Carnivals for this week:
Carnival of the Godless #84: OK, I’m a week late with this one, and it’s cephalopod themed. I’m so ashamed to have missed it earlier.
Carnival of the Blue #9: Oceans are good.
I and the Bird #68: It’s winter themed. It’s cold here, so that’s appropriate.
Linnaeus’ Legacy #4: Taxonomists rejoice!
A call has been put out for Darwin Day posts. Get it together and put up something celebrating Darwin Day. I’ll try, but my schedule is once again bubbling over chaotically — I’m giving a short talk to an education conference on Monday, and I volunteered to do a talk here at UMM on Darwin Day — I’ll have to see if I can maybe wring something out of that.
My Darwin Day talk isn’t so much about Darwin, though, as it is about the contemporary fruits of his theory, and an attempt to explain evo-devo to a diverse audience.
Huckabee the Theocrat is one of the most deranged candidates since Pat Robertson. Unlike Robertson, he managed to win in a few states. Amazing that there are so many theocrats in some states just waiting to create the next Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, or Somalia. In North America.
The Huckster won two more states, Louisiana and Kansas. Why do weird things always happen in Kansas?
Huckabee has to be one of the scariest demagogues to seek the presidency for a while. Stiff competition for the bottom of the barrel and he is winning that contest.
As far as I can tell, a vote for Huckabee is a vote for a new Dark Ages and the destruction of US civilization. The good news is that only 15% of the electorate voted for him. The bad enws is that 15% of the electorate voted for him.
Another account of the Hitchens-Richards debate
I think it interesting that an atheist said that Richards won. It just goes to show (if it’s exemplary of the effect on the audience) that there’s an advantage in being able to raise doubts and throw out pseudoscience, vs. maintaining an intellectually defensible position without the crutch of religious myth where questions persist.
Stanford Review’s interview with Hitchens
Stanford Review’s interview with Richards
Glen D
I just thought I’d point again at the seriously wacky 400KB current comment #222 on the post “Can your respect for Geoffrey Simmons plummet a little lower?”, which looks to be yet another reformulation of Gnosticism, with a hint of racism for that modern feel.
The author seems to really like the word “corrupt”.
I’m wondering if it’s a sort of Discordian *fnord* hoax, or the writer really believes it. Or perhaps both; among Discordians, there are no doubt at least some who sadly suffer from schizophrenia or some related condition.
Just to clarify that last – I meant that perhaps some Discordian started out writing this as a quasi-hoax, and then, due to latent mental instability, came to believe in it.
Hm. Now I’m thinking of Foucault’s Pendulum
If anyone has the free time (and the interest) it would be nice to see improved in time for the 12th.
Just an idea.
Info for North Suburban Chicago Brights Darwin Day event, for more info or to RSVP check the North Suburban Brights Chicago meetup page here:
Where: Byron Colby Barn
SW corner of Rt. 45 and Jones Point Road
Grayslake , IL 60030
Organized by: Matthew Lowry
Details: Darwin Day 2008 at Prairie Crossing!
Tuesday, February 12th at 7:00 PM
Event location: Byron Colby Barn
SW corner of Rt. 45 and Jones Point Road,
(about 35 miles N of O’Hare Airport)
Grayslake, IL
This free-to-the-public event is a video presentation
followed by a panel discussion. It is a BYOB event and
you are invited to bring your favorite beverage and
enjoy it responsibly.
Sponsored by the Darwin’s Bulldogs?
I’ll be egotistical and point to another post even further down that thread, since nobody read that far. #278 (I think) links to something that was a lot of fun to write…
Thought some of you might find this interesting… A couple of local filmmakers are working on a documentary about Jack Chick. I can’t quite make out from the article if the film is more complimentary or more critical, but either way it sounds bizarre. My favorite line from the story: About half way through “God’s Cartoonist,” the discussion takes a side road into Chick’s personal war on Masons, the Catholics, the pope, the Druids (!), assorted demon-worshippers and on and on.
I`m sure nobody here still needs to be convinced that understanding evolution has any practical benefits, but just in case, check out
Link didn’t work. 404 error. Could you summarize what it said?
