Karen Stollznow has started a defense fund to help her fight off the legal harassment she faces right now. Time to donate!
My name is Karen Stollznow. I am an author and researcher with a PhD in Linguistics. In recent months, I wrote an article for a Scientific American Mind blog in which I spoke out about sexual harassment I’d endured from a male colleague for several years. I did this to highlight the wide problem of sexual harassment in the workplace for women, including those in scientific and academic fields. Many people who read the article immediately identified my harasser by name, and spoke publicly about my situation on their own blogs and other social media. They knew who my harasser was because he had recently been disciplined by his employer for his behavior.
As a result, my harasser filed a defamation suit against me, trying to bully me into silence. Although he’s spent thousands of dollars on a lawyer to clear his name, he knew that I could not afford the same. In my attempts to settle out of court he has tried to bully me into signing a retraction, which claimed that I had lied about the whole ordeal, including his ongoing harassment of me, and assaults at one of our professional conferences. Although I didn’t sign the retraction, he posted the document on his very public Facebook page and announced victory over me. This also lead to false public edits being made to my Wikipedia page.
I never lied about the harassment I endured and I have evidence and witnesses to attest to my experiences. The only crime I have committed is not being rich enough to defend myself. If you believe in justice and in protecting victims who are bullied into silence, please dig deep and help support this legal fund. I must raise $30,000 in the next two weeks in order to find legal counsel to fight these allegations and clear my own name. If my harasser succeeds in bullying me into silence, it will only serve to embolden harassers, and teach victims that they should never speak up, lest it ruin their lives.
Any money raised through this campaign that is not spent on these legal expenses will be donated to Colorado’s Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center.
Thank you for listening to my story, and please give as you can. To contact me about this fundraising campaign, email stollznowlegaldefense@gmail.com.
You know what’s really tragic about this? She’s trying to end the harassment, and you just know that asking for help will make the harassers redouble their efforts.
captainahags says
1,000 dollars in 2 minutes… Not bad going.
Randomfactor says
Bookmarking this for payday.
Wylann says
Donated. Not much, but I hope it helps.
I also hope her harasser learns a bit more about the Streisand effect.
hyperdeath says
Everyone’s heard of the Streisand Effect. Hopefully, next year, everyone will have heard of the Radford Effect.
Inaji says
I can’t do anything today, but I’ll be donating on Monday.
Giliell, professional cynic -Ilk- says
Done. I hope he gets his ass kicked to the moon and back in court.
I said before that I could totally understand if she just gives in to get over with this, but I’m really glad she’s going to fight
annie55 says
Bookmarking for the first of the month. (payday) It won’t be much…but if enough of us pitch in…we can make a difference. Let us all do what we can.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
I’ll donate something when I get home to a securer connection.
ajb47 says
Done. Because I was in a particularly foul mood today and the thought of helping brightens me just a bit.
hjhornbeck says
I’m a bit grumpy the dotation total is public, as it’ll just lead to partisan bickering over number sizes.
Having said that, holy fucking shit is that number climbing! In an hour, she’ll have raised half of what Shermer earned in an entire month. I look forward to adding to that total later today.
[feels delighted and ashamed simultaniously]
feministhomemaker says
I sent her an email at the address provided and pledged $1000. Just need an address for sending a check snail mail. She may reply soon with that and it will be in the mail today, if she does. I state my pledge amount here in order to provide a sense of “we will do this together” hope and encouragement. Thank you everyone for your support of her, small amount or large, including with only your words. As a woman who endured sex harassment in my work places without any justice , with no effort to stop it by higher ups, this means so much to me. Thank you.
moarscienceplz says
Ewout says
I’m breaking my couple of years of lurking to say I donated $100 and to wish Karen all the best.
elly says
I just kicked in $50… more than I usually contribute at a time, but attempts at legal intimidation really make me see red. I have a close friend/colleague who’s been threatened in the past, so I have some indirect experience with the emotional roller-coaster (not to mention time/money) involved.
I believe Karen Stollznow and I’m glad she’s fighting back.
Tony! The Fucking Queer Shoop! says
I get paid tomorrow and will be donating. Having read the so-called “retraction/apology letter” on Bens’ FB page (before changes were made to it, or the page itself), there was no signature from Dr. Stollznow, and it was written in the third person. I hope she is able to raise the money she needs to kick his butt in court.
Oh, and why does this assclam still have a job?
Anthony K says
magicthighs says
My wife and I donated $100. It’s heartwarming to see how fast the amount raised is going up.
jaybee says
The tally board said $5000 raised so far. I chipped in my $100, and it returned me to the tally board: $8220. That is climbing damn fast.
karley jojohnston says
Already a quarter through. Hot damn, folks.
Numenaster says
Donated. Looking forward to seeing this surpass its target on Day 1.
feministhomemaker says
Just gave online! It scares me so to do it but I did it! She sent address but I had already given online. I wanted to get it in quickly since the total was going up so fast, thank goodness!!! I thank her so much and all of you who are so supportive.
gapofthegods says
Best 100 bucks I’ve spent all year. Look at that total go!
Ashley F. Miller says
Officially raised more than the Shermer Legal Defense Fund. (It was my donation that took it over that mark and I about died of happiness.)
Travis says
Every time I refresh the Indiegogo page I feel good. Almost $10000 now. It is wonderful that this is happening so quickly.
jenniferphillips says
The total had climbed nearly $1000 in the few minutes it took me to make my online payment (of substantially less than $1000, ftr). Community support is a beautiful thing to see.
A Hermit says
So happy to see an opportunity to do something concrete. Put in my 2 cents (OK slightly more…) three minutes later the total was $350 higher than when I hit the “contribute” button.
Looks like Radford’s bullying tactics are backfiring on him big time.
Jeremy Shaffer says
Glad to hear she’s fighting. Will be donating when I get home this evening.
Socio-gen, something something... says
Donated! Just wish I had greater funds available to give more.
eoraptor says
Donated. As a fellow Coloradan, I want Karen to know we want a whole lot more people like her, and the Radfords of the world need to stick their heads somewhere the sun don’t shine.
karley jojohnston says
Sometimes I just want to give up on skepticism. Stop y yearly Skepticon tradition, stop reading the blogs, stop attending my local freethinkers group for good, everything.
But then there’s days like this, when people rally en masse around a good cause and steamroll the mewling asswarts.
It’s nice to have hope for once.
marcus says
Done. I despise bullies.
