White supremacists are getting a facelift?

At least, that’s what this guy Richard Spencer is claiming that he’s doing, trying to add a little intellectual respectability to a small gang of bigots. From this account of a conference the racists recently had, though, it sounds like the same old crap.

“If you cannot be for your own people, who can you be for?” one young man who gave his name as Helmut Schmidt said as a reason for attending the conference. “The reality is when white people are the minority in this country, it is going to be real bad.”

But really the conference was open to any number of overlapping topics that might attract disaffected white youngsters. Jack Donovan, an anti-feminist writer and “advocate for the resurgence of tribalism and manly virtue,” served up his shtick.

Donovan has argued that feminists are trying to create  “gender-neutral utopias” that will make men into “doughy bonobos and chunky Chaz Bonos playing out their endless manic-depressive melodramas in a big bean-flicking circle of sterility, sickness and desperation.”

“Do black people as a group care what happens to white people as a group? Does a Mexican dad with three babies care about whether some white kid from the burbs gets a summer landscaping job? Of course not,” Donovan said during his presentation, adding later, “You cannot play fair with people who don’t care if you get wiped off the map.”

Turn that last sentence around. Why should anyone play fair with white chauvinists who only care about brown people as nannies and gardners?

One message I got, though, was that the facelift seems to involve adding resentment against independent women to the stew of racial hatred that they usually tap into. It’s always been there, but in this story it’s pretty overt: white women must support the race by bearing lots of white babies.

You can find much more about the unsavory Richard Spencer at the SPLC. He’s currently head of the National Policy Institute, a racist think-tank founded by William Regnery, the far right wing publisher who also publishes a great many books by the Discovery Institute authors like Wells, Wiker, Richards, Gonzalez, Weikart, etc. It’s rather ironic that they love to publish books accusing evolution of being a Nazi plot fomenting Hitlerian ideas of eugenics, while at the same time promoting racial ideas that would have been right at home in Hitler’s government.


  1. Jeremy Shaffer says

    “If you cannot be for your own people, who can you be for?” one young man who gave his name as Helmut Schmidt said as a reason for attending the conference.

    That’s sort of a good question and one that “Helmut” should think a little harder about before attending a conference that was organized for the purpose of dehumanizing so many of his “own people”.

  2. says

    What’s wrong with being a “doughy bonobos?” I would think that would imply that you get to have lots and lots of sex, and isn’t that their definition of what a real man should be?

  3. says

    “If you cannot be for your own people, who can you be for?”

    I am human. Humanity is “my people.” I am for my people: all of them.

    It is quite sad that there are so many who cannot grasp this simple concept.

  4. says

    And if I might somewhat highjack this thread….

    You can find much more about the unsavory Richard Spencer at the SPLC. He’s currently head of the National Policy Institute, a racist think-tank founded by William Regnery….

    Are there any think-tanks or institutes that work to promote a progressive, secular social view, one that emphasizes education and actual science? I’ve been giving some thought to starting something like that, assuming I can find people and backers.

  5. says

    @2: Yes, but only if the man is in control of it — he fucks whom *he* wants, and when and where and how. It’s an expression of power as much as sexuality per se. The matriarchal and pan-sexual society of the bonobos, where sexual contact is about mutual bonding, would be anathema to these people.

  6. says

    From The Salon article:

    During a coffee break, a discussion about whether whites of different ancestry could ever live together in an ethno-state erupted from one of the tables.

    “I don’t think there is any hope of people from old stock German families from the South and the sons of Yankee lawyers from Massachusetts to live together in the same place without a dramatic reshaping of the culture,” Wesley Morganston, a 20-year-old with long brown hair and washed-out black jeans, argued with an older conference attendee.

    Their Noble White State isn’t even built yet, and it’s already begun a process of balkanisation.

  7. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    @Eamon Knight #6:

    The matriarchal and pan-sexual society of the bonobos, where sexual contact is about mutual bonding…

    Comic: SMBC – Bonobo Reserve

  8. Sastra says

    In his book Them: Adventures with Extremists journalist Jon Ronson reports on his experiences hanging out with the Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan, an elderly, grandfatherly sort who mixed his white supremacy with an unexpected claim to value love and tolerance. According to him, the KKK wasn’t about hating black people; it was about being proud of your own race. That’s all. And, in order to rehabilitate the negative public image of the Klan, the Grand Wizard even had a photo taken of himself kissing a black baby.

