It’s open season on women and doctors out there! » « A man who should be dancing at the end of a rope When will that Fine Tuning Argument evaporate? (via Skepchick) Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet It’s open season on women and doctors out there! » « A man who should be dancing at the end of a rope
Kev Quondam, Kevque Futurum, PKoD says 24 February 2011 at 2:44 pm @ckettner: Oh yea. Then why does the ice float in my rum and coke instead of sink? It’s a solid so it should be more dense, and when lakes freeze, it should crush all the fish! Ahmygaw fine tuning! No other element or compound does!
Oh yea. Then why does the ice float in my rum and coke instead of sink? It’s a solid so it should be more dense, and when lakes freeze, it should crush all the fish! Ahmygaw fine tuning! No other element or compound does!