Episode CCXLIV: A Norwegian serenade

Since the president of the Norwegian Humanist Association, Åse Kleveland, is also a well-known singer over here, and since she did do a little tune for us at dinner tonight, I thought I’d share.

(Last edition of TET)


  1. Brownian says

    Dear TET:

    I’ve recently come under fire at work for not following idiotic, bureaucratic policies, even though I was one of the people who developed the policies (I figured if policies are gonna be made anyway, I may as well take partial credit for making ’em.)

    How do I make my coworkers aware of the fact that I’m not like them and the rules don’t apply to me?



  2. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies says

    I like!

    I am sooooo glad that GRAVITYMAGNET! has been used today. That thread was too much fun.


    Where does that leave Barbie and Ken?


  3. broboxley OT says

    from the last thread
    cmon folks, everyone knows that Laverne and Shirley were just beards for Lenny and Squiggy

  4. cannabinaceae says

    Dear Brownian:

    Model the desired behavior: denounce your former policies. Say: when the facts change, I change policies. What do you do when the facts change?

    Resume’s current?

  5. says

    Katherine, I’m looking forward to playing Bastion once it hits Steam. I’m about 2/3 of the way through Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet; haven’t played in a while.

  6. madarab says

    Sexual orientation is about a lot more than genitals. It’s about attraction, even if no sexual activity is taking place. Romantic or sexual attraction can happen even if you’ve devoted your life to celibacy or to one woman or man.

  7. Sili says

    How do I make my coworkers aware of the fact that I’m not like them and the rules don’t apply to me?

    Tell them you’re Republan job creator.

  8. Sili says

    Ah …

    I guess I shouldn’t be surprised those are Mormons.

    Brothers even.

    As the Youtube comments said: They’re not gay; just Sweedish.

  9. Brownian says

    Model the desired behavior: denounce your former policies.

    So far, my policy has been to agree that the policies should be followed, and then not follow them anyway.

    It’s less work than arguing.

    Resume’s current?

    If they haven’t fired me by now, they’re not going to anytime soon.

    But I should look for something else. When getting away with willful disobedience is no longer a hobby but becomes the only joy you get from your job, it’s time to find something else. Preferably something with lots of sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.

  10. Mak says

    Sorry for crashing the thread, here, but I couldn’t help it.

    Why must a cohabitating same sex couple be subject to speculation?

    Maybe because cohabiting opposite sex couples are subject to speculation, too?

    Everyone is assumed to be straight until further notice. As was mentioned earlier, no one bats an eye at heterosexual couples or when a boy character crushes on a girl, which happens all the fucking time, but if a character crushes on someone of the same gender, suddenly it’s “sexualizing” and “pushing an agenda”. No one makes a stink when fans assume a character is straight, but they sure do when they assume she’s gay.

    People complain about “sexualizing” SpongeBob when the gay community embraces him, but nobody ever complains when fans pair him up with Sandy.

    Why do the complaints about “sexualizing” characters only come up when homosexuality is involved?

  11. opposablethumbs, que le pouce enragé mette les pouces says

    Portcullised. But:

    I’m not that au fait with the Muppets (apart from loving the immortal Muppet Treasure Island) so I’ve never actually seen Bert and Ernie. But I do think that very young children who aren’t the least bit interested in sex most certainly “get” intimacy and affection – hopefully they see it around them and live it themselves. When we went with daughterSpawn aged 3 or 4 (I forget) to visit a friend of ours who had moved to another city where he was living with his boyfriend, at the end of the evening everybody who was leaving (staying) kissed everybody who was staying (leaving) goodnight, and she solemnly informed us that it was time to kiss and go home to bed, and instructed our friend and his boyfriend to kiss each other and go to their bed (bed singular; besides we’d had the tour of the new flat and there was of course one bedroom and one double-bed). As far as she was concerned, that was just what grownup couples did. This has nothing to do with knowing or having any interest at that age in what grownup couples might do in bed; it was about affection and cuddling (she slept with her soft-toy monkey, we slept with each other).

    So, um, I agree w Josh.

  12. llewelly says

    Katherine Lorraine, Chaton de la Mort | 12 August 2011 at 2:26 pm

    I don’t think it’s up to Sesame Street to tell kids about sexual orientation. It should be up to the parents.

    I can’t agree. I’ve known too many parents who would simply teach their kids anyone with an unusual sexuality was automagically a child molester. That’s a horrible notion that makes it more difficult for children to tell who might be a threat to them, and it’s an awful defamation of many people.

    There is a huge advantage to having a television show teach these things: It is public; it can be criticized more readily, more precisely, and more effectively. What the parents teach, on the other hand, is shielded by the “right” of parents to inflict up on their children whatever horrid fucked up ideology the parents are fucked up with. If the creators of children’s television shows feel they ought to say something about sexuality, they ought to be allowed to do so, if for no other reason than to make those views available for criticism.

    That being said, I am convinced shows like Sesame Street bend over backwards to avoid saying anything about sexuality, other than ingrown het assumptions like “men and women get married and have kids, who knows why or how”. The overwhelming majority of those who think otherwise have been fearmongered into seeing gays under every bed, inside every closet, and behind every bush, and fearmongered into believing all sorts of horrible lies about gays.

  13. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    That whooshing sound you hear is the point escaping you.

  14. Mak says

    I’ve known too many parents who would simply teach their kids anyone with an unusual sexuality was automagically a child molester.


    It’s kind of similar to “We shouldn’t teach kids sex ed in schools, we should leave it to the parents!” Unfortunately, a lot of parents are stupid and bigoted.

  15. Mak says

    That whooshing sound you hear is the point escaping you.

    Not really, no. I’m just smelling some privilege and calling attention to it.

    It’s spelled with a K at the end, by the way. I didn’t misspell my own name.

  16. says

    Maybe because cohabiting opposite sex couples are subject to speculation, too?

    Spouse and I actually had a decent amount of this sort of weirdness when we bought our house and had a male friend rent one of the rooms for a while. It was a 3 bedroom house, and we certainly didn’t need all of them, and it helped us with the mortgage, so it didn’t seems strange to us at all to have a roommate.

    But hoo-boy did we get lots of questions, weird looks, and generally uncomfortableness from people. Having people suddenly wondering if you’re a polyamourous deviant was strange. It was probably also bad because if we were in fact a group of those scary deviants, it’s the wrong kind of relationship anyway, since polyandry is super-duper-not-Mormon.

  17. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies says

    I’m totally with you, but public television is already under so much fire for being, well, public television, that I can’t imagine that PBS would last very long in our current political and social climate is they did introduce a gay couple on Sesame Street.

    Remember the shit fest that happened when the muppet Kami was introduced on the South African Sesame Street? She wasn’t even on the American version, but OMG, an HIV+ character! They must be promoting a “certain lifestyle”!

    *shakes head*

  18. llewelly says

    Brownian | 12 August 2011 at 5:14 pm :

    How do I make my coworkers aware of the fact that I’m not like them and the rules don’t apply to me?

    Become a registered member of the Republican party.

  19. says


    Sexual orientation is about a lot more than genitals. It’s about attraction, even if no sexual activity is taking place.

    No! The hell you say! I mean, wow, gosh, we had no idea! Really.

  20. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Mak (sorry)

    The question was “Why do they feel the need to sexualize them at all? How is it any or your business or pertinent to the respective TV shows?

    And it is Gretchen Carlson on Faux news who first came up with the Sponge Bob is the gheys trying to turn our kids ghey idiocy IIRC.

    She has also decided that sponge bob is trying to promote the “myth” of global warming.

  21. Mak says

    Having people suddenly wondering if you’re a polyamourous deviant was strange.

    Sounds like you got some quality neighbors, there, if they think polyamory is some sort of nasty freaky thing.

    It was probably also bad because if we were in fact a group of those scary deviants, it’s the wrong kind of relationship anyway, since polyandry is super-duper-not-Mormon.

    Wait, they assumed you were Mormon, too?

  22. says

    I’ll tell you what I’d do if I had a million dollars. Two chicks at the same time.

    But seriously, polygamy should be legal.

    Take this case for example:

    1. It’s consenting adults, and they’re not harming others.

    2. At least the dude is living with them and supporting his kids. If he instead traveled all over the country getting women pregnant without marriage and having kids he couldn’t afford to support, that would be perfectly legal but worse.

    3. The criteria in the law which distinguish between the above cases are that he lives with them and calls them his wives. But the courts have held that people have the right to live with whatever consenting adults they please (e.g. it would be legal if he was in the same situation but calling them “tenants” and charging one penny a month). And the first amendment protects his right to call them “wives”.

    4. They’re not even seeking state recognition for their marriage — just the right to be left alone. But I think the government should get the hell out of the business of being the arbiter of personal relationships and not recognize any marriage — though people could still choose to sign an explicit contract specifying the sharing of property and procedures for the dissolution of such an economic union.

  23. Therrin says

    On the pronouncing of punctuation. (potentially NSFW if riotous laughter is frowned upon)

    Brownian, the person that makes the rules has the knowledge of when to appropriately ignore them. Those that aren’t able to distinguish are the reason they (rules) exist. If they have trouble with the concept, tell them that that is the point. Then fire the next one to step out of line.

  24. says

    @Mak, as you’re not a regular, you’ll not know that I’m a resident of the greater Salt Lake City area. So hell, yes, they assumed I was Mormon. I’m Caucasian and married to a man, so automatic assumption.

    And I’m not just talking about my neighbors here. I’m talking about acquaintances, people I work with, some of roommate’s family members, etc.

    Utah is a weird place and Salt Lake is just a slightly less weird place than most of it.

  25. says


    Love the name – I enjoyed that thread far too much.


    I had completely forgotten about the existence of Victor Borge – I hereby thank you.


    I have this problem all the time in day-to-day life; people are just unwilling to accept their evident inferiority. Sadly I have no suggestions, as O do not wish to condescend to your level.

  26. Mak says

    The question was “Why do they feel the need to sexualize them at all? How is it any or your business or pertinent to the respective TV shows?”

    With respect to same-sex couplings, while using same-sexed examples, brought up because people assume some characters are gay. Yet no one complains if an ambiguously-sexual character is assumed to be straight, or paired into a straight relationship. Because everyone is assumed to be straight until further notice (by straight people).

    Sometimes it’s nice to think that maybe those characters you like could be gay just like you. Especially since overtly gay characters are pretty god-damned rare, while straight folks have no shortage of overtly straight characters to identify with.

    And it is Gretchen Carlson on Faux news who first came up with the Sponge Bob is the gheys trying to turn our kids ghey idiocy IIRC.

    “SpongeBob will make you gay!” is a made-up conspiracy theory. Loads of people in the gay community still genuinely embrace SpongeBob. The point being that gay Spongebob = sexualizing, but straight SpongeBob = okay.

  27. Part-Time Insomniac, Zombie Porcupine Nox Arcana Fan says

    You know, growing up, it never occurred to me that Bert and Ernie could be lovers. That came much later in life, although by then I had other things to worry about. It’s never been something that’s bothered me. I knew that in spite of their differences, those two cared about each other. That was what mattered to me the most, I think.

    I didn’t really start noticing that I would wonder if two people living together were lovers until I was a teen. Then life started going to work on me, and at some point, I woke up with a “Well, does it really matter as long as no one’s being hurt?” attitude. Nowadays, I just think, “Huh, nice to see two people who can get along well enough to share a place.”

    Well, this is a little embarrassing. Erm, would anyone happen to have any ideas on paying for college…that doesn’t require your GPA to be high? I….*blushes* mine took a dive in my senior year. Dad dying, my own lack of maturity and all that. Looking back, maybe taking the year off after he died would have been a good idea.

    Anyway, it turns out I just may have a chance to complete my degree, albeit via classes at a local university. No way can I afford to move back to RI and finish it there. I’m in touch with the head of the Languages department – who happens to be the same guy who was in charge when I was a student. (Can I be honest and say it’s a little cringe-inducing when an old professor reveals he seems to recall your name when you know that you’re talking to him about something that should’ve been done with years ago?).

    To make things more complicated, the kindergarten teacher is pregnant. As if the school needed another reason to depend on me. The lady who’s going to fill in while she’s on leave is in her eighties, former teacher, and I just know they’re going to say it’s good for me to be there because I’ll be the on who’s familiar with the kids and it’s better for them to have one person they know in the room. I was hoping to get out of the place before the school year starts; I think I’m pretty much stuck. And I don’t want to be. Dammit.

    Hell of a time for me to find out I could complete my degree, with the economy tanking and all.

    On a different note, I’m really starting to like seltzer water. Flavored and unflavored. I haven’t really wanted soda since I began drinking seltzer more often.

  28. sandiseattle says

    Fair warning: quick stop by just scanned.

    Why does anyone think an HIV+ character, in any African version of Sesame Street, would be a big deal? HIV is a predominately heterosexual disease throughout most of Africa isn’t it?

  29. chigau () says

    ‘Tis #23
    They may not be gay but they sure are married :-)
    How do you feel about polyandry?

  30. says

    Brownian, I’m afraid if you were in any way cooperative with The Man in creating said idiotic bureaucratic policies, I can’t help you in your quest to evade them.

    Indeed, in the standard fashion required of all dead-eyed corporate lackeys*, I believe my role here is now to ensure that cameras and a 24 hour manned monitoring station are installed to ensure that you do follow them. To the letter. Three times hourly. While held underwater by several burly stevedores. And if any of your fellow employees of similar mind ask which way you went, I’m telling them.

    Yes, it’s petty, and it’s bitter, and in its deep, baleful hatred of this pointless, miserable evil for which you have served as midwife, will ultimately only serve to guarantee its continued survival–and indeed growth to ever greater heights of evil…

    … Which is exactly the point, and exactly the way we play Corporation™.

    (*/And no, you can’t have that for a band name. But if it’s any consolation, as much as I want it, I can’t either. Head office patented it in perpetuity the moment I said it, I’m afraid**.)

    (**/Policy, see.)

  31. Mak says

    you’ll not know that I’m a resident of the greater Salt Lake City area.

    Ahhh… That does explain a whole lot. I was getting worried that they were going ‘three people living together > polygamy > Mormonism’ which would’ve been a slightly different can o’ worms.

    And I’m not just talking about my neighbors here. I’m talking about acquaintances, people I work with, some of roommate’s family members, etc.

    Yuuuuck. They’ve lightened up by now, I hope?

  32. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Being that sponge bob is a sponge in a children’s cartoon, I see no reason to assign him a sexual orientation or preference.

    In other words, its projection.

  33. says

    @Mak, it’s not so much that they’ve lightened up but that roommate no longer lives with us, so it must have been innnocent after all. *shrug* The religious climate in Salt Lake isn’t an issue…until it is. There are whole days that go by that I don’t notice or think about the cultural/religious biases that affect how stuff works around here, and then there are days where I just want to light everyone on fire.

  34. MFHeadacse, caffeine fueled , but not enough to avoid misspelling his own name. says

    Brownian, on work rules and policies, simply point out that since the Brownian helped make the policies, when the Brownian does something, it is according to the policies that apply to the Brownian.

    If they were Brownians, the policies that apply to you would also apply to them, but due to their lack of Brownianess, they must stick to those other policies.

    Mak, Sorry about my ‘nym change, couldn’t resist.

  35. llewelly says

    Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies | 12 August 2011 at 5:43 pm :

    I’m totally with you, but public television is already under so much fire for being, well, public television, that I can’t imagine that PBS would last very long in our current political and social climate is they did introduce a gay couple on Sesame Street.

    No matter what they do, I don’t think PBS has many more seasons left before the Republicans manage to manufacture a scandal that cons the Democrats into throwing PBS under the bus. If Sesame Street introduced a gay couple, they’d get shot down for doing something good, rather than for something they didn’t do at all.

    The recent attempts to defund PBS and NPR have already shown that bending over backwards to not offend the right wing is no longer a safe strategy; NPR plays false balance to the benefit of the right all the time, and yet the right still strives to destroy them, and has come close to doing so several times. Servility is not safety.

  36. Moggie says


    Dress flamboyantly. Nothing says “I’m not subject to your petty rules” like a silk-lined cape, for example.

  37. says

    Is anyone going to be watching Terra Nova? All I know of it are the previews I’ve seen on Hulu…not that I need something else to watch on Hulu, given my limited wireless, but it does look intriguing.