I’ll have a surreal portrait of Darwin featured at tomorrow, and a ‘making of’ post on my own blog, The Flying Trilobite,
( )before noon tomorrow.
Wienermobile wipes out
Looks like it’s working now, but just in case, here’s another release on the same study,
and the original paper is open access (hooray!) at PNAS here. .
Basically they found that a single gene that originated in the common ancestor of the grasses is responsible for one form of disease resistance in all cereal crops. So if you learn more about how that resistance works in one crop, you can predict that it should work the same way in all the others.
How about a really cool pin that I found while trying to find out what glass topped pins are?
The other ones are nice too, although there aren’t any onychophorans, much to my chagrin.
Larry Moran has a great post for the “appeasers”:
Billboard: Why do atheists hate America?
I think it’s best to keep apprised of Expelled and the careful exposure of it to mindless dolt bloggers. Someone linked to “Captain’s Quarters,” which I believe was fairly well answered in the comment section. Here’s the full text of another blogger dumb enough to think that the movie is on to something (do they screen out anyone with an IQ above 90, and having an above high school education?)?
Anyway, it does tell of some details in the movie, including Reagan’s invocation “Tear down this wall.” That will play well to right-wingers, and I suppose most any simpleton. The text:
Obviously, the audience wasn’t the brightest. I have no idea why panspermia is supposed to be a problem for evolution, because in any reasonable scenario it’s only the start of life, and there’s no reason to suppose that aliens would have actually created the life (though perhaps not an impossibility).
It appears that the film deliberately, and most likely dishonestly, shows Stein getting the best of Dawkins. Did Stein even interview Dawkins?
Well anyhow, it’s obviously as dishonest as the trailers and promotions have suggested heretofore, and is intended for fairly stupid people. Unfortunately, there are not a few of those.
Glen D
Another, small review, by someone who knows something about science:
There you are, some of the questions that the “rebels” of Expelled have assiduously avoided as they have been asked across the web, and at their own blog. Apparently, it is important to be able to ask questions, so long as Stein & co. control the questions.
Glen D
It appears that the last one has already been posted to one thread on Pharyngula.
Anyway, I just wanted to disagree a bit with Dawkins, as portrayed in #17:
The fact is that it all depends on context, but in just about any context the percentage that there might have been an intelligent designer is “none.” Not zero, it’s none. There simply are no data suggesting that the evolution of life involved input of intelligence (aside from mate selection in some organisms, and our few manipulations of life). So you can’t put a figure on the chance of there being an “intelligent designer,” even at the stage of abiogenesis, simply because we have no reason to suspect it at all.
And this is where the IDiots fail, at the starting gate, at epistemology, for it is illegitimate even to “hypothesize” about a “designer” for which no real counterpart or analogy exists. If they had been honest, they’d have included someone who would point this out.
Then again, if they were honest they’d have included religious evolutionists, which would immediately give the lie to their claim that people leading anti-creationists “would not allow a scientist who merely believed in the possibilitry of an intelligent designer/creator to work for him…”. Of course the fact that Dawkins himself allows for the possibility (though I do not think it a legitimate scientific possibility as such) of intelligent design also gives the lie to those words.
Unfortunately, the aim (their motivation, if perhaps not their “intention”) of Expelled is to tell so many lies that it’s impossible to debunk them all in a short enough time to hold the attention of the morons that they’re targeting. Hence many of these will have unanswered questions–no matter that the answers are available to them–and will nurse the doubts that they always wished to maintain.
Glen D
I’ve no idea if anyone has previously posted this here but: octopus cam (I haven’t figured out yet what the best viewing times are from its US base to my UK GMT time-zone).
Danish police arrest suspects in plot to kill cartoonist who drew Prophet Muhammad
Petition for Carl Sagan postage stamps
It’s not fair – my computer keyboard doesn’t even have one of these pirate keys on it. Wouldn’t the authorities just love it if people were that easily identified though.
This is priceless. It’s a paragraph from a bit of hysteria from Salvo Magazine called “How Scientists Are Easing Away Opposition to Animal-Human Hybrids” :
(I added the italics)
It appears the cartoonist Bill Mitchell doesn’t think much of Huckabee, either.