There’s this song by Triple Six Mafia called Bin Laden Weed. It’s actually got some emotional heft to it, for a rap song. Usual content warnings for rap: misogyny, violence, self-harm, drug abuse, homophobia, some of those worse than others. Anyway, I listened to this like a thousand times before I realized the recipe is right there in the chorus. You too can make your own Bin Laden weed!
It’s “three types of weed grown all together,” and those types are “hydro … light green … bobby brown.” How do you grow them together? Just the same soil? Grafting? If you graft, what precise arrangement mingles their properties to produce this stuff? We don’t have specifics, but we do have ingredients. And I think at least one guy from this band is still alive, so maybe he can let us know.
Let us know!
actually only one of the four rappers on this track is dead, tho at least two more from the more inclusive version of the group are gone. most recently gangsta boo. memphis don’t play! but srsly don’t do drugs.
…Hey, wait a minute. I don’t live in a legal state for nothin’
i legit lol’d, thx bud. haha, i said bud.