  38. Mak says

    Being that sponge bob is a sponge in a children’s cartoon, I see no reason to assign him a sexual orientation or preference.

    Cartoon characters never have orientations? Or is it because of the sponge thing? There’s an awful lot of boys crushing on girls (and vice versa) in cartoons, including gendered anthro-inanimate-object characters, but people rarely bat an eye at that.

    I hear the “it’s a children’s cartoon” thing all the time. It only EVER comes up when gay people are involved.

    In other words, its projection.

    Yes, that’s pretty much what I said.

    The problem is when people suddenly see it as a problem when homosexuality is involved, even though they don’t complain when heterosexuality is involved. ‘Cause projecting heterosexuality onto people is “normal”, yanno.


    Mak, Sorry about my ‘nym change, couldn’t resist.

    Beautiful. :D


    @Mak, it’s not so much that they’ve lightened up but that roommate no longer lives with us, so it must have been innnocent after all. *shrug* The religious climate in Salt Lake isn’t an issue…until it is. There are whole days that go by that I don’t notice or think about the cultural/religious biases that affect how stuff works around here, and then there are days where I just want to light everyone on fire.

    Ahhh. Sorry to hear all that, especially the last bit. Can totally relate, there.

  39. says


    Kind of ironic, usually it’s the squirrels stealing from the bird feeder.

    Aaw, it’s not stealing, I put food out for the squirrels and the birds. And the chipmonks. It’s a feasty time at Chez Caine. At least the Blue Jays haven’t shown up today, the peanuts would be gone like *that*.

  40. chigau () says

    Is your Fringe thing before Monday?
    After Sunday, I’m gone for two weeks.

  41. sandiseattle says

    “a silk-lined cape’

    why did we ever stop wearing capes, they’re so cool. Why is it that no one seems to be able to rock a cape since James Brown?

    love to hear that word. Need more of it in this world.

  42. Patricia, OM says

    WOO-HOO! On our way to the bookstore to pick up The End Of Christianity Naughty M. stopped and bought me…

    A HARLEY!!!!!


  43. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies says


    Servility is not safety.

    And, of course, you are right.

    *sigh* It’s a depressing state of affairs.

  44. llewelly says

    sandiseattle | 12 August 2011 at 6:39 pm :

    why did we ever stop wearing capes, they’re so cool.

    They were phased out in the expectation that jet packs would make them obsolete.

  45. Rey Fox says

    Now, let me sleep.

    Feh. You know what they say about rest and the wicked.

    A HARLEY!!!!!

    A fucking WHA??!

  46. Nerd of Redhead says

    Naughty M. stopped and bought me…

    A HARLEY!!!!!


    What???? I can’t hear you?????

  47. Unpronounceable Yahoomess says

    Brownian: get a consultant in to recommend what you want to do. Ensure the consultant is paid enough that management listen to him/her.

  48. says

    I’ll tell you what I’d do if I had a million dollars. Two chicks at the same time.

    Gotta tell ya, it sounds cool on paper, but chickens do not make good pets.

  49. Patricia, OM says

    Oh come on, this one is much quieter than those old beasts I have out in the garage. The nice thing about it is it’s always been woman owned, and it’s been lowered twice. Can’t wait to get it home!

  50. Patricia, OM says

    If you want them to ever settle down two chicks aren’t enough, you need at least six.

  51. Nerd of Redhead says

    The nice thing about it is it’s always been woman owned, and it’s been lowered twice. Can’t wait to get it home!

    You say *I can’t hear you* it’s appropriately quiet and fits the fair sex?

    *Dang. shakes head, that 85 dB hood noise outside my office is effecting my hearing*

  52. Dhorvath, GravityMagnet says

    I am excited for you. New toys are great. I just thought it a funny juxtaposition with going out book shopping.

  53. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    I understand and completely agree with your point about hetero-normative cartoons.

    The point I am making is that it is inappropriate to project any sexual subtext into a childrens cartoon. I never wondered or cared about Bert and Ernies intimate details as a child.

    As an adult, I consider it inappropriate to speculate about and judge other adults intimate relationships.

    Its just not anybody else’s business.

    Here’s to a world where sexual preference becomes completely unremarkable. Cheers!

  54. Patricia, OM says

    Dhorvath – It was a great suprise, I thought I was just going to get a book. Thanks, I’m excited too.

    *le twirl*

  55. says

    Gotta tell ya, it sounds cool on paper, but chickens do not make good pets.

    No, I hear chicken helps keep pest population down.

    If you want them to ever settle down two chicks aren’t enough, you need at least six.

    But what if those Chick’s given name was Jack?

  56. Patricia, OM says

    That fault would take all the joy out of twirling. Maybe you could try squirrling unstead?

  57. Mak says

    “The point I am making is that it is inappropriate to project any sexual subtext into a childrens cartoon.”

    Why? Children have real-life experience with romantic couples on a regular basis, including their parents and relatives, the friends of such, their teachers, neighbors, etc. It’s hardly inappropriate if it’s a normal part of life and done tastefully, as has been done with overtly heterosexual couples all over the place.

    Many cartoons on, say, Cartoon Network have married, cohabitating parents with biological children. That’s overtly heterosexual. In at least one of them, two of the characters constantly fawn over and attempt to gain the affections of another (opposite-sexed) character. That’s overtly heterosexual.

    Nobody seems to have a problem with that, though. It’s just when the gay couplings come about that there’s a problem, so non-straight kids (and adults) are left with a serious dearth of characters they can relate to. But when they try to make their own, they’re “sexualizing” characters. It’s lose-lose.

    I never wondered or cared about Bert and Ernies intimate details as a child.

    Good for you?

    Here’s to a world where sexual preference becomes completely unremarkable.

    Hear, hear.

  58. Quodlibet says

    I wear a cape, or as I call it, a cloak (sounds more medieval-ish), a nice warm black woolen one with a velvet collar. Dear Husband bought it for me years ago and I love it. I wear it in any cool weather, three seasons.


    Patricia, oh boy, what a wonderful gift! Get a scarlet-lined cape to wear streaming out behind you…!

  59. strange gods before me says

    Miss Piggy’s thing for Kermit is canon, so Muppets do have romance.

  60. Nerd of Redhead says

    Maybe you could try squirrling unstead?

    The Redhead just came in, and implied “feed me”, so off to the local family restaurant. Can’t complain too much, as less than $25 with 25% tip.

  61. Mak says

    I wear a cape, or as I call it, a cloak (sounds more medieval-ish), a nice warm black woolen one with a velvet collar.

    So lucky! *jealousy*

  62. Benjamin "van Driessen" Geiger says

    Aaagh. It seems like every time I talk to anyone at my school, they’re making life harder for me.

    1. In order to maintain an assistantship, I have to keep my GPA above 3.5. Minimum graduation requirement is a 3.0.

    2. Full time status is 9 graduate-level credit hours. My department requires 12 credit hours per semester. (That doesn’t count the courses we teach.) That’s right: four graduate-level courses per semester, plus teaching.

    3. I have to be available to work during semester breaks. That means I have absolutely zero time available to visit family, etc, even over the winter break, unless I petition for an unpaid leave of absence.

    And I can’t afford an apartment. Seriously. I have no idea where I’m going to live.

    Tell me again why I’m putting myself through this?

  63. Francisco Bacopa says

    PBS ran afoul the US Secretary of Education a few years back for having Postcards from Buster drop in on a lesbian family. The episode was pulled from the series run, but my local station did show in a later time lot and I think one or two stations may have shown it in the regular slot.

    It was in no way in your face and would totally whoosh beyond almost every kid


  64. says

    Congrats, Patricia! Have fun! I’m not the Harley type myself, but I am seriously contemplating getting myself an Aprilia for my %0th b’day. Or maybe a Triumph. I need to decide soon, but annoyingly I’m not well enough to go out for test rides. grr argh.

  65. John Morales says


    I need to decide soon, but annoyingly I’m not well enough to go out for test rides. grr argh.

    You can’t even pillion?

  66. says

    I haven’t been to the gay bar (we’ve got a few in the area, but only one is worth going to) in ages. I used to go with my bff, but he moved away to go to law school, so now I’ve no one to go with. :(

    Aw that is sad. This is why love spending time with my lesbian friends. I can always depend on them to take me somewhere fun until they go off to slavery med-school.

  67. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Finally, Francine is back home! She’s got her new clutch in with all the correct parts, her timing adjusted, and her carb re-carbed (or whatever).

    Holy shit-it’s literally like driving a brand-new car. I can actually accelerate that big ass boat in third gear up a hill. Woot!

  68. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Congrats on the Harley, Patricia! Wow, that’s awesome of Naughty M.

  69. Patricia, OM says

    Triumphs are great bikes. They usually run really well. Unlike, ahem, Harley’s…. The economy over here is so awful Naughty got a real sweet deal on the bike.

  70. GenghisFaun says

    Wow! Congrats to Patricia & Josh, our (*ahem* if I may say so) Queens of the road!

  71. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    strange gods wrote:

    Miss Piggy’s thing for Kermit is canon, so Muppets do have romance.

    What about Wayne & Wanda? Were they a couple, or did they just perform together?

  72. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies says


    I can always depend on them to take me somewhere fun until they go off to slavery med-school.

    Stupid friends. Who do they think they are, daring to continue their education when we need our entourage?

  73. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Wow! Congrats to Patricia & Josh, our (*ahem* if I may say so) Queens of the road!

    Ba-dum, ching! :))) But see, I’m super butch cuz I know how to work on carz n stuff. Or maybe not. .

  74. triskelethecat says

    @Patricia: YAY for the new bike. Never owned a Harley but hey, any bike is better than none. And I am madly in love with my Honda NT 700 anyway.

    It really sucks not having access to TET during the workday. I get so far behind I can’t ever catch up. Too much going on in meatspace.

    I may have found an apartment. More than I want to pay, but it DOES have a garage with access to the apartment without going outside. A definite plus in NJ winters! The landlord lives on the first floor and I’d be on the 2nd. Cat can come with me and 3 bedrooms means the POD can be returned and I can use 1 room for storage and save a little that way.

    Dealing with money matters, divorce paper work, and life is nuts enough. So I just HAVE to complicate things be getting into a “relationship” of sorts with a senior officer at work. Tell me again WHY I am doing this?

    Good night sweet TET. I’ll look into you again in the morning.

  75. David Marjanović, OM says

    I did it!

    I just sent off my application for a postdoc position in Zürich – three days before the deadline!!! Woohoo!

    (Admittedly, waiting longer would have been difficult. But not impossible.)

    And then I caught up!!! (With the FtB subthreads, that is.)

    While discussing marriage proposals, one of the speakers talked about how he and his wife decided to get married because they saw how happy their gay friends were as they were finally allowed to get married. It was one of those wonderfully cheering anecdotes that pisses all over homophobes who preach that marriage equality will destroy “traditional marriage.”


    ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

    Good afternoon, peeps! This is crossing over from TET on FB, but Sally Strange popped upon a hilarious meme idea: a Pharyngula Personals in which NONE of us write our own personals.

    Have at it.

    Please explain.


    Collects the
    Hundreds of thousands
    Of pieces of
    Classical Cipher,
    Organizes them,
    Layers them appropriately,
    Assembles them together with a
    Tasty treat added to the


    Please let me give you this internet I just made out of lavender cookies.

    DNS problems, CSS problems… If we get ISS problems and the damned thing falls out of the sky, I’m gonna complain to someone.

    :-) :-) :-)

    Submitted without comment.

    It’s lovely, except for the last panel, which is, well, familiar.

    (…OK, I still haven’t understood what’s supposed to be so great about licking each other’s oral cavity out. But I suppose that’s just me. *shrug*)

    I’ve had no chrome folder in my FF profile and so I created one. After this, I created the userContend.css file and posted Caine’s code into it.



    Final fortition strikes back!

    The one problem I have with it, however, is that many people who are rioting are not doing so for legitimate social/political reasons, but are simply “casseurs” (I don’t know the English equivalent, but it basically means people who join in riots to cause even more trouble, as were seen during the student protests). Small businesses are being destroyed and lives threatened in the process and the police seem to be completely impotent. I understand the causes behind it, but any legitimate claim to discontent that they had is going to be swallowed up by public outrage about the acts of destruction – this is not how things are done in a democracy.

    Once the gangs saw that the police didn’t do anything, they started looting.

    There are many more things that affect weight than chewing.

    Of course. As always, it’s an “all else being equal” study.

    Just to gripe a bit, I’m not liking the posts being dual-posted in both places. I thought one blog would have the science posts, and the other would have the “Everything else” posts. I don’t like two comment sections on the same thing!

    Neither do I. Each thread then lacks comments – and commenters – that the other sorely needs.

    Also, another set of virtual hugs and cups of hot chocolate for whoever needs them.

    Such sincerity, such magnanimity!

    (I sneer at your unwanted offer)

    Why do you sneer instead of simply shutting up?

    I’ve never understood the need some people have to tell everyone “O hai, I’m grumpy today! And did you know I’m grumpy?”.

    I always knew David was an avid masticator.

    You mean because of my attention to detail? :-)

    Rick Perry’s Prayer rally did accomplish something




    New TV network, with Olbermann

    !!! !!! !!!
    !!! !!! !!!
    !!! !!! !!!

    My hope is back :-)

    When an Ikea store opened in London five people ended up being taken to hospital after customers ran riot.


    666i – BMW of the beast

    Day saved. :-)

    One thing I like about FtB over SciBlogs is that using the text search function in Firefox doesn’t overwhelm it.

    HA HA! IE can deal with it! Even with 1000-thread comments! :-Þ



    Sili… the violence fantasies… it’s not just you.


    That’s how it’s pronounced, but the accent isn’t written and wouldn’t be necessary anyway.

    Abbie’s taken to calling me “Salty Cu***nt.”

    So that’s what a descent into madness looks like. Fascinating.

    Double occupancy – SO much easier to deal with before my sex drive got a tune-up.

    You’re scaring me about my future. :-)

    Best of all was when a goldfish (or some common aquarium denizen) was frozen stiff enough to bounce off the table top. The payoff was when the fish was placed back into room temperature water and, after thirty or so seconds, wriggled, shimmied, turned upright and began to swim about.

    Uh… wait, wait, wait. I can’t believe that was an ordinary goldfish. When a living being freezes, ice crystals form in the cells and pierce them, killing it, unless special tricks are involved, like antifreeze proteins and temperatures just below freezing*, or cells full of glucose, pro-freeze proteins outside the cells, and winter temperatures**. Sure, a goldfish dropped in liquid nitrogen would freeze so quickly that lots of very small ice crystals would form, but could they really be small enough, and could the water expand little enough upon freezing, that no damage occurred?

    * Icefishes.
    ** Woodfrog (North America). 2/3 of the animal turn into ice, and every cell survives the winter on its own, in isolation, full of glucose as antifreeze and food. In spring, the frog thaws and walks away.

    I saw that. “Most people are robust. If a man puts his hand on a woman’s bottom, any woman worth her salt can deal with it. It is communication. Can’t we be friendly?”

    “It is communication.”???? What is he, the ass whisperer?

    :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

    ZOMG! If I could nominate you for double Molly, I would. XD

    You can. It’s not forbidden.

    On these sites, some idjit trader will merely voice his opinion and it will be reported as news! No evidence. No analysis. An opinion pulled directly from an alternative orifice is suddenly plastered all over the front page of a prestigious financial website!

    It kind of explains a couple of things:

    1)Why markets are so damned volatile and emotion driven.
    2)Why business/glibertarian types seem to just assume that their unsupported opinion is worth even two stinking turds.

    I feel like fricking Jane Goodall watching the fricking chimps.

    I feel like way too many people treat economics as an art instead of as a science – as if applying the concept of “evidence” to the economy were some kind of fundamental category error.

    I’ll steal “alternative orifice”, though. :-D

    Careful and pain-free *hugs* for onion girl. I’m sorry that you’re having “So Much Fun”; here’s hoping for less “Fun” in your immediate future. Take care of yourself for us, y’hear?


    *cocoa shell tea with rooibos, vanilla, and I forgot what else*

    IRT fanny packs, I wore one for years but in the belly pack position.

