Needs more squid (2) » « You wanna see arrogance? Look to a creationist Motive? “Just to watch him die.” Man, you can shoot the pope and still get a job in this administration. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Needs more squid (2) » « You wanna see arrogance? Look to a creationist
Mrs Tilton says 13 January 2006 at 9:59 am If you’re right about the motive, does that mean Alito will be doing life at Folsom?
cm says 13 January 2006 at 10:09 am ah, the oh so rare moment of hearty monkey-like laughter while reading the web. that one decked me. thank you.
Shyster says 13 January 2006 at 10:58 am Since the Pope is opposed to Roe v Wade perhaps Alito is the right man for the job. We have to think that the slip may be Freudian.
And a a gay atheist, to boot.
If you’re right about the motive, does that mean Alito will be doing life at Folsom?
ah, the oh so rare moment of hearty monkey-like laughter while reading the web. that one decked me. thank you.
Since the Pope is opposed to Roe v Wade perhaps Alito is the right man for the job. We have to think that the slip may be Freudian.
haha, I knew he was a bad man, but not THAT bad!