The jig is up

We’ve been found out. We’ve been trying to pass as simple, innocent, law-abiding members of society, but insiders have spilled the beans: we evilutionists are actually murderous, deranged terrorists.

Tens of thousands of French schools and universities have received copies of a Turkish book refuting Darwin’s theory of evolution and describing it as “the true source of terrorism.”

Oh, yeah. Much worse than fundamentalist Islam. And it’s more than just a vague accusation: they deliver the specifics.

The book features a photograph of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center with the caption: “Those who perpetuate terror in the world are in fact Darwinists. Darwinism is the only philosophy that values and incites conflict.”

Those guys who hijacked the planes and flew them into buildings? All in the name of Darwin. It wasn’t the promise of virgins in the afterlife that got them motivated, the night before they were busily totting up all their relatives and estimating IBD coefficients, and blew themselves up in the name of inclusive fitness.

I’m sure all those madrassas have got copies of the Origin rather than the Koran; it’s such a great book for stirring up the bloodlust. Mohammed Atta was probably waving a copy around to rally his co-conspirators.

The source for all this astounding information was Harun Yahya, the Islamic creationist…would a creationist lie to you?


  1. says

    I would just like to remind you and your readers that the FBI or CIA have no evidence on whoever did 9/11. Notice the official FBI page. He is not wanted for 9/11 attacks, since they have no evidence. A lot of those 19 highjackers turned up to be alive and well (stolen passports).

    As of today, no one has been convicted in connection with 9/11 – all suits have been thrown out.

  2. plunge says

    PZ, you haven’t even scratched the surface. According to this fruitcake’s website, 99% of all fossils have been discovered! I guess that means we can close down all further expeditions to look for more, and more paleontologists need to start retraining to be legal secretaries!

    He also points out the shocking fact that there is not a SINGLE so-called “transitional” fossil which is not just its own species. So much for this crazy theory of transitional fossils!

  3. says

    You probably know this, PZ, but “madrassah” is some Arabic for “school”. It doesn’t have any connotations of “extremist indoctrination camp”. Because of the confusion over the word, it’d be nice if you didn’t use it the wrong way, even in jest.

  4. Carlie says

    Uch. We had one of his devotees give a talk at my school last week. Seeing the fliers posted everywhere nearly gave me an ulcer.

  5. Bob O'H says

    Sparc – Guantanamo Bay is called a “camp”. Should we condemn all “camps” because of that?


  6. amph says

    The education ministry said (…) that the textbook is not in line with the recognized curriculum.
    And here I was thinking that only the Brits were famous for their exquisite sense of understatement.

  7. John B says

    Darwinism is the only philosophy that values and incites conflict

    I’ve never heard that one before. I guess he’s referring to survival of the fittest? Not sure what that would have to do with suicide attacks… except maybe in a ‘Darwin Awards’ kind of way.

    Still, truly bizzare coming from a muslim of whatever stripe. Struggle against the forces of unbelief is so central a theme in their religion, even if interpreted non-violently. That’s conflict isn’t it? Between the House of Islam and the House of Infidels?

  8. Roy says

    Ah, the Turks, great comics, they are. As in their insistence that the Armenian Genocide not only didn’t happen, but that Turks didn’t actually do it. Leaving what, that it didn’t actually happen but it was somebody else who did it?

    This is as funny as the Japanese denying the Rape of Nanking.

    (Look, it was either laugh or cry, and I’m all cried out.)

  9. Graculus says

    “Harun Yaha” is part of BAV, a terrorist and criminal Turkish Islamicist outfit. Guess who is involved with them?

    The ICR.

    As for why an aparently peaceful Christianist outfit like the ICR would back a bunch of murderous thugs, I leave that as an excercise for the reader. [/sarcasm]

  10. David Marjanović says

    Between the House of Islam and the House of Infidels?

    The House of War, actually.

    Roy, don’t play the racist. That dangerous madman is one Turk, not all Turks.

  11. David Marjanović says

    Between the House of Islam and the House of Infidels?

    The House of War, actually.

    Roy, don’t play the racist. That dangerous madman is one Turk, not all Turks.

  12. boojieboy says

    in response to plunge’s comment, I have a question that I wonder if anyone around here can answer? It’s off topic, so I won’t mind if you blow me off, but heregoes:

    About the number of fossils that exist, versus those that have been discovered. It seems to me that someone somewhere might be counting or tabulating fossil discoveries, and that such data might be used to provide an estimate of the theoretical limit of number of fossils that might reasonably be eventually discovered.

    I’ll bet that if you looked at that curve, rather than seeing a decelerating rate of fossil discovery (as one would expect if you are near to reaching that limit) that in fact you’d see a still accelerating rate of fossil discoveries. So much so you might be able to extrapolate the trend and calculate a doubling rate.

    Of course, as to the hypothetical ceiling, this’d be the other end of the curve, so that the whole thing should look like a cumulative normal curve or something. Anyway, just wondering if the data for that plot exist somewhere in a readily accessible form?

    Silly, maybe. But kinda fun IMHO

  13. Mike says

    Let’s be accurate. They do not claim that crocs don’t turn into squirrels. That’s a chipmunk.

  14. TheBlackCat says

    I know creationists or quite fond of Argument from Authority, but did this guy even attempt to actually explain this one? I would be interested to see the tortured logical he used to justify his preconceived notions.

  15. George says

    Who is this guy? Via Wikipedia:

    Adnan Oktar nom de plume Harun Yahya (a.k.a Adnan Hoca) (born Ankara, 1956) is one of the leading figures in Turkish creationism, and a fervent advocate of creationism in the creation vs. evolution debate. He is considered the leading Muslim advocate of creationism[1]; unlike the majority of Christian creationists he subscribes to Old Earth creationism[citation needed]. He is an anti-zionist and anti-mason which he sees as very interrelated movements. Although he rejects allegations of anti-Semitism, claiming pagan and Darwinist roots for anti-Semitism [2] he is also credited as a Holocaust denier,[3] with his book Soykırım Yalanı (The Holocaust Hoax).


