
  1. Kieranfoy says

    Me varla !

    Look at that thing. Are there, i’truth, such foul and terrible beasties roaming our waters, armed with the latest in bubble-guns!

    Oh, noes!

  2. JackC says

    What is that cephalopod doing with all those old coke bottles? And why does my spell-check not (yet) know “cephalopod”?


  3. SteveM says

    Laugh at the bubbles you may, but think of all the poor fish slaughtered by the dolphins’ in their bubble nets.

  4. recovering catholic says

    “Pew pew pew”–I cannot pull from my brain where that came from. I know it was discussed here on Pharyngyla not too long ago–did it have something to do with Mooney and Kirschenbaum??

  5. AndrewTheEternal says

    The only way that shirt could be better is if the squid had Agent Smith sunglasses instead of the visor look.

    “Pew pew pew” is an onomatopoeia children make when they are pretending to shoot lasers.

  6. PZ Myers says

    I was going to say it was a gamer term for doing damage to an opponent…but yeah, “an onomatopoeia children make when they are pretending to shoot lasers” is just as good.

  7. Dania says

    I know it was discussed here on Pharyngyla not too long ago–did it have something to do with Mooney and Kirschenbaum??

    Hm, I don’t know if it’s what you were thinking of but “pew pew pew” reminds me of this.

  8. Bastion Of Sass says

    It’s never too soon to begin cyberpistol shooting practice so we’re all sharp and posed for action during next Republican National Convention. 2012 is just around the corner.


  9. DLC says

    It’s gamer-speek for blasting thy enemy.
    as in: “Dood, less QQ, More Pew pew! ”

    I couldn’t look at that without thinking of Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction. it’s the eyes — they remind me of the sunglasses Jackson wore.

  10. Ian says

    While the basic design is high awesome, it seems to be “distressed.” I just want to say how much I hate hate hate the “distressed” look so popular these days, particularly with shirts aping those popular in the ’80s.

    The reason I’m buying a Transformers shirt now is so it doesn’t look like the crappy one I threw out because I bought it in the 80s. GIVE ME SOMETHING THAT LOOKS NEW.

  11. says


    But the cephalopod is just shooting (air) bubbles.


    Buy it and I would wear it.

  12. marcus says

    Pewpewpew also appeared in the thread about the new high-capacity, super-sanitary, jebus-meat dispenser being produced in MN. I remember because of the mandatory keyboard decoffeenization that occurred immediately thereafter.