I guess it’s topical, but I feel a bit odd to even think about it: I’ve never eaten at a Chick-fil-A anyway, not before I learned they were a business run by a fundagelical homophobe, and especially not now.
Yes (44.6%)
No (55.4%)
They’re what? One of those greasy fried chicken fast food places? I hear that stuff will kill you, too.
Never eaten there, never will.
To this I add:
Never have, mostly because the name was confusingly misspelled. And so were the adverts—not that they ran as many as most fast-food places around here.
Certainly never will now.
What about the gay marriage poll currently running at http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/7354142/Parliament-to-vote-on-gay-marriage-bill ?
Just checked, the nearest franchise is at least 45 minutes away. Makes it hard to drive by and give it the finger.
There is also a gay marriage poll at http://www.odt.co.nz/polls/homepage/218763/should-gay-marriage-be-legalised .
It’s enough to make me glad of my chicken allergy.
Let the intolerant eat there to their heart’s content. Their rapidly clogging heart’s content. The sooner they stop voting the sooner all people will be able to obtain the HUMAN Rights they deserve.
Thanks for posting that.
Same for me. Nearest franchise is 90 miles away.
God damn, chick-fil-a was my favorite fast food restaurant for the longest time, because they have/had the best damn chicken sandwiches. Also, they’re the easiest drive from my house and right along the way going to my college.
But, yeah, gonna have to say no on that poll. Fucking homophobes.
At least there’s a new chicken place here now that’s just as good and probably doesn’t fry its food in hatred.
We ate there a few times before I knew they were fundies, and once (to my shame) recently in SC when it was about the only thing around.
But fuck ’em, if you want to clog your arteries with fried chicken, Popeye’s is the way to go.
One of those 14 Chick-fil-A’s in gay marriage states is just six miles away in Coralville, Iowa. I could give them the finger frequently if I did that sort of thing.
The Redhead agrees with you, and they are nearby. Spicy of course, but greens are no longer a side :(.
I won’t eat there — but it’s a weak gesture, since I don’t think there are any Chick-Fil_A’s in Wisconsin.
This, though, made me laugh:
Say what? A “theologically-based position” is being politicized? Being politicized?? They try to turn their faith-based knowledge of how God wants things done into laws that have to be followed by everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof — and they think the GAY people are dragging theology into the political arena? This is “persecution?”
What a bunch of bird brains.
…Unless you’re referring to the food…
There’s one in Racine. Second closest to where I live, but well away from Madison and Milwaukee.
They don’t serve spinach at Popeye’s? That does it. Colonel Sanders is getting my greasy chicken fast-food dollar from now on.
Voted against them… But as it’s been mentioned before it’s kind of hard to boycot something you’re at a great distance from… To be honest I hadn’t even HEARD of Chic-Fil-A until this fracas began.
I’d heard of Chick-fil-A and also that their food was good, but before I came across any places where I could try for myself I heard that they were run by fundies that closed on Sundays and donated money to anti-gay groups.
So I was already boycotting when this new dust-up happened. Although to be totally fair? Fried chicken is just not my thing, at all, so it’s dubious that I ever would have gone there anyway. But I am *pointedly* not going since I heard of their discriminatory tendencies.
Do you like my Chick-Fil-A?
I do not like your Chick Fil A
They do not like me, ’cause I’m gay.
Would you like it here or there?
I would not like it here or there
I would not like it anywhere
I do not like your Chick Fil A
They do not like me, ’cause I’m gay.
Would you like it on a plate?
Would you like it with Prop 8?
I do not like it on a plate
I do not like it with Prop 8
I do not like it here or there
I do not like it anywhere.
I do not like your Chick Fil A
They do not like me, ’cause I’m gay
Would you like it in a box?
would you like it aired on Fox?
Not in a box
Not aired on Fox
Not on a plate
Not with prop 8
I would not eat it here or there
I would not eat it anywhere.
I do not like this christian sham.
I do not like it, Billy Graham
Haven’t eaten there in like 5-6 years, but haven’t missed it either.
The problem with boycotting things like this is that it has no effect whatsoever for most people. It’s like that time I boycotted Gloria Jeans coffee for them funding exorcism camps – it amounted to little more than joining a facebook group.
Yeah, likewise. Me boycotting chick-fil-a makes no difference at all.
The last time I ate there, one of my friends (who is himself gay) was working there while an undergrad. Once he quit, I never spent another dollar on the place.
On the other hand, I’d be happy to drive over to Racine and have a same sex makeout session in front of the building.