Donnie says
ARGGGH! Why only 15 days! My cash flow is tight, so I could only donate $100. Next paycheck, I will try and reroute some funds and top off any balance remaining. I love seeing the donations roll in….reaffirms that there is a majority of atheist, skeptics, and humanists that are not part of the fuckeratti.
SallyStrange says
Yay, I actually have money! Will donate once I get home.
MHiggo says
In for $500 — total at $13,000 and climbing. Could be halfway there before sundown. Would it be too vindictive to hope Radford gets crushed (legally speaking) as publicly as possible?
Ibis3, Let's burn some bridges says
At this rate, I’m thinking she might make it to $30 000 on day 1. That’s so encouraging.
Corvus Whiteneck says
I must confess I am surprised how much the total has grown just in a few hours. It is fantastic, I hope Karen gets every penny she needs to do whatever she thinks is right without having to factor in lawyer/court costs.
If she does meet/exceed the goal, I also hope the movement “leaders”/orgs take notice. A lot of people are not joining your group, or going to your cons, or donating money & time b/c of how you & your groups behave. But we will give our money & time to those who stand up to your bullshit. Make some changes and you could grow the movement/organization more quickly. Or don’t, & we’ll continue to stay away.
Rich Woods says
Over halfway there already. Damn impressive.
karley jojohnston says
Already halfway. Wow.
hjhornbeck says
MHiggo @34
It hit halfway in less than three hours. Goddamn.
G Pierce (Was ~G~) says
More than half way there in just a couple hours. Two observations:
By Ben prematurely ejaculating about a settlement, he perhaps prevented a settlement and now all the fact will be part of public record for all to see. He was an impulsive person responding to his id and I wonder if that trait in that instance carries over to other patterns of behavior. Hmmm.
By seeing that we raised more than double in two hours than the anti-feminists raised in a months shows you that they are just the vocal minority and perhaps we should throw our weight around a bit more and have a lot more hope and confidence in our side and the side of justice.
R Johnston says
I’m sorry that I’m not in a position to donate, but I am happy that, even so, I get to feel a bit better about the world today. It’s absolutely wonderful how quickly the fundraising is going in this case.
noxiousnan says
I haven’t been able to give much to anyone in the last couple years, but come Monday, I will be giving to this fund. Already calendared it. But I’m pretty confident that in that many days, my funds will be going to the Co SAVAC, and that’s just fine too!
Pteryxx says
Just posted a minute ago-
Numenaster says
The lurkers support Karen on Indiegogo. And we are LEGION. Let the defenders of the status quo take note.
Ibis3, Let's burn some bridges says
IANAL, but I’m hopeful that all the funds will end up going there when Radford ends up having to pay court costs.
noxiousnan says
This has just made my day!
Pteryxx says
IANAL either, but he could always drop the lawsuit, and publish a retraction.
…What? <_<
G Pierce (Was ~G~) says
I think I shall be tweeting this to CFI and Lindsey. How much of this money could have been theirs had they ditched Radford and embraced Karen? Let this be a sign to all orgs- We have money and we choose where it goes. A ton of $100 and $500 donations. Some of use have disposable income. And many, many people are donating what they can afford, even $5, and it is really adding up. Everyone, regardless of income’s money is still green, and in our numbers, it can talk if they will wise up and listen.
Side with the harassers and haters and get their measly sum over a month’s time, in exchange for one’s integrity or do the right thing and side with us.
MHiggo says
hjhornbeck @39
Now at $18,000. Delightedly, I stand corrected.
SC (Salty Current), OM says
I plan to donate soon, but judging by the astonishing rate at which the total is growing it’ll be full before I even have a chance. But I wanted to express my support now. I hope this amazing response from the community is boosting her spirits.
Charly says
I cannot donat much right now, but I donated what little I could.
I hope this ends well. I certainly did not expect it to rise to over 16000$ before I get home from work.
pneumo says
@Salty Current:
There is on cap. Excess funds will be donated to a worthy cause.
eurosid says
If the rate of donations isn’t a wake-up call to Lindsey and/or the board of CFI, then nothing will get through to them.
pneumo says
There is NO cap, goddamit. Stubby fumbly fingers.
Pteryxx says
G Pierce #48:
All the orgs should be taking note of ^^ this. Harassers generally have multiple victims, over many years, not to mention friends of the victims and witnesses to the bad conduct who may also choose to avoid the harassers’ stomping ground. How many people is it worth driving away to protect each Big Name? Refusing to investigate harassment costs your organization support.
Ibis3, Let's burn some bridges says
I also think this might be a lesson for Michael Shermer and other predators that think they might get away with legally harassing their victims and supporters of their victims in the future. We’re here standing ready with our cash to make sure that doesn’t happen.
gussnarp says
I’ve posted supportive comments here and there, but I don’t know any of these people personally, I don’t go to conferences, I haven’t given to or joined any of the skeptic orgs, so I often think, well what they hell can I do? Not much. Speak out when I get a chance, but that’s not that often. Here’s something tangible to do! I’m in.
Tony! The Fucking Queer Shoop! says
I’m so happy to see the numbers rising. And so fast to boot!
A. Noyd says
A Hermit (#26)
This is a huge mistake on Radford’s part. People who have been upset with the problem of harassment in the skeptic/atheist community but haven’t felt like they could do anything about it now have a way to act. And the disgusting way Radford has kept going after Stollznow just makes people more eager to do something about this particular case, too.
thinkfree83 says
I’m unemployed but I gave $10. A couple of days ago, I saw the episode of the old show “Designing Women” about the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas affair. Maybe if Anita Hill had had access to an online campaign like this, history would have been very different.
Jacob Schmidt says
The average sits right now at $65 per donor; y’all are some generous people.
la tricoteuse says
blah blah blah atheists have no morals blah blah blah atheists are selfish blah blah blah christian charity blah blah blah
Next time some asshole religious apologist starts spouting anything resembling the above, I hope someone points him/her to this thread.
I love this place. <3
Corvus Whiteneck says
Just a reminder for people who are inclined to donate, and have the means to do so w/o pain:
Do not be dissuaded from donating merely b/c the target has been exceeded (if/when it does so). First, nobody knows how this is going to turn out, & the legal costs could exceed the initial target. Second, any excess will go to Colorado’s Sexual Assault Victim Advocacy Center, so if you think that *that’s* a donation you’d be willing to make anyway, routing the donation through this fundraiser will provide a safety net for higher than anticipated legal costs.
Cinzia La Strega says
I can’t afford much, but have chipped in $25, and purchased two of her books (which look absolutely fascinating) and subscribed to Scientific American. The irony is that this publicity is bound to drive her sales and amplify her voice. Brava (and bravo) to everyone who pushes back against sexual harassment and bullying!
lochaber says
I’m of pretty limited means, and I don’t personally know any of the people involved, but it’s still been pissing me off every time I read about it.
