I’m really frightened now. If God disappears there will be no more imaginary beings to hate. Then what will I do?
I’ll have to ask the monsters to come back and live under my bed….
You have to admit though, it’d be funny watching the christians running around like headless chickens.
Well, I always wanted to taste humam meat.
The first thing that came to mind before I watched the video was, “Well, I’d have to start calling myself an atheist instead of a deist.”
Oh, and brilliant Edward, just brilliant. One of your best. Don’t suppose you ever read this blog, but all of us Chriatians on here really appreciate your piety and faith.
Richard Harrissays
Nah, if god, (meaning that fecker Yahweh), disappeared, there’d be a power struggle in heaven, culminating in one of the minor gods, such as a Seraphim, taking his place. Mind you, it could be an Archangel – I seem to recall that they’re pretty handy with a sword.
Then things would just carry on as before, except maybe the new boy would get carried away smiting all & sundry, just like that fecker Yahweh did when he got started.
It’s also possible that Yahweh’s wife, Anath, might’ve poisoned the old bugger to get rid of him. I wonder if she’d be any better? She mightn’t get so carried away with smiting. But then she’d probably be into poisoning. Hmmm, the way the World’s going, with atmospheric pollution & global warming, I wonder.
A Nony Mousesays
The random natural disasters thing reminded me of this. (When FL was hit with three hurricanes that appeared to go out of their way to miss the counties that voted for Gore in 2000.)
Stephen Johnsonsays
Worse – what if God suddenly appeared and revealed which of the many religions, denomination, sects, cults, hermits was right? They’d be insufferable!
Edward, this is the best yet. This is genius, it slaughters almost all ridiculous christian tenets in 3min34sec. Beautiful, perfect, and fluffy.
A Nony Mousesays
Re: #9…of course, as the link points out, the map was debunked to some extent. I choose to ignore such inconvenient facts.
Definitely Ed’s best yet. Very funny.
Janine, Insulting Sinnersays
And they called it puppy love!
No, no, no! World without sunshine. World without joy.
My peas didn’t come in last spring.
No Jesus = no peas.
I may have to switch sides now that this has been made clear.
On the other hand… tasty puppies.
So hard to decide.
This had me fooled at the beginning as it looked just like a real religious promo video, especially the bit about what atheists think! (I’m sure they do believe that we are beyond hope) Makes the point very well – good job. I wonder how many religites will watch this and not get it!
“Divine gift being administered by breathing tube”… priceless!
Do you suppose that the part about having sex with animals is a reference to the bestial Sal Cordova and his vile insinuations concerning PZ’s daughter?
Bit of a poet in Edward Current. I think I like this one the best so far.
uncle frogysays
I think he meant when god disappeared not if, which seems to have been a long long long time ago. because most of those things he spoke of have already come to pass except we still have air ?
I knew this was one of Ed’s videos just by PZ’s comment.
This could fool the unknowing until the end where it asks you “to give to your local megachurch.” A real video like this would only ask you to give to its sponsors.
I can’t view this. Either I get “We’re sorry, this video is unavailable,” or else it starts, but stalls after a few seconds.
What’s wrong with god? His kid could handle a shortage of loaves and fishes, but he can’t do bandwidth? Pathetic.
I probably got through about the first 45 seconds before shutting it off, it was so idiotic. “Oh, we Christians can feel God’s presence”. No, you retard, you’re simply a delusional twit.
My response to “what if God disappeared” is “So? Since there’s no evidence God exists in the first place, there would be no difference whatsoever.”
Chris Davissays
I must confess this kind of parody gets on my nerves, and religious Poe parodies are the worst of it: how can you top the idiocy of the real thing? Why is an accurate counterfeit of a deranged pillock funny?
I suspect a genuine Christian either wouldn’t or couldn’t answer the question at all. They would argue that these are things that might happen if belief in God disappeared. But that’s a different question.
What if God disappeared? My guess is that they’d probably reply that, if God disappeared, then the universe would also disappear. No God = No Anything. To them, asking what things would be like if God were not there is like asking what things would be like if they weren’t there. The mind shuts down because the question makes no sense.
Entertaining the idea that one could have a world where nature works as usual, but God is not there to sustain, guide, or be behind it in some incredibly critical and significant way, is basically the same as seriously entertaining the idea that God doesn’t need to exist at all.
I’m always hesitant to watch Edward Current, thanks to Poe’s Law. I’m usually worried he’s going to hit too close to the mark of actual fundies and end up frustrating me instead of making me laugh. This one did well enough to get favorited.
“No Jesus no peas” was definitely the part that made me laugh. He might not be everyone’s style, but I certainly like him.
Failing to grasp the obvious, Cephus unwittingly wrote:
I probably got through about the first 45 seconds before shutting it off, it was so idiotic. “Oh, we Christians can feel God’s presence”. No, you retard, you’re simply a delusional twit.
Swooosh….EPIC FAIL.
Kinzua Kidsays
You should watch all of EC’s videos. I think you’ll see the error of your first impression after that. That is, if you can pull youself away from youtube long enough to stop laughing.
Trust us. Good fun therein.
David Marjanović, OMsays
Just watched the video. No error message.
It’s good parody, but you have to pay attention to find that out. I bet dozens of cretinists won’t notice, and will believe it’s meant seriously.
Yahweh’s wife, Anath
What? Not Ashera?
SiMPel MYndsays
Can’t comment on video. In my atheistic depression, I couldn’t lift my head far enough and actually care enough to watch. [Sigh….]
“No Jesus = No Peas” is the best–I definitely need a T-shirt with that…
Heheh. Got a link to a site called cosmicfingerprints.com as ad on the movie.
The nutter claims he has a riddle that no atheist can solve
The problem is that he makes a tiny mistake in his reasoning (and is to fanatic to admit it).
He starts out with the claim that DNA is a code.
Then he pulls the rug out under himself by the following bit of reasoning (which is essentially an argument from incredulity): Every code we (he should say I) know is made up in a mind, so DNA must have been thought up, so god exists.
And then he bleats about no one on IIDB being able to counter this.
Isn’t the counter a variant on ALL A’s are B’s but NOT ALL B’s are A’s
Mbee | March 3, 2009 10:37 AM #19
“I wonder how many religites will watch this and not get it!”
It’s not just Jesus-besotted faith-head religious delusionists that fail to ‘get it’. A dismayingly high percentage of atheists fail to ‘get it’, too. Just take a gander at the comments that accompany Edward’s videos.
Who Cares: I don’t see that one on the Hundreds of Proofs list. Maybe you want to send it in?
Dan Lsays
Towing Jehovah, James Morrow deals with the literal and verifiable death of God, in a fictional setting. I thought it was both graceful, thoughtful and interesting. Written in 1994, it is notably lacking in atheist stridency.
What god?
#14 “I am still looking for the world without shrimp.”
You know, 5 days ago, I wouldn’t have gotten that, but we just finished the series. LOL
On the sad front, I just realized that my father is still a god believer and thinks evolution is bunk. I have my work cut out for me :P
Great parody is always a little scary to watch. Edward Current is always scary. He makes us laugh at our discomfort, otherwise we’d just be pissed off all the time. And speaking of pissed off all the time—Yaweh had a fucking wife?!!!? Bitch must have had it OUT for that slut Mary bigtime!
I imagine god’s homelife going a little like this . . .
INTERIOR: Early evening, the God home, a duraflame burns in the fireplace and Mrs. God is nursing a Manhattan, reading Weekly World News. God enters, nervous.
Uh, Anath honey, er, we have to talk, remember that cute little Mary woman down on earth?
Oh no you DIDN’T! (Grabs passing planet, hurls it at god, misses and breaks Hummel peeing boy figurine on mantel.)
Now Anath, don’t be all vengeful, that’s my job (laughs nervously) uh, can’t we just work this out?
Oh here it comes! Mr. Big gonna tell us all about his big excuse why he couldn’t keep li’l god in his robes for TEN SECONDS around those bibical bitches down in B-hem! Well honey, I hope you like my new couch, cause you’ll be sleeping on it for the next twenty thousand years!
(cue sad coronet “uh oh” sound effect)
God looks at camera, shrugs and sighs. Fade out.
If god had a wife . . . then who was his mother-in-law?
Let me get this straight: no God means we eat people and do disgusting things to dogs. Isn’t that the opposite of what they do in many parts of the world now: eat dogs, do disgusting things to people?
I was expecting him to talk about gravity, light, or larger cosmic forces which the invisible hand of God is making into their present forms. “If there were no God… Plank’s constant would shoot up, the EM force would skyrocket, matter would flash into energy, and there would be no universe!” After all, that would scare me.
LadyH @ 45
Why bother? He is at that age and steadfast in his beliefs and it appears obvious that you will never sway him from those beliefs. Be content that you are more guided by reason and science, and no matter how hard he holds onto those beliefs, he will never disprove yours.
I could be wrong but i think the supplier of the written ‘text’ is doing a meta-sub-textual analysis of another, probably sincere (Poe’s Law notwithstanding) production.
@ Holbach #48
Yeah, I realize he’s a bit hidebound, but he is the man who made sure that we watched Nature, Cosmos, and Nova when we were kids, so I’m thinking he just needs a reason to not believe anymore. His wife is catholic and I like her, but there is just something ‘unassailable’ about her faith that makes it hard to tell them that they’re wrong. I did manage to debunk a few of their misconceptions about evolution yesterday tho, so I’m not writing them off quite yet.
Honestly this seems like an argument against god. I’m not an atheist, but I’ve always felt that doing something “good” because you think you’ll get an eternal reward for it is just another form of greed, and doing it because you’re afraid of punishment is just cowardice. If someone’s hold on what is right is so flimsy that they’d suddenly devalue life if they thought god had disappeared, they have other problems to deal with…
It’s funny how, every time PZ posts a new Edward Current video, a new batch of EC virgins appear.
Of course, “God” usually means an imaginary all-powerful friend, rather than a metaphysical “everything, universe itself” kind of god. And if god were to disappear, the only difference would be the same as the disappearance of an imaginary friend.
It’s also possible that Yahweh’s wife, Anath,
Wait, Yahweh’s wife is Anath now? Are you telling me he got remarried after that breakup with Asherah?
Another great Youtube video “The thing that made the things for which there is no known maker.”
No, Mrs. God wouldn’t have a jelous fit… She’d follow the pattern of the old testament wives who turned their handmaidens over to the Master to breed a bit more.
Hilarious and appalling at the same time. What complete ignoramus produced this video?
Really, and what about that ultra right wing conservative Steven Colbert, what’s he doing on the Comedy Channel?
“It’s funny how, every time PZ posts a new Edward Current video, a new batch of EC virgins appear.”
Yeah, and it’s the same with anything The Onion produces.
Satire is a very common means of public discourse in many European countries (Germany, Netherlands, France, UK and Italy for sure) which might explain why spotting it feels so easy and consequently my first reaction to people that “aren’t getting it” is always “gosh, how can anyone be that stupid?” which might be an unfair reaction.
One could argue that perhaps the mass of ‘crazy’ videos makes people jump to the wrong conclusion, but I still find it extremely easy to distinguish between the likes of “VenomFangX” and EC.
It had nothing to do with the Poe, I actually run into people who DO THINK EXACTLY LIKE THAT all the time, which is what I’m responding to. There are people out there who seriously think that if God ceased to exist, the entire universe would vanish, that’s their entire proof that God is real, after all.
It’s not really much of a Poe when he’s using arguments that actually do exist in the ultra-fundamentalist crowd.
“It’s funny how, every time PZ posts a new Edward Current video, a new batch of EC virgins appear.”
I just think of it as Educating the World, one small group at a time.
Richard Harrissays
From “Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development”, Second Edition, by Oesterley and Robinson, Anath, ‘queen of heaven’, was known as the consort of Yahweh within the Hebrew community of Elephantine, & she was also known in Palestine.
Ashera, or Asherat iam, was the wife of El.
‘Asherah was the name given to a goddess typically represented by a sacred wooden pillar.
There is no law against being a fuckwith, BUT being a religious one seems to quickly develop a state of being a know-it-all with no real answers.
Would be more surprised if god did appear, – wouldn’t you?
After all, he hasn’t shown his face so far, so maybe he could be persuaded to give his flocks a few more tangible proofs?
You don’t think he will?
Why would that be, – got any other explanation than that he simply doesn’t exist?
Thought not, so now shut the fuck up. Forever!
Life without god = life worth living?
How common is satire in the US?
Very. It’s just that conservatives don’t understand irony or satire and we’ve got buttloads of them as well.
Throws planet, smashes Glade™ baby owl air freshener on mantel.
Lord Zerosays
Edward, never fails to amuse me.
His parodies are so good than most ppl
fell in thinking than their are real.
Messalonians 1:23says
Praise God for letting the Steelers win. I guess Jesus freak Polamalu prayed harder than Jesus freak Warner.
No Peas on Thanksgiving would not be such a bad thing.
visualize whirled peas.
Lol, my ad for the video was “Christian Mother Makes $5K a month from the comfort of her home.” Yuck, I’m sure a portion of that is thanks to the taxpayers ; )
Then Darkseid wins, collapses through the Multiverse, dragging creation behind him, until Batman, two Flashes and the Black Racer finish him off.
At which point Superman sings and everything returns to normal.
#53, I was thinking the same thing. If you do something good to gain a pleasurable afterlife or to avoid a bad afterlife, then are you really being good? The same can be applied to karma or any other system of cosmic justice. For good to exist, people must be good for goodness sake.
There is No God therefore you are ALLOWED having sex with your mom and dad vise versa.
So the only thing stopping you from having sex with your parents is God telling you not to?
@Kel, So the only thing stopping you from having sex with your parents is God telling you not to?
stupid question.
just tell me what ALLOWED and not in your scientific bible. do you have it ?
Joey Giraudsays
What I liked about it was that for at least 30 seconds, I thought I was watching a real born-again Xtian video! It wasn’t until the part about prayers not being answered that the satanic authorship became obvious.
Crudely Wrottsays
God disappeared?
I guess that’s it, then.
I wasn’t quite finished, you know.
Not that it hardly matters any more, what with doing right simply because I can isn’t in fashion now.
Pity. I’d gotten rather used to it. I found it was well received all around. Mostly.
Well. It’s been a good run, I guess.
So long.
stupid question.
just tell me what ALLOWED and not in your scientific bible. do you have it ?
*** Fuckwit Authoritarian Godbot Alert ***
Stupid question. There is no such thing as a scientific bible. On the other hand, YOUR bible apparently supports slavery and misogyny. Care to answer for that?
No, it hits at precisely the issue you are getting at. If not God, where does behaviour come from? So I’m asking you to take God out of the equation to see what you would do.
just tell me what ALLOWED and not in your scientific bible. do you have it ?
Have you been listening to a word anyone has said to you on here?!? Morality is a social construct, it’s the inevitability of any social creature. What dictates behaviour is a mixture of genes, memes, and experience. Any religious dogma is but one factor in determining an individuals behaviour. Science explains how the natural world works, it’s not telling us how to behave.
Now lose the attitude and answer the fucking question. Would you have sex with your siblings if God didn’t forbid it?
bastion of sasssays
If God disappeared:
– Love would disappear, since God is love.
– Logic would disappear, since without God, there can be no logic.
– Language would disappear, since without God, language would not exist.
– Everything would become much simpler, since there can be no complexity without God.
– Nothing would be beautiful, because only God can make things beautiful.
Hey! I’ve learned some good stuff reading this blog!
bastion of sasssays
At #40, Who Cares wrote about someone somewhere in the intertubes claiming that DNA “code” is proof of God:
I’ve seen variations of that DNA code proves God or intelligent design several times on this blog. For example this scream from the void by Phil:
@Kel #82
If not God, where does behaviour come from?
hmm… you are still with the dilemma. You did not read the site. You are not looking for God.
The dilemma is something different entirely. It’s a logical paradox that comes from ascribing the morality to God. It has nothing to do with what I’m arguing now.
@Kel, But you just said you can justify it in yourself.
never said that.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simon, we were deciding morality long before men invented gods, we’ve told you that before, and you have presented no evidence to the contrary. In keeping the same old claim, you become a liar and bullshitter. We don’t need your imaginary deity for anything. He is an impotent loser.
On that topic simon wrote: it is from yourself, got it ?
@kel On that topic simon wrote:
it is from yourself, got it ?
look at your question :
If not God, where does behaviour come from?
you are aksing about behaviour, not justification.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simon, your question is meaningless. Evolution. It all comes from evolution. Morality developed from evolution. Your god is meaningless. Simple Simon, the meaningless idiot.
you are aksing about behaviour, not justification.
