Marine invertebrate temptations

People, don’t do this to me. I’ve got all this work I’ve got to get done so that I’m free to go on a date this evening, and you keep sending me these distractions. Like, for instance, this link to a collection of Marine Invertebrate Video and Film Stock Footage. Cephalopods and nudibranchs and crustaceans and salps, all categorized (there’s even an invertebrate mating category! With 421 clips! It’s free porn!) and with thousands of high resolution videos. The previews are all free, but you can also license HD video of these beautiful action shots.

I will be disciplined, though. I’m closing the web page. I will get my writing done. I will put these links here though, so I can later return to “Brain coral spawning” and “Moray tears arms from octopus” and “Flamboyant cuttlefish feeding” and “Siphonophore With Extending Tenacles”.

Back to work.

Maybe there’s time for “Pelagic Tunicate In The Twilight Zone”?

No. Work. Get things done.

Oh, but I want…!


  1. Chaz says

    I’m going to be honest with you, PZ. Since finding Pharyngula, I have thought to myself, “this guy has some really awesome ideas, but what is the deal with this cephalopod…obession??”

    Until now. Camouflaged squids? Crazy scintillating colours? Fights with massive snails? I’m hooked.

  2. says

    This is possibly the coolest thing I’ve ever seen on the ‘tubes. Of course, it’s not like I needed another distraction either, but at least I can claim that this one’s educational.

  3. K. Engels says

    I’ve got all this work I’ve got to get done so that I’m free to go on a date this evening.

    Is this date with the Trophy Wife or are you anthropomorphizing the affections of your Cephalopod ‘friends’ again? ;p

  4. Sven DiMilo says

    Yer welcome…knew you’d appreciate that site. I have just wasted spent several hours there myself, and must Must MUST quit and work on next week’s lectures.

  5. says

    PZ’s got a date?!?

    They grow up so fast, don’t they?

    If things go well, will the two of you head up to Lookout Point to watch the submarine races?

  6. Brenda von Ahsen says

    Thank you for the link. I’m a 3D artist and I’m always looking for more reference materials. This is fabulous!

    Thanks again.

  7. HP says

    Chas (#1): There are only two kinds of people in the world: People who love cephalopods, and people who have yet to learn about cephalopods.