While tut-tutting about those wicked couples who are living together, the Polish Catholic church also offers some parenting advice.
Archbishop Gadecki warned that encouraging boys to clean up after themselves so as to subvert gender stereotypes could have dangerous consequences.
Some parents like to teach boys that they should clean up after themselves, and not wait until girls do it for them.The archbishop suggested that such leanings should be treated with caution, because
parents often do not realisethat same-sex partnerships are also championed under the banner ofovercoming stereotypes.
No! Don’t tell me that such wicked parents actually exist, or next you’ll tell me there are parents who don’t whip their children or actually let them have seconds at dinnertime. But if you don’t let the boys be lazy, they’ll grow up to be gay!
The implicit message here seems to be that all of the prevalent stereotypes are carefully memetically engineered by the Catholic Church to ensure
humankind’s salvationthe status quo, so one ought not question stereotypes at all? Or gay sex? Wait what?I’d be fine with all of my kids turning out gay. I would not be fine with any of them growing up to be lazy, irresponsible sexists. The patriarchy has some very strange priorities.
What about the stereotype of catholic priests being child molestors. Are they on board with that one?
Wait. The reason that parents ask their sons to clean up after themselves is to “subvert gender stereotypes?” *boggles*
So who cleans up after the church?
@5…they have women and girls who do their housekeeping.
Yeah. Nuns, it turns out.
Yellow Thursday,
Not the foremost reason, but one of the reasons – sure, why not? I would consider that to be a positive thing. While you’re raising a person to be able to take care of themselves, why not also raise a person who’s aware of gender stereotypes (if in simplified form, as age appropriate).
Teaching a girl to clean isn’t just teaching her to clean after herself, it’s teaching her to take care of her future family.
So I don’t doubt that teaching a boy the same is seen as intentional subverting of stereotypes instead of, as should be more obvious, teaching him to be a functional, capable adult.
I’m a single father raising a son, if I don’t teach him to pick up after himself who will? (I’m sure not going to do it, that’s women’s work).
Will the bishop send me a nun to work as a maid?
So nice when subtext becomes text. Patriarchy on parade!
The lawyers, of course.
Or, even worse, priests.
I guess all the guys who scrubbed out toilets in basic training became gay. (Except for me, I’m the exception.)
So we teach boys that girls are inferior to stop them from becoming gay? Whatever will they think of next?!
I can see how somebody who believes that would talk to a burning bush. And wait for it to answer.
Cleaning up after yourself is a matter of self sufficiency.
Wait…why exactly, again, are we supposed to be taking relatonship and child-raising advice from a self-professed lifelong childless celibate single person? Because of their arcane interpretations of the between-the-lines parts of their Bronze-Age anthology?
Ye gods and fishes, but homo credens is a weird, weird organism.
What does that say about the army and the navy? I’m pretty sure that soldiers and sailors are expected to pick up after themselves. And I’m fairly certain that Poland’s women members of the military weren’t admitted just to clean the latrines and make the sammiches.
quoteing Jackie@2:
But you repeat yourself….
Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week. Try the veal, and don’t forget to tip the squid.
Look your Archbishopassholeness, it’s clear you want women to be slaves. Why don’t you just come right out and say it?
All those “go make me a sandwich” dudebros are exactly as cutting edge as Catholic priests. Good to know.
When I was growing up I had a friend who was from a large Polish Catholic family. The girls in that family had to get up early to pack lunches for their brothers. All of those kids had chores, but the chores were divided strictly along traditional gender roles. The boys would mow the lawn, but weren’t allowed to learn to cook. The girls did all of the cooking and cleaning, but never any “outdoor work”. My friend was not even allowed to learn to drive, since women in that family didn’t ever drive.
Looking back on it now, there was little difference between that family and a “traditional” Muslim family, huh?
It takes A LOT of fucking ignorance in this day and age to say something that extraordinarily fucking ignorant. Or evil…evil works too….
From teh wiks:
In this case, Archbishop Gadecki has NO skill, yet not only thinks he is skilled, but an expert in the field.
A celibate bachelor thinks he has something relevant to say about marriage. What chutzpah his archiness has.
Conspiracy! Cover up!
Why am I not reading about this here?
Happy World Octopus Day!
Hm, I personally have found it extremely useful to know how to be self sufficient, including the basics of hygiene and keeping my area(s) clean, when I was “on the market”. I’m pretty sure my significant other would not have stuck around if I was a slob. I’ve been lead to believe most woman are looking for companionship/relationship, not to be a housekeeper.
I usually do all the dishes (she usually cooks, and I’m all about not making the cook clean). But luckily my GF has a solution from keeping me getting teh gay after I do the dishes. I’l leave it at that (no, I don’t do the dishes for a reward, but it certainly doesn’t hurt).
The navy is probably not the greatest example to bring up to someone who believes so strongly in gay stereotypes.
Wow, boys picking their underwear up off the floor turns them gay!
Who knew?
Teach a boy to be a lazy, spoiled, slovenly, egocentric, sexist, pompous arsehole, and he’ll grow up to be an archbishop.
Catholics and gender: more weird than complicated, but really it’s a lot of both.
“Nasz Dziennik daily” = PIN Number or ATM Machine to my ears (well, eyes in this case).
Gender Studies FTW :-p
It’s amazing how the people who think gender defines behavior are the same people who are terrified that making a boy clean up after himself will make him girly.
What? Girls just “naturally” clean up after themselves? I wish my daughter knew that, I wish *I* knew that, instead of treating cleanliness as one of those annoying but crucial habits we have to cram into our children’s heads for their own benefit down the road (like personal hygiene, looking both ways before crossing the road, not touching strange dogs without their owners’ permission). I guess if I just let her blithely accept gender stereotypes, I could put my feet up and let my daughter do all the housework!
@Piotr Gąsiorowski & Crip Dyke
But don’t you see? It’s only sinful
girlyif you’re a queer!The Catholic Church must have foot rests made up of females in waiting.
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