Chipped in a pretty small amount, and the total was just under 19K.
Any chance instead of simply defending herself in a defamation suit, she could sue for harassment, or even defamation?
Ulgaa says
It will have to wait for Monday, but I plan to chip in what I can.
changerofbits says
$100 from me, total is up to $19,746
Broken Things says
Donated $50. Usually just lurk here (many years now) but try to help where I can. Hope she takes the guy to the cleaners.
Samuel Vimes says
Holy crap! In the time it took me to lazily read this story and the comments, it went up over $900!
HappiestSadist, Repellent Little Martyr says
I’m not able to donate, but I have the biggest smile seeing the number climb so fast. Y’all are amazing, and seeing a chance for real justice and a pushback against the shitty elements of skepticism… it’s so heartening.
UnknownEric the Apostate says
YUP. I want to believe that the Skeptoatheist leaders out there are sitting there watching the total fly up and thinking, “Shit. We really fucked up.”
They probably AREN’T, but I WANT TO BELIEVE.
Stephanie Zvan says
Unless Radford backs down, the legal costs will definitely be a few times what Karen has asked for here. Donations over the asking amount will help with peace of mind going into this.
Bicarbonate is back says
This is so exciting!!!! We’re past 21k now!!!!
I’m going to sleep so well tonight, better than in weeks, I’m sure, knowing the world is not as bad as I thought it was this morning.
N.B. People overseas, the site allows donations through Paypal, makes it a lot easier.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
If more is needed later, send up the horde signal again.
hyperdeath says
Erm… Why is Sara Mayhew listed as a funder? Is someone impersonating her?
changerofbits says
The thing that struck me after Radford posted that letter (aside from the skepticism that it was only from him and that Karen was silent) is: Why isn’t Radford going after CFI too? Lindsay confirmed publicly that Radford was disciplined by CFI for sexually harassing Karen in the response to Karen’s article. You’d think, if Karen were lying about the whole thing, he’d want restitution from CFI for not only punishing him, but for confirming the punishment for the specific behavior and for not clearing Radford of any wrongdoing. But no, his behavior is continued legal harassment of the victim.
irisvanderpluym says
This makes me so fucking happy. I am donating LARGE as soon as a check clears (prob. tomorrow).
Thanks to everyone who is presently restoring my faith in this movement, if not humanity, however briefly. (I am nothing if not a committed cynic. Or a depressive realist, take your pick.)
MetzO'Magic says
Done. Don’t think I’ve ever donated to an on-line cause before. This one is certainly worthy.
$21,646 already, on the first day :-)
Moggie says
I’m in. Sick of predators.
Sally Stearns says
Just got my security deposit back, let’s see if I can match the next 3 donations…
Al Dente says
Donated. Sent CFI an email that I would have matched the donation with one to them if they had done something about Radford when they knew he was a sexual harasser. Sending him on a time-out to France is not a burdensome punishment.
kestrel says
Long time lurker here, who is sick and tired of harassers acting like they “won” when they’ve been disciplined for their despicable behavior. Should more funds become necessary, I’m in for that too.
And when I put in my small donation ($50) it went over $22,000.00. YES.
Wylann says
hyperdeath@75: Someone probably donated in her name. :-)
The total is currently at over $22.5k.
Marcus Ranum says
Why is Sara Mayhew listed as a funder? Is someone impersonating her?
Apparently indiegogo allows you to set the listing name for your contribution. I just gave $100 in the name of Justin Vacula, because I suspect he won’t.
Kristjan Wager says
I have in the past been a fairly generous donater to skeptic organisations, and still am, but these days I am much more selective about who I donate to, and am pretty much only donating to Skepticon and Secular Women. I think this has been to the advantage of Skepticon, which has been the major receipient of my money.
Organizations like CFI are missing out, but could do things to make amends. JREF and anything involving Dawkins is out for good.
Donated $100 to Karen and plan to donate more in a few days.
marcus says
Freakin’ amazing! I went to lunch and came back and it has doubled! Excellent!
Kristjan Wager says
OK, I just refreshed and saw that “Justin Vacula” donated $100. Now we know that someone is trolling (and I wish they wouldn’t do it as it makes the ‘pitters appear better than they are).
Kristjan Wager says
Didn’t see Marcus Ranum’s comment. My point still stand though.
A Hermit says
‘I just gave $100 in the name of Justin Vacula, because I suspect he won’t.”
Ah, so YOU”RE responsible for my whiplash…
Inaji says
Marcus Ranum:
I wish people wouldn’t do this, it makes the supporters of harassers look as though they care about the issue when they don’t.
Sally Stearns says
Next three donation amounts I saw were 100, 100, and 50. Matched!
DataWrangler says
$23,476 as of 16:15 EDT. Go team!
Time to put the bullies and harassers on notice that we will fight back, and that they cannot get away with it.
pneumo says
Donating in someone else’s name is a shitty thing to do. Shame on you.
Oh well, there seems to be a limit to the number of contributors that are displayed so it will get beyond the cutoff at some point I hope.
Marcus Ranum says
I used to donate to skeptical organizations but decided to switch to donating to specific skeptics and causes, instead. I’ve donated to help fund feminists’ attending conferences like WiS, and directly supporting some of the bloggers here. I have come to dislike the idea of supporting an organization; I will only support individuals.
Marcus Ranum says
Donating in someone else’s name is a shitty thing to do. Shame on you.
Marcus Ranum says
it makes the supporters of harassers look as though they care about the issue when they don’t.
Oh, come on. It’s perfectly obvious that they don’t care. Hence, it’s clearly sarcasm.
pneumo says
Consent. Heard of it?
Marcus Ranum says
Consent. Heard of it?
That’s reaching, don’t you think?
pneumo says
It’s a principle I think deserves reach, and we can stand to take it a bit too far for a while.
Let’s not treat people as instruments for our pleasure, even if it only be amusement, and no matter how despicable we may consider them to be.
madmonk12345 says
Donated $10. Pocket change, I know, but every bit helps.
In the past, the Streisand effect only seems to apply to the views of self-dubbed internet progressives instead of any attempt of censorship. A celebrity annoyed that her house is visible? Streisand effect. Scientology? Streisand effect. A women is sexually harrassed and assaulted, then legally binded from talking about it in an attempt to censor her? No Streisand effect.
I can only hope that changes, and from the outpouring of donations, it looks like it may soon be so.
