The silliest, and catchiest, of weebl’s songs is perhaps this one, but the Hot Tamale song is pretty good, too.
The Narwhal was bad.
If the Durgong or the Narwhal are worse is still a matter of heated dispute.
What’s without a doubt worst, is the feeling of shame welling up inside you after thinking: “Come on, the Durgong Song, I already know that one…”
Kel, OMsays
Just by mentioning the Narwhal Song it’s again stuck in my head, this song pales in catchiness comparison.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
*Hands Nerd of Redhead a cyberpistol*
*Dang, PZ is over the horizon from here. No doubt, hiding behind the Trophy Wife™ and Trophy Daughter™. Or worse yet, a tax form…Oh, Macbook, sniny…*
Catchy and you can dance to it. I give it a 92.
I now picture the Dugong and the Narwahl going at it like in Dueling Banjos.
*Hands Nerd of Redhead a gene-seeking missile launcher with missile tuned to P.Z.’s unique genetic sequence*
I would say this was lame, but it compelled me to look up the narwhal song again. So really it’s insidiously evil.
6-bleen-7 @4 said:
The silliest, and catchiest, of weebl’s songs is perhaps this one
I first heard a (much-mutated) version of that song at a summer camp, so that video was like discovering the ancestral fossil form.
Hank Foxsays
“Pretty big and pretty white,
And beat a polar bear in a fight!”
Lyrics for the ages.
To hell with the lot of you. I LIKED the Narwhal Song.
A much higher-quality version of the narwhal song may be found on weebl’s Web site. Please note, however, that there doesn’t seem to be a pause button, and the song will loop until you surf away from the page.
I thought there was something fishy about calling manatees “dugongs”…I knew if that were actually the case, I’d have already known it. It turns out that the dugong is in the same order as the manatee (actually, as all three species of manatee), but differs in family, genus, and species. (To be fair, the three species of manatee and the dugong are the only living members of that order, but still.) It’s disappointing to see weebl neglecting the taxonomic accuracy with which have become synonymous.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
*Hands Nerd of Redhead a gene-seeking missile launcher with missile tuned to P.Z.’s unique genetic sequence*
*Aims launcher in general westerly direction of Minnesota, and then passes out from previously quaffed celebratory grogs for finishing taxes…Hic.*
‘Kent Hovind’ and ‘science teacher’ in the same sentence, without the slightest hint of irony – my head is going to explode.
Dugongs don’t hold a candle to narwhals “’cause they are so awesome.” Do we expect Dugongs to keep Cthulhu eating us? Of course not. But we know narwhals handle that task easily. Which is more impressive, not living in a tree because it would be silly or having a kick-ass facial horn?
dugong != manatee
Dugong ain’t no manatee.
Sven DiMilosays
Well, dugongs are at least in the same order as manatees. “Close cousins” to dolphins?
One good thing about the dugong song as compared to the infernal narwhal thing: it seems to end.
^^^This song is terrible… I really hope the ICP doesnt have any fans these days…
'Tis Himself, OMsays
One good thing about the dugong song as compared to the infernal narwhal thing: it seems to end.
Which shows the dugong song isn’t a real earworm. The defining characteristic of an earworm is that it never seems to end.
I think I want that as my ringtone now.
Raghu Manisays
Long time lurker and this prompted me to finally de-lurk and post. Sorry PZ, when it comes to irritating videos, you are an amateur. Want to see something that is guaranteed to give you nightmares? Behold – the new llama song.
– RM
I personally prefer their “Kenya.” The tiger is too cute.
In other nudes, I was just walking home with my burrito and saw this sign at one of the many churches in the neighborhood, thought it was pretty funny.
Honorable mention (no links, because this’ll get stuck in moderation):
Weebl’s toons:
* Badgers
* Magical Trevor
* Pork (disturbing video, but catchy as hell)
* Kenya
* Waffles (somewhat NSFW)
* Bonjour (very NSFW)
* Scotch Egg
Toons not by Weebl:
* Leekspin (please, for the love of Pete, do not confuse this with “meatspin”)
* Peanut Butter Jelly Time
* Bananaphone
(and I’ve probably missed quite a few.)
Great! Another song that would be stuck in my head for a while.
No, no, no, you have it wrong. It’s Owls or nothing. You can’t fool them.
Kristjan Wagersays
But PZ, could this song keep you from going insane during a snow storm? I don’t think so!
Check out #23’s link: . Insane Clown Posse wants to know how magnets work, but won’t ask a scientist because “Y’all motherfuckers lying”.
Janet Holmessays
What about Crabs? You can’t leave that out. And Somalia, that’s good too.
