John Bentley sent me an issue of Seven Days with this interesting illustration on the cover: it’s titled “California”, by Chris Varricchione. Excuse the smudginess, but I just scanned it in from newsprint, so it isn’t exactly the cleanest image to start with. Still, I had to make it my desktop image—who can resist a flying mollusc/bird chimera? Now if only someone would point me to a sharper original source…
Thanks, John!
No, it’s a mollusc-bird-lifeguard chimera- I assure you, that girl is part of the animal!
You realize, of course, that if we ever were to discover a mollusc with feathers, we’d have to credit it to a designer? ;-)
Why don’t you just call him and ask:
Chris Varricchione Illustration
Illustration/Design/Production Art
Since he’s listed several places online as a sponsor, I figured it wouldn’t be bad to post that same information here. Who knows, maybe someone will buy something from him.
You can’t trade in the cat for that… cats are cute and cuddly, and that thing isn’t exactly cuddly looking.
What you need is a piglet squid:
Or a Cthulhu puppet:
You should get it tattooed on your back. Then it’s with you all the time.
The illustration should be available in this online book:
which is available if you sign up for a free 14 day trial.
You might like this.
that thing isn’t exactly cuddly looking.
I dunno, she looks fine to me…
Although perhaps you were referring to the mollusc/bird thingy that the woman is riding on…
You want cuddly cephalopods, how about some Cthulhu Slippers?
I’d call it the Cephalodactyl…but the only problem is this dactyl has feathers…
Cepheropteryx perhaps?
The mollusc looks cuddly enough to me…. :/
The mollusc looks cuddly enough to me…. :/
Well, I guess… but when the thing you’re cuddling can cuddle you back at least four times harder, then I think it starts to become something else.
PZ, have you seen the new Pirates of the Carribean? it’s got some cephalopoderiffic special effects.
Wow!! That’s exactly what I see on almost every street corner here in Los Angeles. But it is missing something, where are the “fruits and nuts.”
May I suggest these? I need to go back to Drumheller!
Nooo!!! Never trade in a cat. Trade in your neighbor’s little yippie dog for that cute, cuddly little thing.
It’s obviously the big C’s ‘good’ counterpart, Kthanid.