The ideas are linked. You aren’t going to get universal absolute justification at any stage of the game. Morality is contingent on firstly humans existing, secondly on humans interaction, and thirdly on the environment on which they are in. We can see this provisional morality dictated by shifting societies and cultures throughout the scope of nature. In short, you aren’t going to get absolute justification for anything – nor do you need to. What matters is how your actions are in the context of the society you are in, and your actions are dictated by millions of years of genetic evolution through social abilities. You are hard-wired to behave in certain ways, and in other ways you are a slave to the teachings of your society that is shaped by experience.
To ask what is allowed or not is to miss the point. Morality isn’t given or dictated, it’s an implicit code of behaviour. As contrast to law which is a similar construct but a more explicit code of conduct. You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value. And if you are unwilling to even take on board the opinions of others, how are you ever going to learn?
Heh. Reminds me of those idiots who told us that, if the Democrats took over both houses of Congress as well as the White House, things would be far worse than under Republicans… oh, umm, wait a minute….
< @Kel
You aren’t going to get universal absolute justification at any stage of the game.
not for me. I reject homosexual, abortion, pedophilia, polygamy and polyandry.
you accept homosexual, abortion. Why don’t you accept pedophilia, polygamy and polyandry ? what is the justification ?
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon the Incestuous Idiot
You keep waving a strawman arguement. That means a fake argument that has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. Morality has been defined by men for hundreds of thousands of years, ever since homo sapiens evolved and expanded. You have shown nothing different. You keep alleging a deity, but you never offer physical evidence that the deity exists. Until you show your deity exists you have nothing. You are a delusional case.
Genius Nerd,
what is the justification for rejecting pedophilia ?
you know what, if those homo sapiens were homosex they could not evolve. Think it with your jelly meat !
Genius Nerd,
what is the justification for rejecting pedophilia ?
you know what, if those homo sapiens were homosex they could not evolve. Think it with your jelly meat !
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon the incestuous pieman, show me phyical evidence for your imaginary deity. Something that will pass muster with scientists, magicians and professional debunkers. Until then your strawman argument just shows you to be a fool. When you understand your god doesn’t exist, you will have acheived wisdom.
karen mariesays
apparently the people who put this little film together aren’t aware of the importance of internal consistency in storytelling.
god exists: aids, malaria, katrina — nothing to do with god.
god doesn’t exist: aids, malaria, katrina — this is what you get when no god exists.
srsly, people …
the older i get, the longer i experience the depth of stoopid that exists in people, the less frightening the thought of dying becomes. leaving this nuthouse will be something of a relief.
Im curioussays
For Simon and company, I think is important to repeat this from Kel #94: “WHAT MATTERS IS HOW YOUR ACTIONS ARE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOCIETY YOU ARE IN”. I know nothing about you but I’m 100% sure you do or accept plenty of things that would have been heresy 1000 years ago on any Christian environment.
AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The fluffy fur god created to bring adorableness into our lives!
Though beware Poe’s Law. I saw no winking smiley in that video…
Why don’t you accept pedophilia, polygamy and polyandry ?
I think consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want with each other. So I do accept polygamy and polyandry among consenting adults — I wouldn’t practice it myself, but then again I wouldn’t date more than one person at at time, either (it’s just too confusing).
The emphasis above is on consenting adults, which is why pedophilia is wrong — the child is not a consenting adult.
Peter McKellarsays
Simple Simon,
You must have some serious problems with your own morality. It is clearly defined by cherry picking from the bible to justify your own internal sense of “right and wrong”. As you admit, this is internal (and hard-wired).
You have on other threads accused godless heathens of beheadings on the basis of them not being deluded by your missionaries. This was an epic FAIL.
Now you trot out the usual “lets control the sheeple with sexual prohibitions” trump card. Make people feel guilty, and sell redemption.
I’m surprised you didn’t use the free drugs argument, that’s another favourite.
When reading your posts Simon, I am overwhelmed by how you dwell on the sex and violence issues and how important god is (to you) to prevent society (read: you) from committing these crimes. While postings by atheists on this site advocate and claim to practice a moral life (maybe different to your morality), being an atheist does not inevitably lead to the depravity that lurks in your dark nightmares. Is your lack of impulse control so complete that you cannot (or will not) self-censor without threat of supernatural monitoring and intervention?
Re the video: Very funny :) This is a great parody and one of his best so far imho. I never saw this as a Poe, it never purports to be indistinguishable from the real thing. I loved the breathing tube :)
bastion of sasssays
If your God is the basis for your morality, why doesn’t he set a good example? God kills, often on a massive scale. God tortures. God impregnates women to whom he’s not married. Is your God immoral? Is your God one of those “do as I say, not as I do” guys?
If your God is the basis for your morality, then why don’t all people who claim to believe in the same God as you do believe the same way as you do on subjects such as abortion and homosexuality.*
*Let’s bet Simon claims that those other God-believers aren’t true Scotsmen.
you accept homosexual, abortion. Why don’t you accept pedophilia, polygamy and polyandry ? what is the justification ?
You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
There is no god. This video proves it.
@Tulse #105
I think consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want with each other. .
wow, so you can have sex with your parents vise versa as long as you and they want it!? what a “wonderful” atheist’s argument !
So I do accept polygamy and polyandry among consenting adults — I wouldn’t practice it myself, but then again I wouldn’t date more than one person at at time, either (it’s just too confusing)
maybe your mother practices polyandry. Do you know who your father is ?? Every day she has a different man in her bed, like a hooker !! Do you enjoy watching her, ha ??
The emphasis above is on consenting adults, which is why pedophilia is wrong — the child is not a consenting adult.
who taught you that ? your atheist bible ?
what is adult ? 18 years old ? how do you get that number ?
what if the child want it too ? in some cases the child wanted it and get married with those old man, we have this cases here.
do you think a child does not have sex fantasy ?
they can justify themselves and do not offend you.
What are you to forbid them ? a “preacher” ?
Simon you fool, morality is a social construct and we like all other social creatures have evolved in order to protect the young. If you think that nature can’t account for adults being protective of their offpsring, I encourage you to go find a bear and start mistreating it’s young. Just see what happens…
You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
do you agree with polyandry ? is your mother practicing polyandry ?
come on, just answer with your high English language, i want to improve my English.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, still hung up on presenting strawmen arguments. Time to show physical evidence for your imaginary deity or to fade into the bandwidth. Failure to put up or to shut up means you are acknowledging you are a liar an bullshitter. Your decision. Chose wisely cricket.
Simple Simon wrote:
wow, so you can have sex with your parents vise versa as long as you and they want it!? what a “wonderful” atheist’s argument
I guess you aren’t a very good Christian, Simple Simon – or you’d have remembered that Lot’s daughters had no problems at all gettin’ some from dear old dad. And remember, Lot and his family were considered righteous – otherwise they’d have been killed with everyone else in Sodom & Gomorrah*.
Maybe you should rethinkstart thinking about your argument.
*Which always reminds me of the survey that found that a high proportion of self-reported Christians thought that Sodom & Gomorrah were husband and wife – classic!
do you agree with polyandry ? is your mother practicing polyandry ?
You are still asking the wrong questions, you aren’t getting to the root of what morality is or how our behaviour is dependant on that – and such any answers to your questions will be misinterpreted because of the poor assumptions that are systemic in the way you think about this matter. Your our questions are loaded, and there’s no possible way I can answer them which would give you an accurate representation of how things work.
So while you continue to persist along your fallacious line of reasoning, built on a base of bad assumptions, you are not get any answers other than what fuels your already deluded mindset. Rather you should work on trying to understand the perspective of people here by applying the answers to their worldview rather than your own. By answering your questions, no matter what I answer, it merely goes to enhancing your own biases. So until you calm down, abstract your thought about 2 or 3 layers (taking from specific behavioural practices to how those practices fit in a wider social context) you won’t gain anything from me answering any questions about my personal view.
NoR exists, therefore God exists? Who’d have thunk an atheist would be the proof of God? :P
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Go look in the mirror.
Sorry, that is the result of 3.5 billion years of evolution. Try an enternally burning bush or the equivalent. Otherwise, you are a liar and bullshitter.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Gack, taking after the KoT. …enternally…
Go look in the mirror.
heh… ha.. hahaha… BWAHAHAHAAHAAAA!
that HAS to be the epitome of the circular argument.
Epic fail.
do you agree with polyandry ? is your mother practicing polyandry ?
do you “agree” with ploygyny? Is your father practicing polygyny?
It’s in the bible as acceptable.
do you believe your progeny should be stoned for what today would be considered minor (if any) offenses?
seriously, you haven’t thought enough about these issues to be taken seriously.
all we’re doing is laughing at you.
do you enjoy that? does it make you feel persecuted and all “special”?
doesn’t it rather suggest you have a problem?
who taught you that ? your atheist bible ?
there’s an atheist bible now?
I NEVER get the atheist memos about these things any more.
I’m going to stop paying dues.
well, at least after I get this year’s t-shirt.
Patricia, OMsays
And the lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
Who? Adam or Eve?
And Cain went out from the presence of the lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the East of Eden.
And Cain knew his wife… wait. Who? We got Adam and Eve, Cain just killed Able, so who is the wife?
Oh, I get it Cain is double teaming his mom with dear old dad. Gosh, for a minute I was confused.
'Tis Himselfsays
Besides being an evolution construct, morality is also a social construct. In certain societies, blood feuds are moral (16th Century Scottish Highlands). In certain societies, cannibalism is moral (20th Century New Guinea). In certain societies, polygamy is moral (19th Century Utah). The Hellenistic (Ptolemaic) rulers of Egypt had brother-sister marriages as a matter of course. In other societies, these actions are immoral.
maybe your mother practices polyandry. Do you know who your father is ?? Every day she has a different man in her bed, like a hooker !!
That reminds me of the observation that “I fucked your mom!” doesn’t really work as an insult in Swedish. “Oh really? But that’s great, she needed a little fun!”
Patricia, OMsays
Ichthyic – I join you in being pissed about not getting the memo that an atheist bible has been published.
I intend to send a strongly worded letter to the atheist pope. She’s gone too far this time.
She’s gone too far this time.
It’s a woman now?
Fuck me, I really have to keep better track.
That reminds me of the observation that “I fucked your mom!” doesn’t really work as an insult in Swedish.
which of course prompts one to try and figure out how to make a proper insult…
“I went to fuck your mom, but she was too needy so I left.”
hmm, somehow that just doesn’t have the right impact.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Are you kidding?! The atheist pope has to be Eugenie Scott. Or did I miss another memo.
Damn it. Chick-O-Grams take forever to get across states.
do you think a child does not have sex fantasy ?
Careful guys, this one’s a pedophile.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
How the hell do we end up with all these perverts?
Besides being an evolution construct, morality is also a social construct.
How is morality an evolution construct?
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
How is morality an evolution construct?
Human societies require cooperation within the tribe (morality). Those who don’t cooperate, don’t reproduce since they get thrown out of the tribal village. Those that do, reproduce. Simple really.
Swedish insult – take 73: I went to fuck your mom – but she wasn’t home so I fucked your dad instead?
Swedish insult – take 74: I went to fuck your mom – but she was so ugly I fucked your cat instead… I’ll buy you a new one
Swedish insult – take 75: I went to fuck your mom – but no-one would admit to owning you
Swedish insult – take 76: I went to fuck your mom – but I just masturbated instead… Did you enjoy the special mayo in your sandwich today?
Go attack a bear cub in the presense of its mother and see how ;)
oh one more:
I went to fuck your mom, but the line was too long. So I fucked your grandma instead
‘Intelligent’ Designer asked:
How is morality an evolution construct?
Jesus, Randy – think a little. You’re embarrassing yourself. Morality is an evolutionary construct because creatures who didn’t behave in living in a ‘moral’ way died out and didn’t pass on their genes. Obviously, this would only apply to social creatures – like apes (which, of course, includes humans).
No doubt someone with more knowledge in this area will express it better than I have, but youeven you should understand what I wrote.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Tony – er, We have Brownian to give us those.
He’s with your mom.
If you get the chance, pick yourself up a copy of “Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Works of WD Hamilton, vol. 1.”
wherein you will find not only copies of his original papers on the evolution of social behavior, but also all of his personal commentary on the history of the application of evolutionary thinking to the development of morality, ethics, and all social behavior.
If you really want to harumph, you might even try reading EO Wilson’s “Sociobiology”.
good luck, and get lost, as I have no real empathy towards you.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Intelligent Designer – What part of Genesis 1 and 2 did you miss? Moron.
Did you even look at my post at #124? We True Christians get our morality from the bible. Remember? Thou shalt fuck thy mother.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Randy, if you are genetically predisposed to be the lazy idiot in the village, you may get tossed out before you get mated, or they may keep your mate. If you are genetically predisposed to help out for the common good, you will find and keep a mate. So there is a genetic component toward predisposing humans to cooperate. Then the social structure kicks in, and jumps it to a higher level. All based on “game theory” which Kel mentioned in #140. Look at history. Homo sapiens have been around 150,000+ years. Agriculture, about 7,000 years. Yahweh, only about 3,000 years. Do the math.
I went to fuck your mom – but no-one would admit to owning you
Nerd of Redhead, I find myself in agreement with a lot of what Kel says on this topic. Not everything of course. The difference is that I would see some morality as being intelligently designed into our DNA rather than evolved.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
I’m a deist, not a christian? What the hell is that?
I believe in a wet pant load verses a semi-wet pant load?
You’re still a tard.
'Tis Himselfsays
Unintelligent Designer bleated:
I don’t think that is what Tis Himself means. Maybe it is. But are you suggesting that morality is genetically transmitted?
You’re right, you don’t think.
As it happens, Nerd described exactly how I understand morality to be an evolutionary construct. If you act in immoral ways, you’re less likely to pass your genes on than someone who acts in moral ways. Evolutionary pressures have hardwired morality into our genes.
In the 16th Century Scottish Highlands, it is estimated that one in 25 adult males were killed in blood feuds. These feuds would go on for generations (the MacDonald-Campbell feud was only the most famous). The factor that ended these feuds was the realization that too many people were being killed. Clan McIan was completely wiped out by the Campbells and numerous other clans, worried that the same thing would happen to them, banded together to effectively stop the Campbells’ aggressive behavior. The other clans (or their leaders) realized that their genes would not be passed on if they and all their relatives were killed. So not-feuding was naturally selected over feuding.
Ichthyic, I’ll go away when PZ bans me from this blog. And I don’t think he will. I am a troll but I do follow the rules most of the time.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, quit being a jerk, We don’t have to answer stupid questions, which is all you ask. Your god doesn’t exist, your bible is fiction, and humans had morals long before they invented gods. Deal with it.
do you agree with homosexual ?
is it ok to insert your penis to a man’s anus ?
something tells me you’ve thought about doing this. a lot.
do these thoughts bother you?
And I don’t think he will.
many have thought so. just go check the dungeon, troll.
besides which, I just want your thought bubbles to stay the fuck away from mine, they tend to degrade everything around them whenever you post.
I told you, without you understanding where I’m coming from, your questions are worthless. All you are going to get out of it is confirmation bias either way. If you could actually understand where I was coming from, you wouldn’t be asking these questions. You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
do you agree with homosexual ? is it ok to insert your penis to a man’s anus ?
just answer “yes” or “no”
No man has ever asked me to. So without consent, I would have to say no. Rape is not okay…
You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Well Ichthyic you’ve hit the big time now. You have your own personal troll.
Knockgoats has filthy Pilty, and now you have Intelligent Designer. *smirk*
Maybe we could approach the answer of this question from an evolutionay perspective. Perhaps it depends on whether or not he is wearing a condom.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Randy, you can feel/think that an intelligent designer made our genes. Until you show physical evidence for that god that passes the proper muster, as I have explained many time to many people, I refuse to see that imaginary deities had anything to do with evolution. So, from a scientific perspective, it is put up or shut up time. Show the proper evidence or go quiet. We don’t like people trying to shove imaginary deities down our throats.
Perhaps it depends on whether or not he is wearing a condom.
Randy, just what parts of our morality did the intelligent designer give us? Pardon being blunt, but simply asserting that a designer was involved is a nebulous statement that tells us absolutely nothing the matter at hand. Is there any particular aspect of morality you can’t reconcile with an evolutionary or memetic history, or is the inclusion of an intelligent agent in the process a means to silence personal incredulity at the current explanation?
‘Intelligent’ Designer wrote:
Maybe we could approach the answer of this question from an evolutionay perspective.
So, Stimpy – do you and your deism believe that homosexuality was ‘designed’? If so, why?