Andreas Johanssonsays
Well, dugongs are at least in the same order as manatees. “Close cousins” to dolphins?
A brief poll of resident mites finds that all vertebrates are pretty much the same as far as they are concerned.
Please note, however, that there doesn’t seem to be a pause button, and the song will loop until you surf away from the page.
Bug or feature?
We have manatees here in our zoo in Odense. ::hint hint::
Sven DiMilosays
It’s the meat of kings.
(try it with onion rings)
I’ve always been quite partial to Scampi. (This song, that is, not the seafood.)
I kick it old school.
…but holy cow, this is more catchy than it has any right to be!
I don’t particulary want to be caught singing it to myself, but I’m pretty sure I will.
1. It’s called “Amazing Horse”.
2. A better place to find it (other than Weebl’s site, of course) is (Weebl gave implicit permission for it, sorta).
Sorry it’s only a preview of the song, but I doubt anyone here could make it through the full version.
How did “man” end up after “earworm” in my post? I shouldn’t post in the AM. Stupid! But not as stupid as dolphins and manatees being close cousins.
David Marjanovićsays
“Close cousins” to dolphins?
Indeed, the dolphins are more closely related to us than to the sea cows (dugongs & manatees).
Gonna derail the thread again.
The infamous Rev. Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church’s son Nate escaped the insanity and eventually became an atheist, and here’s an interesting interview from last week with him.
Gonna derail the thread again.
The infamous Rev. Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church’s son Nate escaped the insanity and eventually became an atheist, and here’s an interesting interview from last week with him.
#23 and #36 – I’m pretty sure ICP is parodying the denialist community in with that “Miracles” video. No sane person could take it literally.
PZ Myerssays
No sane person listens to ICP.
Oh man. I knew a juggalo in art school. He once told me that I am a juggalo. Condemned thus, I live in terror of the day I begin to sweat greasepaint and grow dreadlocks.
*reaches for cyberpistol to shoot PZ, realizes the cyberpistol is still in the mail from PZ. Shakes fist at PZ…*
I’ll see your dugong and raise you a breadfish …
*Hands Nerd of Redhead a cyberpistol*
The silliest, and catchiest, of weebl’s songs is perhaps this one, but the Hot Tamale song is pretty good, too.
The Narwhal was bad.
If the Durgong or the Narwhal are worse is still a matter of heated dispute.
What’s without a doubt worst, is the feeling of shame welling up inside you after thinking: “Come on, the Durgong Song, I already know that one…”
Just by mentioning the Narwhal Song it’s again stuck in my head, this song pales in catchiness comparison.
*Dang, PZ is over the horizon from here. No doubt, hiding behind the Trophy Wife™ and Trophy Daughter™. Or worse yet, a tax form…Oh, Macbook, sniny…*
Catchy and you can dance to it. I give it a 92.
I now picture the Dugong and the Narwahl going at it like in Dueling Banjos.
*Hands Nerd of Redhead a gene-seeking missile launcher with missile tuned to P.Z.’s unique genetic sequence*
I would say this was lame, but it compelled me to look up the narwhal song again. So really it’s insidiously evil.
6-bleen-7 @4 said:
I first heard a (much-mutated) version of that song at a summer camp, so that video was like discovering the ancestral fossil form.
“Pretty big and pretty white,
And beat a polar bear in a fight!”
Lyrics for the ages.
To hell with the lot of you. I LIKED the Narwhal Song.
A much higher-quality version of the narwhal song may be found on weebl’s Web site. Please note, however, that there doesn’t seem to be a pause button, and the song will loop until you surf away from the page.
I thought there was something fishy about calling manatees “dugongs”…I knew if that were actually the case, I’d have already known it. It turns out that the dugong is in the same order as the manatee (actually, as all three species of manatee), but differs in family, genus, and species. (To be fair, the three species of manatee and the dugong are the only living members of that order, but still.) It’s disappointing to see weebl neglecting the taxonomic accuracy with which have become synonymous.
*Aims launcher in general westerly direction of Minnesota, and then passes out from previously quaffed celebratory grogs for finishing taxes…Hic.*
‘Kent Hovind’ and ‘science teacher’ in the same sentence, without the slightest hint of irony – my head is going to explode.
gah, wrong thread
One of my favorites is waffles:
And, of course, the classic earworm.
Dugongs don’t hold a candle to narwhals “’cause they are so awesome.” Do we expect Dugongs to keep Cthulhu eating us? Of course not. But we know narwhals handle that task easily. Which is more impressive, not living in a tree because it would be silly or having a kick-ass facial horn?
dugong != manatee
Dugong ain’t no manatee.
Well, dugongs are at least in the same order as manatees. “Close cousins” to dolphins?