From Forbes:
“Chick-fil-A, the corporate parent, has been sued at least 12 times since 1988 on charges of employment discrimination, according to records in U.S. District Courts. Aziz Latif, a former Chick-fil-A restaurant manager in Houston, sued the company in 2002 after Latif, a Muslim, says he was fired a day after he didn’t participate in a group prayer to Jesus Christ at a company training program in 2000. The suit was settled on undisclosed terms.
The company might face more suits if it didn’t screen potential hires and operators so carefully. Many Chick-fil-A job candidates must endure a yearlong vetting process that includes dozens of interviews. Ty Yokum, the training manager for the chain, sat through 7 interviews and didn’t get the job. He reapplied in 1991 and was subjected to another 17 interviews–the final one lasted five hours–and was hired. Bureon Ledbetter, Chick-fil-A’s general counsel, says the company works hard to select people like Yokum, who “fit.” “We want operators who support the values here,” Ledbetter says.
I’d never heard of it until this all started, and for the longest time read the name as Chick [pause] Filla (rhyming with Godzilla) until I heard clips of people talking about it. Now I really want to try one of their sandwiches to see what everyone’s talking about boycotting. Since I’m unlikely to encounter one in the foreseeable future, my “boycott” is rather meaningless.
Bunch of lying scumbags. I’ve never eaten there, and doubtless never will. When I want fried chicken (which is not often, as I would prefer staying alive for a few more decades), I’ll go to KFC.
out of topic:: context- India
One Christian(a stupid juvenile) stepped on a piece of rock (Hindu icon – Lingam – Lord Shiva) and posted the pic on Facebook ( the photo is currently not there – so this might be fake/real blasphemy – I just don’t feel any difference).
And there is a hunt page up on Facebook, his house vandalized, family on run .
The people who spew out poison on the hunt page all seem very young/educated :( still filled with such pathetic zealot.
The page has been reported by many people, but still is up and running.
My question is –
What should be the atheist/skeptics’ concern in inter-religious malice, especially when it involves young minds?
I’ve only eaten at a Chick-fil-A once, when I was on vacation in Indianapolis. Forget their politics, the fact that I was served a ball of deep-fried MSG instead of chicken was enough to convince me to never bother with them again.
If I want to commit further liver-abuse on myself, I’ll go to Burgerville.
Fuck. God’s homophobia is ruining delicious chicken now?
That’s the last straw. I shall find the Lord of Hosts, and I shall slay him.
Not surprising that they close shop on Sundays. As we’ve been reminded here often enough, the Sunday after-church crowd are the worst tippers and rudest customers around.
I love their food (even though sugar is one of their “seasonings”), but they can take their homophobic, hypocritical (apparently, ‘don’t lie’ is one of the commandments!) selves and shovel it.
Also, Jackson Pearce is my new hero:
This must be the easiest boycott I’ve ever participated in. I’ve never eaten at Chick-fil-A before, there are no Chick-fil-As anywhere near where I live, and I don’t care much for the sort of fast food it serves, so I doubt I would ever visit one, even if I weren’t disgusted by the owner’s views.
I can’t really boycott Chik-Fil-A (that has got to be the all time stupidest name for anything), since we’ve got none here. This entire mess does make me kind of want to spit on Mike Huckabee, though.
My wife says she used to eat there a lot, and loved their sandwiches. But no more.
She was befuddled by my confusion over the name. I honestly thought Chik-Fil-A was a falafel restaurant—chickpeas, fala… —for a long time. I wondered why there was a falafel place in a south Missouri mall ….
I love their waffle fries. I haven’t seen a Chick-fil-a since I moved to Davis though. According to their restaurant locator, there’s a good reason for that. There’s also no Chick-Fil-A anywhere near Berkeley, which I’ll be living in for at least the next two years, so I won’t be eating there anytime soon. Because of the religious fundamentalism in the chain, it looks like I’ll have to learn how to make my own damn waffle fries.
If you need grog or swill for that, let me know. We have some each (special secret recipe) that will let you drive legally home…
Sadly no one else in the family likes spicy food.
But at least we can get all dark meat.
Closest Chick-Fil-A is in Watertown WI for me, about 45 minute drive. Never been there.
adamgordon @2, That was pretty good.
Thank you for that quote, procyon. I’ve been arguing with people on Twitter all day about it.
::golf clap for Logicgate::
Keep fucking that chicken, Dan Cathy.
Desigirl, please take that to The Endless Thread, which is linked in the right-hand sidebar.
