When I rule the universe, there shall be a sacred rule: thou shalt not mingle images of the holy cephalopod with those of the wicked feline, for these are FALSE IDOLS which shall evoke my righteous wrath.


  1. Ogvorbis: Still failing at being human. says

    I agree. That collar does has got to go. If a cat wants to wear a ruffed collar, the Elizabethan ones — the stiff ones — are much more appropriate for a cool cat like that.

  2. Beatrice, an amateur cynic looking for a happy thought says

    It does look a bit creepy. But I think that’s the collar.

  3. Matt G says

    Reginald@4- I first read your post as flying squid sightings, which WOULD have been an omen of… something.

  4. Callinectes says

    It’s clearly a normal octopus wearing the severed head of a kitten. No abomination here.

  5. Athywren says

    Is that from the Nekonomicon?

    It’s horrer kitteh – you can tell because of the villainous, plotting tentacle positioning.

    “An den, horrer kitteh maded da peeples all mad and eaten dem aaaaall up.”
    -1 Cute Damnation, 13:4

  6. Athywren says

    How would that catopus survive? It has a mouth at each end but no anus.

    That is a significant portion of the horrer.

  7. Trebuchet says

    How would that catopus survive? It has a mouth at each end but no anus.

    Like the famed crocogator, that’s why it’s so mean.

  8. ledasmom says

    Matt G @ 9: There is such a thing as the Japanese flying squid, apparently. They fly backwards, up to 30 meters at a time.

  9. Crudely Wrott says

    Al Dente @ 14:

    How would that catopus survive? It has a mouth at each end but no anus.

    As per the old joke about the Tiger/Lion, “That’s what makes it so mean!”

  10. Crudely Wrott says

    Oh. Beaten to launch by the Launcher Hissef, Trebuchet.

    *tips hat in Trebuchet’s general direction, walks off whistling*

  11. poose says

    Where are the gill slits, or does it breathe through its ears?

    If its part mammal, does it have lungs?

  12. poose says

    Mireille Charette

    “Obviously that is Cathulu.”

    Okay, you win 50 internets.

    Makes me wonder what a meow would sound like…

  13. beezlebubby says

    Haha Mirleille, you cracked me up AND pissed me off, because I wanted to make the same joke. I have “late to the dance” envy BIG TIME!

  14. shadow says


    How would that catopus survive? It has a mouth at each end but no anus.

    Elimination via something like owl pellets?