Fresh new enemies — their tears give me strength

I’ve long pissed off the sexist anti-feminist gang, and now that I’ve pointed out their ideas are simply racist, I’ve had the HBD twits hollerin’ at me, and now I discover that the intersection of misogyny and racism is simply the worst. Heartiste has weighed in.

He’s referring to my criticism of that absurd sexual market value chart, which is all made up. A couple of the more obnoxious HBD ravers turn out to be happy supporters of the SMV concept, too.

And that brought in even more low-lifes. Take a look at this guy, making his grand statements about rape.

And then, the pièce de résistance

I am so happy to have these wretched people as enemies.


  1. NitricAcid says

    You don’t even have to pray for these enemies to make themselves look ridiculous.

  2. frankb says

    When I read “bearded man-child” an unpleasant image comes to mind which is entirely appropiate.

  3. robertfoster says

    I Googled the term manchild out of curiosity and the first hit I got was on Wikipedia:
    An archaic, derogatory term for an adult male; also to describe for a man that is physically an adult, but mentally/emotionally immature.
    Yep. Right-on.

  4. timberwoof says

    My neighbors are going to wonder what’s wrong with me. This morning I was being all grumpy from early-mornign muscle stiffness and stuff; at lunch I was exclaiming, “What?!” almost as though I were in pain. That Bearded Man-Child … gah!

    I thought of some clever-clever things to say, but as they contained personal insults and descriptions of unlikely things to do with a … never mind. I’ll just say I can imagine what sort of homophobia he lives in, if he’s afraid I might do to him what he wants to do to women.

  5. Akira MacKenzie says

    To quote Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, “Worst case of testosterone poisoning I’ve ever seen.”

  6. says

    Yeesh. Those are about the most repellant online posts I’ve ever seen–which is saying something. Thanks for sharing, Myers!

  7. says

    Numerobis @ 4:

    I can’t wait to start losing!

    I’ve been losing for 35 happy years!

    As for the twit tweets, that’s a whole lot of ugly. Too ugly – I’m going back to work.

  8. says

    aaronbaker, vile as these are they’re nothing new. They make me think of the creeps who used to post to all sorts of places on Usenet. In fact for all I know some of these rotters are some of the same people. It seems unlikely that with the decline of Usenet that lot simply evaporated.

  9. samihawkins says

    He seriously uses the screenname ‘Bearded Man-Child’?

    Is this some new trend where people give themselves brutally honest usernames? Is he friends with users named ‘Pathetic Hateful Fuckhead’ and ‘Bitter Whiny Bigot’?

  10. says

    Extended virginity can really bring out the worst in a guy.

    (The above snarky statement was for the benefit of a certain individual with the initials J.V., so that he can have another opportunity to launch another ignoring-the-context attack on me for ridiculing sexually inactive mens, and being a prime example of the hypocrisy of sex-positive feminism. You’re welcome.)

  11. Goodbye Enemy Janine says

    There is more vile shit in that TL. And some is even worse. Makes Hoggle seem sedate.

    No, I will not link.

  12. anuran says

    Listen to the fool’s reproach! it is a kingly title! ~ William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

  13. Menyambal says

    I like how he gets to think, but women are all taught. He proud of his thoughts, and he thinks they deserve respect because they are a man’s, and his, but women are all wrong in their beliefs. He can spew hatefulness and contempt, and that’s fine, but women, with their dislike of rape, aren’t just wrong, but they were trained wrong—they didn’t even arrive at their conditioned reflex by themselves. Women are like dogs or something, to him.

    What a horrible person.

  14. blf says

    I have a beard, and am male, and eat roasted babies. And puppies. Whilst some depraved people object to males have a beard, I am still not as foul and loathsome as those twatters.

  15. says

    (The above snarky statement was for the benefit of a certain individual with the initials J.V., so that he can have another opportunity to launch another ignoring-the-context attack on me for ridiculing sexually inactive mens, and being a prime example of the hypocrisy of sex-positive feminism. You’re welcome.)

    Er, what? Why don’t you take your private vendettas elsewhere. Whoever JV is, they are correct to point out that being a virgin has no correlation with assholery or misogyny, and THAT in turn has nothing to do with the alleged hypocrisy of of sex-positive feminism. Fuck you very much.

  16. Goodbye Enemy Janine says

    Even more reasons not to Tw**t.