    That’s how they’re worn over here. They’re called “ski bananas” because they’re banana-shaped, often yellow, and next to exclusively worn while skiing.

    Greek: noble language of too many words.

    Aren’t most of them just compounds?

    But Copenhagen has plenty of nice skeptics. Almost too many.



    <span lang=”pl”>O Jejku!</span>

    (Baby Jesus in the vocative.)

    Patricia – your situation is way beyond unacceptable. You need to scream, holler, demand and not put up with it. If you have to make a scene right there in the middle of the clinic until a doctor takes you seriously and agrees not to physically torture you with non-anesthesia cervix punching, then do so. Go up the chain if it’s a hospital to the ethics committee. Anything. But do not put up with this.


    It would be so tempting to have all those involved in deciding these standards of “care” undergo the procedures themselves (I’m sure we could come up with an analogous procedure for the male decision-makers who are presumably the majority).

    I came up with one and a half. Then I had to stop, because it was getting too horrifying.

    That story is probably apocryphal, but it’s clear that Christianity evolved as time went on. The cult of the virgin, the saints, etc are all clear examples of things appended onto the “basic” Christianity as time went on. I’ve heard it claimed that the whole sacrificed god thing was from Norse mythology (Baldur and all that) and that before attempting to convert northern Europe Christianity downplayed the sacrifice on the cross thing in favor of emphasis on the charismatic cult of Jesus.

    That was Paul the Apostle who emphasized that Jesus was dead, dead, dead over even the resurrection. The whole “we who are baptized on His name are baptized on His death” thing is his.

    There have of course been cultural influences from everywhere on Christianity, but most of them have stayed in their regions of the world. Germanic god-sacrifice reaching Egypt is not likely.

    I sort of think of Portuguese as Spanish with French grammar.

    Awesome! :-) :-) :-)

    (August 30th is in the school year in the USA? Seriously?)

    yep; classes start on the 22nd

    That at least explains how the semester can end together with the calendar year…

    Besides, I overreacted. The winter semester starts on Oct. 1st in Austria, and the university year starts on Nov. 1st in France, but the (non-tertiary) school year in Austria starts in mid- or early September (depending on the region), and that’s after 9 weeks of summer holidays… the poor Germans only have 6 weeks of summer holidays, so their school year probably starts in August… doesn’t it?


    jealous. I have many Hmong neighbors, and I try really hard to intonate (?) correctly. It amuses them to no end but I just can’t seem to hear the differences.

    That isn’t intonation (and Josh is talking about intonation), it’s tone. In tone languages, every syllable consists of consonant(s), vowel(s) and tone. For instance, in Mandarin, Hàn with an inbuilt exclamation mark are the ethnic Chinese, while Hán with an inbuilt question mark are the ethnic Koreans…

    Hmong has 6 tones, I think. Mandarin has only 4, they differ in contour rather than pitch alone, and they don’t influence each other much. Mandarin is probably the easiest tone language to learn if you don’t already know one.

    Korean lacks tones. Japanese has pitch accent, which means the stressed syllable of a word has one of several tones, and the pitches of the other syllables in the word are predictable. (Only a few Japanese words, sez Wikipedia, do actually differ only by this feature, though.) Several European languages are pitch accent languages: Swedish, Norwegian, some Danish dialects, Lithuanian, Serbocroatian BCSM… Ancient Greek was one, too.

    Could use some shoulders to cry on. An old and dear friend is probably going to die tonight after an 18 month battle with cacer. I am heartbroken


    The Hmong are a ethnic group from Laos.

    (And most or all neighboring countries.)

    If you must die, I recommend bleeding to death.

    Its impossible to be afraid without the proper amount of blood going to your brain.

    Takes way too long, and the wound hurts. How about jumping down somewhere tall?

    In this life who does not favor youth?

    Jezus said that while he was with the youth in the towel.

    *snortle* :-D

    I have lost two of my dear male gay friends to suicide and aids. Damn we used to have so much fun together.


    I’ve lost friendships because I’m not interested in talking all things pregnancy 24/7 and then don’t want to talk all things baybee 24/7, don’t simper all over it and don’t want anything to do with watching it.


    Also, I want to hang out with you all soooo bad.


    Isn’t Enterprise the series everyone loves to hate (next to Voyager)?

    No idea. I do know, though, that some hate TNG…

    IMNSHO, Enterprise is the best yet. Two reasons: first, the unfair advantage of hindsight – all the obvious mistakes have already been made, so people were able to learn from them (or at least make fun of them, see seatbelts); second, it’s from a sane epoch. TOS was all about the bright, shiny future which followed several nookular wars and stuff; Voyager was the backlash to this, where everything is depressingly dark and the technical gadgets fail all the time; Enterprise is sane at last, and has all the fun and fascination of exploration in it.

    I dislike this kind of analysis, which treats punctuation as if it were rests (of varying value) in the music of speech. Puncuation is that, of course, but focusing on that aspect in explanations of usage tends to overwhelm the (IMHO, much more important) role of punctuation in delimiting the logical structure of an utterance.

    Yes – it’s just that I, for one, actually mark the logical structure in intonation. (And this despite German being one of the least musical languages out there.)

    The areas where intonation is variable are the ones where the punctuation rules differ between languages. Bjarne uses the German comma rules; have you noticed?

    Like chocolate; distilled Awesomeness, but no-one (except maybe DDMFM) can actually live on it.


    I’m not capable of eating only sweet stuff all day long. But I’m eating chocolate right now :-)

    (…And no, eating chocolate with too high cocoa/too little sugar content is not an option.)

    Sexual orientation is about a lot more than genitals. It’s about attraction, even if no sexual activity is taking place. Romantic or sexual attraction can happen even if you’ve devoted your life to celibacy or to one woman or man.

    Besides, not even all asexuals are aromantic, and that includes plenty of little children who later grow up to be ordinary sexual beings.

    But seriously, polygamy should be legal.

    Senegal has found an interesting solution. At their first marriage, husband and wife are required by law to state if the marriage is supposed to be mono- or polygamous. If the latter, additional wives* can be added later; if not, not. I don’t know details, but this sounds like informed consent…

    * Obviously, polygyny is traditional there (a man has as many wives as he can afford), and polyandry is not; I don’t know if the law specifies this.

    On the pronouncing of punctuation.

    Thanks, later (…Monday at the earliest).

    Dress flamboyantly. Nothing says “I’m not subject to your petty rules” like a silk-lined cape, for example.


    Yep, when I was watching the 300 it was just for the capes.


  76. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Triskele-will be seeing you soon, with Francine in top form as you commanded!

    Have you considered renting out one of the bedrooms to a roommate?

    Also, you’re really stupid to be dating a guy at work, but you knew that. :))

  77. John Morales says


    Why do you sneer instead of simply shutting up?

    Why should I put up with such treacly pap without comment?

    I’ve never understood the need some people have to tell everyone “O hai, I’m grumpy today! And did you know I’m grumpy?”.

    Flawed inference.

  78. says


    Why should I put up with such treacly pap without comment?

    You don’t have to put up with anything. However, as you are well aware, once it’s out there, anyone and everyone can have an opinion about it.

    It does highlight your assholery, John, and your dislike of all of us lesser humans. If we ever get a killfile for this joint, I suggest you use it.

  79. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Apropos of nothing, ever, I’ve been educating myself about women’s genitalia. Not encountering it very frequently (ever) and all, you know.

    Facts Surprising to SpokesGay:

    1. The anus and vagina (yes, the actual vagina, not just that whole region) are very close together on many women.

    2. The clitoris and vaginal opening are so varied from woman to woman it can be hard to find them.

  80. says


    it can be hard to find them.

    It’s not hard to find them. Really. They’re right there at the top and if one finds themselves lost, the woman will be more than happy to point out where it happens to be. :D

  81. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Caine, I should have been clearer. I meant it can be difficult for a third-party to locate them visually in some cases. :)

  82. says

    John, no. It’s winter, it’s cold, I have respiratory trouble – chest infection, and new adult-onset asthma. My asthma is not responding very well to the usual drugs, so I’ve just switched preventer meds again, and the doc has ordered in a bunch of tests for atypical pneumonias and some other stuff. Cold air is best avoided right now.

    Anyway, the point of a test ride is to see how comfortable it is for *me*. I guess I could go to the shops and just sit on them in the showroom, to get the feel of seat height & riding position.

    As to the muppets, I’m with Josh et al – if muppets can be *married* then you have already given them a sexual orientation. It’s too late to claim that they’re asexual. So, heh, Burt & Ernie being gay is just kinda cute and why not?

    One interesting phenomenon is how this intersects with sexism. So many children’s stories (books, TV etc) have lots of boys and maybe one girl. Smurfette syndrome. Princess Leia. How many girl muppets were there on original Sesame Street? But there’s the Count, and Oscar, and Cookie Monster, and Big Bird, and so on. By default all characters are male; and all animals are male – I’ve even seen cases where not only bees are male but also cows, FFS!

    This makes it very easy to do slash pairings. There are so many options, so many canonical friendships that can be stretched a little bit, and so very few options for hetero pairs. Lulz as patriarchy shoots self in foot!

  83. says


    I meant it can be difficult for a third-party to locate them visually in some cases. :)

    Ooooooh! Okay. :D

    John, I’m aware. However, if you don’t like hearing you’re an asshole because you don’t like the care we show for one another, and consider us lesser beings and don’t want to use a killfile, feel free to shut the fuck up.

  84. Patricia, OM says

    Josh – when you get to the experimenting stage of your study, I’ll loan you my Harley and you can go to a biker camp out. You’ll get to see all the vaginas, in the wild state, that you’ll need to finish your work.

  85. John Morales says

    Josh OSG:

    John, why are you being such a draino douche?

    As well as an asshole?

    I guess I’m just special. :)

  86. consciousness razor says

    my opinion regarding killfile.

    John, I know you like toying with trolls, as do I, but there are limits. Some just aren’t worth my time. It’s not about shielding myself from their stupidity, but about managing how I spend my time. It’s also useful just as a reminder. Once someone’s been dumped, I can scroll past their dribble more quickly, and I don’t have to try to remember every name I’ve come across who’s been irredeemably trollish at some time or another (or it will help me spot them if they’ve changed nyms). Obviously, if the conversation turns around what they’re saying, I can still disengage it to see their comments. If there is a downside, I don’t know what it would be.

  87. chigau () says

    Nothing says ‘macho’ like the word ‘ambiance’.
    -someone on Men with Brooms

  88. 'smee says


    I have always liked to explore vaginas orally – which requires up close and personal exploration – both visual and tactile!

    I have to agree — proximity to anus has sometimes caused me to end a relationship before it really started (cleanliness may not be next to godliness, but it IS pretty important i this arena!)

    Also – location of clitoris: consistently towards to the top* under its little safety blanket (it’s shy, you see). My job is to help it overcome its shyness (which I must say I have done to much applause over the years)!

    *a location that does little to provide for clitoral stimulation during ‘hetero-normative sex in the missionary position’. No wonder Christian women are such strange creatures!

    Note: regarding Patricia’s suggestion about the biker rally as a means of research – that would scare the bejeesus out of me!

  89. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Oh Caine, now you’re just being testy. :))) I’m sure ‘smee understands why my explorations must remain in the visual, not lingual, realm. Name’s a dead give-away, ya know?

  90. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    But. . .

    I have to agree — proximity to anus has sometimes caused me to end a relationship before it really started

    Obviously you’ve never eaten ass. And that’s all I have to say on the subject. Ever.

  91. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Girl, I’m so tryin’ to keep meself reined in, and you’re not helping!

  92. chigau () says


    Er…good for you and all that, but that’s not an option for Josh.

    It could be.
    If he treated it as a … scientific exploration.
    yeah. more beer will fix this.

  93. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    If he treated it as a … scientific exploration.

    So, sort of like a pubic spelunking expedition? The kind of thing where I file breathless dispatches back to Headquarters over the telegraph?

  94. chigau () says

    So, sort of like a pubic spelunking expedition? The kind of thing where I file breathless dispatches back to Headquarters over the telegraph?

    Start writing the screenplay!
    Spielberg? are you paying attention?

  95. Nerd of Redhead says

    Jebus, ran off to the local restaurant with my reading glasses on instead of my trifocals (old fart eyes).

  96. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Oh, oh, oh!

    I stumbled on a culinary treasure trove at a yard sale today. Nine pamphlet cookbooks from 1940 through 1965 in perfect condition, many of them 4-color glossy. They have some travesties.


    1. “227 Recipes for Meals Without Meat”- sample recipe:

    Pork Shoulder Rolls

    Yes, “meat” means only “beef.” The whole thing is chock-a-block with chicken/seafood/pork stravaganzas.

    2. “What Shall I Cook Today?: 124 thrifty, healthful tested recipes.”

    Four-color illustrated promo piece for Spry Shortening™ . Cover features Standard 1940 Hetero Couple (Think Bryl Cream and finger waves) in comic book panel format.

    Man: What delicious fried chicken!

    Woman guest: Do tell me how you get your French-fried potatoes so crisp and dry?

    Sample introduction excerpt:

    “For Spry™ is such a vast improvement over ordinary shortenings. Even before you cook with Spry™ your own eyes will tell you how superior it is to ordinary shortenings. Spry™ is so much whiter, glossier, and smoother.”

    3. “The Art and Secrets of Chinese Cookery”-circa 1958. Sample recipe: Hamburger Chop Suey.

  97. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Apropos of nothing, I am smugly proud to have comment #666 in the last TET.

    Josh and Caine you are very naughty! I wonder how many people will be goggling redwings in the next 24 hours.

  98. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    I wonder how many people will be goggling redwings in the next 24 hours.

    And I wonder how many will be earning them. . .


  99. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Hello everybody.

    I have a confession to make. And is it ever embarrassing.

    You see, I have special underwear that I keep on at all times. Yes, even when I am showering or bathing. And when…you get the idea.

    It is not because I am a latter day saint. (I do not want Lynna to write about my moment of mormon madness.)

    It is because I have to keep gravitymagnets on my body at all times. If not, I will find that the Earth will have moved on without me, leaving me to both asphyxiate and freeze in space. (Which would kill me first?) I have various gravitymagnets sown into my functional, non magical underwear.

    It gets both itchy and heavy.

  100. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Does the hamburger chop suey call for a can of cream of mushroom soup?

  101. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    I wonder how many people will be goggling redwings in the next 24 hours.

    I shall wade in the red river, but I will not drink from it.

  102. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    So, you’re saying you’ll part the Red Sea, Chimpie?

    I have before and no doubt will again.

  103. says

    Oh, Josh, you reminded me of when Nigel brought up scary food. I found a couple of shots from my last scary food cookbook from 1959: http://moblog.net/view/168854/yesterdays-treasure

    One photo in the cookbook I didn’t take though, is of barbecue slaw in-a-jiffy, with this caption under the photo:

    Make barbecue slaw in-a-jiffy by tossing shredded cabbage with heated canned barbecue sauce.


    *The photo does not help.

  104. consciousness razor says

    Does the hamburger chop suey call for a can of cream of mushroom soup?

    And a pound of Velveeta, if I’m not mistaken.

  105. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Make barbecue slaw in-a-jiffy by tossing shredded cabbage with heated canned barbecue sauce.


  106. Quodlibet says

    And when…you get the idea.

    Are there special reverse-magnet undergarments for use during, um, intimate relations?** You know, so you don’t stick together and stuff? Or if you do want to stick together, is it an electromagnetic with some sort of on-off switch so you can get de-coupled afterward?

    *scratches head and tries to imagine it*


    **only straight white male-on-female hetero christian missionary intimate relations, of course, done on Saturday night only, in the dark and under the bedcovers with no foreplay and no talking and for the purposes of procreation only so no lingering just get the job done

  107. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Oh my fuck, Caine. That asparagus poking out of meat is literally obscene. Shudder.

    I’ve mentioned this before, but you may enjoy the Gallery of Regrettable Food. In all seriousness, I very nearly pissed my pants laughing the first time around (yes, I actually ran to the bathroom).

  108. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Velveeta, miracle whip, ranch dressing

    The red headed step children of real food.

  109. says

    Rev. BDC:

    I shall wade in the red river, but I will not drink from it.

    Oh, you’re a…um, nevermind.


