there’s an idea
Tony! says 1 July 2016 at 1:18 pm I thought of you today while I was watching The Next Food Network Star. One of the contestants had to create a mac n cheese dish using octopus. I sat there wondering “does PZ’s love of cephalopods extend to eating them?
I thought of you today while I was watching The Next Food Network Star. One of the contestants had to create a mac n cheese dish using octopus. I sat there wondering “does PZ’s love of cephalopods extend to eating them?