Do they show any science you can trust any more? Now they’ve been caught faking a shark scare in the Great Lakes, all in the name of promoting their shark week. Sensationalist lies for a so-called documentary series? I think I can give it a pass, again.
I was a joke!
No, I mean a publicity stunt…
Um, performance art…
It got there by sharknado. That’s solid science. I saw it on the History Channel.
I can’t remember; is it “PARODY” or “SATIRE”?
Buy an antenna and cancel the cable. Then tell your Congressperson that you want “a la carte” cable channel choice.
Wholly crap! After the mermaid junk, I really thought they couldn’t sink any lower.
Jamie and Adam need to find a new source of employment.
Discovery and TLC used to be pretty decent. Now they are no better than E!
And then there’s the, I mean History Channel.
Maybe next year they can combine mermaids and megalodons! Everyone knows they existed together.
And still do!
I know, right? On a related topic, I was noticing the other week how Animal Planet never seems to have any actual shows about animals anymore unless they’re doing a rerun of a BBC documentary. National Geographic Wild now seems to be the channel that Animal Planet was 10 years ago. Discovery seems to have more contempt for its audience than Cartoon Network.
“Walking with Mermaids Hunting Megalodon”. It’ll be hot.
Meanwhile on The “Science” Channel, Survivorman is hunting Bigfoot.
Fortunately, there’s an audio antidote.
Discovery is to science as making custom theme motorcycles is to adding value to the world.
I said it on Twitter, I’ll say it here: I view the Discovery Channel’s use of the word “Discovery” exactly as I view its use by the Discovery Institute.
Search for the Lochness Monster, Mermaids, and whole host of other junk science has been their bread and butter for quite some time. Add to that the relentless reality shows, and well you got MTV of the 90’s. None of the stuff you wanna hear just the crap that made you stop watching TV.
I used to let Discovery or History channel play in the background when I was on the computer or working on a hobby, but that all ended when the reality shows and junk science took over. To quote South Park: “The History Channel. Where history, is history.” And don’t even get me started on Ancient Aliens, I called it BS after the first episode.
You could do it like a Dances With Wolves rip-off. The host has to befriend the mysterious mermaids and they teach him how to hunt the Megalodon according to their ancient, wise ways, brought with them from their original home planet.
Then he has to help defend their community from illegal Russian whaling ships, lead by undead Hitler. Finally, having been accepted by the mermaid people, he gets married to a pair of twin sisters, who totally don’t mind sharing.
Have I missed anything? Maybe we can shove a bible prophecy in there somewhere?
Couldn’t you sue them over their names on some sort of false-advertising grounds? That’s sue-happy America, after all. Surely your courts must be useful for more than allowing employers to control what their employees’ health insurance covers.
… I hope that wouldn’t end with the TV channels controlling their viewers’ health insurance …
The s biases the reader but the sentence is ambiguous as to subject and object. If this were a “realistic” scenario, wouldn’t the Megalodon be the subject? Gore (and by gore I mean heaps of vivid, detailed gruesomeness not a has been politician) is always a popular movie subject and requires little effort on plot or character development. Almost something for nothing.
I wondered when they were going to jump the shark…