    I have various gravitymagnets sown into my functional, non magical underwear.

    Dearest, thank you for your sacrifice, in keeping us all safe.

  110. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Is it just me, or does that first photo on Caines link look like Mr Crab.

    Egads, sliced hot dogs in formation on french bread?!

  111. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    Tethys wrote:

    Does the hamburger chop suey call for a can of cream of mushroom soup?

    Heh – my mother had a cookbook from the 70s with a recipe for ‘Chinese beef’ that called for a can of cream of mushroom soup. But I remember that it tasted pretty damn good, and that was pretty exotic by the ‘meat and 3 veg’ standard fare my family subsided on.

  112. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    I’m likely to have hamburger chop suey nightmares tonight.

    I had a naked when i shouldn’t be naked one the other night. This stands to be worse.

  113. says

    Rev. BDC:

    The red headed step children of real food.

    Seems to me we’ve had a chat about the red-headed cracks.


    A Redhead.



    You ain’t kiddin’.


    Oh my fuck, Caine. That asparagus poking out of meat is literally obscene. Shudder.

    Oh, I know. That is some nasty food. Lileks has nothing on me, some of the food photos I have…

    One of these days, I’ll take more shots and get them posted. Like the canned barbecue sauce slaw. *ugh*

  114. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    James Lileks (the author of the regettable food site) has a blog too. *prods memory banks for the name*

    I generally enjoy his writing.

  115. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Would this be more to your liking?

    Ok. We all know my fondness for bacon, and even a good hot dog for that matter.

    But that’s just wrong.

  116. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Seems to me we’ve had a chat about the red-headed cracks.

    You’re right. My bad. Sorry. It just sort of flows out. Which is not cool.

  117. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    James Lileks cracks me up, no doubt.

    I’m definitely throwing a 1950s Food party at the end of the summer in celebration of these culinary treasures.

  118. says


    Egads, sliced hot dogs in formation on french bread?!

    Oh, you have no idea.

    Rev. BDC:

    I had a naked when i shouldn’t be naked one the other night.

    Ooooh, do tell…oh, it was dream? Darn.

  119. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    canned barbecue sauce slaw

    Jeezis. Has Hitchens volunteered to endure-then-report on that?

  120. says

    … I wonder how many people will be goggling redwings in the next 24 hours.

    Ye, I have been inside the walls on the grounds of red wing…

    … but what’s this ‘goggling’ thing? Just, y’know, in case it’s something I haven’t tried…

    And what are the gear requirements, if any?

    (/I mean, hey, goggles, I have…)

  121. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Ooooh, do tell…oh, it was dream? Darn.

    Yep me in all my 40 year old naked and hairy glory strutting down the street in mumble mumble city.

    All of a sudden.


    I don’t have any fucking clothes on.

    Hide in bushes

    Get discovered


    make excuses


    /Freud analysis

  122. says


    Has Hitchens volunteered to endure-then-report on that?

    Christ, I hope not. Talk about stuff that would kill you…

    Honestly, who in the hell would mix heated, canned barbecue sauce with shredded cabbage and expect anyone to eat it? I can’t even figure out why someone came up with it in the first place. Starvation is not a good enough reason.

  123. chigau says

    No 60’s recipe is complete without Kraft™ Miracle™ Whip™ and Miniature™ Marshmallows™

  124. says

    Rev. BDC:

    Yep me in all my 40 year old naked and hairy glory strutting down the street in mumble mumble city.

    You are 13.5 years younger than me, and I happen to think you’re good lookin’, so there.


    make excuses

    This is where you went wrong. Strut that stuff!


    Ye, I have been inside the walls on the grounds of red wing…

    Good for you. I’ve earned mine too. :)

  125. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    I guess its more accurate to say Lileks has several blogs.

    The Bleat is the one I had in mind. A sample from a review:

    The Indistinct Men of No Particular Attributes make an appearance in the Twin Cities; perhaps they were translucent

  126. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Honestly, who in the hell would mix heated, canned barbecue sauce with shredded cabbage and expect anyone to eat it?

    Protestant church ladies. Methodist/Presbyterian women on the feed-the-bereaved committee. They’re demented. I know. I ate this kind of shit at potlucks, church picnics, and funerals growing up.

    Also, aspic.

  127. says


    The clitoris and vaginal opening are so varied from woman to woman it can be hard to find them.

    Aside from all the cheeky fun folks are having with this observation of yours, I’ll note that it’s the subject of one of the more fascinating chapters of Mary Roach’s Bonk, which everyone should read right now if they haven’t already.

    Roach tells of Princess Marie Bonaparte’s research into the effect of vaginal-clitoral distance on the ability of women to come during intercourse. Bonaparte actually had her clitoris surgically relocatedtwice!

  128. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    My inlaws make something called “Watergate Salad” for thanksgiving.

    For those that don’t know (I sure as hell didn’t) it involves pistachio pudding, pineapple pieces, marshmallows and walnuts. /shudder

    My wife was at this pre-christmas dinnerr party with my family and some of their friends. One of the gag gifts at this annual dinner praty was a 1970’s horrible cookbook with… Watergate Salad.

    A friend of my mother’s made some snide comments (that if she hadn’t I probably would have) about Watergate salad.

    My wife overheard, mentioned that her family makes it for Thanksgiving, thoroughly embarrassing the lady.

    The next year at the same party, my wife made Watergate Salad and brought it for her.

  129. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    You are 13.5 years younger than me, and I happen to think you’re good lookin’, so there.


  130. says


    They’re demented. I know. I ate this kind of shit at potlucks, church picnics, and funerals growing up.

    Oh Honey. I suppose you could be grateful you never encountered canned barbecue sauce slaw.

    Aspic I know, saw it too many times growing up. Never got anywhere near it, let alone ate the stuff. *Ick*

  131. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Have you ever put coleslaw on a shredded barbecue chicken sandwich?


  132. MFHeadacse, caffeine fueled , but not enough to avoid misspelling his own name. says

    I find myself in the mood for bipolar music combos… and when in such a mood, I tend to inflict it on others.

    The kinks vs. NIN,

  133. cicely says

    But seriously, polygamy should be legal.

    Sure. Provided that it is equal opportunity, and not only available to Studly D00dright and his stable o’ fillies.

    Why does anyone think an HIV+ character, in any African version of Sesame Street, would be a big deal? HIV is a predominately heterosexual disease throughout most of Africa isn’t it?

    They can’t divorce the disease from the sexual transmission thereof, and in the US at least, AIDS was initially perceived as a “gay” disease (and Scourge of God, created specifically for the purpose of killing off all the gays); it never occured to them that it could even be an issue with heterosexuals, which makes them uncomfortable with the idea of babies contracting HIV in utero. AIDS/HIV=Gay Sex=Blasphemy!!! (And besides, all sex is icky and wrong, except when especially sanctioned from On High.)

    They have no feel for the scope of the AIDS/HIV problem, and they don’t want a feel for it. The only valid concerns are their concerns; all others can just suck it up. It is God’s Will.

    Cath, I’d offer you a *hug*, but I don’t like the way the Evil MRSA is eyeing the computer. I suspect it of thinking that viruses get to have all the fun, and considering doing something about it.

    1. The anus and vagina (yes, the actual vagina, not just that whole region) are very close together on many women.

    “Your Intelligent Design Dollars At Work!!!”

  134. Josh, Official SpokesGay says


    I’ll note that it’s the subject of one of the more fascinating chapters of Mary Roach’s Bonk, which everyone should read right now if they haven’t already.

    Anything Mary Roach writes is worth reading; she’s hysterical. She’s also a pen-pal of mine, having consulted with me on her book Stiff.


  135. Rey Fox says

    Hi, Triskele. :)

    I’ve mentioned this before, but you may enjoy the Gallery of Regrettable Food.

    AVOCADO GREEN, the rutting stags demand.

    I remember Chris Clarke did a pretty spot-on parody of Lileks’ blog once. It’s too bad he’s a right-winger.

  136. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Have you ever put coleslaw on a shredded barbecue chicken sandwich?

    Maybe you should come visit me in the south.

  137. says


    Have you ever put coleslaw on a shredded barbecue chicken sandwich?

    Is that the same as taking a casserole dish worth of shredded cabbage and pouring craptastic canned barbecue sauce, heated, over it, mixing and serving?

    No? Didn’t think so.


  138. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    No, really, cole slaw on pulled-meat barbecue sandwiches is divine, seriously. Not to be missed.

  139. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    No, really, cole slaw on pulled-meat barbecue sandwiches is divine, seriously. Not to be missed.


  140. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    My ex-laws make a jello/cranberry/mini-marshmallow/orange rind concoction for Thanksgiving.

    Its actually quite palatable.

  141. llewelly says

    osh, Official SpokesGay | 12 August 2011 at 9:52 pm :

    Obviously you’ve never eaten ass. And that’s all I have to say on the subject. Ever.

    oh, Josh, you’re such a tease!

  142. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Obviously you’ve never eaten ass. And that’s all I have to say on the subject. Ever.

    raises hand

  143. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Oh lord, I want some of my own fried chicken now. Fryer parts soaking in salted buttermilk, then double-dipped in flour full of salt, black pepper, and garlic. Fried in hot fat until DELICIOUS.


  144. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    Rev BDC wrote:

    My inlaws make something called “Watergate Salad” for thanksgiving.

    For those that don’t know (I sure as hell didn’t) it involves pistachio pudding, pineapple pieces, marshmallows and walnuts. /shudder

    Makes me think of how fascinated I am whenever it’s Thanksgiving on one of the US tv shows that I watch, and the candied yams appear. To me that just so sounds so profoundly unappealing.

    Then again, I’m from the country that’s home to Vegemite.

  145. Josh, Official SpokesGay says


    It bears zero resemblance to barbecue slaw in-a-jiffy, however.

    Yeah. It’s the jiffy that spells trouble. Unless you’re talking about the cornbread mix, which rocks.

  146. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    the candied yams appear. To me that just so sounds so profoundly unappealing.

    Actually, done well they aren’t bad.

    Sweet potatoes/yams are an undervalued side item.

    However “candied” anything can be overdone. If you do them right they are good. Too much sugar and no thanks.

  147. chigau says

    Last night it was Quentin Crisp, tonight it’s Mary Roach.
    no. never mind. bad form.

  148. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    Collard greens with vinegar and red sauce?
    Baby lima beans?
    Boiled peanuts?
    Sorghum syrup on hot biscuits?

    damn…now I’m hungry

  149. says


    To me that just so sounds so profoundly unappealing.

    The way they’re done by a lot of people, yeah, they are profoundly unappealing.

    I don’t care for candied yams myself, I prefer yams baked with a bit of butter and a healthy dose of Grand Marnier.

  150. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Hot barbecue sauce on cabbage sounds like the original hot mess.

  151. Josh, Official SpokesGay says


    Last night it was Quentin Crisp, tonight it’s Mary Roach.
    no. never mind. bad form.

    I’m not really anybody, and certainly not a name you’d recognize. You can email me at spokes gay at gmail. I’m not exactly a mystery, but I do like to keep my Pharyngula frolics reasonably separated from my Real World stuff.

  152. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Collard greens with vinegar and red sauce?
    Baby lima beans?
    Boiled peanuts?
    Sorghum syrup on hot biscuits?


    Had some boiled peanuts tonight as a matter of fact.

    Thought unfortunately, not enough salt in the boil.

    Will be going to my favorite BBQ restaurant (my photo in the background) and hangout for brunch this sunday with some friends in town.

    Smoked brisket, two eggs over easy and grits with some fresh friend pork rinds and pimento cheese and baseball.

    Yes that’s right.

    I’m hungry thinking about it.

  153. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Tsk, I say. Tsk.


    My friends that just got into town brought me a hard drive that a buddy of theirs has.

    he owns a “record” (does that mean anything anymore) store.

    Everytime that a used CD comes in they copy it to the hard drive.

    It’s 2 TBs.

  154. Part-Time Insomniac, Zombie Porcupine Nox Arcana Fan says

    I’ve never had a midnight snack craving come on so fast…and get struck down immediately. Pretty much what happened when I caught up with the thread. I also never knew that the red wings on a biker’s jacket could have had some meaning aside from looking cool.

    Bed. Later. too tired now.

  155. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Bill, you just want me to have a desperate, ill-fated crush on your straight silver-haired daddy self. You want me to pine for your ass (or whatever) and write a whole bodice-ripper about it. Well Mr., I’m wise to your ways.

  156. Josh, Official SpokesGay says


    (Josh, does Francine have a peace sign, mag wheels, and four-on-the-floor?)

    No. She has an immaculate vinyl interior, respectable chrome hubcaps with Plymouth insignia, and three-on-the-tree.

  157. cicely says

    **only straight white male-on-female hetero christian missionary intimate relations, of course, done on Saturday night only, in the dark and under the bedcovers with no foreplay and no talking and for the purposes of procreation only so no lingering just get the job done

    “Get in, get off, get out.”

    he owns a “record” (does that mean anything anymore) store.

    I keep hearing/reading that vinyl is coming back.

  158. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Bill Dauphin, too bad Charlie Daniels turned into a reactionary asshole.

  159. says

    Janine, perhaps this: http://youtu.be/g266Uwp6ZnI

    That Watergate salad actually sounds quite nice if made with good quality ingredients, and served as a dessert. Pistachio mousse with pineapple etc? OK. Likewise Tethys’ cranberry and orange thing, and candied yams with marshmallows and all that. But who the hell thinks that these things are salads? Double You Tea Eff?!

  160. says

    Cath, I expect the Watergate Salad is one of those ‘me’ things, I love pistachios and pineapple, but I have a very hard time imagining them together. I suspect I’m a purist when it comes to those things…then again, maybe not. I find pistachio and chocolate to be an excellent combination.

  161. says


    too bad Charlie Daniels turned into a reactionary asshole.

    Yah, but I still remember that song fondly. In fact, I remember listening to it on the reel-to-reel tape deck of my father’s Scandinavian Modern style console stereo, in the living room of the suburban brick home my mother designed… where I also listened to Helen Reddy and the original cast album my dad brought home when he saw Hair on Broadway (while he was on a NASA business trip, of all things!). </70sFlashback>

  162. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    I think there was a prejudice against any vegetable matter that actually resembled its organic form.

    Jello “salad” is a potluck staple in these parts.

  163. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    Delta dawn, whats that flower you got on? Could it be a faded rose from days gone byyyyyyyy?

    70s flashbacks are contagious.

  164. says

    Well, Rev, right there is where I invoke the “if made with quality ingredients” clause.

    Is it actually possible to make pistachio pudding without pistachios? The mind boggles, but I’m sure that BigPackagedShitSoCalledFoodMegaCorp can do it. They can make strawberry icecream without strawberries or cream, so they’re up to it.

  165. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    Rev BDC wrote:

    Pistachio pudding NOT pistachios.

    So, it’s like banana flavouring, i.e. there’s never been anything even vaguely resembling an actual pistachio involved in the process?

  166. says

    David Marjanović:

    Senegal has found an interesting solution. At their first marriage, husband and wife are required by law to state if the marriage is supposed to be mono- or polygamous. If the latter, additional wives* can be added later; if not, not. I don’t know details, but this sounds like informed consent…

    * Obviously, polygyny is traditional there (a man has as many wives as he can afford), and polyandry is not; I don’t know if the law specifies this.

    I quibble with Senegal’s law. Contracts are supposed to always be modifiable with the consent of both parties, regardless of what the original terms were. It is wrong to lock them into the monogamous type of marriage if they later change their minds.

    Also, government shouldn’t recognize ANY marriage. Marriage should be a private matter. Hospital visitation, insurance carry-over, etc should be to whomever a person elects, not to legal spouses. Economic union of a couple should be a private contract which also specifies the terms for the dissolution of that economic union.

    So in the future if you had a marriage consisting of 5 men and 5 women you might buy a group insurance plan that covers 10 people, each file separate tax returns, and register each other’s names with some kind of database of who’s-allowed-to-visit-me-when-i’m-unconscious-or-unable-to-consent.

  167. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    70s flashbacks are contagious.

    You do not want to get into a seventies flashback battle with me. Somewhere in one of the segments of the undead thread is me leaving many bodies in my wake when I dredged up the glop that is my musical childhood.

