That’s not ambition, that’s winning the turtle lottery! Whoohoo!
As an aside, it’s also how you fit a square metazoan into a round Maleaen(sp?).
It’s just missing the four tiny elephants…
If I didn’t get the equivalent taxonomy of the apple tree right, I apparently got the turtle species wrong. A quick Google search indicates this is a species of pond slider, not box turtle. At least from this angle it looks much less round than the box kind.
Not to be a dick, but juvenile red eared sliders are decidedly carnivorous. Plus they are anathema to eating above water level. Cute pic for sure, but IMO a fake.
Francisco Bacopasays
Uh, that’s a mostly carnivorous aquatic turtle. Pic is a fake.
Put a baby tortoise there and it might make sense.
You can see bite traces of a human on the apple. It’s a fake, but a cute one.
Stupid apple is just taking up space that could instead be filled with The Cuteness.
Penguins are soooo much more nutritious than apples.
Marcus Hillsays
I’ve got four sliders (same species as the infant pictured, but now 6-8 inches along the shell). As noted by previous posters, their favourite diet is far more protein rich, and they eat from the water. Most people don’t realise quite how aquatic they are – mine have a big fish tank with 30 inches of water and 6 inches of air between the cork platforms and the solar lights, and they spend most of their time swimming. A lot of owners keep them in vivaria with only a puddle of water barely big enough to submerge them, let alone allow them to swim properly, and don’t realise that the cute little thing in the photo above can eventually get to be the size of a small dinner plate. If you’re thinking of getting some, get a big fish tank and swap the lights for daylight vivarium tubes!
If Apple’s lawyers find this, sale of turtles will be banned all over Europe for trademark infringement.
JohnnieCanuck says
Looks like it is evolving towards being a whale.
Glen Davidson says
I like apples.
And the turtle’s as cute as a baby squid.
Glen Davidson
F says
That’s one kewl metazoan, Mary.
Now I want to know how big that apple is.
'Tis Himself, OM says
The turtle wants to grow up big and strong like a Humboldt squid. That’s why it’s eating the apple.
Cupcake says
Love it. Look at that little guy go!
Therrin says
Apple core.
DLC says
. . . and Turtle-god tempted turtle with an apple . . .
christinelaing says
All the way down…
acronymjim says
That’s not ambition, that’s winning the turtle lottery! Whoohoo!
As an aside, it’s also how you fit a square metazoan into a round Maleaen(sp?).
christophburschka says
It’s just missing the four tiny elephants…
acronymjim says
If I didn’t get the equivalent taxonomy of the apple tree right, I apparently got the turtle species wrong. A quick Google search indicates this is a species of pond slider, not box turtle. At least from this angle it looks much less round than the box kind.
Regardless,it’s still a happy, happy herp.
some bastard says
@ Therrin #6
firefly says
Now that’s just cute!
jeffbollbach says
Not to be a dick, but juvenile red eared sliders are decidedly carnivorous. Plus they are anathema to eating above water level. Cute pic for sure, but IMO a fake.
Francisco Bacopa says
Uh, that’s a mostly carnivorous aquatic turtle. Pic is a fake.
Put a baby tortoise there and it might make sense.
pyrion says
You can see bite traces of a human on the apple. It’s a fake, but a cute one.
ButchKitties says
Stupid apple is just taking up space that could instead be filled with The Cuteness.
anuran says
How about this one instead?
anuran says
(Tortoise and strawberry)
ChasCPeterson says
It’s actually a yellow-bellied slider (Trachemys scripta scripta) rather than the red-eared (T. s. elegans), but they won’t eat apples either.
WMDKitty says
Sili says
There you go again, being all fanboi-y.
Penguins are soooo much more nutritious than apples.
Marcus Hill says
I’ve got four sliders (same species as the infant pictured, but now 6-8 inches along the shell). As noted by previous posters, their favourite diet is far more protein rich, and they eat from the water. Most people don’t realise quite how aquatic they are – mine have a big fish tank with 30 inches of water and 6 inches of air between the cork platforms and the solar lights, and they spend most of their time swimming. A lot of owners keep them in vivaria with only a puddle of water barely big enough to submerge them, let alone allow them to swim properly, and don’t realise that the cute little thing in the photo above can eventually get to be the size of a small dinner plate. If you’re thinking of getting some, get a big fish tank and swap the lights for daylight vivarium tubes!
ralfmuschall says
If Apple’s lawyers find this, sale of turtles will be banned all over Europe for trademark infringement.