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Son, it’s been so long since I was wrong, that we don’t even care that we don’t care. ‘Moyra’
Randy, put up or shut up is scientific. If you don’t have the evidence for you claims, you must desist on your claims until you have the evidence. Welcome to science.
You and I both agree that DNA was designed. You believe it was designed by random mutation and natural selection. I believe it was designed by intelligence. Besides that our perspectives on this subject are just about identical.
do you smell the feces perfume after?
hmm, you seem to have a lot of knowledge of this activity.
are you choosing Pharyngula to come out?
if so, hey, congrats! I’m sure you’ll feel much better.
all that repression could only have been a bad thing for you.
You believe it was designed by random mutation and natural selection.
that doesn’t imply intent, which is what YOU mean when you use the word “design”
more false equivalency from the moronic corner.
‘Intelligent’ Designer wrote:
You and I both agree that DNA was designed. You believe it was designed by random mutation and natural selection. I believe it was designed by intelligence.
Maybe I’ve missed it in your other posts, Randy – what’s the mechanism by which your ‘Intelligence’ created the design? Also, where did this ‘Intelligence’ come from? Was it itself designed, or did it evolve?
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, still being a turd. Why don’t you try a new tactic. Put out your argument and the reason behind it. If you keep insulting the regulars and repeatedly asking stupid inane questions PZ will ban you. Click on the dungeon to see the rogues list and why they were banned.
You and I both agree that DNA was designed. You believe it was designed by random mutation and natural selection. I believe it was designed by intelligence. Besides that our perspectives on this subject are just about identical.
I don’t believe DNA was designed, for design implies purpose and intent. And I explicitly reject any anthropomorphing of natural forces as I feel it’s misrepresentive to put will into blind processes. Blind process give the illusion of design, but because of that lack of foresight, the illusion of design is shattered when we encounter all the baggage the process provides.
There are many examples of where the parts work so well together, but for every part that looks so eloquently designed, there are dozens of other parts show the whole process of cumulative adaptation and selection.
oh you are a gay !?
if no rape it is ok, do you smell the feces perfume after?
Ah, more evidence of a supernatural intelligent designer, running a sewage system right through the middle of a primary recreational area. Either that, or God is a coprophiliac.
do you think the canal through which feces are released is the proper place for your penis ?
Do you think the canal through which urine is released is the proper place for semen?
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Ichthyic – Heddle, really?
Oh crap. He is one of the few trolls that sends me into blind rage.
Simple Simon wrote:
oh you are a gay !?
Fucking homophobic shitstain. Fuck off and die. In a fire.
Why is it these morons think that implying a person is gay is insulting to that person? I’m not gay, but if was I certainly wouldn’t have a problem with it. Doing so is offensive to gays because it implies there’s something wrong with being gay, which any half-clued-in person knows isn’t the case.
I don’t have a strong opinion on the topic of homosexuality. If it’s a sin I’d say it’s comparable to gluttony. Since I could stand to loose a few pounds I can’t really pass harsh judgement on a homosexual.
Personally I would consider a homosexual act between men to be repulsive. Maybe I am designed that way. Perhaps homosexuals are slightly broken in that regard.
Personally I would consider a homosexual act between men to be repulsive. Maybe I am designed that way. Perhaps homosexuals are slightly broken in that regard.
Are you sure it’s not a socially-aquired repulsion?
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Coprophiliac – gawd damn it Ken Cope, I can only get so many titles on my business card.
Heddle, really? Oh crap. He is one of the few trolls that sends me into blind rage
Now that just makes me jealous.
Randy wrote:
If it’s a sin I’d say it’s comparable to gluttony.
Slight problem with this – you consider yourself a deist, but the whole concept of sin is a theistic one. Does your deity punish sin? If so, what mechanisms (if any) has said deity put in place to prevent us from sinning?
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, your questions are stupid. They are designed to offend people for your perverted reasons. I refuse to answer stupid questions that should have never been asked in the first place. Go to the masthead and click on the dungeon. Many of the people therein engaged in the same tactic you are using. Clean up your act, and put out your ideas and the evidence to back them up to start truly engaging us in dialog. Otherwise, I would lay money on your name being listed there in the future.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
#190 Simon –
I’m taking off my tin colander and donning a DOT approved helmet. Simple Simon is so fucking stoopid that reading his posts are a health risk.
oh you are a gay !?
if no rape it is ok, do you smell the feces perfume after?
Ah, witness the beauty of the godbot’s mind. For godbots,
love = sex => love men = penis up somebody’s anus
When for everyone else,
love = relationship => deeper than just sex and irrelevant to gender
Shows how juvenile your concepts of love and sex are.
I’m betting that simon is barely pubescent, he’s got his first pubic hair and wants to show the world just how straight he is… even if he felt some strange feelings towards his bunkmate at bible camp.
Coprophiliac – gawd damn it Ken Cope, I can only get so many titles on my business card.
That can’t have been why you had heddle pegged.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
#192 – Then try out doing Heddle for being a dumbass fuck. Start with the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.
Let me help you with #1.
God, who is Himself Truth and speaks truth only, has inspired Holy Scripture in order thereby to reveal Himself to lost mankind through Jesus Christ as Creator and Lord, Redeemer and Judge. Holy Scripture is God’s witness to Himself.
I try not to get hung up on words. Sin is just a three letter word for immorality. The answer to your first question is “no”. The answer to your second question is more complicated. Fear and the sense of smell might be two examples.
So let’s say something it’s a sin to kill yourself. Fear prevents me from doing something stupid that will get me killed. Or let’s say it’s a sin to hurt yourself. My sense of smell might prevent me from eating harmful bacteria.
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Ken – No, Heddle just pulls my chain.
Oh shit, now he’ll drop Ichthyic and put the move on me.
Or let’s say it’s a sin to hurt yourself. My sense of smell might prevent me from eating harmful bacteria.
Then please explain the intelligent design why some harmful bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, smell very pleasant? (In P. aeruginosa‘s case, it smells like grape candy)
His sense of smell argument fails miserably in the face of copious amounts of bleu cheese and bagoong.
So let’s say something it’s a sin to kill yourself. Fear prevents me from doing something stupid that will get me killed. Or let’s say it’s a sin to hurt yourself. My sense of smell might prevent me from eating harmful bacteria.
But if this is designed into people, they shouldn’t be able to do those things – and people kill themselves doing stupid things (and deliberately, which is different), hurt themselves and eat funny smelling things (I love blue cheese, for example; others can’t stand it because of the smell) all the time.
See, this is where evolution is a far superior mechanism – it pretty much ensures stupidity gets wiped out, either on the genetic level – i.e. it kills before you breed; or, the memetic level – evolved co-operative behaviour leads another human, who has learned that tell people about dangerous situations is a good thing, to stop you before you do something stupid.
The concept of the “squick” differs from the concept of “disgust” in that “squick” refers purely to the physical sensation of repulsion, and does not imply a moral component.
Now that I look at that subtle distinction, I’m beginning to think that “disgust” is the more appropriate response to heddle. I’m surprised nobody jumped on my reference to heddle-pegging. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
Patricia the Vulgar, OMsays
Ken, you do shoulder a heavy task.
Taking on Heddles stoopidity and complete asinine Calvanistic doctrine is daunting.
He pisses me off so much that I want to rip my hair out. I need to get a grip on that. *snort*
I’m really not up to taking on heddle’s stupidity, Patricia. I have to content myself to pissing him off so much that he can’t control himself and he skulks away. I don’t have the formal fundie theology drilled into my brain the way you do. My childhood response to Presbyterian Sunday School in the Nation/State of Disneyland was to figure that if anything in that crazy book was true, then everything else was equally likely, so I ended up way off the deep end in the land of the woo-encrusted newage (rhymes with sewage as per P&T). I balked at all that fundie spew, but in all other respects was one of those seekers born every minute here in the nude age. I loved science, astronomy, Carl Sagan, but that didn’t stop me from casting horoscopes (doing the map and making an accurate geocentric chart) from high school forward. That stuff is hard to shake, but the more science I learned, the more I displaced my capacity to fool myself (pretending the world was the way I wanted it to be) with an agnostic’s comfort with ambiguity, until it was more honest to describe myself as an atheist by the time I was almost in my 40’s. With heddle, religion seems to have displaced the critical thinking that he must have been able to employ as a working physicist. Heddle claims to have come at religion the way Saul did, having been some sort of super atheist scientist whose delusions of adequacy make him as much of a legend in his own mind as Saul. I don’t see how anybody with any intelligence can read that shit in the bible and figure that it has any bearing on reality, if the reader ever had any bearings on reality, or any familiarity with religious and mythological musings from any other culture.
It isn’t that heddle’s calvinist contempt for humanity bothers me as much as his using the mantle of “scientist” to be the poster boy for NOMA and theistic evolution, while defending the indefensible, attacking only PZ and cohorts, while never ever taking issue with the most addle-pated theist trolls we can’t stomp on fast enough. He’s been gone for a long time, but you just know the next time he turns up it will be as if he just got back from a long chat with Ken Miller and Francis Collins and he’s shocked to find atheists here.
See, this is where evolution is a far superior mechanism – it pretty much ensures stupidity gets wiped out, either on the genetic level – i.e. it kills before you breed;
It isn’t that heddle’s calvinist contempt for humanity bothers me as much as his using the mantle of “scientist” to be the poster boy for NOMA and theistic evolution, while defending the indefensible, attacking only PZ and cohorts, while never ever taking issue with the most addle-pated theist trolls we can’t stomp on fast enough. He’s been gone for a long time, but you just know the next time he turns up it will be as if he just got back from a long chat with Ken Miller and Francis Collins and he’s shocked to find atheists here.
perfect. I couldn’t have summed up the twit better.
I am not claiming that these mechanisms are foll[sic] proof or that God is omnisiant.[sic]
or that you know how to spell, apparently.
It’s time for ask Dr. Stupid, with your host, Randy Stimpson:
Yes Ichthyic I make spelling errors. But I don’t make them while calling someone else stupid — because I don’t do that. I also don’t hate people because they disagree with me.
So I suppose you think you are smart enough to make modifications to DNA that would improve the design of its lifeform?
I can only conclude you think your putative designer (let’s not quibble – u mean the Abrahamic God.) wasn’t.
oh how small and insignificant IDiots make their god.
I guess they construct their gods to fit their own limited minds, which is what men have always done throughout history.
It is good that at least some of us no longer see the need.
For stimpy though, he simply cannot dump the security blanky.
the world is just too scary for him.
Janine, Insulting Sinnersays
Posted by: simon | March 4, 2009
Genius Nerd,
i am asking about science, look at my question :
“do you think the canal through which feces are released is the proper place for your penis ?”
Isn’t it a scientific question ? Please don’t take offense.
Well, Simple Simon, if you think that way, I am going to make you hate your body. Do you think the canal through which urine is released the proper place to send out your semen. Please don’t take offense.
I also don’t hate people because they disagree with me.
oh, I don’t hate you because you disagree with me; I know you’re too stupid to realize that.
In fact, I don’t hate you at all. I just find you tedious and inane, and because your inanity is too tiresome for words, I feel justified in dumping on you at every opportunity.
here, Jefferson said it even more succinctly:
“Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them.”
-Thomas Jefferson
you, Stimpy, are a man with many, many, unintelligible propositions.
So I suppose you think you are smart enough to make modifications to DNA that would improve the design of its lifeform?
I’m talking about the macroscopic effects that are systemic of being built from a bad base. If any engineer copied the human eye to use as a camera, he’d be fired for incompetence. For all the greatness of the human eye, if there was a designer behind it, the designer did a really poor job. Cephalopods do not have that problem, it’s just among vertebrates. The retina is behind the optic nerve and thus light has to travel through the nerve in order to reach the retina. Another problem the optic nerve causes is the blind spot.
The retina is behind the optic nerve and thus light has to travel through the nerve in order to reach the retina
The optic nerve is behind the retina,what you mean I think is that the light receptors are turned away from the lens where the light comes through.
The point stands anyway,that the human eye is by no means designed flawlessly and optimally.
I wish we could all ignore the morons of Randy’s caliber,like Pete Rooke and Wagner,in time they would just go away.
Another problem the optic nerve causes is the blind spot.
Luckily I have 2 eyes.
So I suppose you think you are smart enough to make modifications to DNA that would improve the design of its lifeform?
I’d expect that something intelligent enough to create it in the first place would have the capacity to have avoided the inclusion of the problems humans suffer if it wanted to.
Or do you believe in an incompetent designer? Or perhaps a deliberately malicious one?
so the problem is doubled. How in the hells does that help your case dimwit?
What are you afraid of Ichthyic?
that someday the world will look like it is depicted in the movie “Idiocracy”, and it will be entirely because of really dumb fuckers like yourself.
you need to remember that youre safe now down here…Idiocracy is far away….
We should just iggy or ridicule the likes of Randy,as I said.Whats the point?
you need to remember that youre safe now down here
so long as they recall how to fly aircraft, they can still fuck everything up.
besides, I wouldn’t wish that hell on any of my friends I left behind.
I guess all I can really do now is snipe from a distance, but I did my time in the trenches.
Since the right eye can see whatever lies in the left eye’s blind spot, and vice versa, the two eyes together provide complete vision.
Simon and ID person (if they are indeed different people) are purposely avoiding answering the question. I think everyone should sit down and stare at them until they answer.
Why does your God want urine and semen to come out of the same canal? Speaking as a woman, I find that quite squicky. You have no basis making any claims about how wrong or disgusting anal sex is, or how clever your designer is, until you answer this question that’s been put to you several times now.
You have no basis making any claims about how wrong or disgusting anal sex is,
even my dog knows the proper place for its penis.
Nothing any animal does is “bad.” Animals act on instinct. For them there is neither right nor wrong. It is only because we are children of the Supreme Being that we perceive right and wrong, and can choose either. With no Supreme Being, we would be like animals: everything we do would be free from any question of right or wrong.
we are human not animal, unless you think you are.
Come on Kel, you can stop it. It is just a disease it can be cured.
Do not do it again, you are a human, the highest creature in this universe.
Simon and ID person(if they are indeed different people)
Simon and ID are definetely different people. I don’t agree with Randy (ID) but he’s far from being as slimy as simon.
even my dog knows the proper place for its penis.
Which, as far as most dogs I’ve seen are concerned, is dry-humping the side of a human’s pant leg or being licked copiously by its own tongue.
You still haven’t answered the question. Why do human males have to pass semen and urine through the same place, simon?
Since the right eye can see whatever lies in the left eye’s blind spot, and vice versa, the two eyes together provide complete vision.
That is not why we do not see the blind spot. Even if you only had one eye you would not normally be able to perceive it. The eye is like a scanner and “paints” an image into the vision center of the brain. And just like painting a wall with a sponge with a hole in it, you would not be left with an incompletely painted wall. Only when you force the eye to stop its constant motion are you able to detect the blind spot. Even so, this in no way means it is a good design, we’ve just evolved methods of compensating for it.
do you agree with homosexual ? is it ok to insert your penis to a man’s anus ?
Are we being trolled by Pastor Swank?
“we are human not animal”
False dichotomy. We are both.
False dichotomy. We are both.
go and have sex with your dog then
Aah, Simon reveals himself to be a projecting pervert, much like Rookie and Barb. Nice to know we can help the twisted get off, isn’t it?
Come off it, simon! Why won’t you answer such a simple question? What a wanker.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon, humans are animals. You keep trying to make humans special, but we aren’t. You try to slip your gawd in to make us special. Your gawd doesn’t exist, and humans and chimpanzees are close relatives. Your fictional gawd isn’t need to describe morals, or anything else for that matter. Now, either show physical evidence for your gawd, or go away. You are an ignorant impolite nuisance.
I suppose this makes me the Pie Man. Pecan? Steak and Kidney?
…and humans and chimpanzees are close relatives.
Ignore me, I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. In my defence, I’m seriously stressed, exhausted and generally feeling like absolute shit.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Still no physical evidence for your imaginary gawd Simon. What a powder poof you are. I forsee a plonking in your future due to your inability to get away from your vile thoughts, as PZ will be cranky today. Why don’t you just apologize and then fade into the bandwidth?
Simon: There once was a man from Nantucket….
But seriously, you’re too stupid to know you’re stupid.
So I suppose you think you are smart enough to make modifications to DNA that would improve the design of its lifeform?
Yeah, it’s what genetic engineering is all about. We do it all the time these days.
And you can be damn sure that those who suffer from Huntington’s disease, and Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, and sickle-cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease, and all the other devastating genetic illnesses are hoping that humans can fix the misery that you seem to claim were put there by a loving God.
if you were a man with long penis, i am sure you would insert your penis to your own anus, it is your analogy !!