I seem to remember a CFA in Southridge Mall in Greendale, WI but it went belly up sometime ago. I never ate there, never will.
Someone educate an ignorant foreigner please:
Why are their products chicken sandwiches and not chicken burgers? Because they look like burgers to me, for the simple fact that sandwiches happen with bread and burgers happen with buns, and they look like buns. Is it something to do with other content? Is it just semantics? These questions shouldn’t bother me so much, but they do.
Burgers = hamburgers. Beef required. Thus everything else on bread is usually a sandwich. That’s how its referred to here anyways.
Sayke, in my experience, “chicken sandwiches” involve chicken, either in patty form or the more elongated “fillet” form, that has been breaded and deep-fried. “Chicken burgers” are unbreaded chicken patties, usually grilled.
JAL, maybe it’s a regional diff. You can buy salmon burgers, veggie burgers, and other non-beef burgers in supermarkets here in the Northeast.
Huh, never heard anyone call them chicken burgers. Where I am and go, those are still called grilled chicken sandwiches.
True. I’m in AZ and nothing but beef is a burger. Of course, just my expedience and I don’t get out much anyways. When I lived in Michigan I only hear of beef referred to as burgers but I was young. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that’s is regional difference.
I have vague little kid flashbulb memories of one in a mall (not even sure which one, now) in Portland, Oregon roughly 25 years ago, but now I see the rampant godlessness of of the PNW has apparently driven them out of Oregon and Washington entirely. Unmissed and unmourned for my part: I hated fried chicken then, and I hadn’t thought about them in pretty much that 25 years, and until hearing of their earlier slightly milder fundashittery a while back, didn’t realize they were still in business. The flashbulb memories involve thinking the waffle fries were just about the best thing in the universe when I had them in front of me roughly age 5, but that’s probably just because I’d never seen a waffle fry before.
And besides, now I know better. Onion rings, particularly with sweet onions, are the most perfect thing in the universe.
(The ontological argument can go screw. God ain’t shit to a Walla Walla onion ring.)
This was posted in one of the other threads somewhere on FTB about this:
How to make your own Chick-Fil-A sandwiches (dubbed, the Chick-Fil-Gay): http://hilahcooking.com/chick-fil-a-copycat/
Looks fairly easy, and good (even if it only tastes almost as good, at least it wont have an aftertaste of bigotry, thus better)
Chicken burgers are made with ground chicken around here. Same goes for turkey burgers and veggie burgers. The important point is that it’s ground *something* in patty form, inna bun.
What I’m mostly comparing them to are the things you can buy at KFC, which are called burgers here, and are basically the same chicken-onna-bun.
But I mean, this is Australia, where a hamburger has beef, but a hamburger with the lot has beef, bacon, tomato, onion, lettuce, beetroot, pineapple, and a fried egg. Regional differences account for a lot.
Sigh. I’m sorry to be a wet blanket, but I must. So many pet peeves in this thread.
1. It’s fascinating that the media has just now figured out Chik Fil A’s agenda. I knew about it 13 years ago when I lived in the South. Their Christian stupidity and support of anti-gay causes has never been a secret.
2. Sigh. Double sigh. MSG is not a poison. Read that again. MSG is not a poison. There is no such thing as an “MSG headache.” Adding MSG to food is not a sign of an inferior product. It’s just a refined form of natural glutamates that stimulate the savory taste.
No, it won’t make you sick. No, it won’t give you cancer. No, you wouldn’t know it was in your food if you were a participant in a blinded trial. That so many people still believe this bullshit is really irksome.
Do your homework:
Yes, I know. It’s New Scientist. No, I don’t have time to dig up all the relevant literature (though I’ve read much of it). But ask yourself why you’ve taken it as an article of faith that MSG is some nasty, harmful “chemical” based on nothing but urban food myth? What evidence have you seen beyond “everyone says it?”
3. You want artery clogging? Fried chicken isn’t your best bet. No diet that includes a lot of fried food is good for you, but the occasional treat is not a nightmare. Do you understand the difference between fat per se and saturated fat?
Fried chicken has a boatload less saturated fat (this is the stuff that actually clogs your arteries) than a comparable hamburger, especially one with cheese.
Sorry, I know I’m being pedantic. But dumb-shit diet truisms piss me off. Most people have no idea what the hell they’re talking about and the level of useful knowledge about actual health risks/benefits even among educated people is abysmal. Most of us basically walk around repeating dumb urban myths. It gets under my (crispy fried) skin.