Carrie Poppy says
Thanks for posting this, PZ! Amazing to see so many people donating and supporting Karen! Her costs could be as much as $100,000 and this $30,000 is just the bare minimum for her to get legal representation, so this is very encouraging to see.
Bicarbonate is back says
What time was it when the defense fund went live? How many hours has it been?
Marcus Ranum says
Let’s not treat people as instruments for our pleasure, even if it only be amusement, and no matter how despicable we may consider them to be.
Another way of looking at it is that it’s a nonviolent, nonthreatening, useful way of showing those individuals that they are not appreciated, which still puts money to work in a positive way. Mockery is effective.
By adopting the “we” posture, you’re trying to democratize your opinion, as if all of “us” agree with it. Neat rhetorical trick, that. I’ve got to file that one away for future reference.
seraphymcrash says
It’s a pretty standard tactic to donate in the name of the opposition, as many times organizations send thank you letters to those who donated. It sends a message to them saying that their specific actions are what lead to the donation.
This is used when the Westboro Baptist Church comes to town, when politicians do something offensive, and plenty of other cases too.
This isn’t a case of people legitimately thinking that these harassers donated… It should be obvious that it isn’t a verified identity. I don’t think it’s the same thing as assuming someone’s indentity.
morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor says
When I saw Vacula’s and Mayhew’s names I about dropped my teeth. Naive Pollyanna that I am, I thought maybe hell had frozen over and these folks and grown some compassion. But no.
Let’s take the high road, folks. It is sometimes best not to impose satire. This is serious business.
Carry on, Horde. I’m mighty proud to be among you.
Carrie Poppy says
Bicarbonate: It went live about 9:30 AM PT on 3/27/14.
Bicarbonate is back says
Thanks Carrie.
So it’s been a little over 4 hours and we’re now just shy of $25k, that’s $6,250/h.
Jackie, all dressed in black says
We’re behind you, Karen.
Thank you.
zenlike says
101 Carrie Poppy
Ah yes, the old “justice for anyone who can afford it”.
Rob says
Kicked in a bit. Just under $25K now which is very impressive.
marcus says
Marcus Ranum You forgot: “Your concern is duly noted.”
I might not do it myself (actually never occurred to me) but I would defend to the death your right to be satirical (or even inane).
LykeX says
And we’re past $25,000. I think I’ll empty out the change jar and see how much I can get together. I can donate with a visa card, right?
frankb says
Donated. Didn’t have to think twice.
morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor says
O Holy Maude!
Think we can hit $30,000 before the end of the day?
I think so. Yes!
Al Dente says
Yes. You can even use a Mastercard or, if you’re feeling really daring, an Amex card.
LykeX says
Well, I don’t have none of that fancy stuff. I rarely use my card online, and I’m not in America, so I’m not 100% clear on what restrictions would apply. I wanted to make sure.
It’s a bit lame to announce a contribution only to find that the site doesn’t accept your card.
Rob says
LykeX – I’m from outside the US and used a cc – it does put your CC name as the donor, so check do not show if that bothers you.
Quirkythrope says
Just for the “it’s just satire if I put in a donation in someone’s name” folks:
In short, it’s causes more drama and nonsense, directed at someone who’s got bigger things to worry about other than your idea of a joke.
awakeinmo says
Done. That total just keeps climbing!
Quirkythrope says
Ooops, forgot to add the link where I got the tweet from: https://twitter.com/CultOfCourtney
Bicarbonate is back says
Paypal is great for donating from overseas. Set up an account. It saves a lot of worry and time, also no bank charges.
ilex says
Donated! In spite of my tendency to lurk, I adore this horde.
susan says
Donated. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, PZ.
Giliell, professional cynic -Ilk- says
I hope Karen and her husband are having a good glass of their favourite beverage right now.
But 100 fucking K?
I have been in a lawsuit once in my life and that would have been less than 10k if they had won…
LykeX says
Thanks for clearing it up, guys. Now I can calmly pledge $10 for tomorrow.
morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor says
I venture that regardless of the ultimate total needed by Karen, it will be covered.
Pteryxx says
By Lindsay’s account, CFI spent 40K just investigating Stollznow’s original complaint.
Pteryxx says
*deborking my link:
annie55 says
Ilex, same here. I also adore this horde, but they can scare the shit out of newbie me.
I actually remember reading Radford’s FB posts aways back, and was astonished at his utter obliviousness and craven sidestepping. Now this? No. Just no.
Am over the moon to have the opportunity to support Karen in the fight she never wanted and tried to avoid.
moarscienceplz says
C’mon all you procrastinators, let’s put this over-goal today!
Lofty says
Did my little bit to support Ms Stollznow.
noxiousnan says
It will hit goal before an hour is out, I bet.
Took a quick look at Mayhew’s tweet, Quirky, thanks.
I’ll amplify your appeal not to donate in the names of others. Mayhew feels harrassed and harmed at the idea that people would think she’d donate to an anti-harrassment legal fund. …and I guess I could see how something like that might harm the reputation she’s carefully built.
Pteryxx says
*whispers loudly* Doctor Stollznow.
PatrickG says
I can’t help but wonder who put in the oddball $1. Multiples of five, people!
In any case, put in what I could afford. :)
Goodbye Enemy Janine says
Vacuous is aware of the donation in his name. And look, a certain long time spam troll is using the moniker of one of the regulars here.
And that troll is so stupid, he thinks the donation was to troll Vacuous.
noxiousnan says
Derp, misread Mayhew’s tweet (reason 23 why I don’t tweet)…she doesn’t feel harrassed; she’s saying that she’s not harrassing Karen Stollznow by checking into it.
Like I said, I don’t tweet, but barring any twittering the anti camp is being deafening in their silence.
annie55 says
noxiousnan says
…did I say hour? Can I change that to 15 minutes?
Goodbye Enemy Janine says
Mayhew has sent multiple tweets to Karen Stollznow demanding that Stollznow look into the donation in her name.
Strange, being such a hothouse flower when she has friends who are vicious and malicious.
marismae says
Donated. Don’t have much, but every little bit helps!
pneumo says
Mayhew is concerned that her “name is being used TO RAISE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS”. Not sure how she thinks that would work.
noxiousnan says
I caught that too pneumo, her powers are amazing. Perhaps if someone does just one more small donation there’d be enough for the all the costs.
…just over $100 to go. I can’t be the only one wearing out my refresh button.
Moggie says
Target achieved. Impressive!
morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor says
Well done, Horde and friends!