What the fuck?
You are weird.
Can we plonk this asshole troll already?
Janine, Insulting Sinnersays
Simpering Simon, why is it so hard you you to answer what you think of the design that has your urine and semen being passed through the same tract.
False dichotomy. We are both.
go and have sex with your dog then
It never ceases to amaze me how religious zealots can not only deny the fundamental classification of the human species, but also deny the distinctions between other species of the animal kingdom. Bees are animals. Carp are animals. Neither has been known to have sex with dogs.
You see the same thing in action when fundamentalists whine that “if we tell our children they are animals, they’ll behave like animals.”
What does it mean to behave like an animal? Does it mean to repeatedly ram your proboscis into the bark of a tree in search of edible insects, like a woodpecker? Make an annual trek to BF-Antarctica to find a mate, like Emperor Penguins? Dangle a luminescent lure in front of your face and wait for something edible to come within biting distance, like an anglerfish? To hear the religious crusaders tell it, you’d think animals from mosquitoes to wombats spent all their time killing other members of their species, snorting cocaine, and frequenting prostitutes.
Yikes… what a Freudian side-show this Simon is.
if you were a man with long penis, i am sure you would insert your penis to your own anus, it is your analogy !!
Actually, I wasn’t the first to ask, and actually, it’s not an analogy, you imbecilic twit. And although you seem to have plenty of time to write 3rd grade level insults, you’re still dodging the question. Why did your all-powerful god make such a stupid move as to have urine and semen use the same canal?
Is there anywhere I can go to watch the video? Anyone know why it’s no longer available?
Come on Kel, you can stop it. It is just a disease it can be cured.
Yeah, it’s a shame. We’ve made an entire society to protect idiots, warning labels for everything with safety procedures everywhere. How are we supposed to weed out the stupid when we take away all mechanisms to do so?!?
To hear the religious crusaders tell it, you’d think animals from mosquitoes to wombats spent all their time killing other members of their species, snorting cocaine, and frequenting prostitutes.
What, they don’t?
I’m going to have to re-think my planned species-change procedure in light of this revelation.
Yeah, it’s what genetic engineering is all about. We do it all the time these days.And you can be damn sure that those who suffer from Huntington’s disease, and Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, and sickle-cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease, and all the other devastating genetic illnesses are hoping that humans can fix the misery that you seem to claim were put there by a loving God.
These diseases are the result of entropy corrupting the original design. Kel isn’t smart enough to make modifications to DNA to fix these problems. My point was directed at Kel not the sum total of human intelligence. Hopefully mankind becomes smart enough to fix these entropy induced errors.
Kel isn’t smart enough doesn’t have the training in genetics to make modifications to DNA to fix these problems.
regardless of my intelligence / training / whatever, the point still stands. There are so many instances of in nature of “making best of a bad thing” and if a designer created the human body the way it is, then the designer was an incompetent fool.
These diseases are the result of entropy corrupting the original design.
How do you know what the original design is?
Kel isn’t smart enough to make modifications to DNA to fix these problems. My point was directed at Kel not the sum total of human intelligence.
Then what the hell was your point? Who cares if any particular individual cannot fix a particular genetic defect? Can you repair a jet engine?
Hopefully mankind becomes smart enough to fix these entropy induced errors.
And once we are, does that mean we are like unto gods?
Kel’s point is that if a designer created the human body the way it is, then the designer was an incompetent fool.
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered. In light of that, it is kind a silly for a lone software engineer like Kel to suggest that the Designer is an incompetant fool.
Kel’s point is that if a designer created the human body the way it is, then the designer was an incompetent fool.
You don’t think that we’ve been able to make components better than what’s in our body? If cameras had the problems that our eyes have, then we would not be using them. We have made continual improvement.
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered. In light of that, it is kind a silly for a lone software engineer like Kel to suggest that the Designer is an incompetant fool.
Belittle my work? Good one Stimpy. If there was a designer, obviously the designer did certain things poorly, it’s inescapable. For every instance of “good” design, there’s a dozens of “flawed” designs. Because evolution is cumulative, we can account for why we see modification of these flawed designs.
As for me being able to comment on it, it’s quite simple to see that natural selection can produce an eye the right way around. Cephalopods do not have the problems that vertebrates have. The eye of an octopus which is comparable to our own doesn’t have the flaws of the vertebrate design model. Do I need to be an engineering demigod in order to be able to point that out?
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered. In light of that, it is kind a silly for a lone software engineer like Kel to suggest that the Designer is an incompetant fool.
You’d also think that said designer possessing the ability to create life would also be able to correct his mistakes after hundred’s of thousands of years.
Love how Randy’s form of apologetics is to belittle anyone who dare criticises when his arguments don’t hold any pragmatic value.
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered. In light of that, it is kind a silly for a lone software engineer like Kel to suggest that the Designer is an incompetant fool.
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered.
Which is why the errors as measured against any design principles, are all the more glaring. Then the fact that the errors happen to be what would be expected from evolution (as, of course, are the successes) completely destroys any claims of design–except to obstinate fools.
Neil Shubin’s article in January’s edition of Scientific American on this matter was really interesting, though it seemed like nothing more than a short summary of the final chapter of his book.
“Kel isn’t smart enough to make modifications to DNA to fix these problems.” “In light of that, it is kind a silly for a lone software engineer like Kel to suggest that the Designer is an incompetant fool.”
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered
I’ll remember you said that if I ever find out you used a telescope or a microscope, a computer or a calculator, or fuck, even a car for that matter. You DO drive, right?
Is a car a superior mode of transportation to your feet? I’d say in most all cases, yes.
and the exceptions fucking prove the rule, for that matter.
stop reveling in your masturbatory fantasies and get some perspective FFS.
I remember a point that Thunderf00t made on one of his “Why do people laugh at creationists” series. That a single desktop computer has more mathematical processing power than the entire human race combined. 4 billion years of biological evolution and we were able to come up with a machine that outperforms humanity combined on a particular task.
Kel, don’t be offended. I don’t think anyone here thinks they are smart enough make beneficial modifications to DNA. That is hardly belittling compared to these rude comments:
I’m betting that simon is barely pubescent, he’s got his first pubic hair and wants to show the world just how straight he is… even if he felt some strange feelings towards his bunkmate at bible camp.
I don’t think you have much to complain about. However, I’ll give you credit for being polite most of the time.
Kel, don’t be offended.
I rather think he was laughing at you, not offended.
you’re so far from perceiving reality accurately, one wonders you are able to type anything even remotely resembling a coherent sentence!
I don’t think anyone here thinks they are smart enough make beneficial modifications to DNA
funny, I studied molecular and population genetics, and though breeding programs and direct manipulation of eggs and embryos, have SEEN beneficial modifications to genes propagate through many populations.
Have a read of all the things simon said to people here, that comment may have been rude but it’s hardly out of place. The idiot tried to bait me on my nationality, my race, my mother’s sexual preferences, and lastly my own sexual preferences.
here’s one for the stimpster:
who do you think knows more about evolutionary biology?
Actually Kel, maybe you are too polite. That explains why you haven’t won a Molly award. You comments are definitely head and shoulders above the guy who won it last time. He just runs around thinking of inventive ways to tell people to shutup and he wins a Molly award. What gives with that? Kel you are really going to have to get meaner to have any hope of winning a Molly award.
Have a read of all the things simon said to people here, that comment may have been rude but it’s hardly out of place.
you have NO reason to even remotely think you were not responding appropriately.
Simon is fucking unhinged.
seriously, do you really feel the need to defend yourself to… STIMPY?
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Randy, have I told you to shut up on this thread? No, but then you are also being unscientific in that you are positing and giving properties to a creator without showing physical evidence for the creator. “There’s your problem” to quote the Mythbusters. You let your conclusions get ahead of your proof. If you can’t prove your creator, everything else falls apart. That’s where the “put up or shut up” comes to play in science. If you can’t put up, you shut up until you can put up.
seriously, do you really feel the need to defend yourself to… STIMPY?
SIWOTI syndrome.
David Marjanović, OMsays
Anath, ‘queen of heaven’, was known as the consort of Yahweh within the Hebrew community of Elephantine, & she was also known in Palestine.
Ashera, or Asherat iam, was the wife of El.
Oh. That answers a lot of questions (Yahwe eventually got fused with his father El).
Comment 127:
That reminds me of the observation that “I fucked your mom!” doesn’t really work as an insult in Swedish. “Oh really? But that’s great, she needed a little fun!”
To properly understand this, you have to know that windy is a Finn. B-)
But are you suggesting that morality is genetically transmitted?
Empathy is evidently innate, so it’s inherited = genetically transmitted.
Enter natural selection: Those without empathy care neither for their offspring nor for their conspecifics in general and thus tend to die out (with them). See comment 152.
It follows that the hypothesis of intelligent design is simply unnecessary. Considering how unparsimonious it already is, it gets thrown on the trash heap.
Are you sure it’s not a socially-aquired repulsion?
I’m sure that mine isn’t socially acquired.
But then, hey, nobody forces me to watch…
i am asking about science, look at my question :
“do you think the canal through which feces are released is the proper place for your penis ?”
Isn’t it a scientific question ? Please don’t take offense.
No, it’s not a scientific question. “Proper” and “scientific” have nothing to do with each other. You have a lot to learn about what science is.
Conversely, some potentially lethal substances carry a surprisingly pleasant smell. Cyanide in particular smells like almonds.
And nitrobenzene (“mother-in-law marcipan”) smells like benzaldehyde, which is the smell of marcipan… consuming it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
So I suppose you think you are smart enough to make modifications to DNA that would improve the design of its lifeform?
“Modifications to DNA”? Hah! Whose bright idea was it to use DNA as the material of heredity in the first place? DNA falls apart when stored in water. I kid thee not. We spend lots of energy constantly repairing our DNA; this is a large part of our basic metabolism. Naturally, the repair mechanisms sometimes make mistakes…
For all the greatness of the human eye, if there was a designer behind it, the designer did a really poor job. Cephalopods do not have that problem, it’s just among vertebrates.
And killer jellies (Cubozoa).
The retina is behind the optic nerve and thus light has to travel through the nerve in order to reach the retina.
The retina is behind a layer of blood vessels and nerves, and itself is the wrong way around, too — the light has to traverse the whole thickness of the retina and strike the light-sensitive cells at their far end.
In cephalopods, all this is the other way around.
the right eye can see whatever lies in the left eye’s blind spot
In primates, the visual fields of the two eyes overlap a great deal. The price is that we can’t see backwards. Rabbits have made the opposite compromise…
Actually Kel, maybe you are too polite. That explains why you haven’t won a Molly award.
Once I was in the supermarket browsing at something or other. Then a middle-aged man nearby decided out of the blue to ask me if a certain type of noodles would work well in the meal he was preparing. Now it may have been my gut that clued in that I may be a person to ask about food, or it may have simply been that he was ignorant and looking for any help he could get. But nethertheless he asked, and actually being familiar with both that dish and how to cook noodles, I heartily reccommend them and even gave him a couple of tips on how to cook them. His response: “Are you a chef?”
Now I’m not that great in the culinary arts, but I can provide for myself. My partner thinks that my cooking skills lack a certain depth because I can’t improvise. All I do is follow a set of instructions in my head and if something changes I’m lost. But even with that limited knowledge I was able to impress a stranger to the point where he concluded that I was a professional.
So how is this story relevant? It’s that while I’m not an idiot, I’m by no means an expert. So while I’ve been on other sites and played a similar role in discussion to what I was doing here, I was the one with a bit of knowledge among a lot without. Here though, the limitations of my knowledge are persistently trumped by the likes of David Marjanović, Owlmirror, and Ichthyic. So while I have a similar posting style, the breadth and depth of their knowledge makes my posts seem meagre by comparison. I developed a style while I was a big fish in a small pond, and now I’m a small fish in a tank of sharks…
Or it could just be that I haven’t done anything particularly noticable by a large section of the community, pharyngula is a big place after all and there are so many who contribute. It’s hard to stand out unless you are either brilliant or trolling.
And thus completely failing to respond to the replies made to your arguments in this thread.
I’m moving on to the next interesting thread.
…and I’ll be there to point out what a silly stupid git you are.
eventually, you’ll either get tired and go away, or you’ll get banned for saying the same stupid shit over and over.
why not beat a retreat?
read some basic evolutionary text, like Futuyma’s, and come back with intelligent questions, instead of blind ignorance.
you might garner some respect and actually learn something.
Is that not what you want?
to learn?
I’m moving on to the next interesting thread.
which will immediately become uninteresting to everyone else upon your arrival.
@Kel #266
If we aren’t animal, then why do we poop?
look, you already lost your dignity as a human being. Obviously science does not help you to be a human and hypnotized you as animal.
Your anus for feces, it is not for penis of your partner, ask you father whether he put his penis to your mom’s anus to give you birth.
you are a slave of your desire and dare not to fight. You should be dumped to the gutter.
Fight Kel, fight, you still have time, don’t be a loser. Quit from the community and this blog. PZM can’t help you, instead, he misleads you to be a garbage.
You are a unique creature whom the Creator always loves, turn back and say to your partner “No More, I am disgusted!”
look, you already lost your dignity as a human being. Obviously science does not help you to be a human and hypnotized you as animal.
Your anus for feces, it is not for penis of your partner, ask you father whether he put his penis to your mom’s anus to give you birth.
you are a slave of your desire and dare not to fight. You should be dumped to the gutter.
Fight Kel, fight, you still have time, don’t be a loser. Quit from the community and this blog. PZM can’t help you, instead, he misleads you to be a garbage.
You are a unique creature whom the Creator always loves, turn back and say to your partner “No More, I am disgusted!”
I’m confused, yet somewhat aroused. Are you sure you’re not coming onto me simon?
Are you sure you’re not coming onto me simon?
lick your feces at your partner’s penis tonight and you will be completely animal. Good bye Kel.
Well I wish that you’d stop being so judgemental about pornography.
Let idiots be idiots, simon is digging his own hole on this one, I’ve tried engaging with the closeted-homophobe but his incestuous mind wouldn’t let anything in other than “If I act on my feelings for daddy, satan will eat me”
Bernard Bumnersays
Why is it that homophobic bigots spend so much time thinking about the gory details of the kinkiest kinds of sexual practices?
I abhor anal sex. Why, when I think about the grunting and squelching, the pulsating grip of sphincter on throbbing, thrusting shaft, it makes my genitals engorged with pure rage…
Their grubby minds won’t allow them to stop at merely fetishizing unrestrained, sweaty, animalistic, acts of anal sex through their mental pornography, but they have to introduce coprophilia into their sordid fiction.
Internet amateur erotic fiction mourns for all of that wasted potential…
we are human not animal, unless you think you are.
“I am a man, not a mammal.”
Seriously, Simon–in a week that’s had more than it’s share of twits making stupid and demonstrably false statements, this is a definite contender for the most idiotic so far.
Humans make milk, you fuckwad.
We have the same basic skeletal structure as most mammals (not all, to be sure, but that’s also true of other mammals, so unless you’re saying that you don’t believe in Mammalia…).
We possess the same basic organs as most mammals (not all, to be sure, but that’s also true of other mammals, so unless you’re saying that you don’t believe in Mammalia…), which are arranged in the same basic way.
We possess the same major “systems” as mammals (e.g., circulatory, lymphatic, nervous).
We possess specific characteristics that are considered definitive for mammals (e.g., mammary glands; a predilection for crab legs (okay, so I made that one up))
We possess a rather striking genetic similarity with mammals as opposed to other animals.
So you’re basically saying that your designer made us seem just like mammals, but that we’re not mammals. So, I guess your designer is the same individual that flooded the entire planet and then quick like a bunny both erased all evidence of it and then created a rock record that looks like the flood never happened? This dude seems a little unstable. Perhaps, if you’ve got a good rapport with your designer-dude and care about him, you might want to try and get him some professional help. I’m concerned that he might be in danger of hurting himself.
Nerd of Redhead, OMsays
Simple Simon the Anal Lieman. You are a mammal. Show evidence otherwise. We are waiting for your evidence. Your god doesn’t exist and your bible is fiction.
Genius Nerd,
you are awaited by Kel tonight to lick Your feces on his penis. Free HIV guaranteed.
hahaha nightshirt on God.
Hahaha breath tube.
I’m really frightened now. If God disappears there will be no more imaginary beings to hate. Then what will I do?
I’ll have to ask the monsters to come back and live under my bed….
“No Jesus, No peas” made me laugh out loud.
Excellent video!
You have to admit though, it’d be funny watching the christians running around like headless chickens.