4. I don’t need to remind you that I’m not defending Chik Fil A, that I hate them, that I’d never spend a dime helping them oppress me, right? You understand that criticizing silly remarks about food is not the same as throwing in with people who want me not to have legal rights, correct?
I made that the other night and it’s PHENOMENALLY good. As you’d expect, since her recipe obeys the rules of good fried chicken:
-soak the meat in a salty acid
-spice the flour breading
-fry at the correct temp. for a thin fillet.
Only thing I disliked was the dumb
“, but you knew that already:) By the way, mine wasn’t. I added Accent to the breading. Mmmm.And if you’ve eaten at my house (as some of you Pharyngulites have) you’ve eaten MSG. Oooga Booga!
Chick-fil-A sandwiches are pretty good but not good enough for me to ever go back and support their crap agenda.
On the other hand, In-And-Out Burger has Christian founders as well (look at the bottom of your soda cup next time you go) and I hope against hope they keep their mouths shut because it would be a true test of my right-thinking fortitude if I was given reason to boycott them…
I used to work on a film crew for a major international televangelist/church in So Cal. They had the Chick-Fil-A guy on several years back. He was pretty braggy about how they support good Christian Family Values (although the thing that stuck most with me was how he bragged that they weren’t open on Sunday, because the values were more important than profit). I had never seen one, though, so I kind of just shoved it to the back of my mind. Guests like that were a dime a dozen.
Also had the joy of seeing Huckabee there, and it couldn’t have been more clear that he was hoping to be nominated for President (as I recall this was lateish 2007).
Chick-Fil-A sandwiches used to be the highlight of mall trips with my mother. Thirty-some years ago.
I became aware of CFA’s “family values” at the same time I heard about their tendency to send cease-and-desist letters to small businesses who use “eat more.” Here in Winter Park, there’s a grocer called Eat More Produce which has caught CFA’s attention. And everyone probably knows about Eat More Kale in Vermont. Because, you know, vegetables totally = chicken.
CFAs are all over the Orlando area like mushrooms after a rain. I’d love it if the one on the UCF main campus would go out of business, but it’s always packed.
Josh @54 – Thank you! You’re full of awesome!
Adding MSG to food is not a sign of an inferior product.
Have to disagree with you on that one point, Josh. It’s like corn syrup – the actual health risks are ludicrously overhyped, but nevertheless it’s most likely being used in manufacturing to disguise an inferior product. Got crap food? Just add sugar, salt, MSG and/or fat to make it more appealing on the cheap.
On your main point: it always amuses me that people never claim to get MSG-headaches from Italian food – even though MSG is present in high quantities in parmesan, mushrooms, tomato paste. Nor does seaweed ever seem to bother them. Ha. Sensitivity, my arse.
Hobby Lobby is another Christian closed-on-Sunday franchise, if you want to keep an eye on them. AFAIK, the only odd thing they do is not use bar codes.
You’re right on that, Alethea. I phrased it poorly. I should have said “necessarily.” Yeah, it’s a cheap shortcut, agreed. My beef is with the universal based-on-nothing belief that MSG is some weird Frankenstein chemical that eats your babies. You’re so right about pointing it out in other foods! Bullshit—not even turtles—all the way down.
You’re hired. I have a list of handsome, swarthy menz I’ll leave on your desk for friendly check-in sales calls next week. They need to be made aware of the opportunity that is Me.
in that case Audley, as a native St. Louisan, might I recommend a St. Paul Sandwich.
Oh no karpad! Either your link or my Kindle is borked.
To ride on Josh’s coattails– if anyone’s ever used Goya products (lord knows I have), they’re also all sorts of full if MSG. Ooga booga!
Never mind, karpad. I Wikipediaed it and OMG WANT.
nah, it’s some kinda borked.
try again
Actually, Chick-Fil-A isn’t greasy, even their waffle-fries. Pretty good food, actually.
I think I still will go there, from time to time, when I’m craving hypocrisy I can stomach, given as how Chick-Fil-A claims to be a Christian-themed restaurant that sells meat products with dairy, despite the fact that the Bible explicitly implies that eating meat with dairy is as abominable as gay marriage.
I fell for the ads and even planned going out of my way to try one (none locally). Just before that trip I learned they were fundienuts – still considered trying, but arrived on Sunday, and oh guess what, they keep the sabbath (wrong day, of course). Then I learned of the homophobic stuff and that ended any desire. My funny T-shirt is now a rag. Lots of corps are strongly connected with particular religion, even worked for one (very large and well known) so sometimes attitudes of top brass can be kept separate from business. But when a fast food place is closed on Sunday CFA has to be an oppressive place.
