Mary sends her apologies — she’s been almost as tardy in getting the Mollies done every month as I was. She’s not used to this bloggy stuff where the howling mob expects something every day, and she is struggling with even the monthly obligation. But she has come through with the Molly for July, and it goes to…
Brother Ogvorbis!
Hand out the congratulations, and cast your mind back to distant days of yesteryear, leaving a comment about who deserves the award for August.
Congratulations, Father O!
Thank you. I feel honoured. And wonder about the snanity of Pharyngulistas.
Congrats, Ogvorbis!
Jafafahots, who has been ignored much too long and always has sharp, insightful comments.
A. Noyd, who writes with clarity, incisiveness and patience.
Louis, who goes above and beyond when communicating with peoples and always provides amusement.
Amphiox, who has also been ignored much too long and does stellar work in many areas of commenting. Always clear and educational.
*Yeah, it’s a lot and I’m not digging about for examples from August. Yeesh.
Our snanity is every bit as sniny as yours.
The Spriit of Tpyos is storng in me.
I second Lewis.
Brother/Father Ogvorbis!
I’ll do another vote for Jafafahots.
And, damni! that’s Louis, not Lewis. And I am totally sobre.
Brother O has since become Father O, and may yet become Grandfather O (what, you think I have an axe to grind? No — the Ship of Theseus has long since sailed).
But yeah, most worthy etc., is Ogvorbis.
Noms, eh?
Well, I have two for August: Dianne and Bernard Bumner; I’ve noticed them for a while*, and both feature in this thread.
* I notice those in whose comments I can’t find a decent basis for disputation.
(The rest of you, you’ll just have to be patient)
Both seconded.
Congratulations to Ogvorbis. Make sure to were your ten gallon hat to the orgy, as it will impress the Pullet Patrol
For this month Amphiox, who has done a couple of Yeoman’s jobs on the other blog refuting S***** and t******, two folks, who if they rubs their heads together, might make a quarter wit.
Heh. I just noticed the axe being maintained (cf. #5:#7).
August? We had an August this year? I suppose we did, it was just so long ago that I have trouble remembering back that far. There are rocks made after August.
Congratulations to Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis for finally making it to the big time.
I’ll join Caine and Nerd in voting for Amphiox. His yeoman work in refuting NDEs and other spiritualist nonsense is worthy of recognition.
“yesteryear”? U Jewish, PZ?
Anyway, amphiox.
Congratulations Brother Ogvorbis. May your wisdom bless us often.
Congrats! All is well in the Ogvorbiverse now that it has been OMnified. Praise Tpyos.
It’s been a long time since August, and there are always too many great commenters anyway, so I’ll second Caine’s votes at #3.
August? Wasn’t that the height of Elevatorgate? Or was that early September? I can barely remember breakfast and we need to remember back to August?
(Oh, and ‘grats, Oggie!)
Nope. That was July. And August, September and October and continuing.
Oh PZ, I think our little friend is back.
Couldn’t you just start your own blog?
See if anyone reads it?
Congratulations Brother Ogvorbis. Your Molly is well deserved.
Truthiness. sea kelp
Don’t you remember? SS does have his own blog. Doesn’t get much attention.
truthinessTruthsiss. sea kelpHe seems to have an obsession with the term alpha. A bowl of Alphabits has better content.
I’ll put my vote in for Amphiox.
On SS’s own blog, does he ban himself when he goes too far?
I like Alpha-Bits.
I even like Fruit Loops.
a month?
faugh. With this new job, I’m so busy I feel like I haven’t read anything in over a month.
Anyway – I spent the evening in San Francisco having sushi with Ron, Joe, Haley, and one of Haley’s BFs. (One of the good ones.)
Fun, but wow did that eat a lot of time. I left my apt at 1:50pm, and I’ve just gotten off caltrain and onto VTA light rail on my way home, and it’s 10:47pm . No idea who I might nom for Molly.
Okay, add Dianne to my overly long list of noms. I have a crush on her communications skills, to wit:
From here.
Hey, you created it.
Once we get past the year mark or so, I tend to pretty much forget everyone. But I’ve voted amphiox the last few times now, so no sense changing that horse midstream.
Woohoo Brother/Father Ogvorbis!
And I’ll throw in a vote for Alethea H. Claw for August.
And a very belated congrats and a glass of the bubbly to Classical Cipher! (I think that was before I made the move to Freethought Blogs.)
Yes…after the
mobHorde howled for it. ;pI also vote for Dianne
Congrats Father Ogvorbis, a well deserved mollification for you.
As for nominations, call me unoriginal, but I will plump for Amphiox, Dianne and Louis. I enjoy their comments, and they have done sterling work in the trenches of several threads infested with various shades of moron.