    Unfortunately, the leader not only misjudged the flexibility of public opinion, he also seriously misjudged the temper of the fresh, passionate young recruits to the KKK. The Grand Wizard was Old School bigot, wistfully longing for the days when you got along great with the colored man who fixed your fence because he knew his place and wasn’t all uppity. It was friendly-like back then. The KKK wasn’t about hate, but harmony.

    The New School KKK were a bunch of angry, hostile skinheads with Nazi tattoos and bad attitudes and as far as they were concerned hating black people was the whole fuckin’ point. They wanted to kick ass, not try to merge into the culture they were rebelling against.

    The photo of the Grand Wizard kissing a black baby didn’t go over well, to put it mildly.

    Deep rifts.

  9. left0ver1under says

    Richard Spencer…of the National Policy Institute, a racist think-tank founded by William Regnery, the far right wing publisher….

    It’s rather ironic that they love to publish books accusing evolution of being a Nazi plot fomenting Hitlerian ideas of eugenics, while at the same time promoting racial ideas that would have been right at home in Hitler’s government.

    “Gott mitt uns” = “I got mine”, the libertarian mantra?

    It certainly seems that way.

  10. Goodbye Enemy Janine says

    At least, that’s what this guy Richard Spencer is claiming that he’s doing, trying to add a little intellectual respectability to a small gang of bigots.

    I guess the standards have fallen since William F Buckley was the face of the intellectual white supremacists.

  11. says

    Not to detract from the seriousness of this issue and the quote, but I almost fell laughing from my chair reading that remark. Can these guys hear themselves, see themselves… On another note, a couple of weeks back, in Leith, ND, at the council meeting, one Mr. Dutton suddenly stood up and went on a bizarre rant replete with epithets, and nazi salutes. Just about the entire hall went silent in shock until a lady, started laughing out real loud. That was all it took for everyone in the room to realize that they do not have to sit there quite while the moron was yelling. The racist was evicted. Laughter is such a beautiful thing, it can cure illness, and get rid of psychopaths.

  12. Moggie says

    “I don’t think there is any hope of people from old stock German families from the South and the sons of Yankee lawyers from Massachusetts to live together in the same place without a dramatic reshaping of the culture,” Wesley Morganston, a 20-year-old with long brown hair and washed-out black jeans, argued with an older conference attendee.

    Shut up, Wesley. Jeez, he’s barely out of school, and he thinks he’s got the world all figured out.

  13. ChasCPeterson says

    I guess this guy is unaware that even the doughiest of bonobos would kick his ass in a fair fight.

  14. Anthony K says

    old stock German families

    This is why it’s important for any restaurateur to rotate their German families on a regular basis. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve sent back a German family that was probably at its’ peak one, two generations ago, but is now hopelessly musty and stale. “Yes, I know you can’t sell it now that you’ve opened it. You shouldn’t be selling it now anyway. Take it off my bill.” By now the conversation is routine.

    The destributors are partially to blame. They sell you on the region and the label, and they don’t care if that top shelf German family just sits there, unsold. They’ve got their money. It’s a big problem in the industry. And people just don’t know.

    Anyway, some of the best families are coming out of Chile, Argentina, SOuth Africa, Australia, and even Canada these days, and often go for very reasonable prices. I encourage my clients not to get hung up on a region or a price range, but to assemble a family list based on families they like and can feel comfortable serving to their customers. It always comes back to the customer experience. People forget that, but it’s really that simple.

  15. madknitter says

    I think he is afraid that people of colour and gay people are going to treat him exactly the same way he has been treating them. And this frightens him, because on some level he knows his supremist are full of it.

  16. texasjim88 says

    I seem to recall that the Klan tried this same “cleaned up white collar racist” schitk under David Duke in the 70s. I didn’t work then either. I dosn’t matter how nice the new apolstry looks if the sofa is still infested with cockroaches.

  17. says

    @14: Young Wesley isn’t entirely wrong, in so far as the South, the North, and sundry other regions in the US, seem to have radically different cultures that really don’t get along well (like: whether or not they tolerate groups like the Klan, however sanitized). Someone’s culture has to give (and in some ways, gradually is). But that’s got nothing to do with ancestry, per se.

  18. dickspringer says

    “I don’t think there is any hope of people from old stock German families from the South and the sons of Yankee lawyers from Massachusetts to live together in the same place without a dramatic reshaping of the culture”


    Meine deutsche Vorgeborene haben in New York und Massachusetts gesiedelt. My British ancestors settled in Virginia. I am a happy amalgam of the two strains.

