We’ve been waiting for this. After the murders of multiple secular bloggers in Bangladesh, there has been a mad behind-the-scenes (because no one wanted to alert the murderers) scramble to get our very own Taslima Nasrin, who was on the execution list for these Islamist fanatics, to a place of safety. She’s out! She’s currently in the US!
Now comes the hard part, though. She needs a long-term commitment to her safety, and CFI is setting up an emergency fund to support her and other threatened secularists. That last bit is important; Taslima is not the only one trying to survive under a death sentence.
If you want to help out, donate to the Freethought Emergency Fund.
I am glad that Taslima is safe, and I hope others can gain safety as well. I’ll be able to donate next week.
I thought the peace loving moderate Muslims might form a protective shield around those threatened by the zealots. Apparently not.
This is good. I was watching a documentary about ethical textiles recently that focused on Bangladesh. I have to wonder how much the hostile conditions there were fermented by the callous disregard of the corporate entities profiting off of the garment industry. The conditions portrayed were deplorable. Dead rivers. Poison air. Deadly buildings. All because we want our $3 t-shirts. Did this industry create a vacuum where extremism could flourish in the face of helplessness? I don’t know, but I felt pretty shitty about all of my clothes after. I’m glad Taslima is out.
Your criticism is not very constructive here. People universally engage in passive inattention to injustices that surround them. I would agree with you that Islam doesn’t appear to do diddly squat to prevent this kind of oppression (like other religions) but I’m not sure it’s a great idea to insinuate that Muslims are tacitly approving of murder. Especially given we’re so often cut off from what is going on in the countries in which they reside as majorities, so we’re almost certainly overlooking any complicated internal disputation they are dealing with over this kind of thing.
I donated. Wish I could donate more. I like Taslima. Join in, guys! (If you can, I mean.)
At last, something concrete I can do to fight true evil!
Donated dollars, and two raised middle fingers to Muslim extremist shits, and the government of Bangladesh which is doing next to nothing to stop them. Fuck you very much!
I’m glad she is safe and I hope others can get to safety, too.
I thought the non racist white US Americans might form a protective shield around those threatened by the police. Apparently not.
Giliell, #7
This is who you’re dealing with:
Best wishes to you, Taslima. I’m ecstatic to hear about this. You’re a hero for many of us.
I’m glad to hear Taslima is safe and I hope any other bloggers who want to get out of their respective countries are able to do so as soon as possible.
This is wonderful news and I will contribute.
Giliell, professional cynic -Ilk- @ 7:
The non-racist ones just might.
grumpyoldfart apparently won’t.
Glad that she’s in the US for now. What is her immigration status in the US, and will she be able to work here?
Well, I can not donate, since Estonia is not on this CFI country list, nor is Sweden, Finland, Denmark and many other countries with secular leaning. Sent a letter to CFI few days ago, no answer, no change. I want to contribute in helping Taslima and others.