  16. plunge says

    boojieboy, that’s a great and interesting question.

    And just think, there exist people in this world who not only don’t know the answer to your question (as I don’t unfortunately), but who positively DON’T CARE what the answer is and instead just make up some answer.

  17. David Marjanović says

    I’ll bet that if you looked at that curve, rather than seeing a decelerating rate of fossil discovery (as one would expect if you are near to reaching that limit) that in fact you’d see a still accelerating rate of fossil discoveries.

    Has been done for dinosaurs at least twice. Still accelerating, no sign of slowing down. Arm-waving calculations on how many dinosaur fossils we should expect to exist — at least the older one being way too small — predicts that we’ll keep discovering more and more for centuries.

  18. David Marjanović says

    I’ll bet that if you looked at that curve, rather than seeing a decelerating rate of fossil discovery (as one would expect if you are near to reaching that limit) that in fact you’d see a still accelerating rate of fossil discoveries.

    Has been done for dinosaurs at least twice. Still accelerating, no sign of slowing down. Arm-waving calculations on how many dinosaur fossils we should expect to exist — at least the older one being way too small — predicts that we’ll keep discovering more and more for centuries.

  19. Lago says

    “Has been done for dinosaurs at least twice. Still accelerating, no sign of slowing down. Arm-waving calculations on how many dinosaur fossils we should expect to exist — at least the older one being way too small — predicts that we’ll keep discovering more and more for centuries.”

    Beware the above, for people from the DML, are obvious terrorists…


  20. Rey Fox says

    “Darwinism is the only philosophy that values and incites conflict.”

    Authoritarianism rears its ugly head again. These people are simply incapable of seeing anything as anything other than a list of commands. And that people will be powerless but to follow them. Must be a dreadfully fearful way to live.

  21. Ahcuah says

    “Darwinism is the only philosophy that values and incites conflict.”

    Ah, yes. Because we all know that there were no wars before

  22. BC says

    Didn’t Bush make some claim a while ago along the lines that the terrorists weren’t true Muslim believers – as if they were atheists or something? The other thing is that I happened across a youtube video the other day made by Harun Yahya. It’s complete trash. Based on their complete disconnect from the facts, they must’ve been making stuff up as they went along.
    How Fossils Overturned Evolution: HarunYahya

  23. Torbjörn Larsson says

    Darwinism is the only philosophy that values and incites conflict.

    Adnan Oktar refutes himself. It is easy to find examples where his creationism values and incites conflict:

    “Intelligent Design” Is Another of Satan’s Distractions

    Not that his sentiment is totally wrong, but the secular conclusion is slightly less inflammatory. :-)

  24. Torbjörn Larsson says

    Darwinism is the only philosophy that values and incites conflict.

    Adnan Oktar refutes himself. It is easy to find examples where his creationism values and incites conflict:

    “Intelligent Design” Is Another of Satan’s Distractions

    Not that his sentiment is totally wrong, but the secular conclusion is slightly less inflammatory. :-)

  25. says

    My distaste for this Turkish twit just keeps growing and growing.
    Would it be too much to petition the Turkish government to have him dipped in molten sugar and rosewater, then sprinkled with powdered sugar?

  26. NelC says

    Of course, it’s well known for terrorists to die with the cry on their lips of “Darwin akbar!”

  27. snaxalotl says

    I would expect that the proportion of fossils discovered is so near to zero that removing fossils has no bearing on the discovery rate. i.e. for the forseeable future fossil discovery is a direct function of funding and expertise

  28. baloo says

    “Those who perpetuate terror in the world are in fact Darwinists. Darwinism is the only philosophy that values and incites conflict.”

    We all know that this is not right. The physicists are the real bad guys here! It is within this evil branch of science we find the “Big Bang”-theory. Clearly an encouragement to blow things up.

  29. nat says

    “Tens of thousands of French schools and universities have received copies of a Turkish book refuting Darwin’s theory of evolution and describing it as “the true source of terrorism.””

    Which one ? I did not receive anything at all !! It’s SO unfair…

  30. says

    Evolution? Didn’t happen!
    Armenian Genocide? We didn’t do it!
    The Holocaust? No sir-ee!

    Leave it to the Turk to deny reality. This guy would indeed be locked up behind bars in any other rational country, but with the state ideology and the majority of the public still sharing his ideas, the likes of Adnan Oktar have have a long way to go in turkey.

  31. amph says

    “Evolution? Didn’t happen!
    Armenian Genocide? We didn’t do it!
    The Holocaust? No sir-ee!
    Leave it to the Turk to deny reality.”

    Wonder what Adnan Oktar thinks about global warming. Anyone knows?
    And the shape of the earth, obviously.
    And burning cotton turns black, “just because Allah wants it that way”.

    But let’s not generalize about “the Turk”.
    Wwhen we discuss Dembski, we don’t talk about “The American of Polish descent”. Remember the recent letter in Nature ( )of rational, embarrassed Turkish scientists (re: anti-evolution view of Turkish minister).

  32. DragonScholar says

    His tactic of terrorists==darwinists reflects a similar trend I’ve seen in fundamentalist Christian circles – to label anyone who does anything they consider bad or non-Christian as an atheist – even if said person says they are a Christian, etc. Thus, to them, all bad people are atheists, even if said person thinks they are not.

    This is just a way to say “all bad people” are Darwinists – which in turn lets him then say “Darwinists are all bad people.” Deceptive Flimflammery, pure and simple.