  168. says


    You do not want to get into a seventies flashback battle with me.

    Not battle, maaaaan: Peace! (Keep in mind that I’ve been flashing back to the early 70s… which is to say, the 60s, really.)


  169. chigau () says

    Skepgineer #237
    Thank-you so much for the vocabulary lesson.
    I never would have known that without your help.
    How do you feel about polyandry?

  170. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Oh no..not only are 70s flashbacks contagious, they are possibly lethal!! Seems in keeping with the hate and malice to all theme for the day/night.

    *fricking inability to blockquote-glare*

  171. says


    How do you feel about polyandry?

    Now, now. The idiot did say if he had the money (or xis way or whatever), it would be two chicks. Not women. Let’s not judge.

    I mean, if one wants to set themselves up with hens, hey…

  172. says

    of Mary Roach’s Bonk, which everyone should read right now if they haven’t already.

    Ordered, thanks for the tip !

    Obviously you’ve never eaten ass. And that’s all I have to say on the subject. Ever.

    Me too.

  173. consciousness razor says

    *fricking inability to blockquote-glare*

    It’s easy:

    <blockquote> Quotable stuff </blockquote>

    Use preview.

  174. chigau () says

    oh yeah
    I forgot about the zoophilia (avephilia?)
    on another topic
    but it’s a full moon and cloudy :(

  175. says


    Oh, I was such a huge Cat Stevens fan, and was fucking crushed (and pissed) when he renounced (for >20 years!) his musical career. I had a chance to go to see him on (what turned out to be) his last tour before his conversion, and my ‘rents nixed it because they didn’t want me out driving that late!

    If not the Peace Train, though, maybe The Caravan of Love, eh? When my wife and I were in London in the late fall of ’86 (our last stop on our winding way home from Korea), we saw the Housemartins perform on Top of the Pops on our hotel TV, and immediately went out and bought their album, London 0 Hull 4.

    Is it Happy Hour yet?

  176. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Eventually I will figure out how to make all the tags work.
    For now I copy/paste from scienceblogs. It’s slow.


    By the fabulous Stevie Wonder 1973

  177. says


    I forgot about the zoophilia (avephilia?)

    Avephilia? I don’t think that’s a word, but perhaps it should be.

    Back when we lived in SLC, there was an idiot who broke into the aviary at the park and fucked a poor peacock to death.

  178. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Janis Ian was/is so good. I think I have her Between The Lines album memorized.

    From Me To You

    I love the alternate text thing. Tommy Smothers? *snicker

  179. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    LOL at Bill. I listened to Rod Stewarts version of First Cut is the Deepest just before Stevie! Check out the lime green and lemon yellow shirt!

    A peacock? People just disgust me sometimes.

  180. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    I do not have time to throw you all into the doom of seventies nostalgia, I have to get to sleep soon. But I will release the crazy horses as a small taste of the damage I can inflict.

  181. says

    Yes. A male one, because the idiot in question thought the ones with the pretty plumage were the girl ones. :eyeroll:

    Appearances can be so deceiving.

  182. chigau () says

    I have just been made aware that all of my Cat Stevens is on those big black plastic thingys.
    and those needle thingys are very hard to find.
    oh deer
    the 21th century beckons.

  183. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    Remember when Mormons weren’t scary bastards.
    And is that an Osmond in a cape?


  184. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    Free Cat Stevens downloads on youtube.

    I’ve got Tea for the Tillerman on CD, but thats it.

  185. says


    Tommy Smothers definitely went and played with John and Yoko during the famous bed-in. I don’t know for sure whether that’s the back of his head in that picture, but it might well be.

    Speaking of Janis Ian and Tommy Smothers, here she is at 16 (not At Seventeen) playing her first hit on the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Letting a 16-yo white girl sing about her black boyfriend was precisely the sort of thing that made the Smothers so controversial.

    BTW, the Smothers Brothers were actually great musicians who put out at least one “straight” album of traditional folk songs, but it’s hard to find anything other than their comedy stuff online. It seems to me that this bit fits the crowd here!

  186. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    I read about the peacock and think “you sick fuck, birds have cloacas , the anatomy just doesn’t work…”

    But then I stop myself from trying to make sense of crazy

  187. chigau () says

    just cuz I ain’t done yet:
    re: Janis Ian
    The first Janis Ian song I heard was Seventeen.
    I was (according to google-info) 20 years old.
    I thought it was a whiny, self-pitying, sucky-baby piece of shit.
    Ever since, even though I can appreciate her talent (genius, even), that first impression warps my enjoyment.

  188. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Run Joey Run

    I had no idea Glee did this. A couple of years ago, I could find only one upload of the song.

    How Do You Do

    I am afraid that when I am old and have lost my mind, I will be muttering the chorus over and over.

    Tethys, it is not just the capes. It is the Edwardian outfits, feathered hats and what ever the lead singer was wearing.

    Mormons has always been scary. We were just too young to realize it.

  189. says

    How do you feel about polyandry?

    It’s cool.

    Now, now. The idiot did say if he had the money (or xis way or whatever), it would be two chicks. Not women. Let’s not judge.

    I mean, if one wants to set themselves up with hens, hey…

    Bestiality is complicated because of the difficulty of communicating consent. Fucking a monkey that knows sign language and consents would be alright. A horse? Probably not. Body language is not reliable.

    BTW “chick” is not a bad word. Lots of women call themselves skepchicks. I wouldn’t use it generally due to the possibility that people might take offense, but I was quoting office space FFS.

  190. says


    The first Janis Ian song I heard was [At] Seventeen.
    I was (according to google-info) 20 years old.
    I thought it was a whiny, self-pitying, sucky-baby piece of shit.

    When I first heard that song, I was a “whiny, self-pitying, sucky-baby piece of shit”; I fucking loved it. Plus, there’s that voice.

    And she’s still got it.

    Oh, Janine: Not Crazy Horses, but Wild Horses.

  191. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    I think this is a microcosm of the 70s. Golden Earring on the Midnight Special. Introduced by Little Richard!? Get a load of the long haired freaky people. Radar Love

  192. chigau () says

    Bill Dauphin
    when I first heard the song I was an ugly, skinny, spotty outcast.
    and I still thought it was whiny and sucky.

  193. chigau () says

    The universe has flipped.
    on Jay Leno now is a band whose lead singer is NOT singing in English.

  194. chigau () says

    Oh, my. Bill Dauphin
    “who are these women”
    I have one of their albums. on black plastic.

  195. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    Im actually a little shocked at how many of these old protest songs are so on topic for our current time.

    “They’ll tell you that the darkness, is a blessing in disguise.
    For you never have to notice, if you’re sighted or you’re blind.
    And they’ll do their best to keep you from the light.”

    Enjoyed the “Gnus will knock you to you gknees, so you need a gknife.” But mostly I remember the yo-yo tricks.

  196. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    And Chi Coltraine deserves much wider recognition, so I will bid all goodnight with my favorite from Let it Ride.

    Myself To You

  197. says

    One more, and then off to bed: You may have heard Waylon Jennings’ version of it, but I heard Deep In the West and a whole lot of other great songs by the Shake Russell Band in their “native habitat,” played and sung by the man himself, in and around Houston in the 70s and 80s.

    ‘Night, all….

  198. Jefrir says

    Skepgineer, yes, but your first post on the subject was based entirely on justifying polygyny specifically, without any mention that polyandry even exists. Surely you can see why we would want to clarify?

  199. says

    Threadizens may appreciate this nice turn of phrase from another context:

    I understand the difference between civility and civilization. “Civility” is being careful about the words used to boast about raping a peasant wench.

    “Civilization” is a condition in which it’s considered wrong to rape peasants, and a right and proper outcome is to bring rapists to justice, regardless of their station in life.

  200. triskelethecat says

    Good morning Threadizens! I really, really miss the thread. It’s so hard to catch up when you can only check it in the evenings, especially when DDMFM posts. Although that is wonderful, because he pulls so many threads together!

    @Josh: yeah, I know it’s stupid. Sent you an email. :)

    Hooray for a wonderful running Francine. Can’t wait to see her. I’m starting to get mentally organized for the trip.

    I may look for a roommate down the road. At the moment, I think I really need the time alone. And I may work from home more, using 1 room as an office and 1 room for storage, so really not room for another person at present plans. That could always change, though.

    Love the youtube clips people are adding. Seems like old times.

    Today is packing more boxes. Magazines will get taken to the town recycling along with old books I don’t want or read. Even so, I suspect I will have too many boxes of books…

  201. Carlie says

    I stumbled on a culinary treasure trove at a yard sale today. Nine pamphlet cookbooks from 1940 through 1965 in perfect condition, many of them 4-color glossy. They have some travesties.

    LOVE. I found a few boxes of those at a bookstore in Ithaca, but sadly the store knew what it was doing and had them priced at $5 each, so I had to pick and choose carefully. I got “Cooking with Dr. Pepper”, “Using Victory Points”, and “Cooking for your husband”.
    At the Salvation Army last month I found the 1950 Better Homes and Gardens “Meat cook book”. :) Aside from the fantastic cringe-inducing photos and recipes, it has a quite useful quick-chart of meat cuts with the best ways to cook each.

    Josh and Caine you are very naughty! I wonder how many people will be goggling redwings in the next 24 hours.

    Yeah, that was me.

    You see, I have special underwear that I keep on at all times. Yes, even when I am showering or bathing. And when…you get the idea.


    I’ve mentioned this before, but you may enjoy the Gallery of Regrettable Food. In all seriousness, I very nearly pissed my pants laughing the first time around (yes, I actually ran to the bathroom).

    Lileks was actually the first blog I ever read on the internets, through the Gallery. I have no idea how I found it or why in the first place. Must have been in 2000 or early 2001, because Gnat was a wee gnat at the time. I read him regularly for a few years until the charming life anecdotes got crowded out by the conservative political essays.

  202. theophontes says

    @ Pharygufoodies

    Well the lazy bread (No-Knead, for those too lazy to wade upthread.) came out really well. As it got out of the oven, two friends arrived from Australia, so I do not have anything left to show you all. I can just say that it goes realy well with Branson pickle, cheddar, tomato and cucumber I have started another, so hopefully pix tomorrow.


    “Whiskey in The Jar”: Always thought of this a as a kind of Pharyngula Anthem. Suggestions of pirates, booze, tentacles, swashbuckling … and Mollies.

    Very prescient Mr Lynott.

  203. Sili says

    Damn, the mouses are big this year. Dummkatz just brought in a honking fat one for me admire.

  204. Matt Penfold says

    Damn, the mouses are big this year. Dummkatz just brought in a honking fat one for me admire.

    One of my cats has decided that mice are boring presents for me, and has taken to presenting me with dead rats and toads.

  205. Sili says

    Bonne chance, Dottore Marjanović!

    My French still sucks. Sorry.


    I’d congratulate Josh and Patricia, but I’m an old grump, who’s just annoyed that you’re not paying $8.5 a gallon for petrol.

  206. TheBigD says

    Dawn Davenport is eating a meatball sandwich right out in class, AND she’s been passing notes!

  207. broboxley OT says

    had redwings since I was a kid. Presented at a satans choice picnic a loooong time ago.
    Distance from vagina to anus is the length of the taint

  208. First Approximation (formerly Feynmaniac) says


    I did it!

    I just sent off my application for a postdoc position in Zürich – three days before the deadline!!! Woohoo!

    Woot! Good luck.

  209. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies says


    In the mood for this :
    Where the Wild Roses Grow


    Murder Ballads is one of my favorite albums of all time and, IMHO, the best of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. (But I think O’Malley’s Bar is the best song on the album.)

    It was also the first gift I ever gave to Mr Darkheart.

  210. says

    Walks in singing
    “I’m all out of faith. This is how I feel.
    I’m cold and I’m shamed lying naked on the floor.
    Illusion never change into something real.
    I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn.”


  211. says

    Para lang sa’yo
    Ako’y iibig pang muli
    Dahil sa’yo
    Ako’y iibig nang muli
    Ang aking puso’y
    Pagingatan mo
    Dahil sa ito’y
    Muling magmamahal sa’yo
    Para lang sa’yo


  212. Matt Penfold says

    What an afternoon.

    England have beaten India in the third test to confirm themselves as the the best test nation in the world.

    And Brighton have just beaten Portsmouth 1-0 in football after saving a last minute penalty.

  213. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    From 500 Snacks-Bright Entertaining Ideas:

    Whole hard-cooked eggs in this jellied tuna add a gay and decorative note.

  214. triskelethecat says

    @Gyeong Hwa: perfect song for me today. Thanks for the inspiration.

    On a high note: stopped at a farmer’s market and picked up dinner for me tonight: one small eggplant, one small zucchini, tomatoes, one ear of corn. Will chop them all up and saute with olive oil and garlic and throw in some shrimp. AND I get to use parmesan cheese which I don’t get to do when (soon-to-be) husband is here because he is allergic to it.

    Having eaten lunch, back to putting stuff in boxes.

  215. says


    Okay, I really want a jellyfish tank. How fucking cool is that?

    DO WANT! But what would you feed the jellyfish?


    You are welcome. Which song was it that inspired you?

    I am drunk today, and I’m seldomn sober. A Handsome rover from town to town.
    But I am sick now, and my days are numbered. Come all you young men, and lay me down.


  216. Makyui says

    DO WANT! But what would you feed the jellyfish?

    Says in the FAQ that they sell frozen plankton. The jellyfish are stingless, too! Soooo cool…

  217. says

    I kinda like stingless jellyfish, well, at least by comparison.

    I’ve dove in the Caribbean with (as I recall) fleur-de-lis jelly fish. Not being stung is definitely better than being stung. Fucking man-o-wars damned near killed me. Twice.

  218. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies says


    DO WANT! But what would you feed the jellyfish?

    Pre-packaged food, apparently. Considering that Jellyfish Art will ship you live jellyfish, I’m not terribly surprised that they’ll ship you the food, too.

  219. says

    My guess is it should’ve been

    “I’ll tell you what I’d do if I had a million dollars. Two chicks at the same time.”

    since it’s a quote from Office Space.

    The anus and vagina (…) are very close together on many women.

    Hence The Shocker (“two in the pink, one in the stink”). Peaches has a song about it. Also very convenient for a little side snack when you’re eating.
    <bragging>Got my red wings (both of them).</bragging>
    On sexualizing cartoon characters, there’s of course Tinky Winky, the purple Teletubby, who’s always suspected to be gay. To which I’d say, yes, he probably is. So?
    Actually, the Teletubbies were very well thought out in this respect: two were female, two were male, with one of the latter possibly homosexual. A lot of cartoons and children’s shows are male-heteronormative; all characters are straight males, unless otherwise required.
    Smurfs, for instance. All blue and male. One of them is strong, one of them is a nerd, one of them is a farmer, one of them is a dandy, and one of them is female.
    SpongeBob: only one female character.
    Cars: just four six female characters that I can think of (Sally, Flo, Lizzie and Kori Turbowitz. And Mia and Tia, of course.
    And so on ad nauseum.

    A peacock?

    Yes. A male one, because the idiot in question thought the ones with the pretty plumage were the girl ones. :eyeroll:

    As in a stupid joke I once heard

    (Male) patient: “Doc, I keep having these fantasies about horses”
    Shrink: “Interesting. Steeds or mares?”
    Patient: “Mares of course, what do you think I am, a pervert?”

    (I told you, it was a stupid joke.)
    Caine, since I’ve been absent for a while, how are you doing? How’s your pancreas? (I tried searching the TETs I missed, but could not find anything).

  220. Dhorvath, GravityMagnet says

    Back in shape is a misnomer. I have never been in that kind of shape, I like food too much.

  221. The Lone Coyote says

    I had no idea jellyfish could be kept in the home aquarium. I always assumed they’d die during capturing or transport, being so fragile.

    I’ve always bemoaned the fact that evolution has never provided us with a freshwater aquarium-sized octopus.

  222. Ibis3, féministe avec un titre française de fantaisie says

    Just saw this article over at Friendly Atheist about a poor (atheist) guy who has no health insurance and suffered a pretty severe injury. I’m not in a position to help out myself at the moment, but maybe some of you can. http://www.giveforward.com/suddenstop

    There’s already a Christian troll on FA saying that atheists are stingy so he better not expect much assistance.