Would you “still go there” to the lunch counter at a southern restaurant that donated to the Klan? If not, then your conscience should be a little bit troubled about spending your money to support a restaurant chain that donates money to actively suppress my rights.
Why don’t you feel bad about that? Am I not real enough to you? Do you not believe that I suffer when things like Proposition 8 pass? Do you care that your patronage of anti-gay restaurants actively hurts me? Why not?
Ah. I see. When you eat there it’s “ironic.” In a hipster kind of way.
I wish it were ironic when my friend Michael died of cancer last year and his husband of 20 years was legally prevented from taking money out of his bank account to pay for the cremation. That was really ironic. Especially knowing that companies like Chik Fil A helped bankroll the laws that made our suffering possible.
Thank you for your ironic support.
Well, I’m not boycotting Chick-Fil-A either, so there :P
…because they don’t exist in Australia. I am boycotting Gloria Jean’s though, never fear!
The St Paul sandwich sounds kind of interesting, though I could do without the sliced white flannel bread. Maybe a nice crusty Vienna white roll, though.
Ha. Ha.
Chick-fil-A may have pretended to be a teenage girl to defend itself on Facebook.
That’s what the heart doc said to the wife-with-stints. Got diagnosed heart disease? Then no meat, dairy, nuts, oil, and other processed foods. Also reduce the sugar, including fruit. Plant-based all the way. Her lipid numbers have gone from high to low in a year with hardly any Lipitor. No more angina.
Another good issue reason to boycott these places: the meat/dairy dominated agricultural industry is one of the largest producers of greenhouse gases, if not the largest.
Josh @ 70:
I was a bit young to live through the first Great Straight Betrayal (i.e. the first wave of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, where such proud heterosexuals as President Reagan actively suppressed medical research because us Damn Queers deserved whatever happened), but by the time I read Samuel R. Delany’s “The Tale of Plagues and Carnivals” (written during said plague) I was in a position to remember. I may, in my millenial magnanimity, have heteroseuxal friends, but I’ll never really have straight friends.
Although I’m a tad far away to actually in person boycott them, I have told people about this crap CFA is pulling. I’m sure they will spread the word too.
This anti-human crap of theirs has got to stop. They say they don’t care about profit ahead of “values”. I say, let’s put it to the test.
It’s stents.
You’re either full of shit or your wife (oh, I’m sorry, “the” wife) has a crap cardiologist. Because no reputable doctor would give that diet advice dumb-ass. Are you just making shit up as you go along?
–A 36-year-old guy with a stent (note the ‘e’) who’s had a heart attack and understands that ‘no oil’ and ‘no nuts’ is fucking insane
Well, I mean, if you die from the diet, that means the diet worked and you don’t need heart stents anymore. No more heart problems!
JAL, I just hate bullshitters, you know? That didn’t even make sense. “No oil. . .or other processed foods?” That’s just Douchebag Chopra word salad.
Oh, I’m with you. My lame joke is all my brain is capable of coming up with right now unfortunately.
No oil? How does that work anyways?
As another heart attack survivor, I have to agree with Josh. My cardiologist never said a word against nuts. In fact, I am encouraged to have them as a good snack that doesn’t boost blood sugar. My diet is labyrinthine given the combo of heart/diabetes/allergies/lactose intolerance.
I really think that if the advice that chap says the wife got was real, I would have heard of it, myself. And how exactly, do you avoid processed foods? You chomp the leg off some chicken yourself? Does he mean foods that have unhealthy additives?
Oh nevermind. Bullshit x bullshit = bullshit.
The vote is currently running at 77.3% No vs 22.7% Yes.
Homophobia makes for a bad business model. Tough.
Josh, are you aware of the Gloria Jeans boycott? It’s very similar indeed – all about homophobia, especially them giving money to both anti-gay-marriage political groups and “ex-gay” therapy groups. Horrible. Same shit, different name.
I was teasing a little about general internet US-centricity. My local thing is different by name, but not by nature.
I boycott Gloria Jeans too. Simply on the basis that fundamentalist=fuckhead.
Well, given the fact that there is no CFA in my country, I won’t boycott anything, but I hope they go out of business or change their practices as soon as possible. I don’t think we have anything american chains except from Mc Donald and Subway (maybe KFC too, I’m not sure). Not to be a caricature but eating in fast-food chain in France always seemed a bit… sacrilegious! :)
The accusation of persecution from the wingnuts are fantastic though. Aren’t the right-wing loons the firsts advocate of boycotts in the US, for pretty much anything?
