
  1. LeeLeeOne says

    Perhaps, PZ, you need to remind your readers of why we enjoy the fruits of ‘en”tangled bank'”.

    Celebrating the birth year of Darwin (Feb ’09) – does anyone remember or realize the beginning? Darwin’s ‘en”tangled bank'” ?

  2. Chris Davis says

    @ BrianX – Is that wise? The population must be declining constantly.

    I, for instance, had a cylindrical disk of one of them for lunch…


  3. says

    Chris, it really sort of depends on how much detail I want to put into it. It isn’t kitchen science per se, but since tuna species are major food fish, it’s definitely food science. That said, most of the numbers I have are from Wikipedia, and the whole issue is a little out of my saute-pans-and-Harold-McGee usual sphere of experience.

    I do want to do it eventually though, because it’s a huge issue.