
  1. says

    Thanks for point this out. It is saddening that the creationist madness has managed to cross over the water to this once very secular isle!

  2. says

    It’s amazing how they are sometimes pushed against the wall with questions and then end up just repeating whatever they have brain washed themselves to say.

    You can see it in this interview:

    PS: I’m not even going to try and watch that dvd… there’s enough going on online to keep me amused.

  3. Stefan says

    Though tempting to avoid the watching of this video, I think that a scientifically based recorded (video, text, blog, etc.) rebuttal could have a much greater impact. Making such accessible over the Internet would then offer many the possibility of simply linking to it, when in need for a consistent reply, to “friends” recommending the original crap.

  4. vbloke says

    I’ll check that out – it’s only just been put up there and not many people are seeding it. I suspect my bandwidth is probably taking a battering.

  5. says

    Interesting how its filed under ‘ Videos » Conspiracy”.

    Does the video claim there is a conspiracy? Or is this just the uploader having a giggle?

  6. says

    Yes, I just got a note from the original guy — he’s the only seeder so far, so it’s sucked up all of his bandwidth. If anyone else wants to share the load, he’d appreciate it.

  7. says

    “I think that a scientifically based recorded (video, text, blog, etc.) rebuttal could have a much greater impact. Making such accessible over the Internet would then offer many the possibility of simply linking to it, when in need for a consistent reply, to “friends” recommending the original crap.”

    We’ve sort of started to do that here:

    I’ve spoken to a couple of people from newspapers and TV stations in the UK who say they have used it in preparing reports on truth in science so that’s a good start.

  8. Tatarize says

    Life is really complex.
    We found out now that life is more complex.
    If you can’t remove any part, it’s irreducibly complex.
    Like a mousetrap.
    Bacterial Flagellum are irreducibly complex.
    Bacterial Flagellum are just like a motor boat.
    Some people say Co-option explains the irreducibly complex nature of the Bacterial Flagellum.
    Co-option does not explain it, it is irreducibly complex!
    The Bacterial Flagellum can’t have evolved.
    Darwin said if somebody can show something cannot evolve, his theory is wrong.
    The Bacterial Flagellum disproves Darwin.
    The Bacterial Flagellum is irreducibly complex.

    It isn’t exactly the cream of the crop, but it may be the cream of the crap.

  9. Revyloution says

    How can this DVD get sent out to all the teachers of England, when the DVD ‘The God Who Wasn’t There’ is blocked from being sent to all the teachers in the US?

  10. m says

    I’ve been trying to get this but no one is seeding it. I’m in the UK and really wanted to have a copy to show my friends/colleagues at the colleges where I work.

  11. vbloke says

  12. says

    As of right now, there are four seeds, and one peer. I am seeding it myself and will continue to do so. I am getting about 100kbs download right now.

  13. MartinM says

    How can this DVD get sent out to all the teachers of England, when the DVD ‘The God Who Wasn’t There’ is blocked from being sent to all the teachers in the US?

    Umm…different countries have different legal systems? Just a thought.