Some of our stats have been released to the press today., the leading social media site in the science category, today released traffic figures for 2009 and the first quarter of 2010 (Source: Google Analytics).
Visits for the quarter ending March 31 grew by 41% year-over-year to approximately 13 million, and page views topped 25 million. Monthly unique visitors grew to 2.4 million worldwide and in the US surpassed 2 million for the first time this March.
Total visits for 2009 grew by 55% year-over-year to 45 million and average monthly unique visitors climbed 49% to 1.9 million. has achieved high double-digit traffic growth (at least 50%) every year since its launch in 2006.
You will be assimilated.
I also notice that the number of comments on Pharyngula alone is around 954,000, and we’ll probably hit a million sometime early this summer.
I feel so…small.
I wonder how much of that controversy was stirred up by Pharyngula.
954,000 comments, I wonder if PZ read most of them.
Assimilated? Who gets to be Locutus?
Keeping up with UD?
They must be growing like crazy (just look at the number of comments there), what with “Darwinism” dying before our very eyes.
Glen D
Total Perspective Vortex
When you tire of angel cake, try looking here:
THIS is the Total Perspective Vortex.
We already have Locutus. Locutus of Gay.
There are other blogs here?!
Well, as the Total Perspective Vortex (see @7) points out, there are billions and billions of galaxies. Hence, there’s a possibility there is another blog. Somewhere.
But is it run by a sleazy poopyhead?
That is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler to be sleazy, a poopyhead,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them.
Does the millionth commenter win an autographed squid or something?
Heh. And here I was expecting that the PR from the mothership would be about how the Vatican is creating lies and whining about being persecuted. Apparently the claims that Pope Ratzinger is covering up child rape are merely a conspiracy to besmirch the church. Just conveniently ignore the facts such as: (1) Ratzinger isn’t doing a goddamned thing to put an end to the child rape, (2) Ratzinger was involved with moving child rapists around to keep them from the law, (3) Ratzinger’s office states that the victims (and their families) should be punished – how dare they speak out? Oh goddamn, the list just goes on. But noooo – don’t let facts get in the way of the church – this is just another campaign to persecute the church – after all, don’t you know the catholic church is a mere 20% minority in the USA and probably a mere 90% minority in some other countries? I wish there were a hell for those bastards to rot in.
The fall in the fortunes of scienceblogs which began with the departure of Chris Mooney continues.
Gotta admit, “Sleazy PZ” has a nice ring to it…
Yo PZ!!! Any prize for the “millionth” commenter?
What is the best protection against being assimilated? I have been slurping down chili sauce for the last five years, and probably would cause a burning sensation. Or should I be building up high levels of THC in my fat cells? Or is all that futile, and only good for a few laughs after assimilation takes place?
(As may be obvious, I know nothing about Borg-type assimilation, other than the word Borg. I will go research.)
Can we form a pool to bet on when the millionth comment comes in, and whether it will be by an irate christian or a snarky atheist? I’ll put $2 on June 16th, an Order of Molly being pithily sarcastic.
I prefer Hagar the Horrible.
I just started reading in Octember, and I know many who have also started reading ScienceBlogs a lot. It’s kind of one of my favorite news sources, really.
So does “PZed the Poopyhead”.
I wonder what would happen if two different Scienceborg species came into contact with each other. Would it matter which one was assimilated?
Trying to contact the dweebs running the steam-powered abacus is probably sufficent—at least if you’re careful to use the public instructions in which still say (after months of complaints):
At one time, e-mailing that address didn’t work (it always bounced); I’ve no idea what happens now.
The same basic HTML coding mistake applies to the other listed e-addresses for the SciBorg, such as advertising.
Okay, but I’m keeping my own DNA for the benefit of future historians, much like mitochondria or chloroplasts. At the very least, I want future high school students to have to memorise my name and regurgitate an antiquated analogy on exams asking after my function.
“Hey, Barbara Carnation-14. What’s the Brownian do again?”
“Um, it’s the ‘powerhouse’ of the SciBlog.'”
“Powerhouse? What the hell’s a powerhouse?”
“I think it’s like a battery.”
“Huh? What the hell’s a battery?”
“I dunno. My mom said they were important back in her day. Hey, check out Fujiko Grebe-9: She’s fallen asleep and her maxillary USB port is filling with drool!”
There isn’t going to be millionth commenter. There can only be 6000 comments since the Earth is 6000 years old. Where is your head at man??
I’m curious, how much of that is your page?
If you’re quick, Brownian, you can become part of the brain. Just locate the crockus for us and we’ll name it after you.
Half the posts are either me correcting the mistakes in my last post, or Walton apologising for his last post.
Or fucking recipes.
Recipe? Do we need instructions on how to Fuck?
Do fucking recipes include lots of butter?
Nobody ever thinks they do, but…
I see from this link that it’s a part of the brain that’s four times larger in females, so I’m assuming it’s the part that sees a really heavy and awkward couch and decides it just has to be moved to another part of the roo–no on second thought, move it next to the planter–hmm, perhaps next to the bookshelves? Nope. You know what? I think we need a new couch. Put it back where it was and let’s head to Pier 1.
Yup, that sounds about enough evidence to write a bestselling pop-psy book.
If not there’s more inspiration.
Let me help you hit your millionth comment quicker with this post.
Another useless poll to crash is here.
Does God exist? So far, he’s way out front.
@29 Brownian
Which is why ancient Chinese men came up with Feng Shui as a counter gambit.
1) It’s pretty clear that PZ is Locutus. I don’t see why there was ever any doubt about this.
2) Telling us that we are near 1 million will only trigger a self-fulfilling prophecy. Admittedly that may be your goal.
And living alone on a mountain top.
Does this reaching the top of the pile mean you will be bought out by Rupert Meredog in a hostile takeover. Next stop Fox News with PZ Myers?
but I, um, don’t want to service the Borg.
@ #31,
The god poll is broken/out of service/withdrawn/who knows?
The others seem to function, but to what end?
I stand connected; it shows results.
God exists = 58%
No, s/he doesn’t = 37%
Don’t know = 37%
What’s wrong with this picture?
I stand connected; it shows results.
God exists = 58%
No, s/he doesn’t = 37%
Don’t know = 37%
What’s wrong with this picture?
Sorry! Accidental double post. Their formatting fooled my eye. But the less-than-hoped-for numbers outweigh the affirmative. I promise to behave. Even if Steve what’s his face is a couple % dumber than Sarah Palin. Is that possible?
Finally some stats that you’re actually proud of!
Dammit. Makes me wish even more my food blog was good enough and had enough scientific content enough to apply to join the Borg.
off topic:
“Darwin’s Darkest Hour” originally aired on October 6, 2009 on PBS can now be watched online at
If we’re jockeying for Star Trek parts, I have dibs on being Janeway.
The nutjob also nominated Chris Mooney for Hitlerfriend. Fuhrer-Freund ?
Not sure I’d want to be on the same list as Mooney, but I guess Larry F has to Frame things right.
By the way: PZ, after being horribly traumatized by your evil anti-catholic posts, I demand restitution in the form of an iPad.
There, I beat Kw0k to it. /jokerlaugh
“You will be assimilated.”
What do you mean ‘will be’?
Resistance is futile, if less than one ohm….
Just when did the “Overlords” become the “Mothership”, anyway?
What Compoundname will they metamorphose into next?
I also notice that the number of comments on Pharyngula alone is around 954,000, and we’ll probably hit a million sometime early this summer.
PZ should be more careful where he directs his minions unless he wants to be pharygulated with…
Total Perspective Vortex, i like this article