Dawkins in Seattle

I wish I could make it to this event: the Northwest Free-thought Alliance is having a convention the end of March, and they’ve got Dawkins and Sean Faircloth. And mainly, it’s in my family’s neighborhood. It should be good even if your mother doesn’t live just down the road, so go!


  1. Gregory says

    I’m interested in going, but… their entire website seems to be Flash, and Flash sites use a port that is blocked by my company firewall.

  2. TonyJ says

    I’m interested in going, but… their entire website seems to be Flash, and Flash sites use a port that is blocked by my company firewall.

    It should show if you can disable flash. I looked at the source, and there is a non-flash version.

  3. Azkyroth says

    Given how many worthless pieces of rat shit we get trolling this blog, is hinting about where your mother lives really wise? :/

  4. fastlane says

    I’m so glad I got out of Dumbfuckistan KS, and I’m living in the Puget Sound area now.

    I’m so there.

    I’ll probably get my tickets this weekend if they’re available.

    Unfortunately, I’m in a little apartment until my house in KS sells (which in the current market might be some time late next decade), so I don’t have so much as a couch for anyone to crash on.

  5. says

    I said Seattle, the conference is actually in Renton, and my mother lives somewhere else in the great metropolitan mass that is Sea-Tac. Not much risk.

    I’d ask my mom if any of you could stay with her, but then you’d probably look over the old family album and find way too much blackmail material.

  6. bwe4 says

    Renton is easier than seattle for me since I’d be coming up I-5 from the south. If the weather is nice it would be a motorcycle ride.

  7. Wishful Thinking Rules All says

    tickets (€ 5)were sold out in 10 minutes.

    Bah. Never been to Seattle and would like to go sometime, but I am not going to plan a trip inside the USA far in advance. Even if the Seattle tickets sell out a month from now, I’ll be out of luck, because I won’t figure out my March travel plans ’til Februrary.

  8. canadianchick says

    Aw, I was hoping you’d be there again this year – I enjoyed hanging out with you and Hemant in Portland I was even going to bring more cupcakes with improved cephalopods…


  9. gillt says

    There is a Jon Peters giving a talk on the genome and evolution on Saturday, but I’ve never heard of him before. Is he prominent in the field?

    Has anyone heard of him?