Wowbagger, Designated Snarker says
pneumo wrote:
I saw that, too; I giggled. I doubt she has the capacity to realise just how whiny, vapid, self-absorbed and clueless it reveals her to be.
rickk says
Added my share – now over 30k. Good luck Karen.
feministhomemaker says
Over the top! Thank you everyone! I too love this horde. I lurk mostly but come out now and then. Thank you pz. Mainly, thank you Karen.
seraphymcrash says
I’ve thought about it, and I wish you could donate “on behalf” of someone, to show that it was their terrible actions that resulted in you putting money towards a cause to oppose them.
Without that though, I certainly don’t want to contribute to anyone’s continued harrassment, and I don’t want to give these terrible people more rhetorical ammunition.
Improbable Joe, bearer of the Official SpokesGuitar says
That was fast!
Good job everyone… and a thumb in the eye to the libertarian contingent. The free market has spoken!
pneumo says
I guess it bears repeating that the target is a bare minimum.
Corvus Whiteneck says
I think the community was primed to leap into action due to the past week’s events, but this is still pretty damned impressive. $30K in about 6 hours? 500+ contributers? And more to come.
I hope people keep spreading the word, and Karen gets enough support not just to start a proper legal defense, but to see through whatever legal course of action she thinks is right w/o being constrained by pecuniary concerns.
Steve P says
Well damn me, in the time it took me to get home it went from 19 to 29k. Slung in a bit for company.
Isaac says
Despite the fact that the goal had already been reached, I donated $3 (my paypal balance) since this is something I definitely support.
WMDKitty -- Survivor says
I put in $4.00. It’s a pathetic amount, I know, but it’s what I had.
Steve P says
Lucky it was payday really. Good timing that.
HumanisticJones says
*watching the goal amount get funded in the course of my workday*
We neutronized it! A complete protonic reversal!
MrFancyPants says
Just added my share. Looks like it’s now crossed over the initial $30K and still going strong.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Dang, finally got home and donated, but already at the goal. Given the situation, some extra won’t hurt.
Not bad in 6 hours since the Horde sign went up.
morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor says
I’m wondering if this event will get any mainstream media attention. And if so, of what flavor. Let’s hope it is not Faux News.
annie55 says
Know you guys hate the “what ifs”…but I have this fantasy that Radford will be so taken aback by the outpouring of financial support for Dr Stollznow…that he slinks away, and all donations go the help the victims of sexual assault in Colorado.
A girl can dream.
Giliell, professional cynic -Ilk- says
I t just occurred to me: Radford makes his employer look like a most incompetent ass.
I mean, they spent 40k to investigate Dr. Stollznow’s claims, found them credible and sanctioned him.
Following his story they were all totally fooled. Not that good for a skeptical organisation, right?
hjhornbeck says
I just spotted this in the comment section:
morgan ?! epitheting a metaphor says
I’m also curious about the caliber Radford’s legal representation. It seems to this ignorant observer
that his case must be pretty flimsy. All speculation, though.
pneumo says
In fairness, his employer also this themselves.
Dana Hunter says
This is fantastic. I’ve been hoping Karen could fight back, and it’s great to see this community rallying so fast and thoroughly. Ya’ll make me incredibly happy to be in this particular part of it.
I hope certain unsavory elements who call themselves skeptics are having sobering realizations about now.
Ray, rude-ass yankee says
Got my little bit in. Hope between all of us it will be enough.
pneumo says
I wish there was somewhere I could place a bet on this being called a witch-hunt by those unsavory elements, but then again with those odds I’d not even get my money back.
Jeremy Shaffer says
I just got home and donated. I’m happy to see it over the goal, even before I threw my lot in, but I can’t say I’m surprised.
robertwilson says
I will still donate (and as others have I encourage eanyone who is still thinking about it to donate even though the goal was reached) but what an impressive and positive statement. To all those who make this movement and community a positive place, this is inspiring.
kellym says
I added my CFI and American Atheists membership dues together, which I will not be sending in this year, doubled it, and donated that amount to Dr. Stollznow’s legal defense fund. If the leadership of either organization decides to stop supporting harassers, then I will consider rejoining – maybe next year.
Hank_Says says
Can I just say:
Wow, holy fuck. $31,923.00 !!! What did that take – half a day?
Bloody outstanding work everybody.
Suck it, haters.
Ibis3, Let's burn some bridges says
Under 6 hours. Can we double the target by midnight, Karen’s time? I just figured out that I can manage things to donate more than my original $30 contribution…
Hank_Says says
81, Al Dente:
Perhaps more donors would like to do something similar. Sometimes, all excellent intentions & public works aside, organisations hear money talking louder than anything else.
Hopefully this jaw-dropping support for Stollznow will give CFI (and other orgs who may be facing similar situations, *cough*JREF*cough*) pause to consider how they treat their employees and what their priorities are (or perhaps should be).
carlie says
I just want to say that I am bookmarking this page, and will be returning to it whenever I feel my faith in humanity diminishing. You are all amazing, and everyone else who has donated but not commented is amazing, and everyone who can’t donate monetarily but is spreading the word and providing emotional support is amazing.
Rumtopf says
Everyone is amazing, it was so uplifting to read through this thread and see how quickly the target was reached. I’m currently not in a position to donate but once rent is secured I’ll be chipping in, especially reading that 30k probably won’t be enough if things progress. If it goes to Colorado’s sexual assault victims, it’s all good. Thank you Karen and thank you Horde <3
Ray, rude-ass yankee says
I’m with several others, in that, if more is needed send up the cephalopod signal and I will do what more I can.
Great work so far everyone! I haven’t looked around and wouldn’t know where to start, but is this getting wide publicity through the skeptoshere?
Al Dente says
I just clicked refresh to see what the current total is and part of the gif was in German.
Corvus Whiteneck says
I wonder how much money it would take being raised in the 15 day IGG period for CFI to rethink how dismissive they are about people who criticize who they employ, how they behave, what they write/say. At some point even the prospect of alienating a subset of current donors/supporters would be swamped by the pool of currently off-put potential members/donors. [this of course assumes it is possible for *any* amt of money to out-weigh bro-ness in their case]
A quick googling led me to their recent tax forms. Last year CFI had revenue of $4.5M, with just under $2M being “contributions and grants” and $2.5M being “other revenue.” If I understand those labels correctly, Karen’s IGG raised 1.5% of CFI’s annual donations in 6 hrs. Though the IGG donation rate will surely slow down, it seems getting to 100K in the 15-day window is in the realm of possibility. Would that get CFI’s attention, an ex-employee’s defamation defense fund matching 5% of their annual donations in 2 weeks, from 1000s of individual donors?