And speaking of morons, is Truthsiss a new chew toy, or simply a morph of an older troll?
It’s Slanted Science/MonkeyGenes/Pollution/JazzHands/One lone sperm/PaulG and others.
Caine, Fleur du Mal @ 37;
That’s quite the rogue’s gallery of trolls, and they were all morphs of the same person? That is some serious obsessive behaviour right there.
It does put a new spin on the post @ 19 – what kind of egomaniac creates a new nym for the purpose of nominating themselves, posting misogynist inanity under a different alias, for a Molly?
Is this a bid for entry into the sockpuppeting world championship?
Gregory, once upon a time, SS barged into TET, accused all of us of being fat virgins who weren’t true scientists, yada, yada, yada and was eventually banned. Ever since then, he just hasn’t been able to stay away. His latest incarnation (PaulG) was just banned the other day and he didn’t waste any time showing back up. He’s giving Pilty a run for the money.
Caine, Fleur du Mal @ 39;
I find it hilarious that SS links these things in his mind. Body morphology and sexual activity have zero bearing on one’s scientific credentials, but I suppose that such rants help to maintain his delusions of adequacy.
You think that he would eventually take the hint, but no. Apparently, we are all in desperate need of the ‘wisdom’ offered by this cretin. PZ’s prediction that PaulG would pop up again under a new alias was right on the money.
It’s almost like our beneficient tentacled overlord is psychic (que Twilight Zone theme music). Well, apart from the whole predictability of the behaviour of obsessive compulsives, that is…
Well, at least he isn’t ranting on about the literal existence of demons… yet.
Conga rats’ ululations, Brother/Father Ogvorbis! The rodents are dancing and uttering war-cries to the tune of your choice :)
Oh, and congratulations, Ogvorbis!
Grats to the Brother/Father. Well deserved. August was a lively month, so it’s hard to choose. Amphiox for long and sterling service.
Og win! Og happy?
My votes this time ’round:
Rey Fox
I only a noobie here, but I have a Strong Opinion so I’ll venture it forth: amphiox. Thousand times amphiox.
Noobie with bad manners to boot.
Congratulations Father Ogvorbis.
Big ups, Brother O!
Congrats Brother/Father/Cousin Ogvorbis!
I’m afraid the months are blurring for me, so I will nominate three names for August that I will also nominate for September (assuming they don’t Molly):
consciousness razor
A. Noyd
I may keep on nominating them, too. What I’ve seen of their posts are always clear, interesting, and informative.
I’ve been nominating A. Noyd for a while now and will keep on doing it.
‘Bout damned time. :P
Congrats, Oggie.
Noms: Amphiox
And Amphiox
And to round out my list: Amphiox
Well! Congratulations to Father Og from VT! I just got back from hanging out with the Fires and the Darkhearts and Josh. It was a lovely time. Three OMs in the same room!
I second Amphiox, Jafafahots, and Louis.
Shouldn’t that be the distant days of yestermonth?
That explains it. That explains how I got enough votes to be OMnified. Apparently, there is a second Ogvorbis (from Vermont) who comments here and xe must be erudite, inspiring, conscious, and who has the ability to spel correctly. An y’all have confused the Vermont Ogvorbis with me, the Pennsylvania Ogvorbis, and thus the votes for the wise one and the votes for me were combined. Much better. Now I no longer have to question the snanity of the horde.
I must find this Father Og from VT. He sounds like a really stand-up guy.
Wow. Xe does stand-up, too? Now I want to meet hir, too.
Are you going for a three-line-‘nym?
Congratulations, Somehow-Related Ogvorbis.
Hmmm….August was a long time ago, so I’m going to recommend Dianne and amphiox, on grounds of general awesomeness.
Congratulations Og. I too shall say Dianne on the grounds of general spiff.
Just using suggestoins from a coupla two-t’ree threads. What’s the record for the longest ‘nym?
Wooo! Yay, Ogvorbis!
I will #th the rec for amphiox, since I have missed so much recently but have always been impressed by xe.
For October:
oniongirl, OM & Muse for awesomeness.
For August: I really don’t read enough anymore …
Sili, ?
Congratulations all-relatives-rolled-into one Ogvorbis
You really deserve it.
Congratulations, Brother Ogvorbis.
Now, I really must start a notepad with a list of Molly worthy people each month; August is far too far off for me to recall.
Yay, he of the ogness I am quite sure our snanity was not at play in this choice.
I am going for Rey Fox, Nightjar, and Amphiox this month. Although the latter two spend more time on the old version than the new as near as I can tell I am assuming the Order of Molly extends across both versions.
Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon:
Are you anti-Auntie?
I do say, though, well and truly done!
Perhaps, Ichthyic!
…and consciousness razor.