There once was a man from Nantucket. What happened next will warm your heart… I kid, I kid. But I have no idea for a post, so I’m gonna bust a limerick, and invite any of you who so dare to drop your own in the comments.
There was a blog bunch atheistic
Who did not find gods realistic
Asked what they believe
The world has up its sleeve
They simply replied it ain’t mystic
Eh… I dunno. Trying again…
There once was a nasty orange creep
Who had a debate with the veep
She just had to stay cool
While he acted the fool
Now his candidacy lies six feet deep
Counting chickens, I know.
Well, I’ll give y’all a turn…
Er was eens een pyromaan te Vuren,
die had het maar zwaar te verduren.
Door een boycot getroffen,
liep hij het vuur uit zijn sloffen,
of leende het vuur bij zijn buren,..
Written by my dad, alas in Dutch. But Vuren is a nice pun, since it is ‘fires’ but also the name of an actual place in the Netherlands.
My dad died 3 years ago, this day, so this one came to mind. Even though he has written better ones, and English ones, this is the one I remember.
Wanted to do one in Finnish, but here is a translation:
In Finland we have no limericks
because in the 50’s we beat the beatniks
So if your name is Karen
and god forbid you are barren
those are not baby kicks
nederlander – king feurio approved
finn – what in the hell
What I had in mind was something like:
Suomeksi ei ole limerikkejä
koska viiskytluvulla hakattiin beatnikkejä
Siis jos olet Pirkko
eikä suuntas oo kirkko
niin tulevaisuus on nyrkkejä
I just started to wonder why we don’t have limericks and came up with a scenario where it was beaten out of people for being non-productive. Not trying to condone violence or, even worse, anti-poetry.
i’ll accept your excuse this time, u rascal
A foolish creationist, Kent,
Whose brain was all broken and bent,
He said, “Be like me!
“Don’t pay taxes, you’re free!”
And so, off to prison he went.
yay! love it
I needed a limerick for the blog
but I find writing them kind of a slog
so I gave it a rest
let ChatGPT do the rest
and looked at a meme of a frog
ironically I didn’t end up using GPT for it lmao… it gave me the idea though.
but you could have had more time for frog memes