Y’all Don’t Even Know

Some Great American Satan writing will be coming to book form soon!  There’s a compilation in which I have a few submissions, soon to be published, and if I pull off this wild last-minute dash thing I’m working on, my first novel may also come available within a week of that!  Here’s the back cover of that collection.  I’m the Bébé Mélange and none of the described scenes are from my submissions…

The collection is going to be sold at zero profit, but my novel – The Septagram – will involve at least some reward for me other than thronging fans.  I’ll get into that in more depth sometime within the next few weeks here.


  1. says

    Yes! At least kindle. As the book form of The Midnight Collection is not a for-profit enterprise, the whole thing will also be put up for free on a blog somewhere, though everything is still in the works there. Close, though! Close.

    Even so, I think people will find the physical copies pleasing. That’s going to be put out through Lulu.

    For my novel, I’m going to charge monies, not sure how much yet. But I will make it available digital and physical at the same time. There are a few summoning ceremonies and some demons in the book, but as a how-to some may find it lacking. Nonetheless, I guarantee a good time.

    I’m also considering a second edition for some unspecified future date with a rules lite RPG and more art included, just to be a freak.

  2. says

    Thanks William! If you wanna discuss how your own book biz is going, you can hit me up here, or in the back channel, or in email, as you please. I’d like to know how The Rift is doing for you.

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