I became aware of that during the Iraq War and the whole “Freedom Fries” thing. People went on TV to call for a boycott of french products, meaning wine, cheese and luxury products (holy stereotyping Batman!). A grand total of less than 1% of french exportation. Meanwhile Sodexo, a french company, was catering for the entire US Navy.
Maybe the nutjobs are just protesting about the injustice of informed boycotts?
I’ve lived in the southeast United States since 1988 and have eaten Chik Fil A many times in the past. Their fried chicken is the best I’ve ever had. Their nuggets taste just like chicken, rather than the crap from McDonald’s or Burger King. The breading is what sets their stuff apart from other kinds of fried chicken. They serve waffle fries that are crispy and lightly salted with a pinch of pepper and are fantastic.
The last time I purchased or consumed anything from that place was 2008 when I learned about their anti-gay position.
I refuse to knowingly give my money to a company that doesn’t regard me as a full citizen deserving of the same rights as everyone else all because I liking crossing swords with other guys.
I do, however, still miss their food.
Logicgate @20:
That was 10 different kinds of awesome!
I guess if you don’t memorize every cherry picked line from the Bible, you don’t get hired?
I wonder if Mano Singham would approve of a ‘spit-in’ for Mike…
(note: I have the desire to do that to the man. I would not do that even if I had the chance.)
Oh, and Cracker Barrel is another restaurant I won’t go to. It seems they’ve added a non discrimination policy on sexual orientation, but for so long they were incredibly anti-gay (and racist) that I can’t get the nasty taste of discrimination out of my mouth to support them.
I can attest that Chik-fil-A makes some of the best fast food you can probably get anywhere. That’s not saying much, because it’s still fast-food, but I do miss going there, especially when there are like 3 around my, including right next to work.
I stopped going, and advocate to others to avoid it once I learned about their donations.
There is one very important thing that I think atheists and pro-LBGT rights folks need to step up to the plate with on this issue: The Gov’t shouldn’t deny them permits based on their shitty views.
This is the same kind of discrimination that the gov’t used on atheists or LBGT friendly businesses in the past, so when we have local politicians that are “on our side” on this debate, we should not abuse gov’t power in the same way.
In the idea of intellectual honesty, and standing up for our principles as Americans who value the freedom of speech highly – I really think more vocal members of our community should speak out against this.
If you do, please mention that boycotting them, or encouraging other businesses to do so as well is a wonderful idea. Campuses or industrial parks banning them from their property is awesome stuff, but denying them zoning permits because the owner is an ass is something we should be against.
Will you eat at Chick-fil-A?
Yes (21.8%)
No (78.2%)
Looking good!
I haven’t been to a Chick-Fil-A in about ten years or so, back when I first figured out that they were overtly religious and decided to look into how they spent their money. While I’m glad that people are boycotting now; I, like some others, am curious as to why it’s taken this long for people to notice. It’s not like they were being subtle about it.
Doesn’t affect me since I stopped eating there in the 1990s when I found out they were fundies. And yes, Popeyes is awesome chicken and there’s one about a mile from my house. Church’s Chicken isn’t quite as good, but still leaps and bounds above KFC.
Can someone please follow this link and set rightwingchicagoian “straight” please?
I havent eaten at one of those places in the better part of 25 years and I dont forsee going back anytime soon. Though I am surprised to hear they are now a deep fried chicken place.
Last time I went to one they were grilled chicken exclusively with large open flame grills over which their marinated chicken was cooked, I remember it as being quite good.
So if they are now some col. sanders knockoff, their attitude towards the LGBT community is yet another nail in their coffin preventing me fron eating there.
Any restaurant called “Popeye’s” must have at least one spinach dish.
Atheists should point and laugh! :-)
The alleged bread looks disgusting.
There’s one right near me. It’s also near a Zaxby’s, a Wendy’s, a local healthy food joint that I frequent, and about a dozen other places, both healthy and not.
I gotta admit that the food is good. The best chicken strips of all the chains. The waffle fries are pretty much worth the trip.
Won’t go there anymore.
Sorry, haters. That’s not “discrimination”. That’s “evaluation”.
I thought Popeye’s was a Catholic organization. You know, “Pope Yes Chicken”.
I stopped going to Chick-Fil-A in the ’90s when I discovered they closed on Sundays for religious reasons. At the time, I simply didn’t want to support a company that made such a dramatic show of their religious values. (At least the local store did. They posted a sign explaining the reason behind their closure to the entire mall.) Their behavior since then has only strengthened my position.