Well, I always wanted to taste humam meat.
The first thing that came to mind before I watched the video was, “Well, I’d have to start calling myself an atheist instead of a deist.”
Oh, and brilliant Edward, just brilliant. One of your best. Don’t suppose you ever read this blog, but all of us Chriatians on here really appreciate your piety and faith.
Nah, if god, (meaning that fecker Yahweh), disappeared, there’d be a power struggle in heaven, culminating in one of the minor gods, such as a Seraphim, taking his place. Mind you, it could be an Archangel – I seem to recall that they’re pretty handy with a sword.
Then things would just carry on as before, except maybe the new boy would get carried away smiting all & sundry, just like that fecker Yahweh did when he got started.
It’s also possible that Yahweh’s wife, Anath, might’ve poisoned the old bugger to get rid of him. I wonder if she’d be any better? She mightn’t get so carried away with smiting. But then she’d probably be into poisoning. Hmmm, the way the World’s going, with atmospheric pollution & global warming, I wonder.
The random natural disasters thing reminded me of this. (When FL was hit with three hurricanes that appeared to go out of their way to miss the counties that voted for Gore in 2000.)
Worse – what if God suddenly appeared and revealed which of the many religions, denomination, sects, cults, hermits was right? They’d be insufferable!
Edward, this is the best yet. This is genius, it slaughters almost all ridiculous christian tenets in 3min34sec. Beautiful, perfect, and fluffy.
Re: #9…of course, as the link points out, the map was debunked to some extent. I choose to ignore such inconvenient facts.
Definitely Ed’s best yet. Very funny.
And they called it puppy love!
No, no, no! World without sunshine. World without joy.
I am still looking for the world without shrimp.
If God disappeared, how would we know? He never comes around anymore.
Scary part is, hundreds of goobers are shouting “You tell ’em Ed!! Hallelujah!”
My peas didn’t come in last spring.
No Jesus = no peas.
I may have to switch sides now that this has been made clear.
On the other hand… tasty puppies.
So hard to decide.
This had me fooled at the beginning as it looked just like a real religious promo video, especially the bit about what atheists think! (I’m sure they do believe that we are beyond hope) Makes the point very well – good job. I wonder how many religites will watch this and not get it!
I’m available for sex any time…in fact, right now! But I ain’t no puppy.
I LOLed to the:
“No Jesus – No peas”
one also.
No helping people if there is no motivation for a blissful afterlife.
The xians got the link down fast. It’s showing up as the video is no longer available. Yay for freedom of speech.
The god-shaped holes in hearts would bankrupt our medical system–except that probably no one would care about heart holes if god didn’t exist.
I think he got us, though. Only cannibalism fills my empty and lonely soul. I bet he envies our puppy sex, however.
Glen D
I like this guy more and more.
“Divine gift being administered by breathing tube”… priceless!
Do you suppose that the part about having sex with animals is a reference to the bestial Sal Cordova and his vile insinuations concerning PZ’s daughter?
Bit of a poet in Edward Current. I think I like this one the best so far.
I think he meant when god disappeared not if, which seems to have been a long long long time ago. because most of those things he spoke of have already come to pass except we still have air ?
I knew this was one of Ed’s videos just by PZ’s comment.
This could fool the unknowing until the end where it asks you “to give to your local megachurch.” A real video like this would only ask you to give to its sponsors.
I can’t view this. Either I get “We’re sorry, this video is unavailable,” or else it starts, but stalls after a few seconds.
What’s wrong with god? His kid could handle a shortage of loaves and fishes, but he can’t do bandwidth? Pathetic.
I probably got through about the first 45 seconds before shutting it off, it was so idiotic. “Oh, we Christians can feel God’s presence”. No, you retard, you’re simply a delusional twit.
My response to “what if God disappeared” is “So? Since there’s no evidence God exists in the first place, there would be no difference whatsoever.”
I must confess this kind of parody gets on my nerves, and religious Poe parodies are the worst of it: how can you top the idiocy of the real thing? Why is an accurate counterfeit of a deranged pillock funny?
I suspect a genuine Christian either wouldn’t or couldn’t answer the question at all. They would argue that these are things that might happen if belief in God disappeared. But that’s a different question.
What if God disappeared? My guess is that they’d probably reply that, if God disappeared, then the universe would also disappear. No God = No Anything. To them, asking what things would be like if God were not there is like asking what things would be like if they weren’t there. The mind shuts down because the question makes no sense.
Entertaining the idea that one could have a world where nature works as usual, but God is not there to sustain, guide, or be behind it in some incredibly critical and significant way, is basically the same as seriously entertaining the idea that God doesn’t need to exist at all.
And we know where that leads…
I’m always hesitant to watch Edward Current, thanks to Poe’s Law. I’m usually worried he’s going to hit too close to the mark of actual fundies and end up frustrating me instead of making me laugh. This one did well enough to get favorited.
“No Jesus no peas” was definitely the part that made me laugh. He might not be everyone’s style, but I certainly like him.
Failing to grasp the obvious, Cephus unwittingly wrote:
Swooosh….EPIC FAIL.
You should watch all of EC’s videos. I think you’ll see the error of your first impression after that. That is, if you can pull youself away from youtube long enough to stop laughing.
Trust us. Good fun therein.
Just watched the video. No error message.
It’s good parody, but you have to pay attention to find that out. I bet dozens of cretinists won’t notice, and will believe it’s meant seriously.
What? Not Ashera?
Can’t comment on video. In my atheistic depression, I couldn’t lift my head far enough and actually care enough to watch. [Sigh….]
“No Jesus = No Peas” is the best–I definitely need a T-shirt with that…
His best? I dunno – personally, I REALLY like the Invisible Pink Unicorn.
Heheh. Got a link to a site called cosmicfingerprints.com as ad on the movie.
The nutter claims he has a riddle that no atheist can solve
The problem is that he makes a tiny mistake in his reasoning (and is to fanatic to admit it).
He starts out with the claim that DNA is a code.
Then he pulls the rug out under himself by the following bit of reasoning (which is essentially an argument from incredulity): Every code we (he should say I) know is made up in a mind, so DNA must have been thought up, so god exists.
And then he bleats about no one on IIDB being able to counter this.
Isn’t the counter a variant on ALL A’s are B’s but NOT ALL B’s are A’s
It’s not just Jesus-besotted faith-head religious delusionists that fail to ‘get it’. A dismayingly high percentage of atheists fail to ‘get it’, too. Just take a gander at the comments that accompany Edward’s videos.
Who Cares: I don’t see that one on the Hundreds of Proofs list. Maybe you want to send it in?
Towing Jehovah, James Morrow deals with the literal and verifiable death of God, in a fictional setting. I thought it was both graceful, thoughtful and interesting. Written in 1994, it is notably lacking in atheist stridency.
What god?
#14 “I am still looking for the world without shrimp.”
You know, 5 days ago, I wouldn’t have gotten that, but we just finished the series. LOL
On the sad front, I just realized that my father is still a god believer and thinks evolution is bunk. I have my work cut out for me :P
Great parody is always a little scary to watch. Edward Current is always scary. He makes us laugh at our discomfort, otherwise we’d just be pissed off all the time. And speaking of pissed off all the time—Yaweh had a fucking wife?!!!? Bitch must have had it OUT for that slut Mary bigtime!
I imagine god’s homelife going a little like this . . .
INTERIOR: Early evening, the God home, a duraflame burns in the fireplace and Mrs. God is nursing a Manhattan, reading Weekly World News. God enters, nervous.
Uh, Anath honey, er, we have to talk, remember that cute little Mary woman down on earth?
Oh no you DIDN’T! (Grabs passing planet, hurls it at god, misses and breaks Hummel peeing boy figurine on mantel.)
Now Anath, don’t be all vengeful, that’s my job (laughs nervously) uh, can’t we just work this out?
Oh here it comes! Mr. Big gonna tell us all about his big excuse why he couldn’t keep li’l god in his robes for TEN SECONDS around those bibical bitches down in B-hem! Well honey, I hope you like my new couch, cause you’ll be sleeping on it for the next twenty thousand years!
(cue sad coronet “uh oh” sound effect)
God looks at camera, shrugs and sighs. Fade out.
If god had a wife . . . then who was his mother-in-law?
Let me get this straight: no God means we eat people and do disgusting things to dogs. Isn’t that the opposite of what they do in many parts of the world now: eat dogs, do disgusting things to people?
I was expecting him to talk about gravity, light, or larger cosmic forces which the invisible hand of God is making into their present forms. “If there were no God… Plank’s constant would shoot up, the EM force would skyrocket, matter would flash into energy, and there would be no universe!” After all, that would scare me.
LadyH @ 45
Why bother? He is at that age and steadfast in his beliefs and it appears obvious that you will never sway him from those beliefs. Be content that you are more guided by reason and science, and no matter how hard he holds onto those beliefs, he will never disprove yours.
They say that, depending on how it’s prepared, it tastes a lot like ham…I wouldn’t know…
Hilarious and appalling at the same time. What complete ignoramus produced this video?
Hilarious and appalling at the same time.
I could be wrong but i think the supplier of the written ‘text’ is doing a meta-sub-textual analysis of another, probably sincere (Poe’s Law notwithstanding) production.
@ Holbach #48
Yeah, I realize he’s a bit hidebound, but he is the man who made sure that we watched Nature, Cosmos, and Nova when we were kids, so I’m thinking he just needs a reason to not believe anymore. His wife is catholic and I like her, but there is just something ‘unassailable’ about her faith that makes it hard to tell them that they’re wrong. I did manage to debunk a few of their misconceptions about evolution yesterday tho, so I’m not writing them off quite yet.
Honestly this seems like an argument against god. I’m not an atheist, but I’ve always felt that doing something “good” because you think you’ll get an eternal reward for it is just another form of greed, and doing it because you’re afraid of punishment is just cowardice. If someone’s hold on what is right is so flimsy that they’d suddenly devalue life if they thought god had disappeared, they have other problems to deal with…
It’s funny how, every time PZ posts a new Edward Current video, a new batch of EC virgins appear.
Of course, “God” usually means an imaginary all-powerful friend, rather than a metaphysical “everything, universe itself” kind of god. And if god were to disappear, the only difference would be the same as the disappearance of an imaginary friend.
Wait, Yahweh’s wife is Anath now? Are you telling me he got remarried after that breakup with Asherah?
Another great Youtube video “The thing that made the things for which there is no known maker.”
No, Mrs. God wouldn’t have a jelous fit… She’d follow the pattern of the old testament wives who turned their handmaidens over to the Master to breed a bit more.
Really, and what about that ultra right wing conservative Steven Colbert, what’s he doing on the Comedy Channel?
“It’s funny how, every time PZ posts a new Edward Current video, a new batch of EC virgins appear.”
Yeah, and it’s the same with anything The Onion produces.
Satire is a very common means of public discourse in many European countries (Germany, Netherlands, France, UK and Italy for sure) which might explain why spotting it feels so easy and consequently my first reaction to people that “aren’t getting it” is always “gosh, how can anyone be that stupid?” which might be an unfair reaction.
One could argue that perhaps the mass of ‘crazy’ videos makes people jump to the wrong conclusion, but I still find it extremely easy to distinguish between the likes of “VenomFangX” and EC.
How common is satire in the US?
It had nothing to do with the Poe, I actually run into people who DO THINK EXACTLY LIKE THAT all the time, which is what I’m responding to. There are people out there who seriously think that if God ceased to exist, the entire universe would vanish, that’s their entire proof that God is real, after all.
It’s not really much of a Poe when he’s using arguments that actually do exist in the ultra-fundamentalist crowd.
“It’s funny how, every time PZ posts a new Edward Current video, a new batch of EC virgins appear.”
I just think of it as Educating the World, one small group at a time.
From “Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development”, Second Edition, by Oesterley and Robinson, Anath, ‘queen of heaven’, was known as the consort of Yahweh within the Hebrew community of Elephantine, & she was also known in Palestine.
Ashera, or Asherat iam, was the wife of El.
‘Asherah was the name given to a goddess typically represented by a sacred wooden pillar.
There is no law against being a fuckwith, BUT being a religious one seems to quickly develop a state of being a know-it-all with no real answers.
Would be more surprised if god did appear, – wouldn’t you?
After all, he hasn’t shown his face so far, so maybe he could be persuaded to give his flocks a few more tangible proofs?
You don’t think he will?
Why would that be, – got any other explanation than that he simply doesn’t exist?
Thought not, so now shut the fuck up. Forever!
Life without god = life worth living?
Very. It’s just that conservatives don’t understand irony or satire and we’ve got buttloads of them as well.
Throws planet, smashes Glade™ baby owl air freshener on mantel.
Edward, never fails to amuse me.
His parodies are so good than most ppl
fell in thinking than their are real.
Praise God for letting the Steelers win. I guess Jesus freak Polamalu prayed harder than Jesus freak Warner.
No Peas on Thanksgiving would not be such a bad thing.
visualize whirled peas.
Lol, my ad for the video was “Christian Mother Makes $5K a month from the comfort of her home.” Yuck, I’m sure a portion of that is thanks to the taxpayers ; )
Then Darkseid wins, collapses through the Multiverse, dragging creation behind him, until Batman, two Flashes and the Black Racer finish him off.
At which point Superman sings and everything returns to normal.
#53, I was thinking the same thing. If you do something good to gain a pleasurable afterlife or to avoid a bad afterlife, then are you really being good? The same can be applied to karma or any other system of cosmic justice. For good to exist, people must be good for goodness sake.
Uh, ewe?
Here is another Christian parody website but its much more offensive!
My favorite Ed Current is the prayerMAX 5000 commercial. The disclaimers at the end are worth the price of admission.
There is No God therefore you are ALLOWED having sex with your mom and dad vise versa.
Ask PZM if he likes to have sex with you, may be he already has sex with his kids.
It is allowed, no rules no law, as atheist you are free. scientifically right.
So the only thing stopping you from having sex with your parents is God telling you not to?
So the only thing stopping you from having sex with your parents is God telling you not to?
stupid question.
just tell me what ALLOWED and not in your scientific bible. do you have it ?
What I liked about it was that for at least 30 seconds, I thought I was watching a real born-again Xtian video! It wasn’t until the part about prayers not being answered that the satanic authorship became obvious.
God disappeared?
I guess that’s it, then.
I wasn’t quite finished, you know.
Not that it hardly matters any more, what with doing right simply because I can isn’t in fashion now.
Pity. I’d gotten rather used to it. I found it was well received all around. Mostly.
Well. It’s been a good run, I guess.
So long.
*** Fuckwit Authoritarian Godbot Alert ***
Stupid question. There is no such thing as a scientific bible. On the other hand, YOUR bible apparently supports slavery and misogyny. Care to answer for that?
No, it hits at precisely the issue you are getting at. If not God, where does behaviour come from? So I’m asking you to take God out of the equation to see what you would do.
Have you been listening to a word anyone has said to you on here?!? Morality is a social construct, it’s the inevitability of any social creature. What dictates behaviour is a mixture of genes, memes, and experience. Any religious dogma is but one factor in determining an individuals behaviour. Science explains how the natural world works, it’s not telling us how to behave.
Now lose the attitude and answer the fucking question. Would you have sex with your siblings if God didn’t forbid it?
If God disappeared:
– Love would disappear, since God is love.
– Logic would disappear, since without God, there can be no logic.
– Language would disappear, since without God, language would not exist.
– Everything would become much simpler, since there can be no complexity without God.
– Nothing would be beautiful, because only God can make things beautiful.
Hey! I’ve learned some good stuff reading this blog!
At #40, Who Cares wrote about someone somewhere in the intertubes claiming that DNA “code” is proof of God:
PZ recently blogged about the claim that DNA coding requires an intelligent mind to design it:
Everything you need to know about ID
I’ve seen variations of that DNA code proves God or intelligent design several times on this blog. For example
this scream from the void by Phil:
@Kel #82
If not God, where does behaviour come from?
hmm… you are still with the dilemma. You did not read the site. You are not looking for God.
it is from yourself, got it ?
The dilemma is something different entirely. It’s a logical paradox that comes from ascribing the morality to God. It has nothing to do with what I’m arguing now.
Exactly. So why do we need a higher power?
Exactly. So why do we need a higher power?
to justify right and wrong
But you just said you can justify it in yourself.
But you just said you can justify it in yourself.
never said that.
Simon, we were deciding morality long before men invented gods, we’ve told you that before, and you have presented no evidence to the contrary. In keeping the same old claim, you become a liar and bullshitter. We don’t need your imaginary deity for anything. He is an impotent loser.
Simon wrote:
never said that.
On that topic simon wrote:
it is from yourself, got it ?