Probably not, but there’s the rub. It would indicate that there *is* something they are more interested in than growing their total member list and donation funds (& and it isn’t skepticism, inquiry, science, humanism, or freethought; don’t make me laugh).
grantly says
Contributed. This shit’s gotta stop.
That is all.
Markus Schäfer says
100$ from Germany. Maybe my contribution screwed up Al Dente’s gif :-)
LykeX says
Mine was in Spanish (I think) earlier. I’m not sure why.
Jacob Schmidt says
I wonder if any of that is admissible in court.
kittehserf says
annie55 says
You mean…subpeona the CFI investigation documents? Radford must be convinced those documents could not be released, as he is pursuing the defamation case.
HappyNat says
I chipped in a little bit (total is now over $33k), will be back with more after payday. It’s heartening to see the numbers of people standing up against a bully.
leftwingfox says
Woo_Monster, Sniffer of Starfarts says
I am sad that I am not able to donate, but everyone who has totally rulez!!!
Also Karen, she rules too of course. I am so happy to see so much support for her.
*page bookmarked*
eigenperson says
Dr. Stollznow, please make sure you get a good lawyer. This is important.
annie55 says
Woo…I will split my donation, and donate in your name, too!
I cannot tear myself away from this. Dr Stollznow has been dealing with this shit for too long, and my own sense is that Radford is a man obsessed with a remarkable woman he cannot have…IOW…sociopathic. One way or another, he will have her time and attention. It must stop, and I’m thinking that if we build a large enough war chest…it will.
badweasel says
Donated what I could.
Mister Snuggles, Dispenser of Hugs and Cuddly Justice says
I’m not rolling in cash, but I donated $100.
Let’s get that voice up to a roar, shall we?
hockeymonkey says
Chipped in a few $. Not much, but even a little donation sends a message of support!
Kaessa says
Another lurker here. Donated my little bit. Not much, but every little bit counts.
Cinzia La Strega says
It’s been fun to watch, throughout the afternoon, the fund rise. It’s pushing $35,000 now. And curiously empowering too.
bargearse says
Donated what I could, after payday I’ll kick in a little more. It’s over $35K now
Anne D says
Donated what we could. I’ll see if we can pitch in a bit more next week.
Tony! The Fucking Queer Shoop! says
I’ve been at work for the last 7 hours. I just logged in and holy fuck! I am so glad the $30K was raised so quickly. I can only imagine how Dr Stollznow and her husband feel with this outpouring of support. Great job everyone.
SC (Salty Current), OM says
Amazing. I suspected it would have reached the target by the time I was able to add my little bit, but I didn’t think the target would already have been surpassed by several thousand dollars.
I’m reading Radford’s “I look forward to this matter being resolved through the courts” with a whole new attitude.
Hekuni Cat, MQG says
Donated. I’m happy to help. The total is nearly $37,000 right now.
rq says
Over $38 000, wow!
Goodbye Enemy Janine says
Mayhew is making the claim that because a donation was made in her name, only sleazebags are supporting Stollznow.
Must be nice to be the center of the fucking universe.
pneumo says
Hey Mayhew:
EVEN sleazebags have enough common decency to support Dr. Stollznow.
But you won’t? Think on it.
Goodbye Enemy Janine says
Midnightblue is a fine example of the type of liar who supports Ben Radford. In an other thread that blue has slymed, the lying troll claims not to be on any side while using the same old tired buzz word.
Seven of Mine, formerly piegasm says
This troll though. Such insight. Such scathing wit. However shall we pick up the pieces of our shattered delusions?
Seven of Mine, formerly piegasm says
Stefunny. I think I sprained my eyes.
rorschach says
At least you don’t live in Australia, people. Over here, our government is the trolls.
Good thing we know all we need to know about Mayhew already.
Holms says
You’re just a slymepit reader who trolls FTB comment threads with hostility and slymepit memes. No affiliation at all!
DanDare says
Much of my spare “useful for society” cash has gone into support for things in Oz like Ron Williams 1st and now 2nd tilt at chaplains in public schools. However the sexual harassment thing is just too important to ignore. I’ve been following the various tales and its just shocking. So I scraped what was left from the bottom of my account and donated $20 despite donations being well past the $30k goal.
Seven of Mine, formerly piegasm says
If the shoe fits, etc.
pneumo says
Standing up is less impressive when you are skulking in a corner.
Giliell, professional cynic -Ilk- says
Remember how we’re just a radical minority who wants to hijack their movement?*
We’re Legion.
*Dudes, I’m on a different continent, I don’t give a fuck about your movement as such
rq says
Hahahahaaaaa, so someone donates in Mayhew’s name; Mayhew insists only sleazebags are donating; so now everyone sees Mayhew’s name on the sleazebag list. She could have spun it the other way, easily…
thetalkingstove says
Donated. Over $39k now, fantastic.
It’d be great if Radford realised he was just making a complete fool of himself and dropped his case. Then all that money could go to charity rather than lawyers.
I won’t hold my breath.
Actually, the adjectives most applied to Mayhew are ‘self-obsessed’, ‘vapid’ and ‘petty’.
Jacob Schmidt says
Its not like the TED fellow comports herself with anything resembling respectability.
Anri says
midnightblue @ 211:
No, not all of them are misogynistic rape apologists. Just some of them.
The rest of them are just the folks willing to publicly ally with misogynistic rape apologists.
…which one are you, again?
Louis says
Skipping from Ashley Miller’s #23 quickly to post this, I’m reading the thread as I inject my patented wake up cocktail of caffeine, atropine, cocaine and adrenaline into my eyeball*, so apologises if in the ~200 comments following #23 this point has been made:
I really think this is relevant and important.
I am certainly never going to claim that misogyny is not a huge societal problem, I think it is one that has its tendrils insidiously extending into (I would argue) all aspects of society to some degree. I’m also not going to argue that the “sceptical community” or “atheist community”, whatever they are, are relatively free of this crap, or that sexual harassment and misogyny within these communities is not a Real Life Meatspace™ problem. They are a problem. Demonstrably so. One instance is a problem, and there’s a lot more than one instance going on.
I would argue that there is evidence that the perception of the problem of misogyny/harassment etc and the “noise from the misogynists/harassers etc” is somehow amplified by the environment in which it is generally conducted in this instance, i.e. the online environment. N.B. That doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s serious (I do think it’s serious), that doesn’t mean I think we should fight it any less vehemently and vociferously (if anything I think existing excellent efforts should be redoubled, let’s really push home the advantage), and that doesn’t mean I think “we” (the anti misogyny/harassment/pro-feminism “lobby”) have won, I’m not that complacent. But I do think that the shape and size of the problem is not well represented overall by the online “noise” of the misogynists etc. Again, I’m not saying that this is the only measure of the problem, far from it, but I do think it’s one measure that’s easy to get really pissed off about, and perhaps there is room for some conservative optimism.
