With God, all things are possible


It feels like cartoon day on Pharyngula, but this one is so good I had to mention it. Tom Tomorrow takes on Saint Thomas DeLay.


  1. Rheinhard says

    Well, the Tom Tomorrow cartoon is real, the subject may be a bit of a joke.

    And speaking of The Hammer and his jokey defenders, check out this clip on Oliver Willis, where a caller essentially argues that any media attention whatsoever to Mr. Delay’s situation constitutes “bias”…

  2. Ash says

    Similar to the Bill Hicks comedy sketch where during the seven days of creation a trickster god is gleefully burying dinosaur bones as a test of faith.

    ‘But it seemed so plausible!’

  3. Patrick says

    I got beat to the Bill Hick reference. That sketch is hilarious. he does a few variations of it. Great stuff. The bit about Jesus pulling a thorn from the dino’s paw is great too.

  4. says

    That is exactly what I think fundamentalist Christians believe. If evidence appears against their beliefs, it has to be Satan, o maybe Lucifer.

  5. djlactin says

    i loved the ‘life of brian’ reference! gonna be humming that song for hours now… and whistling…

  6. dishrag says

    That is exactly what I think fundamentalist Christians believe. If evidence appears against their beliefs, it has to be Satan, o maybe Lucifer.

    or PZ Myers……oh wait, you already said Satan. [chuckle]