Found via CreepyPMs. This is a chat convo where a man is trying to “score” with a woman. I want to focus quickly on his last message essay he sent her. (I recommend reading the short thread in which this appears before). Obviously [sic] all the way down…
Fine no games i promise just a conversation. No [airhead] is not [an insult], so many women on the east coast are not attractive. Kind and good hearts I’m sure but not very attractive.
Attractive is, in this instance, subjective. Many people find Brad Pitt attractive, many do not. “Attractive” and “hot” and “sexy” should always be read with “…to me” after.
Honestly very attractive people like us know this, do not lie.
Dudes who know what complete strangers think about themselves and others is totally cool and a way to “score”, bro.
The largest amount of attractive women on the east coast know they are hot. Due to them being attractive they know they do not have to be smart.
Aside from the misuse of “amount” instead of “number”, this shows what happens when “hotness” is used as some kind of universal attribute. Being smart – something we have ways of measuring assuming various definitions of smart (PhDs, degrees, etc.) – is apparently incompatible with “being hot”, because “being hot” means women don’t need to do anything to benefit. This ties into the stupid claims of being “too hot to be lesbian” or some nonsense. Even today, I have smart male friends who laugh at TV shows casting women they find attractive as computer nerds. Men are letting their attraction to a woman be the measurement of a woman’s worth: She can’t possibly be anything more than an entity I’m attracted to.
From this is birthed fake geek girls and so forth.
Can we please put this idiot notion of “being too hot for x” to the dustbin of history?
Women i look and talk to are beautiful like you despite your thoughts of yourself.
Again claiming to know what a strange woman really thinks about herself. Nice, bro.
Because of that most of them are air heads. That is why i say it not cause I’m some ass but because I speak the truth of all situations.
Shame: you’re not an asshole because you speak some hard truth, bro, but because you have shitty views of women.
This also applies to why we are still taking. Your foohawk boyfriend is less attractive than you.
Again: this only makes sense if we say “…to me”. Well, presuming you’re heterosexual, her boyfriend would be less attractive to you. Presumably, she thinks he’s just the right amount of attractive – whatever that means to her (and that’s all that matters).
Thus we are still talking even if you think its for different reasons. Also your hair looked better in the last picture.
Nice bit of judgement there, bud.
In conclusion: I can’t fathom why this guy’s single.
It’s a mystery.
“negging” for dummies, written by one.
Too hot for X field? I know that shit’s only aimed at women, but hey, Nicola Tesla.
Hah, what a way to end it. As if the heavy dose of brotitude wasn’t bad enough, he decides to seal it with a stupid “compliment”.
Well, obviously he must be incredibly hot given his incredible lack of intelligence.