    There are a numbers of reasons why a person does not want to be a Twitter. This is not one of them.

    Mein Kampf came out in book form. Even more reasons not to read a book.

    (Not an exaggeration. @MarxistHell follows a lot of World Church Of The Creator offshoots and Holocaust deniers.)

  17. says

    History & Genetics:

    [pzm] abhors logical results of Darwinism

    Let me guess: natural selection produces a kind of progress, meaning that the demise (and therefore persecution by the privileged) of individuals with low fitness (i.e. anybody not in a position to defend themselves against persecution) is good and desirable.

    I have some difficulties, perhaps History & Genetics will do us the courtesy of turning up and giving us the benefit of his brilliant logical insight.

    Lets assume that it is reasonable to model the entirety of the Earth’s biodiversity and its environment as a decision-making entity – I’ve no fundamental problem with such a model. Therefore, it is reasonable to model such an entity as possessing decision criteria, and that natural selection is part of the mechanism by which those decision criteria are implemented. Thus we can say that biological evolution represents progress towards nature’s goals. Something that nature, in her metaphorical voice, would call ‘good.’

    The question is this: by what means is it valid to assume that the decision criteria of a vast ecosystem must be identical to those of a human being? How on Earth does one conclude that what is good (metaphorically) for evolution must be good for people? Am I automatically supposed to be happy because some bacterium at the bottom of the sea mutates, enabling it to divide 10% faster? If humanity’s fate is to eventually go extinct, is it necessarily part of human morality to make this happen as fast as possible?

    Where in Darwinian theory does it say that the Chicxulub impact, leading to the extinction of the dinosaurs was good?

    Why is History & Genetics using a computer, anyway? How is that the result of Darwinistic logic? All technology that’s not directly derived from natural selection must be bad, right?

    There is one amazing thing the social Darwinists never managed to address: if poor people have such low fitness, why are there so bloody many of them?

  18. Ben says

    I suspect that this is a Poe. I understand that there is no shortage of people out there who will tweet things this vile, but who among them would pick the name Bearded Man Child?

  19. says

    It’s always nice to know that the people who hate you are utter fucking morons.

    When I think of all the hateful little shits, tedious prevaricating pit-guests and medium-profile vloggers who regularly rant against this network (with particular focus on two or three of its members) it’s comforting to remember just how divorced they are from the logic and reason they claim to revere.

  20. twas brillig (stevem) says

    if we taught brainwashed women, that rape is out of appreciation, like gifting flowers – would they commit suicide afterwards ?

    FTFY, answer is, “NO, Of course they wouldn’t. If they do, you didn’t brainwash enough, learn from your mistakes. Now b*wash again, better this time.” Soooooh, is brainwashing a good thing, not as bad as rape? Why do you want to rape while still having the woman feel good about it?

    if we taught men that getting punched in the eye is out of appreciation, like gifting a dollar – would they punch back?


  21. karmacat says

    twas brillig beat me to it…
    I was going to say if we taught bearded man child to appreciate being kicked in the face over and over, would he still justify rape?

  22. Goodbye Enemy Janine says

    Ben, you suspect wrong.

    I wish people would quit dismissing racists as Poes.

  23. ck says

    chigau (違う) wrote:

    He’s just socially awkward.
    or something

    Or maybe he just has low self-esteem. We certainly can’t hold him responsible for any of this. After all, boys bearded man-children will be boys bearded man-children.

  24. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    An archaic, derogatory term for an adult male; also to describe for a man that is physically an adult, but mentally/emotionally immature.

    Archaic? I’d assumed it was a neologism.

  25. Demeisen says

    Why would anybody think that it’s okay, let alone reasonable, to say things like this? I honestly can’t understand it.

  26. mikeyb says

    It is hard to tell if this is just pure vicious vileness or a conservative’s attempt at humor, since they are often indistinguishable.

  27. Goodbye Enemy Janine says

    Ben, are all of the twitter racist Poes?

    PZ, just so you know, both @Heartiste and @MarxistHell are followers of VDare. While @Heartiste follows a lot of “racial realists”, @MarxistHell follows a lot of Rahowa advocates, splinters of World Church Of The Creator, Holocaust deniers, Hitler accounts, Stormfront accounts and other lovely people.

    Truly the fucking dregs.

  28. Woo_Monster, Sniffer of Starfarts says

    Martin at #21, then SallyStrange at #28,

    Extended virginity can really bring out the worst in a guy.