On that topic simon wrote:
it is from yourself, got it ?
look at your question :
If not God, where does behaviour come from?
you are aksing about behaviour, not justification.
Simon, your question is meaningless. Evolution. It all comes from evolution. Morality developed from evolution. Your god is meaningless. Simple Simon, the meaningless idiot.
The ideas are linked. You aren’t going to get universal absolute justification at any stage of the game. Morality is contingent on firstly humans existing, secondly on humans interaction, and thirdly on the environment on which they are in. We can see this provisional morality dictated by shifting societies and cultures throughout the scope of nature. In short, you aren’t going to get absolute justification for anything – nor do you need to. What matters is how your actions are in the context of the society you are in, and your actions are dictated by millions of years of genetic evolution through social abilities. You are hard-wired to behave in certain ways, and in other ways you are a slave to the teachings of your society that is shaped by experience.
To ask what is allowed or not is to miss the point. Morality isn’t given or dictated, it’s an implicit code of behaviour. As contrast to law which is a similar construct but a more explicit code of conduct. You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value. And if you are unwilling to even take on board the opinions of others, how are you ever going to learn?
Had me going for about the first 15 seconds.
Heh. Reminds me of those idiots who told us that, if the Democrats took over both houses of Congress as well as the White House, things would be far worse than under Republicans… oh, umm, wait a minute….
< @Kel You aren’t going to get universal absolute justification at any stage of the game.
not for me. I reject homosexual, abortion, pedophilia, polygamy and polyandry.
you accept homosexual, abortion. Why don’t you accept pedophilia, polygamy and polyandry ? what is the justification ?
Simple Simon the Incestuous Idiot
You keep waving a strawman arguement. That means a fake argument that has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. Morality has been defined by men for hundreds of thousands of years, ever since homo sapiens evolved and expanded. You have shown nothing different. You keep alleging a deity, but you never offer physical evidence that the deity exists. Until you show your deity exists you have nothing. You are a delusional case.
Genius Nerd,
what is the justification for rejecting pedophilia ?
you know what, if those homo sapiens were homosex they could not evolve. Think it with your jelly meat !
Genius Nerd,
what is the justification for rejecting pedophilia ?
you know what, if those homo sapiens were homosex they could not evolve. Think it with your jelly meat !
Simple Simon the incestuous pieman, show me phyical evidence for your imaginary deity. Something that will pass muster with scientists, magicians and professional debunkers. Until then your strawman argument just shows you to be a fool. When you understand your god doesn’t exist, you will have acheived wisdom.
apparently the people who put this little film together aren’t aware of the importance of internal consistency in storytelling.
god exists: aids, malaria, katrina — nothing to do with god.
god doesn’t exist: aids, malaria, katrina — this is what you get when no god exists.
srsly, people …
the older i get, the longer i experience the depth of stoopid that exists in people, the less frightening the thought of dying becomes. leaving this nuthouse will be something of a relief.
For Simon and company, I think is important to repeat this from Kel #94: “WHAT MATTERS IS HOW YOUR ACTIONS ARE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOCIETY YOU ARE IN”. I know nothing about you but I’m 100% sure you do or accept plenty of things that would have been heresy 1000 years ago on any Christian environment.
AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The fluffy fur god created to bring adorableness into our lives!
Though beware Poe’s Law. I saw no winking smiley in that video…
I think consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want with each other. So I do accept polygamy and polyandry among consenting adults — I wouldn’t practice it myself, but then again I wouldn’t date more than one person at at time, either (it’s just too confusing).
The emphasis above is on consenting adults, which is why pedophilia is wrong — the child is not a consenting adult.
Simple Simon,
You must have some serious problems with your own morality. It is clearly defined by cherry picking from the bible to justify your own internal sense of “right and wrong”. As you admit, this is internal (and hard-wired).
You have on other threads accused godless heathens of beheadings on the basis of them not being deluded by your missionaries. This was an epic FAIL.
Now you trot out the usual “lets control the sheeple with sexual prohibitions” trump card. Make people feel guilty, and sell redemption.
I’m surprised you didn’t use the free drugs argument, that’s another favourite.
When reading your posts Simon, I am overwhelmed by how you dwell on the sex and violence issues and how important god is (to you) to prevent society (read: you) from committing these crimes. While postings by atheists on this site advocate and claim to practice a moral life (maybe different to your morality), being an atheist does not inevitably lead to the depravity that lurks in your dark nightmares. Is your lack of impulse control so complete that you cannot (or will not) self-censor without threat of supernatural monitoring and intervention?
Re the video: Very funny :) This is a great parody and one of his best so far imho. I never saw this as a Poe, it never purports to be indistinguishable from the real thing. I loved the breathing tube :)
If your God is the basis for your morality, why doesn’t he set a good example? God kills, often on a massive scale. God tortures. God impregnates women to whom he’s not married. Is your God immoral? Is your God one of those “do as I say, not as I do” guys?
If your God is the basis for your morality, then why don’t all people who claim to believe in the same God as you do believe the same way as you do on subjects such as abortion and homosexuality.*
*Let’s bet Simon claims that those other God-believers aren’t true Scotsmen.
You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
There is no god. This video proves it.
@Tulse #105
I think consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want with each other. .
wow, so you can have sex with your parents vise versa as long as you and they want it!? what a “wonderful” atheist’s argument !
So I do accept polygamy and polyandry among consenting adults — I wouldn’t practice it myself, but then again I wouldn’t date more than one person at at time, either (it’s just too confusing)
maybe your mother practices polyandry. Do you know who your father is ?? Every day she has a different man in her bed, like a hooker !! Do you enjoy watching her, ha ??
The emphasis above is on consenting adults, which is why pedophilia is wrong — the child is not a consenting adult.
who taught you that ? your atheist bible ?
what is adult ? 18 years old ? how do you get that number ?
what if the child want it too ? in some cases the child wanted it and get married with those old man, we have this cases here.
do you think a child does not have sex fantasy ?
they can justify themselves and do not offend you.
What are you to forbid them ? a “preacher” ?
Simon you fool, morality is a social construct and we like all other social creatures have evolved in order to protect the young. If you think that nature can’t account for adults being protective of their offpsring, I encourage you to go find a bear and start mistreating it’s young. Just see what happens…
You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
do you agree with polyandry ? is your mother practicing polyandry ?
come on, just answer with your high English language, i want to improve my English.
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, still hung up on presenting strawmen arguments. Time to show physical evidence for your imaginary deity or to fade into the bandwidth. Failure to put up or to shut up means you are acknowledging you are a liar an bullshitter. Your decision. Chose wisely cricket.
Simple Simon wrote:
I guess you aren’t a very good Christian, Simple Simon – or you’d have remembered that Lot’s daughters had no problems at all gettin’ some from dear old dad. And remember, Lot and his family were considered righteous – otherwise they’d have been killed with everyone else in Sodom & Gomorrah*.
Maybe you should
rethinkstart thinking about your argument.*Which always reminds me of the survey that found that a high proportion of self-reported Christians thought that Sodom & Gomorrah were husband and wife – classic!
You are still asking the wrong questions, you aren’t getting to the root of what morality is or how our behaviour is dependant on that – and such any answers to your questions will be misinterpreted because of the poor assumptions that are systemic in the way you think about this matter. Your our questions are loaded, and there’s no possible way I can answer them which would give you an accurate representation of how things work.
So while you continue to persist along your fallacious line of reasoning, built on a base of bad assumptions, you are not get any answers other than what fuels your already deluded mindset. Rather you should work on trying to understand the perspective of people here by applying the answers to their worldview rather than your own. By answering your questions, no matter what I answer, it merely goes to enhancing your own biases. So until you calm down, abstract your thought about 2 or 3 layers (taking from specific behavioural practices to how those practices fit in a wider social context) you won’t gain anything from me answering any questions about my personal view.
Oh, and I find it hilarious how simon is trying to attempt to bait me. He’s pretty ineffective at it too.
Nerd of Redhead said:
Go look in the mirror.
NoR exists, therefore God exists? Who’d have thunk an atheist would be the proof of God? :P
Sorry, that is the result of 3.5 billion years of evolution. Try an enternally burning bush or the equivalent. Otherwise, you are a liar and bullshitter.
Gack, taking after the KoT. …e
nternally…Go look in the mirror.
heh… ha.. hahaha… BWAHAHAHAAHAAAA!
that HAS to be the epitome of the circular argument.
Epic fail.
do you agree with polyandry ? is your mother practicing polyandry ?
do you “agree” with ploygyny? Is your father practicing polygyny?
It’s in the bible as acceptable.
do you believe your progeny should be stoned for what today would be considered minor (if any) offenses?
seriously, you haven’t thought enough about these issues to be taken seriously.
all we’re doing is laughing at you.
do you enjoy that? does it make you feel persecuted and all “special”?
doesn’t it rather suggest you have a problem?
who taught you that ? your atheist bible ?
there’s an atheist bible now?
I NEVER get the atheist memos about these things any more.
I’m going to stop paying dues.
well, at least after I get this year’s t-shirt.
And the lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
Who? Adam or Eve?
And Cain went out from the presence of the lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the East of Eden.
And Cain knew his wife… wait. Who? We got Adam and Eve, Cain just killed Able, so who is the wife?
Oh, I get it Cain is double teaming his mom with dear old dad. Gosh, for a minute I was confused.
Besides being an evolution construct, morality is also a social construct. In certain societies, blood feuds are moral (16th Century Scottish Highlands). In certain societies, cannibalism is moral (20th Century New Guinea). In certain societies, polygamy is moral (19th Century Utah). The Hellenistic (Ptolemaic) rulers of Egypt had brother-sister marriages as a matter of course. In other societies, these actions are immoral.
That reminds me of the observation that “I fucked your mom!” doesn’t really work as an insult in Swedish. “Oh really? But that’s great, she needed a little fun!”
Ichthyic – I join you in being pissed about not getting the memo that an atheist bible has been published.
I intend to send a strongly worded letter to the atheist pope. She’s gone too far this time.
She’s gone too far this time.
It’s a woman now?
Fuck me, I really have to keep better track.
That reminds me of the observation that “I fucked your mom!” doesn’t really work as an insult in Swedish.
which of course prompts one to try and figure out how to make a proper insult…
“I went to fuck your mom, but she was too needy so I left.”
hmm, somehow that just doesn’t have the right impact.
Are you kidding?! The atheist pope has to be Eugenie Scott. Or did I miss another memo.
Damn it. Chick-O-Grams take forever to get across states.
Careful guys, this one’s a pedophile.
How the hell do we end up with all these perverts?
Oh wait. The holy babble.
Sorry, it must have been low blood sugar.
Tis Himself said
How is morality an evolution construct?
Human societies require cooperation within the tribe (morality). Those who don’t cooperate, don’t reproduce since they get thrown out of the tribal village. Those that do, reproduce. Simple really.
Swedish insult – take 73:
I went to fuck your mom – but she wasn’t home so I fucked your dad instead?
Swedish insult – take 74:
I went to fuck your mom – but she was so ugly I fucked your cat instead… I’ll buy you a new one
Swedish insult – take 75:
I went to fuck your mom – but no-one would admit to owning you
Swedish insult – take 76:
I went to fuck your mom – but I just masturbated instead… Did you enjoy the special mayo in your sandwich today?
sorry – these are getting too gross even for me
Go attack a bear cub in the presense of its mother and see how ;)
oh one more:
I went to fuck your mom, but the line was too long. So I fucked your grandma instead
‘Intelligent’ Designer asked:
Jesus, Randy – think a little. You’re embarrassing yourself. Morality is an evolutionary construct because creatures who didn’t behave in living in a ‘moral’ way died out and didn’t pass on their genes. Obviously, this would only apply to social creatures – like apes (which, of course, includes humans).
No doubt someone with more knowledge in this area will express it better than I have, but
youeven you should understand what I wrote.Tony – er, We have Brownian to give us those.
He’s with your mom.
Randy, look up “game theory” and consequences of repeated iterations.
Nerd of Redhead,
I don’t think that is what Tis Himself means. Maybe it is. But are you suggesting that morality is genetically transmitted?
I told Mom to stay away from mad scientists! She never listens!
Now I’ll need to replace her brain. Again! Do you have any idea how expensive that is?
Some of the parts that make up the whole are. But memes and experience also play a part.
How is morality an evolution construct?
Is empathy a part of morality, Stimpy?
If so, would you consider altruism to be a subset of empathy?
If that, then have you ever read the work of WD Hamilton?
let me enlighten you:
If you get the chance, pick yourself up a copy of “Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Works of WD Hamilton, vol. 1.”
wherein you will find not only copies of his original papers on the evolution of social behavior, but also all of his personal commentary on the history of the application of evolutionary thinking to the development of morality, ethics, and all social behavior.
If you really want to harumph, you might even try reading EO Wilson’s “Sociobiology”.
good luck, and get lost, as I have no real empathy towards you.
Intelligent Designer – What part of Genesis 1 and 2 did you miss? Moron.
Did you even look at my post at #124? We True Christians get our morality from the bible. Remember? Thou shalt fuck thy mother.
Randy, if you are genetically predisposed to be the lazy idiot in the village, you may get tossed out before you get mated, or they may keep your mate. If you are genetically predisposed to help out for the common good, you will find and keep a mate. So there is a genetic component toward predisposing humans to cooperate. Then the social structure kicks in, and jumps it to a higher level. All based on “game theory” which Kel mentioned in #140. Look at history. Homo sapiens have been around 150,000+ years. Agriculture, about 7,000 years. Yahweh, only about 3,000 years. Do the math.
I went to fuck your mom – but no-one would admit to owning you
I rather like that one.
Patricia, you are fogetting that I am a deist not a Christian. Yes I read #124. It was the funniest thing I read all day. Let me quote myself
Patricia, you are fogetting that I am a deist not a Christian.
the distinction is irrelevant in your case.
teh stupid overrides all.
Nerd of Redhead, I find myself in agreement with a lot of what Kel says on this topic. Not everything of course. The difference is that I would see some morality as being intelligently designed into our DNA rather than evolved.
I’m a deist, not a christian? What the hell is that?
I believe in a wet pant load verses a semi-wet pant load?
You’re still a tard.
Unintelligent Designer bleated:
You’re right, you don’t think.
As it happens, Nerd described exactly how I understand morality to be an evolutionary construct. If you act in immoral ways, you’re less likely to pass your genes on than someone who acts in moral ways. Evolutionary pressures have hardwired morality into our genes.
In the 16th Century Scottish Highlands, it is estimated that one in 25 adult males were killed in blood feuds. These feuds would go on for generations (the MacDonald-Campbell feud was only the most famous). The factor that ended these feuds was the realization that too many people were being killed. Clan McIan was completely wiped out by the Campbells and numerous other clans, worried that the same thing would happen to them, banded together to effectively stop the Campbells’ aggressive behavior. The other clans (or their leaders) realized that their genes would not be passed on if they and all their relatives were killed. So not-feuding was naturally selected over feuding.
Just what is in our DNA regarding morality that cannot be seen in other social creatures?
Stimpy, it was intentional, you stupid, stupid git.
your anti-intelligence aura is starting to burn me.
get the fuck away.
I was naughty. Intelligent Designer, if you are a deist which deity do you believe in? Thor? Juno? Isis?
Or how about the god of dicks Priapus or the goddess of beer, Siduri.
We’re open minded here. Trot out your god, show us some proof, and we’ll believe you. The Nobel Prize is next.
Your turn.
@Kel #115
you can’t answer ? do you agree with Tulse ?
So until you calm down, abstract your thought about 2 or 3 layers
ok, i have abstracted my thought 3 layers and have questions asf :
do you agree with homosexual ?
is it ok to insert your penis to a man’s anus ?
just answer “yes” or “no”
Ichthyic, I’ll go away when PZ bans me from this blog. And I don’t think he will. I am a troll but I do follow the rules most of the time.
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, quit being a jerk, We don’t have to answer stupid questions, which is all you ask. Your god doesn’t exist, your bible is fiction, and humans had morals long before they invented gods. Deal with it.
do you agree with homosexual ?
is it ok to insert your penis to a man’s anus ?
something tells me you’ve thought about doing this. a lot.
do these thoughts bother you?
And I don’t think he will.
many have thought so. just go check the dungeon, troll.
besides which, I just want your thought bubbles to stay the fuck away from mine, they tend to degrade everything around them whenever you post.
I told you, without you understanding where I’m coming from, your questions are worthless. All you are going to get out of it is confirmation bias either way. If you could actually understand where I was coming from, you wouldn’t be asking these questions. You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
No man has ever asked me to. So without consent, I would have to say no. Rape is not okay…
You ask the wrong questions, you won’t get any answers of value.