And Josh, comment 54 is pure awesome. Thank you.
Okay, I’ve decided that Chik-Fil-A is the exception to my vegetarianism just so I can not eat there in protest. >:(
I think Landover Baptist has discovered this poll:
It really should have been in Comic Sans, with different colors, boldings and underlines and italics as it progresses.
By the way, while “Dodie” may well be a diminutive of “Dorothy”, the name “Dodie Lee” immediately makes me think of the Hebrew of the Song of Songs (Ani l’dodi v’dodi li), which part means “my beloved is mine”, or something like that. Anyway, it made me wonder.
Pffft, you only say that ‘cos you’re not six and a half months pregnant. :p
There are two Chick-fil-A’s around my neighborhood, but I’ve never been tempted. They’re free to be homophobes, and non-bigots are free to boycott them.
“Eat more”
If CFA ever attempts to penetrate Canada, they’re in for a rude surprise: Canada has had for many, many years a candy bar called “Eat More”.
Fried chicken:
Make it this way: flour chicken pieces in a mixture of flour with LOTS of ground black pepper (I said LOTS). Fry in about 1/4″ oil, a few pieces at a time to prevent crowding the pan. As each piece reaches that certain golden look of goodness, transfer it to a rack in a 325-350F oven. Continue cooking the chicken in the oven; this causes a lot of the chicken fat and excess oil to drip off into the catch pan. QED etc.
Low fat diets for heart disease:
Dean Ornish has studied this since he was in med school. His conclusion: to reverse atherosclerosis, you need to reduce the fat content of your diet to below 10% of total calories. (The American Heart Assocation says 30%, but Ornish has demonstrated that that’s not low enough.) The only practical way to do this is to cut meat, eggs, poultry, and fish out of your diet, along with dairy other than skim milk products; avocados, nuts, salad dressings with oil, peanut butter, etc.
Ornish has written a number of books on this approach. [A friend who used to assist at his workshops says that in person he’s an asshole, but no matter.]
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if all gays decided that just right outside CFA would be the perfect place to meet, hold hands, kiss and make out openly. Maybe we should organize a french kissing protest!
I did see any reference to this story.
it appears that one of those fast food joints lied about the withdrawal of the “Muppets” from their stores.
uncle frogy
You Stay Out – a christian forum thread on people being “bigoted” against poor little Chick-fil-A
I’ve been participating and find them quite chewy, but beware – if you want to comment – Tom has a stiff comment policy … no bad words, of course … gotta capitalize “God” … etc etc etc…
And he’s a presuppositionalist. And believes in objective morality, and that homosexuality is “objectively disordered”, the whole basket of christianity’s smug crap.
But it’s more fun that whatever trolls happen to wander in here.
Why would you want a CFA in Chicago when you can go to Harold’s?
David it is ON.
You, me. Knife fight in that warehouse from the Beat It Music Video.
Imagine insulting a Philly Cheesesteak to a guy in an Eagles jersey, or talking bad about deep dish to a guy in a cubs hat.
Actually, I’ve done that second one. Shit is hilarious. like, just call it Pizza-Quiche.
But in my defense, he was a Cubs fan.
I just found that the big boss of Chik said:
The bible never says marriage is only between one man and one woman—there are many instances of multiple wives—so he knows better than God his own self.
And he has such a prideful, arrogant attitude, and the audacity to define what marriage is, what America’s religion is ….
But he prays God’s mercy, so I guess we should all be grateful.
According to this article at Salon there are lots of other fundie run fast-food places like Carl’s Jr. and Dominoes Pizza (I knew about them).
The food sucks. They are all over the place here in TX. However, let’s make sure liberals, progressives, or whomever support their right to do business like everyone else no matter what their political or religious views. Evidently some government officials believe it is their right to block private business from operating if the operators of them don’t view the world in the correct way.
Chick-Fil-A Not Welcome in Chicago
lousy food, guess their little employment questionnaire doesnt extend to the cooks. They let my kid work their and he spent all of his off time breaking all of the commandments except murder, repeatedly.
Never ate there,never will.Like all fast food restaurants,their food has too much sodium in it.I prefer Zankou Chicken in Los Angeles.
Yeah, like when they use zoning regulations to deny business permits to people for having a liberated view of sex and selling paraphernalia appropriate for that world view, per sex shops. Or when they restructure regulations for parking mandates for planned parenthood centers so that they have to spend a fortune on making their building and lot comply with new arbitrary rules, or shutter their doors.
