A Man’s Place Is In The Home

A FB friend posted a thing that is popular in feminist circles. Well, a certain kind of feminist circle anyway. “Emma Clit”‘s comic “You Should’ve Asked” raises some good points. Have a look: https://english.emmaclit.com/2017/05/20/you-shouldve-asked/.

Thing is, I think it missed some points too. It’s not that it’s incorrect per se, but rather that it takes a strictly cisheteronormative woman’s point of view to the exclusion of all else, which is not inherently a bad thing except that here we have a whole comic essay where the what is hard to argue with but the why has been glossed over with a handwavy “They don’t care, because they were raised to not care.”

Is that true? To some extent, surely, but that seems heavily simplistic to me. [Read more…]