The response to Dr Stollznow’s request is superb. Really overwhelmingly good. The point that Michael Shermer’s request for legal funds made a fraction of this in many multiples of the time available is a really good data point (there are others) that the sound and fury from misogynists, harassers and their apologists, whilst not in any way signifying nothing (sadly), does signify a bit less than perhaps some of us (myself included) occasionally feel is the extent of the opposition.
I’m put in mind of this quote:
Mahatma Gandhi
Like I said, I don’t think this is reason for any less vigilance, or any change in tactic, or complacency, or “downgrading” of this extensive problem. I do think this is cause for a shy smile. A little fist pump. A cautious note of optimism. I genuinely think that, whilst “we” have not “won” (whatever that would look like) and likely cannot ever “win” given the nature of the problem of misogyny etc, we are, however “winning“. (Not necessarily in the Charlie Sheen sense!)
For example, online, the same characters keep coming up over and over and over again. It is generally a small number of people representing misogynists etc at the vehement level. Granted, there are MANY more out there, and MANY more clueless gits (Hello! I was…probably still am to some degree…one of them) with unexamined privilege and tin ears on these subjects infesting the world, but again, I think the size of the cohort of really unpleasant, vocal misogynists is comparatively small and the size of the cohort of vocal anti-misogynists/pro-feminists etc is comparatively large. Little victories like the speed and size of Dr Stollznow’s legal fund kinda give it away.
So I’m going to permit myself that cautious optimism for an hour or two. Bask a little in the fact that there are good folks out there, and that it looks like there are MORE pro-feminism folks out there than the frothing fuckwits that fulminate furiously about “FEEMALEZ” and their poor, poor hurt wickle Man FeeFees™ (IMPORTANT!).
*Okay, so slight exaggeration. But given the size of the coffee in front of me, not by much. ;-)
pneumo says
I feel like the size of the misogynist cohort is small but the impact disproportionately large.
Louis says
Pneumo, #217,
I definitely agree. Their impact really is disproportionately large and, in my opinion (something in this case I think is affected by my relative privilege), particularly disproportionately large online. I’m thinking (anecdotally of course) of the number of women I have seen comment at various places to the effect of “If I could attend ScepticoAtheist Event X I now will not because of the heavily reinforced perception that I will be a prey item for a series of clueless, sexist harassing arseholes. Or at the very least that I will be tacitly supporting such people and their apologists by putting money in the coffers of people/organisations who turn a blind eye to these problems.”.
I don’t think, as I said, noting the size of the misogynist cohort is small (if, sadly, disproportionately large in impact) is cause for anything but (perhaps temporary) cautious optimism. I suppose my comment is really that there are also reasons to be hopeful (as others have noted) as well as reasons to mourn the disproportionate impact.
Friendly says
Donated. Almost to $40K now. Good work, folks!
UnknownEric the Apostate says
I think that’s largely because many of them are among the so-called “leading lights” of the movement. They’re the big fish of their relatively small pond. So even many of those who disagree with/dislike them feel like they’re forced to play nice and work with them. Maybe now that it’s becoming clear that there is a pretty damned large contingent of people sick of their shit, that will start to change.
Onamission5 says
Over 40K. My heart, it is warmed. Good job everyone and keep it up!
Ibis3, Let's burn some bridges says
Louis: They may be a small number, but their allies and members among the visible “leadership” :
*Richard Dawkins
*DJ Grothe and TAM/JREF
*Ron Lindsay’s speech to Secular Woman2 and subsequent assholishness toward Rebecca
*CFI for doing nothing about Lindsay or Radford (i.e. calling for their resignations)
*Michael Shermer and his “just a guy thing” followed by the disclosure that he’s not just a sexist, but an unrepentant rapist
*Lawrence Krauss
*David Silverman and his support of the forced birth brigade
*Likewise Hemant Mehta
I’m sure there are more, but that’s just off the top of my head. If the sexists and misogynists and predators were just the slymey internet harassers, that would be a problem. But a problem mere numbers might be able to resolve as they would become more and more marginalised over time. This situation though–the power imbalance–is not even as tractable as that.
Numenaster says
I found some more to pitch in the pot. Karen’s IGG update this morning says that 30K was a bare minimum and 50K a reasonable estimate for legal costs: shall we take 50K as today’s goal?
Here’s her entire message.
Louis says
I realise the emphasis of my comments may come off as dismissive, and I’m really trying not to do that, although I probably failed and did it! (Intent: Not Magic! This is NEWS! ;-) ) I’m also talking less about the fact of the problems (which as you note are huge for the very reason that apologists/actual harassers etc occupy “leadership” positions) and more about the perception. For example, it’s easy (especially for me, I confess) to be disheartened and turned off by the internet harassers and usual suspects, and the perception of the problem can (and does I think) get a little distorted by this. No judgement there, it happens. I guess my point with respect to perception is that there really are a number of reasons to celebrate (cautiously) and just to be aware that perception can be at odds from reality. Not just in a negative way, unfortunately Pollyanna-ish or Panglossian perceptions persist too.
I heartily agree that the *real* problem(s), especially the one of the power imbalance/problems of some “leadership” members is enormous. I tend to view it like I view change in scientific fields, sometimes the old guard need to die off (Natural causes! I’m not advocating a literally bloody coup! Natural causes in this case include being replaced for being a sexist prannock, for example) for new ideas to flourish. I think we’re in an upwards tick period of the generally progressive, ratcheting direction of history. I really do think that the pushback against the occasionally sexist/misogynist/harasser/rapist people, protected by their status in any circumstance, is improving. These sorts of gradual changes are more and more going in the right direction. Like I said, that’s no excuse for complacency, it’s the opposite. It shows the methods and nature of the push back are working and so efforts need redoubling. That’s cause for cautious optimism, tempered of course by a realistic appreciation of the facts.