See, on the one hand, I’m inclined to agree, and say “yes, it’s wrong when they do it, and it’s wrong here.”
But on the other, I look realistically at whether or not they are going to ever stop doing those things, or if these tools are going to be removed from the political utility belt by legislature or court ruling, and within the real political world we live in, whether what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Considering that Chik-Fil-A donated extensively to Prop 8, and similar measures intent on determining how people get to live their lives based on their politics/lifestyles, I’m inclined toward the latter. If they didn’t want government used as a hammer against themselves, they really shouldn’t have used it as a hammer against others.
Now there’s commitment to a principle. Since somebody was wrong then you support more wrong. Use it now and get it back in spades. Great. I guess I’m not surprised, but I would have hoped for something better. You better hope you have a big majority that believes like you (oops they don’t), because otherwise you are screwed. Principles be damned.
“what is good for the goose is good for the gander”. Now there’s a progressive attitude.
How about “hoisted by their own petard?”
Not only that there is a big difference. Even though I utterly oppose the regulation of sex businesses or the banning of large sugary drinks, the people doing that are doing it because they believe those practices themselves should be regulated, not because they don’t like the owners. If Bloomberg was trying to punitively punish Pepsi because of the political or religious views of the CEO of Pepsi then he would be doing the same thing. But he is not and neither is the opposition to same sex marriage or anything else by the owners of Chick-Fil-A. It has nothing to do with selling breaded chicken crap, but a punitive act against the ideas of the owners.
You are hypocritical supporting the very thing you claim you oppose. Nice. Figures.
Oh for fuck’s sake… they had my favorite chicken biscuit, too…
Any suggestions for good chicken biscuits in South Florida, preferably the Boca area?
Oh, fercrissakes, Mills. Pull the stick out of your ass. No one is actually going to block a new Chick-fil-A store, deny it permits, impose arbitrary regulations on them not required of other (similar) businesses, or anything.
Even the people who might wish they could do that, to get back at CfA for its financial support of bigotry, are not going to actually try to do any such thing. The ACLU has already made that clear in Chicago, and Bostons’ mayor has specifically stated that his opposition to CfA is only his opinion, not a governmental action about to be implemented. As for people just casually posting in this thread, there’s no possible harm in them expressing their opinion. Even if it’s “wrong”.
There’s absolutely no need for you to jump in hyperventilating here. Relax, it’s covered.
It is not “political or religious views.”
it’s discrimination. They are being punished for discrimination.
And I don’t answer to you, chuckles. No one does. But you have no right to demand ideological purity from anyone. Having legal tools and using them is pragmatism. You can even find the tools to be distasteful, and actively work against their continued viability while using them. Corporate money in politics is a pretty obvious comparison.
I also think some regulation of adult business is reasonable, but that these tools of regulation are abused by a bunch of petty fascists who are more concerned about their own property values than other people’s property rights. But I also know for a fact zoning regulations are not going to disappear just because I don’t like them.
I know nuance is clearly not your strong suit, but you’re doing a very good job of talking me out of any reservations I had regarding the various bans. Congratulations on turning ambivalence into moral certitude through your own pig headedness.
Ok I know what was said but are there any incidents of actual discrimination in hiring or service?
“Moreover, both Moreno and Emanuel are urging the full City Council to deny the company the permits they need to open. ”
At least Glen Greenwald has principles and is willing to call out the political thugs and those who support them.
You are an intellectual infant with your false analogies about sex businesses. It’s a fundamentally different thing than what is happening here. And yet you are accusing me of lack of nuance. This isn’t even nuance.
You are either stupid or a thug. Either way you lose.
Why do trolls always fail to look in the mirror before they make asses of themselves with their own ignorance and hypocrisy? You lost before you started, and are just showing us how bad you and your ideology is.
Oddly enough, some government officials believe it is the government’s place to support anti-discrimination policy.
Go figure.
Let me put it to you this way – if Chick-fil-A had that sort of exhaustive interview process in place to make sure that everyone it hired was while, would you support that? Howabout if they made a big deal about it: “Eat here, no blacks will touch your food, we promise!” Still good with you?
Unless I am very mistaken, only religious institutions are allowed to practice religious discrimination in hiring. Unless Chick-fil-A is claiming to be a church (in which case, they’d best get the hell out of the fast-food business), they’re not allowed to.
The fact that they are disguising it behind a facade of “fits in with the company environment” is bullshit,and they’re finally being publicly called out on that bullshit.
Do you object to that?
IIRC, millsagXXX is a liberturd.
chickin biscuits in boca, bojangles should be there