  19. Rich Woods says

    @dickspringer #27:

    Meine deutsche Vorgeborene haben in New York und Massachusetts gesiedelt. My British ancestors settled in Virginia. I am a happy amalgam of the two strains.

    And if you’d said ‘forbears’ instead of ‘ancestors’, we’d also see just how little the two languages have diverged in 1500 years. Danke!

  20. zmidponk says

    “Do black people as a group care what happens to white people as a group? Does a Mexican dad with three babies care about whether some white kid from the burbs gets a summer landscaping job? Of course not,”

    If that Mexican dad was a white instead, would he then magically start caring whether some random white kid he doesn’t know gets that job or not? I don’t really see why he would, myself, so I fail to see the point of that statement.

  21. coffeehound says

    Does a Mexican dad with three babies care about whether some white kid from the burbs gets a summer landscaping job?

    Should he, if he has 3 kids to provide for? Shouldn’t the question be if the kid cares if he’s taking a job from someone who has larger priorities than his, racist strawman aside?
    And to agree with Daz @ #7, these are the dipshits that will always find a way to alienate and hate others, race is just a pretext;left to their own devices without brown people to hate and they’ll begin to destroy each other over who’s whiter.

  22. robert79 says

    Do left-handed people as a group care what happens to right-handed people as a group? Does a lefty dad with three babies care about whether some righty kid from the burbs gets a writing job? Of course not,” Donovan said during his presentation, adding later, “You cannot play fair with people who don’t care with which hand you wipe your ass.”

  23. kayden says

    So what are White racists like those featured in this post going to do as the number of White Americans continues to dwindle? America is moving along and getting more diverse in so many ways. I guess they’ll have to escape from the minorities/feminists/gays by rushing to Europe, which is still overwhelmingly White. Good luck with that.

    And no, hate cannot get a facelift.

  24. klatu says

    @zmidponk #29

    If that Mexican dad was a white instead, would he then magically start caring whether some random white kid he doesn’t know gets that job or not?

    Well, he should if she wants to be equal! Everyone should care what any given white dude does at any given moment! That’s what equality means!

  25. Ichthyic says

    “advocate for the resurgence of tribalism

    authoritarians lean towards tribalism.


  26. vaiyt says

    Does a Mexican dad with three babies care about whether some white kid from the burbs gets a summer landscaping job?

    Does a white dad with three babies care about whether some white kid from the burbs gets a summer landscaping job?

    Does a Mexican dad with three babies care about whether some other Mexican kid gets a summer landscaping job?

    What a bullshit leading question.

  27. says

    Just who the hell are “my own people”?

    “advocate for the resurgence of tribalism and manly virtue,”

    Maybe we can consult with governments areas of Germany, France, and some other countries about a potential tourist attraction. Give these morons some forest to run around in and be all aryan and tribal and manly and kill each other over stupid shit while tourists can visit and home viewers can subscribe to footage from hidden wireless cameras on pay-per-view. Maybe we can scare up some Roman fascists and other tribes from the Asian steppes for them to play with.

  28. laurentweppe says

    that’s what this guy Richard Spencer is claiming that he’s doing, trying to add a little intellectual respectability to a small gang of bigots

    White supremacists have always been trying to add a veneer of intellectual respectability to their bigotry: that’s what all the racist pseudoscience produced over the years is about, as is their current habbit of using religion as a proxy for race to disguise their repulsive Jim Crowism as a principled secularist stance.

  29. laurentweppe says

    I seem to recall that the Klan tried this same “cleaned up white collar racist” schitk under David Duke in the 70s. I didn’t work then either

    It might work this time: the more the wealth gap grows, the greater the ratio of upper-class-men willing to use armed thugs to keep the plebs in their place becomes; and patricians prefer their thugs capable of behaving well in “good” society

  30. MJP says

    The irony of the “whites will be a minority in 40 years” argument is that this won’t be a problem for us if we manage to create a society where being in a racial minority is not a bad thing. Yet the people raising alarms about this are working for the opposite goal.

  31. ck says

    Do black people as a group care what happens to white people as a group? Does a Mexican dad with three babies care about whether some white kid from the burbs gets a summer landscaping job? Of course not,

    I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they did care about those things. “Shit flows downhill” as they say, and anything impacting those who are relatively well off in society will inevitably fall on those less well off.