Well Ichthyic you’ve hit the big time now. You have your own personal troll.
Knockgoats has filthy Pilty, and now you have Intelligent Designer. *smirk*
Maybe we could approach the answer of this question from an evolutionay perspective. Perhaps it depends on whether or not he is wearing a condom.
Randy, you can feel/think that an intelligent designer made our genes. Until you show physical evidence for that god that passes the proper muster, as I have explained many time to many people, I refuse to see that imaginary deities had anything to do with evolution. So, from a scientific perspective, it is put up or shut up time. Show the proper evidence or go quiet. We don’t like people trying to shove imaginary deities down our throats.
Perhaps it depends on whether or not he is wearing a condom.
fucking, fucking moron.
that’s all I can say about you stimpy.
go eat some cat litter or something.
Patricia, you are wrong again. I am PZ’s troll not Ichthyic’s. Opps I morphed.
Randy, just what parts of our morality did the intelligent designer give us? Pardon being blunt, but simply asserting that a designer was involved is a nebulous statement that tells us absolutely nothing the matter at hand. Is there any particular aspect of morality you can’t reconcile with an evolutionary or memetic history, or is the inclusion of an intelligent agent in the process a means to silence personal incredulity at the current explanation?
‘Intelligent’ Designer wrote:
So, Stimpy – do you and your deism believe that homosexuality was ‘designed’? If so, why?
Son, it’s been so long since I was wrong, that we don’t even care that we don’t care. ‘Moyra’
Cognitive Dissonant said:
No man has ever asked me to. So without consent, I would have to say no. Rape is not okay…
oh you are a gay !?
if no rape it is ok, do you smell the feces perfume after?
do you think the canal through which feces are released is the proper place for your penis ?
Well Ichthyic you’ve hit the big time now. You have your own personal troll.
oh, that’s nothing new. I once had Heddle stalking me and quotemining me for his blog. That was almost fun.
I’ve been here quite a long time; it’s inevitable that every regular here will attract a stalker of some kind.
Are you coming onto me?
Randy, put up or shut up is scientific. If you don’t have the evidence for you claims, you must desist on your claims until you have the evidence. Welcome to science.
You and I both agree that DNA was designed. You believe it was designed by random mutation and natural selection. I believe it was designed by intelligence. Besides that our perspectives on this subject are just about identical.
do you smell the feces perfume after?
hmm, you seem to have a lot of knowledge of this activity.
are you choosing Pharyngula to come out?
if so, hey, congrats! I’m sure you’ll feel much better.
all that repression could only have been a bad thing for you.
You believe it was designed by random mutation and natural selection.
that doesn’t imply intent, which is what YOU mean when you use the word “design”
more false equivalency from the moronic corner.
‘Intelligent’ Designer wrote:
Maybe I’ve missed it in your other posts, Randy – what’s the mechanism by which your ‘Intelligence’ created the design? Also, where did this ‘Intelligence’ come from? Was it itself designed, or did it evolve?
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, still being a turd. Why don’t you try a new tactic. Put out your argument and the reason behind it. If you keep insulting the regulars and repeatedly asking stupid inane questions PZ will ban you. Click on the dungeon to see the rogues list and why they were banned.
I don’t believe DNA was designed, for design implies purpose and intent. And I explicitly reject any anthropomorphing of natural forces as I feel it’s misrepresentive to put will into blind processes. Blind process give the illusion of design, but because of that lack of foresight, the illusion of design is shattered when we encounter all the baggage the process provides.
There are many examples of where the parts work so well together, but for every part that looks so eloquently designed, there are dozens of other parts show the whole process of cumulative adaptation and selection.
oh you are a gay !?
if no rape it is ok, do you smell the feces perfume after?
Ah, more evidence of a supernatural intelligent designer, running a sewage system right through the middle of a primary recreational area. Either that, or God is a coprophiliac.
Do you think the canal through which urine is released is the proper place for semen?
Ichthyic – Heddle, really?
Oh crap. He is one of the few trolls that sends me into blind rage.
Simple Simon wrote:
Fucking homophobic shitstain. Fuck off and die. In a fire.
Why is it these morons think that implying a person is gay is insulting to that person? I’m not gay, but if was I certainly wouldn’t have a problem with it. Doing so is offensive to gays because it implies there’s something wrong with being gay, which any half-clued-in person knows isn’t the case.
I don’t have a strong opinion on the topic of homosexuality. If it’s a sin I’d say it’s comparable to gluttony. Since I could stand to loose a few pounds I can’t really pass harsh judgement on a homosexual.
Personally I would consider a homosexual act between men to be repulsive. Maybe I am designed that way. Perhaps homosexuals are slightly broken in that regard.
Are you sure it’s not a socially-aquired repulsion?
Coprophiliac – gawd damn it Ken Cope, I can only get so many titles on my business card.
Personally I would consider anyone who considered a homosexual act between men to be repulsive to be repulsive.
Smegging homosocial homophobes.
Genius Nerd,
i am asking about science, look at my question :
“do you think the canal through which feces are released is the proper place for your penis ?”
Isn’t it a scientific question ? Please don’t take offense.
It sounds more like a question of hygiene than anything else.
Now that just makes me jealous.
Randy wrote:
Slight problem with this – you consider yourself a deist, but the whole concept of sin is a theistic one. Does your deity punish sin? If so, what mechanisms (if any) has said deity put in place to prevent us from sinning?
Simple Simon the Incestuous Lieman, your questions are stupid. They are designed to offend people for your perverted reasons. I refuse to answer stupid questions that should have never been asked in the first place. Go to the masthead and click on the dungeon. Many of the people therein engaged in the same tactic you are using. Clean up your act, and put out your ideas and the evidence to back them up to start truly engaging us in dialog. Otherwise, I would lay money on your name being listed there in the future.
#190 Simon –
I’m taking off my tin colander and donning a DOT approved helmet. Simple Simon is so fucking stoopid that reading his posts are a health risk.
Ah, witness the beauty of the godbot’s mind. For godbots,
love = sex => love men = penis up somebody’s anus
When for everyone else,
love = relationship => deeper than just sex and irrelevant to gender
Shows how juvenile your concepts of love and sex are.
I’m betting that simon is barely pubescent, he’s got his first pubic hair and wants to show the world just how straight he is… even if he felt some strange feelings towards his bunkmate at bible camp.
Coprophiliac – gawd damn it Ken Cope, I can only get so many titles on my business card.
That can’t have been why you had heddle pegged.
#192 – Then try out doing Heddle for being a dumbass fuck. Start with the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.
Let me help you with #1.
God, who is Himself Truth and speaks truth only, has inspired Holy Scripture in order thereby to reveal Himself to lost mankind through Jesus Christ as Creator and Lord, Redeemer and Judge. Holy Scripture is God’s witness to Himself.
Go ahead and run with that shit.
I try not to get hung up on words. Sin is just a three letter word for immorality. The answer to your first question is “no”. The answer to your second question is more complicated. Fear and the sense of smell might be two examples.
So let’s say something it’s a sin to kill yourself. Fear prevents me from doing something stupid that will get me killed. Or let’s say it’s a sin to hurt yourself. My sense of smell might prevent me from eating harmful bacteria.
Ken – No, Heddle just pulls my chain.
Oh shit, now he’ll drop Ichthyic and put the move on me.
No! No! Ichthyic – Poke Heddle.
Patricia, heddle is in the dictionary under the word “squick.”
Then please explain the intelligent design why some harmful bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, smell very pleasant? (In P. aeruginosa‘s case, it smells like grape candy)
His sense of smell argument fails miserably in the face of copious amounts of bleu cheese and bagoong.
But if this is designed into people, they shouldn’t be able to do those things – and people kill themselves doing stupid things (and deliberately, which is different), hurt themselves and eat funny smelling things (I love blue cheese, for example; others can’t stand it because of the smell) all the time.
See, this is where evolution is a far superior mechanism – it pretty much ensures stupidity gets wiped out, either on the genetic level – i.e. it kills before you breed; or, the memetic level – evolved co-operative behaviour leads another human, who has learned that tell people about dangerous situations is a good thing, to stop you before you do something stupid.
Or Limburger?
Ken, I’ve got the Oxford Eleventh on my lap right now and I can’t find squick, I’m on page 1401.
But I do note squidgy – I thought the Brits were just making this shit up when Princess Diana came up with the term.
But no. The Brits are on to something again – soft and moist.
Conversely, some potentially lethal substances carry a surprisingly pleasant smell. Cyanide in particular smells like almonds.
I am not claiming that these mechanisms are foll proof or that God is omnisiant.
In most cases the designs show downright incompetence.
This calls for the Urban Dictionary. Oxford is perhaps not sufficiently descriptivist.
OK – squick = disgusting. Are we dumbing this down because some of you can’t spell?
“You realize God gave you a penis and a brain, and only enough blood to run one at a time.” – Robin Williams
Now that’s not funny Twin Skies. I’ve been saying that for years, but nobody ever listens to me.
squick /= disgusting:
Now that I look at that subtle distinction, I’m beginning to think that “disgust” is the more appropriate response to heddle. I’m surprised nobody jumped on my reference to heddle-pegging. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
Ken, you do shoulder a heavy task.
Taking on Heddles stoopidity and complete asinine Calvanistic doctrine is daunting.
He pisses me off so much that I want to rip my hair out. I need to get a grip on that. *snort*
I’m really not up to taking on heddle’s stupidity, Patricia. I have to content myself to pissing him off so much that he can’t control himself and he skulks away. I don’t have the formal fundie theology drilled into my brain the way you do. My childhood response to Presbyterian Sunday School in the Nation/State of Disneyland was to figure that if anything in that crazy book was true, then everything else was equally likely, so I ended up way off the deep end in the land of the woo-encrusted newage (rhymes with sewage as per P&T). I balked at all that fundie spew, but in all other respects was one of those seekers born every minute here in the nude age. I loved science, astronomy, Carl Sagan, but that didn’t stop me from casting horoscopes (doing the map and making an accurate geocentric chart) from high school forward. That stuff is hard to shake, but the more science I learned, the more I displaced my capacity to fool myself (pretending the world was the way I wanted it to be) with an agnostic’s comfort with ambiguity, until it was more honest to describe myself as an atheist by the time I was almost in my 40’s. With heddle, religion seems to have displaced the critical thinking that he must have been able to employ as a working physicist. Heddle claims to have come at religion the way Saul did, having been some sort of super atheist scientist whose delusions of adequacy make him as much of a legend in his own mind as Saul. I don’t see how anybody with any intelligence can read that shit in the bible and figure that it has any bearing on reality, if the reader ever had any bearings on reality, or any familiarity with religious and mythological musings from any other culture.
It isn’t that heddle’s calvinist contempt for humanity bothers me as much as his using the mantle of “scientist” to be the poster boy for NOMA and theistic evolution, while defending the indefensible, attacking only PZ and cohorts, while never ever taking issue with the most addle-pated theist trolls we can’t stomp on fast enough. He’s been gone for a long time, but you just know the next time he turns up it will be as if he just got back from a long chat with Ken Miller and Francis Collins and he’s shocked to find atheists here.
See, this is where evolution is a far superior mechanism – it pretty much ensures stupidity gets wiped out, either on the genetic level – i.e. it kills before you breed;
It isn’t that heddle’s calvinist contempt for humanity bothers me as much as his using the mantle of “scientist” to be the poster boy for NOMA and theistic evolution, while defending the indefensible, attacking only PZ and cohorts, while never ever taking issue with the most addle-pated theist trolls we can’t stomp on fast enough. He’s been gone for a long time, but you just know the next time he turns up it will be as if he just got back from a long chat with Ken Miller and Francis Collins and he’s shocked to find atheists here.
perfect. I couldn’t have summed up the twit better.
I am not claiming that these mechanisms are foll[sic] proof or that God is omnisiant.[sic]
or that you know how to spell, apparently.
It’s time for ask Dr. Stupid, with your host, Randy Stimpson:
Kel said
Yes Ichthyic I make spelling errors. But I don’t make them while calling someone else stupid — because I don’t do that. I also don’t hate people because they disagree with me.
So I suppose you think you are smart enough to make modifications to DNA that would improve the design of its lifeform?
I can only conclude you think your putative designer (let’s not quibble – u mean the Abrahamic God.) wasn’t.
oh how small and insignificant IDiots make their god.
I guess they construct their gods to fit their own limited minds, which is what men have always done throughout history.
It is good that at least some of us no longer see the need.
For stimpy though, he simply cannot dump the security blanky.
the world is just too scary for him.
Well, Simple Simon, if you think that way, I am going to make you hate your body. Do you think the canal through which urine is released the proper place to send out your semen. Please don’t take offense.
I also don’t hate people because they disagree with me.
oh, I don’t hate you because you disagree with me; I know you’re too stupid to realize that.
In fact, I don’t hate you at all. I just find you tedious and inane, and because your inanity is too tiresome for words, I feel justified in dumping on you at every opportunity.
here, Jefferson said it even more succinctly:
“Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them.”
-Thomas Jefferson
you, Stimpy, are a man with many, many, unintelligible propositions.
I’m talking about the macroscopic effects that are systemic of being built from a bad base. If any engineer copied the human eye to use as a camera, he’d be fired for incompetence. For all the greatness of the human eye, if there was a designer behind it, the designer did a really poor job. Cephalopods do not have that problem, it’s just among vertebrates. The retina is behind the optic nerve and thus light has to travel through the nerve in order to reach the retina. Another problem the optic nerve causes is the blind spot.
Ichthyic said:
This is where I suspect projection. What are you afraid of Ichthyic?
Welcome to 2009.
Oh,this is where everyone is…
small correction :
The optic nerve is behind the retina,what you mean I think is that the light receptors are turned away from the lens where the light comes through.
The point stands anyway,that the human eye is by no means designed flawlessly and optimally.
I wish we could all ignore the morons of Randy’s caliber,like Pete Rooke and Wagner,in time they would just go away.
Luckily I have 2 eyes.
I’d expect that something intelligent enough to create it in the first place would have the capacity to have avoided the inclusion of the problems humans suffer if it wanted to.
Or do you believe in an incompetent designer? Or perhaps a deliberately malicious one?
Even so, it’s still stands as bad design.
Luckily I have 2 eyes.
so the problem is doubled. How in the hells does that help your case dimwit?
What are you afraid of Ichthyic?
that someday the world will look like it is depicted in the movie “Idiocracy”, and it will be entirely because of really dumb fuckers like yourself.
you need to remember that youre safe now down here…Idiocracy is far away….
We should just iggy or ridicule the likes of Randy,as I said.Whats the point?
you need to remember that youre safe now down here
so long as they recall how to fly aircraft, they can still fuck everything up.
besides, I wouldn’t wish that hell on any of my friends I left behind.
I guess all I can really do now is snipe from a distance, but I did my time in the trenches.
Since the right eye can see whatever lies in the left eye’s blind spot, and vice versa, the two eyes together provide complete vision.
Simon and ID person (if they are indeed different people) are purposely avoiding answering the question. I think everyone should sit down and stare at them until they answer.
Why does your God want urine and semen to come out of the same canal? Speaking as a woman, I find that quite squicky. You have no basis making any claims about how wrong or disgusting anal sex is, or how clever your designer is, until you answer this question that’s been put to you several times now.
You have no basis making any claims about how wrong or disgusting anal sex is,
even my dog knows the proper place for its penis.
Nothing any animal does is “bad.” Animals act on instinct. For them there is neither right nor wrong. It is only because we are children of the Supreme Being that we perceive right and wrong, and can choose either. With no Supreme Being, we would be like animals: everything we do would be free from any question of right or wrong.
we are human not animal, unless you think you are.
Come on Kel, you can stop it. It is just a disease it can be cured.
Do not do it again, you are a human, the highest creature in this universe.
Simon and ID are definetely different people. I don’t agree with Randy (ID) but he’s far from being as slimy as simon.
even my dog knows the proper place for its penis.
Which, as far as most dogs I’ve seen are concerned, is dry-humping the side of a human’s pant leg or being licked copiously by its own tongue.
You still haven’t answered the question. Why do human males have to pass semen and urine through the same place, simon?
Since the right eye can see whatever lies in the left eye’s blind spot, and vice versa, the two eyes together provide complete vision.
That is not why we do not see the blind spot. Even if you only had one eye you would not normally be able to perceive it. The eye is like a scanner and “paints” an image into the vision center of the brain. And just like painting a wall with a sponge with a hole in it, you would not be left with an incompletely painted wall. Only when you force the eye to stop its constant motion are you able to detect the blind spot. Even so, this in no way means it is a good design, we’ve just evolved methods of compensating for it.
do you agree with homosexual ?
is it ok to insert your penis to a man’s anus ?