    (The above snarky statement was for the benefit of a certain individual with the initials J.V., so that he can have another opportunity to launch another ignoring-the-context attack on me for ridiculing sexually inactive mens, and being a prime example of the hypocrisy of sex-positive feminism. You’re welcome.)

    Er, what? Why don’t you take your private vendettas elsewhere. Whoever JV is, they are correct to point out that being a virgin has no correlation with assholery or misogyny, and THAT in turn has nothing to do with the alleged hypocrisy of of sex-positive feminism. Fuck you very much.

    I’m guessing that J.V. is Justin Vacula, correct me if I am wrong, Martin. I agree that Vacula is a douche, Martin, but Sally is in the right here that you are not being helpful with your comment. Have you read Kaveh’s recent post about saying what you are saying?*
    *I don’t know what I am doing with htmls, here is the raw link,

  29. Holms says

    I suspect that this is a Poe. I understand that there is no shortage of people out there who will tweet things this vile, but who among them would pick the name Bearded Man Child?

    I think people are reasing a bit too much into the name ‘Bearded Man Child’. I can’t read the mind of that twitter user, but people frequently adopt names that are self deprecating, simply because ‘it’s just an online handle, who gives a shit’.

  30. says

    All of that stuff seems to be pretty strongly from people incapable of having satisfying intimate relationships(sexual or otherwise) with other people.

    I know Myers’ ilk: Low sexual market value, hitched to fat ugly wives, find redemption as cult leader of losers.

    That could easily be rewritten as “I know Myers’ ilk: Has achievements that aren’t tied to multiple random meaningless sexual encounters, is lucky enough to find a partner for a lifelong relationship that is both personally fulfilling but also mutually satisfying, and has found that there are a huge number of people who can respect him and the way he lives his life”

    Peez… you should be ashamed to be so lucky?

  31. call me mark says

    if we taught women that rape is out of appreciation, like gifting flowers – would they commit suicide afterwards ?

    Yeah, because every gift of flowers is welcome, especially when they come out of the blue, in the street, from someone who has already followed you home three times.

    Yeah that’s out of “appreciation” and not out of a desire to freak someone the fuck out.

    Do I really need the implicit </sarcasm> ? probably…

  32. atheist says

    @heartiste … find redemption as cult leader of losers.

    Projection — it ain’t just for movie theaters!

  33. atheist says

    I understand the attraction of believing that “Bearded Man-Child”/”MarxistHell” character to be a Poe. Realizing that some person exists who is that dumb and nasty is painful. Unfortunately it appears to be a real, and really loathsome, individual.

  34. pacal says

    Isn’t just amazing how these douches think that women exist largely to sex toys for them. The notion that men have a “right” to sexual access and “use” of women – UGH!!

  35. says

    The only context I can imagine the phrase “sexual market value” having an “objective” meaning is in a brothel’s marketing department, measured in dollars. I don’t know what all goes on there, but I imagine an employee’s SMV would vary depending on the relative prevalence of preferences, kinks, and fetishes within differing communities.

    Outside of that, who gives a-… who cares? It’s not like there’s really a market where you can say Person X has a SMV of Y and Random Person could expect a specific benefit/cost ratio. Different people value different things in a sexual partner, and, oh yeah, they value things in a romance that are not sex!

    It’s especially facepalm-worthy in that most people aren’t interested in being the sex equivalent of, say, McDonalds. A lot of people would rather find a loyal customer who likes things as they are, rather than change their product for the sake of capturing the lowest common denominator market share.

  36. The Countess says

    The men’s rights types haven’t changed their rhetoric in the 20 years I’ve been watching them. Their usual hateful acts have gotten old. Time for some new, obnoxious material.

  37. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    The men’s rights types haven’t changed their rhetoric in the 20 years I’ve been watching them. Their usual hateful acts have gotten old. Time for some new, obnoxious material.

    Gasp, but that would require Original Thought….

  38. kayden says

    I don’t tweet, but can’t you just block the hateful ones so they can’t communicate with you?

  39. says

    kayden, blocking is simple enough, but if one’s timeline is overflowing with blockables, it can be fairly tedious and may be ergonomically inadvisable. Taking some time out to concentrate on other arenas can be a far better use of one’s time, since these floods tend to find a new target within a fairly short time.