    [/another heartfelt thank you to Tommy Douglas and all the people who worked to give us universal healthcare here in Canada]

  223. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Good day on the Sound. No, EXCELLENT day on the Sound. I skippered the boat and we came in second on elapsed time. Since the boat that came in first was a 65 foot maxiboat which beat us by less than two minutes, our 39 footer won handily on corrected time.

    The old man can still win races!

  224. says

    theophontes, “Whiskey in the Jar”, isn’t really Lynott’s work, it’s an (Irish?) traditional. First version I ever heard was by The Dubliners.

  225. says


    I told the post office to redeliver a package to me today because I’ve got no car and can’t DRIVE to the post office to pick it up. Today’s post is done and LO AND BEHOLD no package. So now I’ve gotta have them come next week – but it has to be Friday. Oh and I can’t get them to deliver it to the package room because it’s registered mail and I have to sign for it.

    But I work in a place that it’s relatively well-known we work most of the day.


  226. says

    Psst, Dhorvath, if I’m being too flirty you can call me out for it at any moment.



    I hate how they are hours late when you need the package. -_-

  227. Ibis3, féministe avec un titre française de fantaisie says

    Congratulations, ‘Tis. Sounds like a great time!

  228. Dhorvath, GravityMagnet says

    You can shoot images of flexing pecs and cut abs at me all day. I love the look, I just don’t quite hit it. Sigh. As for flirty, whyever would I want you to stop? I love casual conversation like that.

  229. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Markita Lynda, healthcare is a damn right. #333

    I’m in Ottawa this weekend. Will let you know if I spot any madmen.

    If you stay away from Parliament Hill and the Langevin Block, you should be pretty safe from madmen.

  230. broboxley OT says

    Ibis3 #342 how come you only have one french fantasy titty?
    the link you provided is interesting but how does one vet such requests?

  231. triskelethecat says

    @Gyeong Hwa: Torn fit my morning quite nicely. Sorry I wasn’t more specific.

    Done with boxes for today. Currently depressed. Only 1 1/2 book shelves empty with 2 boxes full, books on the floor that is a series missing 1 book (I HATE WHEN BOOKS GO MISSING!!!) so I won’t box them up till I find the missing book (or kill the child who most likely has it…).

    Now to start stripping wallpaper. A change in pain leads to less pain, right? And it really needs to be done before my parents arrive next weekend to help paint.

    I’ll be back later. In the meantime, because I love the Horde:

  232. triskelethecat says

    AACK! Borked the link somehow. Sorry, guys. Guess I missed something in my html…

  233. Sheesh (as seen on Sadly, No!) says

    Posted by: Cerberus, unnatural product of en-OMnomnom-ification Author Profile Page | August 9, 2011 2:38 PM

    Example of a profession devalued by the large participation of women.

    English professors. Hell, humanities professors in general. English was viewed as respectable and a sign of distinguished class when men were taking the classes from male professors. It was seen as critical to becoming a gentleman and no one who devalued literature was to be viewed as a member of the upper class.

    But then women broke into the ranks both in the class and in the professorial ranks.

    And now, how is English and Literature viewed? It’s viewed as a distraction from “hard sciences”, something barely notable, interesting to some hard culture types in the major urban centers, but meaningless to a “man of business”. Some have even argued that Literature classes are corrupting our kids and teaching them dangerous “moral relativism”.

    My mind was blown by this comment over on the SB thread because it seems to me like it’s such a deep, subtle structural reason for the rise of anti-intellectualism in the US outside of the typical religious/conservative explanation over the last 30 years. I wanted to make sure Cerberus got the kudos she deserves.

  234. says


    How’s your pancreas?

    Fine, I guess. Had the cat scan on Monday, will find out more at a later date.


    The old man can still win races!

    Yay! Congrats, ‘Tis. Sounds like a grand day.

  235. says


    The old man can still win races!

    Horray for vitality!


    If it’s any consolation, I like men with a bit more meat and fur too!

  236. says

    OK, here’s a fun one; one of my next door neighbors just went crazy. My definition of crazy is when you keep asking people “where are the SWAT guys at, I know they wanna shoot me!” and even after I let him search my apt he thinks they are hiding just out of sight. My neighbors also let him search their apartments.

    We are really trying this situation to not be a self-fulfilling prophesy. I did draw the line when he went next door to where a family has children.

    This is fucking work that I am not trained for.

    It’s so sad.

  237. Dhorvath, GravityMagnet says

    That is scary. Hope he can find help before anything too serious occurs.

  238. says

    Dhorvath, I don’t know whether it’s drugs, mental or both. I can’t let him hurt anyone but I don’t want to call the cops, (nobody here wants to call the cops;-)

  239. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, purveyor of candy and lies says

    *high fives to ‘Tis!*

    Good news, everyone! I can safely say that I am officially over my bug bite induced anxiety.


  240. strange gods before me says


    Typically, no one is going to get hurt, but of course play it by ear. If you feel like talking to him, try telling him that he’s experiencing feelings which are typical of mental illness, and he can check himself into a local mental health clinic, and they aren’t going to call the police unless he tells them something which would give them reason to call the police, and mere drug use is not one of those things.

  241. strange gods before me says

    and mere drug use is not one of those things.

    Actually, scratch that last bit, that depends on state law, so I’m not sure it’ll be true there.

  242. Patricia, OM says

    Jebus, finally caught back up. What a disgusting night of disgusting food talk. Blah!

    Now I’m uncertain if I should go outside without a pair of Janine’s Safety Underpants TM .

  243. Benjamin "van Driessen" Geiger says

    Saving this newspaper/Facebook response for posterity:

    “The only problem I have found is that people like this rarely respect OUR right to believe. It is unfortunate!”

    What’s unfortunate is that you so consistently lie about us, and that you so misunderstand what it means to respect a right.

    You’re free to believe whatever you want, so long as it doesn’t interfere with the rest of us. Believe that your god turned himself into a zombie to allow himself to change a rule he made himself? Fine, sure, knock yourself out. Believe that a man cut the moon in half and literally flew to heaven on a flying horse? No problem. Believe that giant space DC-8s brought the spirits of dead aliens to volcanoes here on Teegeeack, where they attached themselves to proto-humans? Whatever you want.

    That doesn’t mean that you’re not silly for doing so, and that doesn’t mean we can’t point out your silliness. Calling it ‘belief’ doesn’t make it any less crazy.

  244. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    The Sailor,

    You really need to talk to a mental health professional about what to do with your neighbor. If there’s a city or county mental health hotline, call them. If not, call the local emergency room and ask to speak to the duty psychologist or psychiatrist. You can’t just wing something like that.

  245. otrame says

    Hey, I noticed when I took a look at the weather that Texas is completely surrounded by rain and there are no more than a few scattered “popcorn” showers within the state.

    Well, actually, that is pretty much the norm for this time of year. The real drought, as far as South Texas is concerned, was very nearly total absence of rain last fall and this spring. We rarely get more than a lucky thunderstorm here during the summer.

    But still, I note with glee and no surprise at all that we are still dry.

  246. The Lone Coyote says


    I’ve dealt with situations like that before. In my experience, much as I loathe cops, things can get hairy and scary really quick. I would agree with the others here, you can’t just wing it.

    One piece of advice though: Someone upthread suggested you tell him ‘the feelings he’s experiencing are typical of mental illness’…. I can’t be certain, I’m no more an ‘expert’ than they are, but I would advise NOT saying that.

  247. Ibis3, féministe avec un titre française de fantaisie says

    @ broboxley I have two (mostly) french titties, but only one fancy title.

    As for the broken leg guy (aka Ray), I think he’s legit because Hemant Mehta reports meeting him (& presumably vetting the claims) in person. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2011/08/13/helping-out-an-injured-atheist/ It’s tougher to fake a broken leg than cancer. I mean, of course I don’t *know* he’s on the up and up, but it looks like it to me.

  248. David Marjanović, OM says

    Why do you sneer instead of simply shutting up?

    Why should I put up with such treacly pap without comment?

    Why bother commenting on the oh so surprising fact that other people have emotions? They already know they have emotions; you’re not teaching them anything new. If you don’t like killfile, scroll by. :-|

    Also… si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.

    if muppets can be *married* then you have already given them a sexual orientation. It’s too late to claim that they’re asexual.

    Well, technically, you’ve given them a romantic orientation, not necessarily a sexual one… but that doesn’t really make your point go away, does it.

    By default all characters are male; and all animals are male – I’ve even seen cases where not only bees are male but also cows, FFS!


    I loves me some grammatical gender. How do you feel about all snakes being female?

    …erm… yes, including the one in Genesis.

    This makes it very easy to do slash pairings. There are so many options, so many canonical friendships that can be stretched a little bit, and so very few options for hetero pairs. Lulz as patriarchy shoots self in foot!

    So true, so true… :-D

    1. “227 Recipes for Meals Without Meat”- sample recipe:

    Pork Shoulder Rolls

    Yes, “meat” means only “beef.”

    Jesus Haploid Christ.

    If not, I will find that the Earth will have moved on without me, leaving me to both asphyxiate and freeze in space. (Which would kill me first?)

    The lack of pressure would. You’d boil and explode.

    Jeezis. Has Hitchens volunteered to endure-then-report on that?

    X-D X-D X-D

    Bestiality is complicated because of the difficulty of communicating consent.

    Let alone informed consent.

    Good morning Threadizens! I really, really miss the thread. It’s so hard to catch up when you can only check it in the evenings, especially when DDMFM posts. Although that is wonderful, because he pulls so many threads together!


  249. The Lone Coyote says

    in my opinion, you NEVER know if someone you’re helping is ‘on the up and up’. That’s not the point of altruism and it shouldn’t be.

  250. broboxley OT says

    Lone Coyote #378 what you are describing is a mitzvah, the directed giving via the webapp is charity. There is a difference

  251. cicely says

    So, it’s like banana flavouring, i.e. there’s never been anything even vaguely resembling an actual pistachio involved in the process?

    Well…maybe in a homeopathic sense. :D

    Gyeong Hwa @321: that’s one of my favorites. :)

    Here’s stuck in a loop in my head, at the moment.

  252. The Lone Coyote says

    Broboxley: Hmmm, you’re right. But still…. people tell me I shouldn’t give change to the homeless because ‘they’ll just spend it on drugs anyways’, but to me that doesn’t matter what they do with my act of altruism, just that I ‘tried to make a difference’ and all that compassionate stuff.

    I suppose a web charity is different though. Lot more at stake than just pocket change.

  253. says

    Umm, thanks everyone. The situation has chilled and I think he’s sleeping now. I did talk to him, for a couple of hours, and took him to lunch, (he kept trying to get in the family next door’s house … to check for cops), so I got him away for awhile hoping a meal would work.

    It was just Taco Hell, but maybe it worked. Tho it did make for a few odd moments at TB.

    One can’t call an emergency hotline in this town w/o cops showing up. Since he’s paranoid about cops this seemed like a bad idea. It’s Saturday and due to budget cuts there isn’t anyone that I know of answering the other non-emergency phones.

    I know I am not equipped to handle this, but it isn’t the first crazy person I’ve dealt with. I’m trying to contact his family, but I think they dumped him here.

    Did I ever mention just how much I love Section 8 housing?

  254. Matt Penfold says

    Grrrr, how I hate bloody companies that sell game downloads 24/7 but do not bother providing support at the weekends.

    There was a 60% of IL2: Cliffs of Dover on a website I have sued before, and since I had some loyalty points I could get the game for a tenner.

    Well it is not money well spent. I downloaded the game OK, and went to install. It was then I found out that they had sent me the email with the activation code, or at least part of the line with it. I cannot do a lot with “Your activation code is” and no actual code.

    Needless to say whilst they were happy to take my money no one will be at work to sort this out until Monday.

  255. Benjamin "van Driessen" Geiger says


    Tired of arguing with people who won’t acknowledge reality.

    “When you have THAT SAME religious sect calling for the total death and destruction of ANYONE who eventually will not submit and convert to that religious sect…THAT is TRUE fanaticism.”

    How about this? “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”

    Care to guess who said that? Spoiler: It wasn’t Muhammad.

    Her response:

    ” Spoiler: It wasn’t Muhammad.”

    Exactly! It was God. Big diff.

    God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?












  256. Therrin says

    View the source code on the e-mail to see if it got eaten by HTML tags. That or they didn’t appreciate being sued. =)

  257. Matt Penfold says

    View the source code on the e-mail to see if it got eaten by HTML tags. That or they didn’t appreciate being sued. =)

    Yeah, I did that, check the email source code. Nothing there.

    Seems I am not the only person. I suspect they have run out of activation codes, and their system did not fall back gracefully.

  258. Part-Time Insomniac, Zombie Porcupine Nox Arcana Fan says


    So Ben, you want aspirin, or booze for that moron-induced headache?

  259. Matt Penfold says

    Hey Matt, we had a similar Saturday!

    Like my good Saturday, England winning in the cricket and Brighton in the football, or the bad bit, with a company not letting me play a game I paid for ?

  260. Benjamin "van Driessen" Geiger says

    “So Ben, you want aspirin, or booze for that moron-induced headache?”


  261. Part-Time Insomniac, Zombie Porcupine Nox Arcana Fan says

    *looks at bottle of pills and at tankard of grog*

    You want both? Must’ve been one dense dumbass you were talking to.

  262. Nerd of Redhead says

    Dang, got around to upgrading to Lion, but something happened so that when it first came up, I didn’t have an administrative account. Talk about up the creek without a paddle. But the recovery system they built in allowed me to “go back a day” and change the main user account to an administrative account, and then do the upgrade. Gee, once one can create accounts, all the old ones can be reactivated. The Redhead’s e-mail isn’t lost. Now to back up a terabyte or so of data.

  263. says

    My mind was blown by this comment over on the SB thread because it seems to me like it’s such a deep, subtle structural reason for the rise of anti-intellectualism in the US outside of the typical religious/conservative explanation over the last 30 years. I wanted to make sure Cerberus got the kudos she deserves.

    it’s a bit more complicated than that. Basically, Victorian intellectuals have always been wangsting about whether they were manly men, because they didn’t show any obvious symptoms of testosterone poisoning the way physical laborers and “savages” did. But as long as academia was a male-only club, they were able to manage their distance from the manly-man ideal by creating and maintaining a parallel, “civilized” manliness, i.e. that of a well-educated gentleman. Since women have started breaking into academia, this masculinity has been shrinking in scope and strength. So, within academia, the women-heavy departments get sneered at; outside of academia, the whole of education is losing a status as masculine, since women are showing themselves quite capable of being intellectuals, too. So, masculinity is in many places being reduced to its physical, blue-collar, and “savage” roots, and in other places The Wealthy Businessman has replaced The Well-Educated Gentleman as an acceptable “civilized” masculinity

  264. triskelethecat says

    So, today has been a great day. Got a lot done with organizing (maybe not packing up boxes, but organizing), and started stripping wallpaper from the kitchen and, as usual when I do such things, trashed my hands. But dinner was very good – sauted eggplant, zucchini, chickpeas, black beans, and shrimp with garlic, ginger and olive oil.

    Now I have time to catch up on TET (provided the weather doesn’t kill the power…we’re supposed to have rain and thunderstorms).

  265. says

    Well fuck, my adventures aren’t over yet. He woke up and was still crazy. I did manage to get him to give me the knife. It’s not as scary as it sounds but it’s definitely getting toward professional intervention time.

  266. triskelethecat says

    @Cicely: no peas tonight (I assume chickpeas don’t count?) :)

    Thanks for the GooGoo Dolls link. Made for some fun listening.

  267. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Poor you, Sailor! Seriously though, surely there is a mental illness hotline in your state that will have someone on staff to answer the phone. Please do that? It really sounds like this is going to end badly for the guy or someone else.

  268. Benjamin "van Driessen" Geiger says

    Ben, there is only One God and he owes neither you nor I an explanation. As a non-believer, you have no legitimate voice in this enterprise. You are welcome to make your opinion known, but I will repeat, you have no legitimate voice, no standing; your words are offered without authority.