One good thing about the dugong song as compared to the infernal narwhal thing: it seems to end.
^^^This song is terrible… I really hope the ICP doesnt have any fans these days…
Which shows the dugong song isn’t a real earworm. The defining characteristic of an earworm is that it never seems to end.
I think I want that as my ringtone now.
Long time lurker and this prompted me to finally de-lurk and post. Sorry PZ, when it comes to irritating videos, you are an amateur. Want to see something that is guaranteed to give you nightmares? Behold – the new llama song.
– RM
I personally prefer their “Kenya.” The tiger is too cute.
In other nudes, I was just walking home with my burrito and saw this sign at one of the many churches in the neighborhood, thought it was pretty funny.
PZ might be interested in the Demolition Squid.
I’m sorry. I’ve got to quote this:
Dr. Dugong: “Oh. Oh! You may have found my inner sanctum…”
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch: “Shut up! Now give us the key or plans or whatever the hell you have.”
“I have a tank full of gentle cuttlefish.”
The Monarch: “Give us the Cuttle. I can’t do this.”
dang, you slashdotted twitpic.
Go straight to the Weebl’s site. The songs are clearer and keep repeating forever. The Blimp song is my favorite science because it praises Helium.
Dugongs may not be as awesome as narwhals, but I still have it on good authority that you shouldn’t let them touch your balls, either.
Anyway, in terms of earworminess:
The Llama Song > *.
Honorable mention (no links, because this’ll get stuck in moderation):
Weebl’s toons:
* Badgers
* Magical Trevor
* Pork (disturbing video, but catchy as hell)
* Kenya
* Waffles (somewhat NSFW)
* Bonjour (very NSFW)
* Scotch Egg
Toons not by Weebl:
* Leekspin (please, for the love of Pete, do not confuse this with “meatspin”)
* Peanut Butter Jelly Time
* Bananaphone
(and I’ve probably missed quite a few.)
Great! Another song that would be stuck in my head for a while.
No, no, no, you have it wrong. It’s Owls or nothing. You can’t fool them.
But PZ, could this song keep you from going insane during a snow storm? I don’t think so!
Check out #23’s link: . Insane Clown Posse wants to know how magnets work, but won’t ask a scientist because “Y’all motherfuckers lying”.
What about Crabs? You can’t leave that out. And Somalia, that’s good too.
A brief poll of resident mites finds that all vertebrates are pretty much the same as far as they are concerned.
Bug or feature?
We have manatees here in our zoo in Odense. ::hint hint::
It’s the meat of kings.
(try it with onion rings)
I’ve always been quite partial to Scampi. (This song, that is, not the seafood.)
I kick it old school.
…but holy cow, this is more catchy than it has any right to be!
I don’t particulary want to be caught singing it to myself, but I’m pretty sure I will.
PS. The Dugong is not Steller’s Sea Cow.
Have none of you heard Get On my Horse? FSM Alive, man! It’s earworm worthy for sure!
another weebl creation.
1. It’s called “Amazing Horse”.
2. A better place to find it (other than Weebl’s site, of course) is (Weebl gave implicit permission for it, sorta).
A greater earworm man has not invented than THIS:
Sorry it’s only a preview of the song, but I doubt anyone here could make it through the full version.
How did “man” end up after “earworm” in my post? I shouldn’t post in the AM. Stupid! But not as stupid as dolphins and manatees being close cousins.
Indeed, the dolphins are more closely related to us than to the sea cows (dugongs & manatees).
Gonna derail the thread again.
The infamous Rev. Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church’s son Nate escaped the insanity and eventually became an atheist, and here’s an interesting interview from last week with him.
Joytv-The Standard-Nate Phelps INVU from Jonathan Roth on Vimeo.
Gonna derail the thread again.
The infamous Rev. Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church’s son Nate escaped the insanity and eventually became an atheist, and here’s an interesting interview from last week with him.
Joytv-The Standard-Nate Phelps INVU from Jonathan Roth on Vimeo.
Even worse:
Listen to the Chutney Song. THEN listen to Dugong.
See if they cross-pollinate.
(In my case they did. Unfortunately. “Chutney, chutney, it’s the cow of the see-hee-heee…what the hell, that can’t be right…”)
Thanks for reminding me of one I forgot:
You know what’s more awesome than dugongs?
Behold, LOBSTER MAGNET!!!!!!
#23 and #36 – I’m pretty sure ICP is parodying the denialist community in with that “Miracles” video. No sane person could take it literally.
No sane person listens to ICP.
Oh man. I knew a juggalo in art school. He once told me that I am a juggalo. Condemned thus, I live in terror of the day I begin to sweat greasepaint and grow dreadlocks.