Are we being trolled by Pastor Swank?
“we are human not animal”
False dichotomy. We are both.
False dichotomy. We are both.
go and have sex with your dog then
Aah, Simon reveals himself to be a projecting pervert, much like Rookie and Barb. Nice to know we can help the twisted get off, isn’t it?
Come off it, simon! Why won’t you answer such a simple question? What a wanker.
Simple Simon, humans are animals. You keep trying to make humans special, but we aren’t. You try to slip your gawd in to make us special. Your gawd doesn’t exist, and humans and chimpanzees are close relatives. Your fictional gawd isn’t need to describe morals, or anything else for that matter. Now, either show physical evidence for your gawd, or go away. You are an ignorant impolite nuisance.
Simon, you sure are focused on sex. Especially interspecies and incestuous sex.
You might want to get help for that.
His wanking is his purpose for coming (oops) here.
Which, as far as most dogs I’ve seen are concerned, is dry-humping the side of a human’s pant leg or being licked copiously by its own tongue.
poor dog, you should find its female.
Why do human males have to pass semen and urine through the same place, simon?
if you were a man with long penis, i am sure you would insert your penis to your own anus, it is your analogy !!
When does the daycare open?
Simple Simon…
I suppose this makes me the Pie Man. Pecan? Steak and Kidney?
…and humans and chimpanzees are close relatives.
Ignore me, I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. In my defence, I’m seriously stressed, exhausted and generally feeling like absolute shit.
Still no physical evidence for your imaginary gawd Simon. What a powder poof you are. I forsee a plonking in your future due to your inability to get away from your vile thoughts, as PZ will be cranky today. Why don’t you just apologize and then fade into the bandwidth?
There once was a man from Nantucket….
But seriously, you’re too stupid to know you’re stupid.
Yeah, it’s what genetic engineering is all about. We do it all the time these days.
And you can be damn sure that those who suffer from Huntington’s disease, and Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, and sickle-cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease, and all the other devastating genetic illnesses are hoping that humans can fix the misery that you seem to claim were put there by a loving God.
if you were a man with long penis, i am sure you would insert your penis to your own anus, it is your analogy !!
What the fuck?
You are weird.
Can we plonk this asshole troll already?
Simpering Simon, why is it so hard you you to answer what you think of the design that has your urine and semen being passed through the same tract.
It never ceases to amaze me how religious zealots can not only deny the fundamental classification of the human species, but also deny the distinctions between other species of the animal kingdom. Bees are animals. Carp are animals. Neither has been known to have sex with dogs.
You see the same thing in action when fundamentalists whine that “if we tell our children they are animals, they’ll behave like animals.”
What does it mean to behave like an animal? Does it mean to repeatedly ram your proboscis into the bark of a tree in search of edible insects, like a woodpecker? Make an annual trek to BF-Antarctica to find a mate, like Emperor Penguins? Dangle a luminescent lure in front of your face and wait for something edible to come within biting distance, like an anglerfish? To hear the religious crusaders tell it, you’d think animals from mosquitoes to wombats spent all their time killing other members of their species, snorting cocaine, and frequenting prostitutes.
Yikes… what a Freudian side-show this Simon is.
if you were a man with long penis, i am sure you would insert your penis to your own anus, it is your analogy !!
Actually, I wasn’t the first to ask, and actually, it’s not an analogy, you imbecilic twit. And although you seem to have plenty of time to write 3rd grade level insults, you’re still dodging the question. Why did your all-powerful god make such a stupid move as to have urine and semen use the same canal?
Is there anywhere I can go to watch the video? Anyone know why it’s no longer available?
Yeah, it’s a shame. We’ve made an entire society to protect idiots, warning labels for everything with safety procedures everywhere. How are we supposed to weed out the stupid when we take away all mechanisms to do so?!?
If we aren’t animal, then why do we poop?
What, they don’t?
I’m going to have to re-think my planned species-change procedure in light of this revelation.
Glen D
Tulse said:
regardless of my intelligence / training / whatever, the point still stands. There are so many instances of in nature of “making best of a bad thing” and if a designer created the human body the way it is, then the designer was an incompetent fool.
How do you know what the original design is?
Then what the hell was your point? Who cares if any particular individual cannot fix a particular genetic defect? Can you repair a jet engine?
And once we are, does that mean we are like unto gods?
Seriously, what the hell is your point?
Kel’s point is that if a designer created the human body the way it is, then the designer was an incompetent fool.
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered. In light of that, it is kind a silly for a lone software engineer like Kel to suggest that the Designer is an incompetant fool.
Randy, YAWN, you have nothing.
You don’t think that we’ve been able to make components better than what’s in our body? If cameras had the problems that our eyes have, then we would not be using them. We have made continual improvement.
Belittle my work? Good one Stimpy. If there was a designer, obviously the designer did certain things poorly, it’s inescapable. For every instance of “good” design, there’s a dozens of “flawed” designs. Because evolution is cumulative, we can account for why we see modification of these flawed designs.
As for me being able to comment on it, it’s quite simple to see that natural selection can produce an eye the right way around. Cephalopods do not have the problems that vertebrates have. The eye of an octopus which is comparable to our own doesn’t have the flaws of the vertebrate design model. Do I need to be an engineering demigod in order to be able to point that out?
So the problems of the eye being entropy-induced, just happen to have happened in all vertebrates but not in cephalopods? That seems a bit odd.
You’d also think that said designer possessing the ability to create life would also be able to correct his mistakes after hundred’s of thousands of years.
Love how Randy’s form of apologetics is to belittle anyone who dare criticises when his arguments don’t hold any pragmatic value.
Look, the Courtier’s Reply has evolved!
Which is why the errors as measured against any design principles, are all the more glaring. Then the fact that the errors happen to be what would be expected from evolution (as, of course, are the successes) completely destroys any claims of design–except to obstinate fools.
Glen D
Neil Shubin’s article in January’s edition of Scientific American on this matter was really interesting, though it seemed like nothing more than a short summary of the final chapter of his book.
Kel, I don’t recall belittling anyone.
Since the right eye can see whatever lies in the left eye’s blind spot, and vice versa, the two eyes together provide complete vision.
1. that would depend on how far away the object being observed is.
2. it would also depend on which direction your eyes were facing.
3. It is still not an argument negating why there needs be a mechanism to overcome the blind spot to begin with.
“Kel isn’t smart enough to make modifications to DNA to fix these problems.”
“In light of that, it is kind a silly for a lone software engineer like Kel to suggest that the Designer is an incompetant fool.”
My point is that the design of human body and other life forms is overwhelmingly superior to what mankind has ever engineered
I’ll remember you said that if I ever find out you used a telescope or a microscope, a computer or a calculator, or fuck, even a car for that matter. You DO drive, right?
Is a car a superior mode of transportation to your feet? I’d say in most all cases, yes.
and the exceptions fucking prove the rule, for that matter.
stop reveling in your masturbatory fantasies and get some perspective FFS.
I remember a point that Thunderf00t made on one of his “Why do people laugh at creationists” series. That a single desktop computer has more mathematical processing power than the entire human race combined. 4 billion years of biological evolution and we were able to come up with a machine that outperforms humanity combined on a particular task.
If we aren’t animal, then why do we poop?
maybe Stimpy needs to watch this instruction vid?
or read this book?
I’m pretty sure it was simple simon who tried to make the distinction.
I’m pretty sure it was simple simon who tried to make the distinction.
oh, thanks, can’t tell the idiots apart without a program these days.
Kel, don’t be offended. I don’t think anyone here thinks they are smart enough make beneficial modifications to DNA. That is hardly belittling compared to these rude comments:
I don’t think you have much to complain about. However, I’ll give you credit for being polite most of the time.
Kel, don’t be offended.
I rather think he was laughing at you, not offended.
you’re so far from perceiving reality accurately, one wonders you are able to type anything even remotely resembling a coherent sentence!
I don’t think anyone here thinks they are smart enough make beneficial modifications to DNA
funny, I studied molecular and population genetics, and though breeding programs and direct manipulation of eggs and embryos, have SEEN beneficial modifications to genes propagate through many populations.
am I an aberration, you think, Stimpy?
though -> through
meh, it’s obvious though.
Have a read of all the things simon said to people here, that comment may have been rude but it’s hardly out of place. The idiot tried to bait me on my nationality, my race, my mother’s sexual preferences, and lastly my own sexual preferences.
here’s one for the stimpster:
who do you think knows more about evolutionary biology?
you, or Simon?
Actually Kel, maybe you are too polite. That explains why you haven’t won a Molly award. You comments are definitely head and shoulders above the guy who won it last time. He just runs around thinking of inventive ways to tell people to shutup and he wins a Molly award. What gives with that? Kel you are really going to have to get meaner to have any hope of winning a Molly award.
Have a read of all the things simon said to people here, that comment may have been rude but it’s hardly out of place.
you have NO reason to even remotely think you were not responding appropriately.
Simon is fucking unhinged.
seriously, do you really feel the need to defend yourself to… STIMPY?
Randy, have I told you to shut up on this thread? No, but then you are also being unscientific in that you are positing and giving properties to a creator without showing physical evidence for the creator. “There’s your problem” to quote the Mythbusters. You let your conclusions get ahead of your proof. If you can’t prove your creator, everything else falls apart. That’s where the “put up or shut up” comes to play in science. If you can’t put up, you shut up until you can put up.
SIWOTI syndrome.
Oh. That answers a lot of questions (Yahwe eventually got fused with his father El).
Comment 127:
To properly understand this, you have to know that windy is a Finn. B-)
Empathy is evidently innate, so it’s inherited = genetically transmitted.
Enter natural selection: Those without empathy care neither for their offspring nor for their conspecifics in general and thus tend to die out (with them). See comment 152.
It follows that the hypothesis of intelligent design is simply unnecessary. Considering how unparsimonious it already is, it gets thrown on the trash heap.
I’m sure that mine isn’t socially acquired.
But then, hey, nobody forces me to watch…
No, it’s not a scientific question. “Proper” and “scientific” have nothing to do with each other. You have a lot to learn about what science is.
And nitrobenzene (“mother-in-law marcipan”) smells like benzaldehyde, which is the smell of marcipan… consuming it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
“Modifications to DNA”? Hah! Whose bright idea was it to use DNA as the material of heredity in the first place? DNA falls apart when stored in water. I kid thee not. We spend lots of energy constantly repairing our DNA; this is a large part of our basic metabolism. Naturally, the repair mechanisms sometimes make mistakes…
What’s so wrong about, say, PNA?
Stupid Design all the way down.
And killer jellies (Cubozoa).
The retina is behind a layer of blood vessels and nerves, and itself is the wrong way around, too — the light has to traverse the whole thickness of the retina and strike the light-sensitive cells at their far end.
In cephalopods, all this is the other way around.
In primates, the visual fields of the two eyes overlap a great deal. The price is that we can’t see backwards. Rabbits have made the opposite compromise…
Silly me. I completely forgot that the contrast between the vertebrate and the cephalopod eye is entirely compatible with intelligent design. We just have to keep in mind who the crown of creation really is.
Also, the link to PNA was wrong; here’s the right one.
Once I was in the supermarket browsing at something or other. Then a middle-aged man nearby decided out of the blue to ask me if a certain type of noodles would work well in the meal he was preparing. Now it may have been my gut that clued in that I may be a person to ask about food, or it may have simply been that he was ignorant and looking for any help he could get. But nethertheless he asked, and actually being familiar with both that dish and how to cook noodles, I heartily reccommend them and even gave him a couple of tips on how to cook them. His response: “Are you a chef?”
Now I’m not that great in the culinary arts, but I can provide for myself. My partner thinks that my cooking skills lack a certain depth because I can’t improvise. All I do is follow a set of instructions in my head and if something changes I’m lost. But even with that limited knowledge I was able to impress a stranger to the point where he concluded that I was a professional.
So how is this story relevant? It’s that while I’m not an idiot, I’m by no means an expert. So while I’ve been on other sites and played a similar role in discussion to what I was doing here, I was the one with a bit of knowledge among a lot without. Here though, the limitations of my knowledge are persistently trumped by the likes of David Marjanović, Owlmirror, and Ichthyic. So while I have a similar posting style, the breadth and depth of their knowledge makes my posts seem meagre by comparison. I developed a style while I was a big fish in a small pond, and now I’m a small fish in a tank of sharks…
Or it could just be that I haven’t done anything particularly noticable by a large section of the community, pharyngula is a big place after all and there are so many who contribute. It’s hard to stand out unless you are either brilliant or trolling.
I’m moving on to the next interesting thread.
And thus completely failing to respond to the replies made to your arguments in this thread.
I’m moving on to the next interesting thread.
…and I’ll be there to point out what a silly stupid git you are.
eventually, you’ll either get tired and go away, or you’ll get banned for saying the same stupid shit over and over.
why not beat a retreat?
read some basic evolutionary text, like Futuyma’s, and come back with intelligent questions, instead of blind ignorance.
you might garner some respect and actually learn something.
Is that not what you want?
to learn?
I’m moving on to the next interesting thread.
which will immediately become uninteresting to everyone else upon your arrival.
@Kel #266
If we aren’t animal, then why do we poop?
look, you already lost your dignity as a human being. Obviously science does not help you to be a human and hypnotized you as animal.
Your anus for feces, it is not for penis of your partner, ask you father whether he put his penis to your mom’s anus to give you birth.
you are a slave of your desire and dare not to fight. You should be dumped to the gutter.
Fight Kel, fight, you still have time, don’t be a loser. Quit from the community and this blog. PZM can’t help you, instead, he misleads you to be a garbage.
You are a unique creature whom the Creator always loves, turn back and say to your partner “No More, I am disgusted!”
I’m confused, yet somewhat aroused. Are you sure you’re not coming onto me simon?
Are you sure you’re not coming onto me simon?
lick your feces at your partner’s penis tonight and you will be completely animal. Good bye Kel.
I’m not hearing a no…
Simon, WTF is wrong with you? This thread is becoming disgusting. And Kel, I wish you’d stop encouraging him.
Well I wish that you’d stop being so judgemental about pornography.
Let idiots be idiots, simon is digging his own hole on this one, I’ve tried engaging with the closeted-homophobe but his incestuous mind wouldn’t let anything in other than “If I act on my feelings for daddy, satan will eat me”
Why is it that homophobic bigots spend so much time thinking about the gory details of the kinkiest kinds of sexual practices?
I abhor anal sex. Why, when I think about the grunting and squelching, the pulsating grip of sphincter on throbbing, thrusting shaft, it makes my genitals engorged with pure rage…
Their grubby minds won’t allow them to stop at merely fetishizing unrestrained, sweaty, animalistic, acts of anal sex through their mental pornography, but they have to introduce coprophilia into their sordid fiction.
Internet amateur erotic fiction mourns for all of that wasted potential…
“I am a man, not a mammal.”
Seriously, Simon–in a week that’s had more than it’s share of twits making stupid and demonstrably false statements, this is a definite contender for the most idiotic so far.
Humans make milk, you fuckwad.
We have the same basic skeletal structure as most mammals (not all, to be sure, but that’s also true of other mammals, so unless you’re saying that you don’t believe in Mammalia…).
We possess the same basic organs as most mammals (not all, to be sure, but that’s also true of other mammals, so unless you’re saying that you don’t believe in Mammalia…), which are arranged in the same basic way.
We possess the same major “systems” as mammals (e.g., circulatory, lymphatic, nervous).
We possess specific characteristics that are considered definitive for mammals (e.g., mammary glands; a predilection for crab legs (okay, so I made that one up))
We possess a rather striking genetic similarity with mammals as opposed to other animals.
So you’re basically saying that your designer made us seem just like mammals, but that we’re not mammals. So, I guess your designer is the same individual that flooded the entire planet and then quick like a bunny both erased all evidence of it and then created a rock record that looks like the flood never happened? This dude seems a little unstable. Perhaps, if you’ve got a good rapport with your designer-dude and care about him, you might want to try and get him some professional help. I’m concerned that he might be in danger of hurting himself.
Simple Simon the Anal Lieman. You are a mammal. Show evidence otherwise. We are waiting for your evidence. Your god doesn’t exist and your bible is fiction.
Genius Nerd,
you are awaited by Kel tonight to lick Your feces on his penis. Free HIV guaranteed.
You hate AIDS?!? You lying little shit, you said you were tested!
simon; obsessed with shit…
Edward Current is fantastic! I’ve been following him for a while. Also blogged the video, it’s too good not to.