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  269. The Lone Coyote says

    Today was good for me too. Got to see my ex’s kid for the first time since we broke up, and she still calls me ‘dada’. I don’t wanna be one of those people who gush about offspring (especially since she’s not genetically mine), but she’s just….. so great. I never feel more fully and perfectly in touch with what and who I am, my essential primate nature, than when I’m interacting with that little 18 month old. “The kids are alright”, some people say, and I agree in this case. She’s very much alright.

    I’ve been a bit depressed lately, and this little shot of happiness and fulfillment was exactly what I needed.

  270. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    Could you call the police and ask them to come in plainclothes?
    Psychotic breaks are situations where professionals are necessary. I cannot emphasize enough how quickly it can turn from he’s acting crazy, to he is hallucinating giant police snakes attacking him and acts accordingly.
    Also good on you for caring and acting!

  271. says

    Josh, the cops get copied on the calls. They show up first. Their training is not conducive to a rational outcome. Think of Walker of WI and Gov Goodhair in Texass. My gov did it with stealth a couple of years ago.

    I do have a couple of options I can call on, but I don’t want to escalate the situation unless I have to. Having lived in bad neighborhoods in LA, this is not quite yet approaching my *DANGER WILL ROBINSON* level.

  272. says

    The Lone Coyote, sounds like a good day. That ‘Dada’ stuff makes me leak from my eyes … in a good way.
    Tethys, I’ve met these cops before, it’s a small town. There is almost no situation they can’t make worse. Plus, they just shot a guy a couple of days ago that was experiencing similar symptoms.

    I’ve got a promise from him that he stays inside ’till he gets some sleep.

  273. Dhorvath, GravityMagnet says

    Well, just take care of yourself. I have no advice, but a whole lot of concern.

  274. Patricia, OM says

    The Sailor – We drove up along the Columbia today in search of the womens clinic, and the river was just alive with sail boats, kite boarders and wind surfers. I told Naughty M you would probably love to see it. The wind surfers go at shocking speeds.

  275. says

    Thanks Dhorvath and everyone. I’m pretty sure a fuckton of v@lium would help, but maybe he’s actually crashed now and will sleep for hours.

    I was never scared for myself, it’s just we have a bunch of kids around here, from 1 to 15, and they aren’t especially gifted.

  276. John Morales says


    Why bother commenting on the oh so surprising fact that other people have emotions?

    But that’s what you did when you commented to my original response.

    (A comment in reaction to a comment triggered a comment cascade)

  277. broboxley OT says

    Benjamin you can assure that person that I as a believer have on higher authority than she ever could attain, that she is a total maroon.

  278. cannabinaceae says

    Nerd, I am so happy that I go to every effort to stay as far behind, technologically with my Mac, as I can, yet still remain “current”.

    Just today, as I went and did a bunch of software upgrades on the current platform, one of them, that required a reboot, had to do with upward migration, specifically sounding like your problem.

    Did you already have Time Machine enabled, or was there a “go back a day” as part of the upgrade itself?

  279. strange gods before me says

    Sailor: I am really glad you’re handling it so well. If it’s not drugs, and maybe even if it is, he’s probably still going to be having the persecutory delusions when he wakes up. If not, great, but plan to ask him if he has medication he’s supposed to be taking, whether he’s felt this way before, if he has a doctor he sees when he does feel this way, and if he’s willing to go talk to one.

  280. says

    oh Patricia @ 407. Thanks for that. I’ve never kite boarded but it looks scary fast. I’ve windsurfed … yeeeee haaaah!

    My local situation isn’t what I could call resolved, but now my crazy, dysfunctional, good hearted, neighbors are involved. So the community seems to be handling it. (Hah, spellczech denies ‘hearted’ is a word.)

  281. says

    strange gods before me, I’m pretty sure at this point it is a self medicated psychosis. And he’s still not asleep. But it’s OK, we’re taking shifts.

    His direction [sic] has definitely lasted for more than 4 hours, but if there was professional involvement right now it would be lockdown, one way or the other. I don’t want to make that decision and I’m waiting for the family to get back to me.

  282. Patricia, OM says

    The Sailor – I volunteer two days a week at my local Veterans Services Office, and we do PTSD, drug and alcohol, homeless outreach every week. If this guy is a veteran he can get some good help.

    On the other hand lots of veterans will absolutely throw a fit if you mention the VA. The Portland police are well known for shooting PTSD vets, so I understand your caution.

  283. says

    Tomorrow is Pride Parade in Fargo, but I don’t really have anyone to go with…

    Dammit, I gotta work tomorrow (working weekends sucks some days)…else I would be there, looking all straight and majorly allied.

  284. Nerd of Redhead says

    Did you already have Time Machine enabled, or was there a “go back a day” as part of the upgrade itself?

    Time Machine (dating from the date of purchase), using the Lion Recovery system (it installs a hidden partition on your hard drive). Then redid the OS upgrade. Worked beautifully. This was the first time I have used Time Machine for a restore.

  285. says

    Patricia, et al, I probably should have done this whole situation on PET instead of TET. But when I get back to the computer and my other community, (that’s you folks), it does make me feel better.

    It’s so goddam hard to deal with someone who isn’t sane, for whatever reason. I have to maintain his trust while pointing out his insanity. It’s like talking to a teabagger, except teabaggers have guns and they won’t let me take them away. [/kinda joking]

  286. The Lone Coyote says

    The Sailor: He sounds like he needs help, needs to find good help, and here in Canada it’s very possible for a guy to get that help, though it depends a bit on them sticking with it, and going back no matter how many times they relapse or go off their meds.

    Unfortunately, in small town Amurrica, I dunno but I understand things are probably different.

  287. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Fargo has a Pride Parade? Hmm, I thought they only had wood chippers, eh?

    Yup, the same Fargo thats in Minnesoooota, don’tchaknow?

  288. says

    Tethys, I snortled at “Yup, the same Fargo thats in Minnesoooota, don’tchaknow?”

    Well, it’s my turn again, see you all in a 1/2 hour. (He’s much better now, comparatively.)

  289. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    I didn’t understand what you meant when you said “self-medicated,” Sailor. Did you mean he’s been taking recreational drugs and that’s why he’s flipped? Or did you mean he’s off his meds or something?

    Yeah, if you could get him to down a good quantity of benzodiazepines you all could get some sleep. I’d donate some of mine if my USB port wasn’t all clogged up.

  290. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    I’d donate some of mine if my USB port wasn’t all clogged up.

    weren’t all clogged up. I will not contribute to the disappearance of the subjunctive. I hate myself for having typed that.

  291. cannabinaceae says

    Bro Boxley, thank you for that reminder.

    Note: I am now using Chrome, and I have to refresh all the time to read FTB, unlike with Safari, which I have abandoned*.

    *The way I have abandoned FB for Plus, which has free multi-node video chat. Anybody need an invite?**

    **Which they may not honor for a while, perhaps withholding as they decide what do do next.

  292. says

    Josh, that’s what I meant and my USB tubes is all clogged up in both directions;-)

    And he threw on a jacket and left. In this heat. me: “why are you putting on a jacket?”
    him: “I gotta go, I gotta go”

    Yep, I lost him on my watch.

  293. says

    As many nights endure without a moon or star, so will TET endure though I am gone, and far. (Apologies to Leonard Cohen).

    I’ve been working. And when I’m done with that, I work some more. This a drudge report.

    So, enough of the excuses. I miss you all (well, most of you anyway), and I’ll be back. (Apologies to Arnold.)

    In passing, then, here’s a Moment of Mormon Madness: seems the followers of addlepated, lanky pedophile, Warren Jeffs will be building a monument to him. Said monument will be tall enough to blight the landscape, yea verily even the mighty cliffs. And said monument will feature the Profit not with his Escalade, nor even with his Harley, but with a little girl. I think they fucked up. There should be at least 24 little girls since that’s the count last we knew of his 78 (approximately) wives who were under the age of 17.

    …But many of his followers still think Jeffs did nothing wrong. Despite a new recording revealed Monday, which documents Jeffs having group sex in an alleged baptismal font with five females including a 13-year-old and two of his own sisters; despite the new testimony of a nephew who says his uncle raped him when Jeffs was still a church school principal; despite the now-convicted felon’s nasty habit of ripping families apart, and reassigning them to other men like chess pieces—his flock is now constructing a three-story statue of their self-proclaimed prophet, according to a trusted source, who has confirmed the details from two different people involved in the edifice’s construction.

    The statue, according to this source, is planned to go up next month at the activity center of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints’ (FLDS) compound in Short Creek, on the Utah/Arizona border. At 38 feet, it will tower over a town where most of the buildings are one-story ranches and trailer homes.

    The gargantuan metal prophet is being constructed in seven pieces in a clandestine warehouse whose windows have been papered over in San Angelo, Texas, where Jeffs’ trial is being held, according to the source. The project is secret, or as FLDS term it, a “heavenly hush,” which means that anyone who discusses it will be kicked out of the sect. The inside source says that those building the statue believe that this their “way of showing them that they can’t take him away from us.” …


  294. Classical Cipher says

    Here I am! I missed you, Horde! Hugs and chocolate to everyone except John Morales, who in place of hugs, chocolate, or treacle gets a hearty, savory STFU from me!

    I believe I have gotten a very high score on my Greek exam. I don’t have the grade yet, but despite shaking uncontrollably through the first half hour of the exam, I walked out of the classroom feeling damn good about it, which is extremely rare for me. Plus, if I’m understanding the grading scale here correctly, I only needed an 89% on the final to achieve an A+ overall. I know I got that, so yay! *throws confetti about*

    Afterward I got to go to the Queen Mary (technically it was for a paranormal tour at my mom’s request, but I was able to ignore the woo most of the time and enjoy the beautiful old ship and fascinating history). I wanted to stay there forever and write and take pictures :)

  295. says

    Arrrrghhh, if I wanted to babysit I’d have my own fucking children!

    Josh, he’s back now and I have him ensconced in his sister’s apartment. Next shift is taking over. We take care of our own, we’se just not do good at it. (And yes, I’m deliberately fucking up the language, I need to find humor when I can.)

  296. says

    CC, I thinks you does good!

    Lynna, I doesn’t has words strong enough for that fellow.

    He will die in prison, and probably sooner and more violently than he thinks. It’s probably not a bit of comfort to his victims.

  297. says

    More Joys of Editing … from Lynna’s pile of editing jobs we have a gem:

    I corrected text today that identified one head honcho as “Director of the Board Member.”

    I was thinking of offering “Director of the Board’s Member” and “Director of the Boards’ Members” … but I had hard time figuring out the physical logistics.

    Could also be that the head honcho in question is a tool.

    Could also be that there is only one board member, and he requires direction.

    Speaking of writing for those who can’t, I’m looking for a grant writer who has some experience with applying for grants. It would be ideal if said grant writer also had some experience with non-profit organizations that provide healthcare services, or education. Any referrals would be appreciated. Contact me at lynna [at] artmeetsadventure [dot] com.

  298. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    Woo-hoo for you. (more confetti)

    Isn’t the Queen Mary gorgeous! Spawn got married there in June, reception in the Queens salon.

    Congrats again.

  299. Classical Cipher says

    Isn’t the Queen Mary gorgeous! Spawn got married there in June, reception in the Queens salon.

    Thanks! And yes, it’s just beautiful. I’ve got a particular taste for old and neglected places, and we visited a bunch of them – the first class pool room was a favorite, as well as another very big old room that I can’t remember the name of right now. The other, more elegant parts are lovely too!

  300. says

    Lynna, I feel heretical in mentioning this, because I am a pilot, but I enjoyed the tour of the Queen Mary more than I liked the Spruce Goose. (Yep, that’s how long ago it was.)

    Long Beach, eh!?
    Wow, we just got fucktons and shitloads of T-Storms and rain!

    … and hail. I almost wish I was on my boat.

  301. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    I loved the view back to shore, and we actually stayed on board. I think the Queens salon is part of the “Captains Tour”.

    Unfortunately, I spent most of my time angrily pacing around on deck biting holes in my tongue.
    (I so wish I could be an evil atheist and speak my mind but nooooooo, I have to be polite while gritting my teeth for spawns sake)

    Ok..whine off/

  302. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    OMFG we have a stoopid troll on the Glenn Beck thread. A self-proclaimed teabagger.

  303. says

    The Sailor:

    It’s like talking to a teabagger,

    Hopefully, you’re actually getting someplace, which none of us did with Barb in the Glenn Beck thread. :) Oh, and even Bismarck has Pride Days! I know, seriously surprising. ;D

    Classical C, yay and congrats!

  304. says

    Cannabinaceae, I’m avoiding G+ until they get a brain and sort out their issues with nyms.

    Warren Jeffs is one of those people who makes me reconsider my opposition to prison rape, torture, and the death penalty, and get out my old rusty knife. Phew! Still metaphorical only, but it’s a close call at times.

  305. Benjamin "van Driessen" Geiger says

    Hey Poopyhead, if you’re paying attention: Could you put in a Dungeon page over here? I know most of the original denizens have been given reprieves, but it’d be nice to know who are still personae non gratae over here (not to mention new additions, like this ‘Barbara’ dingbat).

  306. says

    ‘Tis Himself (and others) mentioned up-thread that they continue to be amazed that lower and middle class USians vote against their own welfare when they vote for Tea Party and other far-right candidates.

    There’s an article called Leap of Faith in the August 15th issue of The New Yorker in which journalist Ryan Lizza follows Michele Bachmann on the campaign trail. Among lots of other mind-boggling details, Lizza points out that people who vote for the Bachmanns of the world think, like she does, that if it ain’t bible-based there’s something wrong with it. Doesn’t matter if they can’t figure out what that something is, nor that the facts are against them. They know what’s wrong and what’s right, and that’s good enough for them.

    Furthermore, if we moar educated elites would get out in the real world we’d see how people really think, and how real people really believe … and we’d stop insulting the real people … or something.

    Some of the people who vote for Bachmann types are well-read in an extremely odd and restricted way. I ran into this recently when my son’s uncle (on the ex-husband’s side) tried to pressure my son into attending a talk by Les Feldick. The Uncle happens to live in Bachmann territory, and he believes that God guides him when it comes to buying radio stations.

    Feldick, Eidsmoe, Schaeffer, Noebel, Wilkins, Pearcey and holy babbles of all kinds — with the exception of the babble, most of us have never heard of the rest of the authors in the holy canon. But Bachmann People can quote chapter and verse.

    …Bachmann belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans … Bachmann said in 2004 that being gay is “personal enslavement,” … and that intelligent design should be taught in schools.

    She didn’t think that stuff up on her own. She learned it. She was taught it. She studied it. It doesn’t matter if you confuse John Wayne with John Wayne Gacy, that’s just facts. The important thing is that you understand that “liberty” equals worshipping the right kind of God.

    …[Francis] Schaeffer … condemns the influence of the Italian Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Darwin, secular humanism, and postmodernism. He repeatedly reminds viewers of the “inerrancy” of the Bible and the necessity of a Biblical world view. “There is only one real solution, and that’s right back where the early church was,” Schaeffer tells his audience. “The early church believed that only the Bible was the final authority. What these people really believed and what gave them their whole strength was in the truth of the Bible as the absolute infallible word of God.”

    Bachmann and her husband experienced a life-changing epiphany when they watched Shaeffer’s films. Which reminds once again of my son’s uncle recounting how it changed his life when he started reading, watching, and discussing evangelical Christian crapola with his wife. I guess it doesn’t take much to light these people up. Lighting them up powers a lot of book and DVD sales.

    Dominionism, based on genesis 1:26, receives some scrutiny from Ryan Lizza. It’s pretty much what you think it is. The Bachmann People don’t just have a duty to rule the world, they have a god-given right to rule. As historian Sara Diamond writes, “Christians, and Christians alone, are Biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns.” Schaeffer even advocated the violent overthrow of the government if Roe v. Wade was not overturned. I think Tea Partiers are trying to overthrow the government, they’re just doing it by taking the debt ceiling issue as a hostage — it’s a slightly toned down revolution compared to what our domestic terrorists on the right would prefer.

    [Nancy Pearcey] tells her readers to be extremely cautious with ideas from non-Christians. There may “be occasions when Christians are mistaken on some point while nonbelievers get it right,” she writes in “Total Truth.” “Nevertheless, the overall systems of thought constructed by nonbelievers will be false—for if the system is not built on Biblical truth, then it will be built on some other ultimate principle. Even individual truths will be seen through the distorting lens of a false world view.”

