
  1. Blaidd Drwg says

    Is it just me, or does that pic look a lot like a Mandlebrodt fractal image?

  2. David says

    @Blaidd Drwg

    That was my first thought, too. You know you need to get out of the house more when you see Mandelbrot fractals in a humble cephalopod.

  3. Lilly de Lure says

    David said:

    That was my first thought, too. You know you need to get out of the house more when you see Mandelbrot fractals in a humble cephalopod.

    Mine too! Still it could be worse, at least no-one’s seen the Virgin Mary in there yet!

  4. says

    That was my first thought, too. You know you need to get out of the house more when you see Mandelbrot fractals in a humble cephalopod.

    Mine too! Still it could be worse, at least no-one’s seen the Virgin Mary in there yet!

    She’s there. Rotate the cephalopod about a sixth of a revolution counterclockwise and zoom in a few times, then if you squint a bit she’ll appear to you on the left. Zoom into her right nostril and another Virgin will appear.

  5. says

    Pardon my ignorance (as much as I love cephalopods I skipped marine biology and became a mere librarian instead), but the “hypno-‘pod” looks like what I’ve commonly heard called a “mimic octopus”. Or is that a different species? If it’s one of them pesky mimickers then it should come as no surprise if anyone sees the Virgin Mary or a grilled cheese sandwich or PZ Myers or a grilled cheese sandwich with PZ Myers standing next to the Virgin Mary and asking the obvious question: if there was a Virgin Mary, how the heck does anyone know what she looked like?

  6. Andreas Johansson says

    Little know fact: the Holy Spirit visited Mary in the shape of a hypno-‘pod.

  7. Quiet Desperation says

    Is it just me, or does that pic look a lot like a Mandlebrodt fractal image?

    Or… is it the Mandelbrot fractal that looks like the octopus?

    (stares into space for the next three hours)

    Zoom into her right nostril and another Virgin will appear.

    If only it were that simple to make virigns appear.



  8. Cheezits says

    “Is it just me, or does that pic look a lot like a Mandlebrodt fractal image?”

    It looks like some sort of fractal, that’s for sure!

    Check out this guy, some of his videos remind me of tentacled sea creatures.

  9. Taollan says

    Just for interest sake, this octopus is no longer in the genus Octopus, but rather has been moved to the genus Abdopus.

  10. Longtime Lurker says

    PeeZed, do you get kickbacks from Mark Norman? How many copies of his book have you helped move? Dagon knows, when my thirty pieces of silver come from Bush to help prime the economic pump, I will buy a copy.