As for the tractability of the problem of “problem leaders”, I think movement is being made. A greater diversity of voices are coming forward and being heard, supported and lauded. As much as I might like some of the people you mention to vanish overnight and sin no more, it’s just not going to happen. What will happen, and I have to accept this to some degree because I don’t like it, is that the frothing, churning, random and foamy nature of the human interactions that support them are changing. Alternatives exist. It’s possible now to set up a conference (well, it always was but…you know) with (to take one example) a list of only women speakers. High profile, high achieving women speakers who will draw good crowds. So that’s what we do. It’s possible to run in parallel, to compete effectively. Organisations like the JREF and CfI did not exist from the dawn of time, they were created by interested individuals. Interested individuals are creating events and organisations that don’t have the values or compromises of the existing organisations. And that too is a point to celebrate. I guess all I’m saying with this is, again, this example is light from darkness. Not all the light, all the darkness isn’t banished, but some measurable amount is. It’s not a crime to celebrate a small victory in an appropriate way. It doesn’t deny the enormity of the other challenges in the way.
Chris J says
The problem is that, while the really virulent misogynistic cohort is small, misogynistic attitudes are still alarmingly numerous. I almost count Richard Dawkins in among the crowd that, for whatever reason, can’t get their head straight on women’s issues but don’t have that malice behind them.
Because the misogynistic crowd’s message plays into the background sexism of our culture, the problem isn’t that their voices are loud but that their voices echo. People hear them and think “yeah, that’s bit extreme, but it feels like there’s a valid point in there somewhere.” It makes the misogynists sound much louder, even if things are slowly getting better (in the long run anyway).
Also holy crap at the fund raising. I donated yesterday, then watched the numbers climb higher with each refresh. I may still be a lurker, but I love you all. :)
Louis says
Chris J,
Cultural echoes. I like that. Consider it thoroughly stolen and claimed as my own! ;-)
(Okay not the last bit. Can I borrow it, please?)
Chris J says
I’d be honored. ^_^ Just know that I’ll be sitting quietly in the background with my hands folded on my lap, thinking, “Yep, that was totally me.”
Louis says
Chris J,
Anne D says
I just got home and read Karen’s message. Wow, I knew there were good atheist-skeptic-humanist types out there, but it’s really, really nice to see them turn out and help.
I’m going to review our household budget next week and see if we can kick in a bit more, just in case of need. One way or another, it’ll go to a good cause.
John Horstman says
@Louis #216: The Tropes Versus Women in Video Games fundraiser demonstrated something similar with respect to gamer circles (and there’s a fair amount of overlap with skeptic/atheist communities), so I’m not surprised. Glad, certainly.
I’m stretched pretty thin throwing all the money I can at trying to save Scarleteen, but I threw in a hundo for this, and I’ll re-assess to see if I can give any more once my tax return clears. Radford is being doubly a douchebag – first with his harassment, then with a SLAPP to silence his target. Even if one is uncertain about the veracity of Stollznow’s statements about being harassed (I’m in the camp of believing her as the default position, especially given CFI’s conclusions when it investigated), Radford has quite ably outed himself as a giant dick in terms of how he’s responded, and that alone makes this a cause worthy of support.
Ibis3, Let's burn some bridges says
I pretty much agree with you, Louis. This wave of support is encouraging and indicative of how progress is being made. And as other commenters have said above, it may even become a catalyst for change at the group/leadership level. So I’ll have a drink and celebrate the victory with you.
Louis says
This agreement lark, it’ll never catch on! ;-)
Let’s drink now, because tomorrow there will be muppets! (In other words I pretty much agree with you too)
Louis says
John Horstman,
Yeah, that’s a good point too. The gamer community certainly gets its share of this issue. And a huge proportion of gamers are girls/women. Hope for the future there too I think.
As for Scarleteen, I didn’t know that it was in danger. Not good. Time to donate there too I think. {Gets out wallet}
Sili says
Meh, nothing will ever change. The wicked shall laugh and the good cry.
Same as it ever was.
Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says
Good luck. I tried…three times…and my Paypal payment information and selections on their donation page simply won’t stick. >.>
DanDare says
ChrisJ “Because the misogynistic crowd’s message plays into the background sexism of our culture, the problem isn’t that their voices are loud but that their voices echo.”
I vote this as no 1 quote of the thread.
ajeffri says
I just chipped in, and you should too!
jodyp says
Hey Sili,
This isn’t the place for nihilism, thank you.
Tony! The Fucking Queer Shoop! says
Louis @216:
Well said my friend. I agree with you.
Hazelwood says
I donated. Radford’s need to post the ‘retraction’ so very quickly, together with his very public posting of the action itself, spoke to me of a man seeking again to control and subjugate, not actually to formally and officially have the record cleared.
LykeX says
43K and still rising. Donations keep trickling in at a steady pace and we can expect a surge after the 1st. 50K is entirely realistic.
Meanwhile, a fundraiser benefiting Radford had been going for at least six days and have reached a grand total of… drumroll, please… $475
Hj Hornbeck says
LykeX @241:
As described elsewhere, that means it was created one day after Radford posted the “retraction” and two days before Stollznow and Baxter publicly denied that retraction, at a time when all of us thought the lawsuit was or might have been settled.
All of us without insider knowledge, that is.
Giliell, professional cynic -Ilk- says
So much about poor Radford acting in good faith, trying his best to avoid this going to court and being set up by evil Stollznow and Baxter.
Public Donor: Barbara Drescher.
And he’s giving out totally cool perks! Looks like he can’t even bribe people into funding him…
PZ Myers says
Do not start comparing Stollznow’s fundraising with Radford’s. This is not about determining who is right by comparing their bank accounts, for one thing, and for another — some of the biggest fucking assholes on the planet are the richest. Do not set the terms of the combat based on who can scratch up the biggest budget.
shoeguy says
There’s a hundred bucks for all the times I saw it happening and didn’t say anything. Yes, atheists feel guilt.
hyperdeath says
It’s definitely slowing down. About $1400 in the past 24 hours. (Assuming the undisclosed amounts were equal to the mean donation.)
PZ, is it possible to have another post on this, to reinvigorate the fund raising?
Donnie says
I would love to harvest the interests of those who donated to Dr. Stollznow’s legal defense fund to annual donnations for a CFI / JREF national organization that we would support …. that has our interest, and vision in mind for skeptical application outside of bigfoot and paranormal. As someone else previously posted, an organization dedicated to removing its skeptical training wheels for real world applications.
Nick Gotts says
One more donation added to the pile.
Bicarbonate is back says
Today and tomorrow are pay-days for a lot of people, I imagine the donations will pick up again. It’s currently at $46,130. It would be great to get $60,000 by Tuesday evening!!
LykeX says
If anybody is aching to be contributor #1,000, this is your chance!
LykeX says
And the window has passed. Somebody grabbed the trophy with a $100 donation. Nice job, whoever you are.