    Michele Bachmann told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that Pearcey’s book Total Truth was “wonderful.” She says Schaeffer “was a tremendous philosopher.” She says God is the Lord of all, including “sociology, theology, biology, politics.” She attended the School of Law at Oral Roberts University where the Bible, “not the Constitution or conventional jurisprudence, guides the curriculum,” as Lizza notes. Bachmann worked with John Eidsmoe as research assistant when he wrote Christianity and the Constitution.

    Bachmann told an Iowa audience:

    “I went down to Oral Roberts University, and one of the professors that had a great influence on me was an Iowan named John Eidsmoe. He’s from Iowa, and he’s a wonderful man. He has theology degrees, he has law degrees, he’s absolutely brilliant. He taught me about so many aspects of our godly heritage.”

    From Oral Roberts, Bachmann moved on to Pat Robertson’s C.B.N. University (now Regent University). She worked briefly as a tax attorney, but her colleagues say she was on pregnancy leave at least half the time, and worked low-level cases.

    When Backmann quit work to take care of her children, she also began a long stint as a foster parent, “So that young people could come to know Jesus at an early age, the earlier the better…” Charter schools and homeschooling that are God-centered became one of her passions. A charter school she helped to found claimed to be “non-sectarian in all progams…” but really taught all god all the time. Until they were caught, and the Bachmann People were booted.

    She talks about this school as if she were still part of the administration, as if the fact that the school is still going strong (minus God, which she doesn’t mention) is proof of her effectiveness as a community leader.

    Bachmann wrote that federal education law “embraces a socialist, globalist worldview; loyalty to all government and not America.” (That sums up the opinion of most of the voters in my neck of the woods.)

    The odd mix of patriotism with hatred for the government shows up again when Bachmann claims that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery. Even after being corrected via a presentation of real historical facts, she stood her ground. She gets this from Eidsmoe.

    …he argues that John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams “expressed their abhorrence for the institution” and explains that “many Christians opposed slavery even though they owned slaves.” They didn’t free their slaves, he writes, because of their benevolence. “It might be very difficult for a freed slave to make a living in that economy; under such circumstances setting slaves free was both inhumane and irresponsible.”

    Bachmann adds to Eidsmoe some twisted history from J. Steven Wilkins:

    …“most southerners strove to treat their slaves with respect and provide them with a sufficiency of goods for a comfortable, though—by modern standards—spare existence.” African slaves brought to America, he argues, were essentially lucky: “Africa, like any other pagan country, was permeated by the cruelty and barbarism typical of unbelieving cultures.” Echoing Eidsmoe, Wilkins also approvingly cites Lee’s insistence that abolition could not come until “the sanctifying effects of Christianity” had time “to work in the black race and fit its people for freedom.”

    God first, my friends. Otherwise, civil rights without god is a form or cruelty. Wilkin’s book used to be posted on “Michele’s Must Read List” — but her campaign managers now have her substituting “liberty” for every instance in which she would prefer to say “God” — I think this accounts for her strangely tense and reined-in look. She’s self-editing.

    What this boils down to is a melding of godaddledness with financial/political aims that have an underpinning of “scholarship” that has a polished surface, but that is rotten underneath. The surface is good enough to fool way too many people. It’s good enough to get her elected. It’s good enough to convince a bunch of people to vote against their own best interest.

  307. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    We need someone to go get to know Marcus Bachmann and pull a Nimue on him.

    Evil crazy woman must be discredited.

  308. says

    We need someone to go get to know Marcus Bachmann and pull a Nimue on him.

    The journalist from The New Yorker noted in his story that when Marcus watches his wife on TV, he mouths the words along with her.

  309. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Lynna:I think this accounts for her strangely tense and reined-in look. She’s self-editing.

    That is what she always looks like, its nothing new. An uptight, sanctimonious cray cray church lady who has probably never had an orgasm in her life. Newsweek has a whole gallery.

  310. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    The pair of them are sooo creepy. They think they are on a mission from god.

  311. nemo the derv says


    Nimue, as in lady of the lake?
    I’m not familiar with the name used in that way.
    What does it mean to nimue someone?

  312. says

    Just to up the creepiness factor as we discuss right-wing religious fanatics, here’s another Moment of Mormon Madness. In this case, mainstream mormons are twisting in the wind over the whole Warren Jeffs thing.

    The title of the news coverage in the mormon newspaper Deseret News reeks of desperation, “Jeffs a monster, but culture isn’t far behind.” Hmmm. Where have I heard that argument before?

    …But while we vote him off Decency Island, should we also exile the others? I’m talking about the editors of fashion magazines, the producers of television shows and, yes, some parents who are doing their best to sexualize young girls.

    And … this comes from the mormon culture in which parents teach four-year-old girls to cover their shoulders.

    The irony is you could watch a news report about Jeffs’ conviction one minute, then catch the latest episode of “Toddlers and Tiaras” on TLC the next. That is a reality show about little girls who compete in makeup and grownup beauty queen dresses. One little darling recorded her own song on a recent episode with the words, “Rockin’ out the pageant stage shakin’ my bootie.”

    Want more irony? Pick up the latest copy of Vogue Paris, which features sexualized photos of 10-year-old Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau, the daughter of an actress and a French soccer star. A photo shows her pouting her painted lips as she reclines on leopard-print pillows, her feet shod in high heels and her hair elegantly styled.

    I guess this indicates that Warren Jeffs had a subscription to Vogue Paris, and that’s what sullied his character.

    The Parents Television Council recently published a report on television titled, “Sexualized teen girls: Tinsel Town’s new target.” Among the findings: “When underage female characters appear on screen, there is: more sexualizing content depicted; fewer negative responses to being sexualized; more sexualizing incidents occurring outside of any form of committed relationships; more female initiation in the sexualized scenes, or mutual agreement between the teen and her partner that the sexualizing incident is acceptable…”

  313. says

    Nimue was Merlin’s pupil/lover and downfall. She walled him up in a tree. I assume that taking Bachman-husband out of action is intended. But given his vehement anti-gayness, I suspect that a pretty boy would be more effective on him than a pretty girl.

  314. The Lone Coyote says

    Reading the glenn beck thread, Barbie there got me thinking about free canadian healthcare, and how many times I’ve injured myself, and how dead I’d be if I didn’t live in a country that treated my wounds for free with no complaint or hassle before releasing me back into the wild to injure myself again.

    Canada is likely to take a bad backwards slide under Harper, but I’m thankful for free healthcare just the same.

  315. theophontes says

    Pheeuw, caught up again. TET does seem to be getting its speed up to it’s old standards.

    @ David Marjanović, OM

    There have of course been cultural influences from everywhere on Christianity, but most of them have stayed in their regions of the world. Germanic god-sacrifice reaching Egypt is not likely.

    I have always wondered about how these influences could travel. Parallels between religions are very common and seem to imply a level of communication between peoples of the world.

    But on further consideration, this is obviously not necessary at all. As societies and their modes of livelihood change in similar fashion (eg hunter-gatherer to established farming communities) across the globe, so do their metaphysics.

    Corn fed cultures have corn gods. And god-sacrifice (often in human form) is a common feature of such cultures. There is no need to communicate such spontaneously arising tropes between them, they are so similar because the needs that they satisfy are so similar.

    An example: The similarities of the Noah fable to many other similar stories across the world are taken by some religious folk as “evidence” of a world wide flood. This is simply crazy. When people plant crops they move to the plains and near water. Generally this is near a river which may flood and make the “whole world” seem to flood. The Dai people in China have a very similar character to Noah, called Sang Mudi, who saved all the animals of the “whole world” on his raft. (Luckily he also saved the dragons, otherwise they would now be extinct.)

    @ SQB

    [not Phil Lynott’s “Whiskey in the Jar”] True… I have now checked the Pfft of all knowledge.

  316. Benjamin "van Driessen" Geiger says

    TIL that if you call someone out about their “passive-aggressive bullshit” (exact words), they just might unfriend you:

    Him: “I have studied nutrition for the last 15 years. Microwaves alter the molecular fiber of food, and what you take out is not what you put in those contraptions. I had an interesting conversation with a physicist about that a few years ago. Plus, microwaved food tastes like shit. Maybe you should learn to improve your steaming techniques.”

    Me: “[citation needed]”

    Him: “I am at a live show right now, posting from my phone. I can’t provide citations at the moment. With 15 years of study, this is information I have memorized. Do whatever you like.”

    Me: [link to Wikipedia, and text of relevant section]

    Him: “Like I pointed out, do whatever you like. You clearly don’t need any of my knowledge, citing outdated data from Wikipedia.”

    Me: “If you’ve got more recent data than that cited on Wikipedia, feel free to cite it. Better yet, update the Wikipedia page with it. But don’t expect me to take your word for it.”

    Me: “PS: What’s with the passive-aggressive bullshit?”

    Me: “‎… and he unfriended me. How special.”

  317. nemo the derv says


    You might want to look up Joseph Campbell.

    He was a cultural anthropologist who took a serious look at all of those similarities your talking about. He theorized that all myths and religous stories are telling the same story because they are all trying to answer the same questions.

    There is what can’t know.
    There is what we can know but not talk about.
    Then there is what we can talk about but not understand.
    We take what we cannot understand, put a mask in front of it, call it God and continue to talk anyway.

    That’s from The Masks of God
    (Though I may have paraphrased it. Working from memory)
    Interesting stuff

  318. The Lone Coyote says

    I do find microwave food doesn’t taste as good, but that’s because I can’t seem to get it to heat evenly.

  319. says

    Over in the Glenn Beck thread, Patricia had a good laugh over my Sweet Baby Buttfucked Jesus. That’s from the Jesus Who? Menu I used to maintain for the usenet group I was on back in the day. People got creative with variations on the Jesus Christ! expressions. I’ve posted this before, but told Patricia I’d repost, so here it is:

    Jesus Jumping Christ on a Pogo Stick
    Jesus H. Christ on roller skates
    Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ
    Jesus H. Christ on a motorized dildo!
    Jesus Christ on a Tilt-a-Whirl!
    Christ in a sidecar
    Jesus H Baldheaded Christ on a Raft!
    Great green biodegradable Christ in hot pants
    Jesus H. Christ on a collapsible aluminum crutch!
    Jesus Christ on the dancefloor!
    Jesus jumped-up Christ on a chariot-driven crutch
    Crispy Christ
    Christ on toast
    Sweet cream of Jesus over noodles
    Sweet Zombie Jesus!
    Ohh, Sweet Sirloin of Jesus au Jus avec TRUFFLES!
    J. Haploid Christ roller skating nekkid through the crosswalk
    Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ on a stick
    Jesus asthmatic Christ with a nebulizer
    Jesus Christ On A Loose Chunk Of Ice
    Sweet cream of Jesus on toast points!
    Sweet poached Jesus onna plate
    Soft-boiled Jesus in an egg cup
    Jesus Christ in a white wine sauce, with mushrooms, shallots and garlic
    Deep-fried Jesus! Onna stick!
    Sweet Jesus on rye bread with a dill pickle
    Sweet Jesus on rye bread with coarse-ground mustard
    Christ on a cracker!
    Great Bald Headed Jesus Christ on a moped
    Jesus jumped-up Christ in a sidecar
    Sweet Jesus with a yellow plastic shoop-de-doo
    Christ assraping Buddha!
    Jesus Haploid Christ
    Jesus H Chocolate Christ On A Stick
    Jesus H. Christ and his black bastard brother Harry
    Jesus H Christmas on a fire engine
    Jesus Christ on acid
    Jesus Christ eatin’ a corndog
    Jesus H Christ on a pair of stilts!
    Jesus Christ on TWO crosses!
    Sweet Buttfucked Baby Jesus
    Jesus Christ on the 38 Geary Limited Outbound to Point Lobos
    Jesus Christ riding a vacuum
    Jumping Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ on a string of cheap plastic beads
    Crispy Fried Christ
    Jeezuss deep-fried crispy Christ
    Jesus Christ in a jumping bean!
    Sweet Jesus in a TEACUP

  320. Classical Cipher says

    Hi – question – anybody know what the current status is of the hypothesis that testosterone increases competitiveness? From my cursory non-scientist scan it looks like it’s a lot more complicated than that, and everything always is… I’m trying to find a good lay explanation but everything looks like Sensational Science Journalism to me.

  321. Patricia, OM says

    Waaaah! I miss MAJeff so much. Somebody please tell him he’s loved and missed. Today I thought about him when I was pruning my four different basils. He always bested me in basil growing and canning. Dammit.

    The Barb comments – it was a joy to lurk again. Watching the regulars is a spectator sport that I may have to continue, wearing Depends. Since PZ & Scooter are the only horde voices I know, it’s hysterical to do imaginary Pharyngula voices for the comments.

  322. Patricia, OM says

    Caine – Gawd damnit, I thought the laughing so hard I didn’t need to loosen the corset stage was over for this thread…oh hell no, you just had to post the Jesus Who? menu.

    Naughty Marvin is enjoying the ‘sidecar’ christs.

    Jeez you Ilk are cracking me up today!

  323. says


    Naughty Marvin is enjoying the ‘sidecar’ christs.

    Hahahaha, I’m glad. :D The Jesus Who? Menu can always be added to, I’ll be happy to keep maintaining the list.

  324. strange gods before me says

    Rather than mucking up the congratulatory thread with my stupidity, three people now have said PROFESSOR in caps. It must be a joke of some kind, but I do not get it. Please help me feel less ignorant.

  325. Patricia, OM says

    SC – Please relay my sentiments to MAJeff too. I really miss him.

    The other voice of wisdom I miss is Broken Soldier.
    *le sniff*

  326. Patricia, OM says

    Caine – Marvin has a beautiful photo of his Harley & sidecar, but we don’t know how to post it up so the Ilk can see it.

    We are going to get my new bike in the morning, I’m pretty excited!

  327. Patricia, OM says

    SC – I don’t know where Broken Soldier is. Like a whole lot of the vets I see during my volunteer work, they’re like gawd – they just Poof in and out. I wonder where he went, and if he is OK.

    Which proves us atheist bastards don’t care a wit about anybody but our selfish gawd hating selves.


  328. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says

    Nimue as in The Mists Of Avalon which is a retelling of the legend from Morgaines point of view. (Morgan la Fey)

    Merlin betrays the women of Avalon and Nimue is sent to beguile and enchant him as revenge, eventually sealing him into a tree.

    I think Marcus Bachmanns Nimue probably looks a lot like this.

  329. says


    Caine – Marvin has a beautiful photo of his Harley & sidecar, but we don’t know how to post it up so the Ilk can see it.

    You can email photos to me (my email addy is on my zenfolio, just clicks my nym) and I’ll be happy to put them up in one of my galleries.

    We are going to get my new bike in the morning, I’m pretty excited!

    Ooooooh, shiny! Can’t wait to hear about it.

  330. Patricia, OM says

    Tethys – I so don’t want to argue with you, but I don’t remember the Mists of Avalon that way. I have it here, so I can watch it again, Nimue isn’t ringing a bell.

    If I want to curse anyone with chaos, confusion, despair and discord, I send them the Blessings of Eris. She loves christians.

  331. Patricia, OM says

    Caine – yep Sunday is going to be busy. We have to harvest the hops, and get my new bike.

    (I don’t even give a shit about the hops. *grin*)

  332. Tethys-zombi feministe calmar-garou says


    The movie or the book? I’ve never seen the movie. I am referring to the book.
    The memory is aging and sometimes betrays though. Bah, much worse than wrinkles IMO.

  333. Classical Cipher says

    Thanks to everyone for sharing my joy about the exam :) I was supposed to be in bed so very long ago, and now, goodnight!

  334. serendipitydawg (one headed, mutant spawn of Echidna) says

    Good day Horde,

    I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep up at the moment so hello to all and: Fucking Gravity Magnets, how to they work?

    Set 1 min 1 sec – if I hadn’t fumbled at the last second I would have done it. Oh well, back to doing the boring stuff outside :D

    Finally updloaded a random picture to gravatar; I could have posted one of the cats, just to join in with Kitty et al, but the dragonfly that was using our washing line as a hunting perch was the first one in the folder and it a) stayed still for a macro shot, and b) looks like an alien, so it was perfect.