Commercial Implications

Watching the streams of CW tv shows, they changed the way their video works so my adblocking software is no longer compatible, and I haven’t gone through the effort to resolve that yet.  So I’ve been seeing commercials again.  Commercials with weird implications and issues.  I might be missing something because I always have these commercials muted.

There’s some kind of treatment for anxiety and depression which I imagine is not approved for people assigned male at birth.  One of the commercials focused on this really pretty young lady, and you know how these drug commercials are – unnaturally beautiful light suffusing everything, delicate camera movements.  Porn wishes it had what they have, heh.  However the company branded this treatment “Hers.”  A surely unintended implication: depressed trans dudes get fucked.

so cute

There’s a commercial for this credit card that claims you can build your credit score by purchasing everything with it.  We rapidly follow a kinda sweaty unkempt young man through the stages of his life as the credit score improves his circumstances.  Weirdly they include a post-coital moment of relaxation as part of the narrative of him buying house – getting married – having baby.  Each stage has him or his lover expressing their thrill with “whoa” like faker Neos.  Anyway, implication: all those things denied to you young generations by the fathomless greed of the Capitalist Lich Lords?  Actually just a funny misunderstanding.  You weren’t building your credit score, and now you can!

There’s a commercial for an HIV medicine that says it can make your viral loads undetectable, and “U=U,” undetectable equals untransmissible.  Or it’s a weird emoji.  But the way they illustrate this is by having our cute successful young homosexual in a variety of social situations having brief moments of platonic contact with people.  He shakes somebody’s hand, passes a document, touches an arm.  And all while not transmitting HIV!  Amazing!

so cute

The weird unintended implication there is, of course, that HIV could be transmitted by all sorts of actually harmless things.  But the commercial would probably have a harder time getting cleared for TV if it implied he was having unprotected sex and sharing needles without transmitting HIV.

But that credit card commercial had implied fucking, so like, get creative guys.



  1. xohjoh2n says

    they changed the way their video works so my adblocking software is no longer compatible

    This might be completely off the mark, but just in case you’re using Firefox and’s ABP, they recently made a change in version 3.13 for something to do with the way that Firefox keeps deliberately breaking everyone’s extensions. The side-effect being that ABP just doesn’t do *anything* any more and ads are visible on all websites. By going to and forcibly installing the old 3.12 version, and going into the Firefox Add-Ons page and disabling automatic updates for that one add-on, at least until they fix their shit, you can get adblocking back.

    (I guess the same *could* be true of ABP for other browsers, but I don’t use them.)

  2. invivoMark says is a “telemedicine” service focused on offering prescription drugs for women’s health, and is “the counterpart to the popular men’s health site, Hims” (

    You can chat with a doctor in the same way that you can chat with a customer service representative for your phone company.

    On the one hand, there is a benefit to providing an accessible and efficient way for people to access prescriptions they need when they are unable to take time out of their schedule to see a doctor.

    On the other, it’s half a step away from the wild west of self-medicating with potentially dangerous drugs that the FDA was put into place to prevent.

    At least it’s a bit better than the sketchy websites from overseas companies that would promise to ship prescription-strength p3nis p1lls?

  3. says

    Interesting information there iM. I know a guy who can’t find a doc willing to evaluate for ADHD in our entire region, I wonder if some shit like this would be a way to do it. When I stroll into the wild wild west, Ha-ha, Ha-ha…

  4. lanir says

    If you send me a link to the site I’ll see if I can sort out how to make a rule for it that doesn’t break the streaming. I have a similar setup with some extra filtering and mostly I don’t see ads unless they’re literally part of the original video.

  5. lanir says

    Ok, so… I’m using uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger. I used the show Lost Girl because I’ve watched all of it so I could freely skip around. I didn’t see any ads, although there was a 30 second pause every time I switched episodes before it would load up the video. This feels like an internal delay built into the site. There’s likely no way around it but personally I’m fine with trading a 30 second ad spot for 30 seconds of silence. I’m assuming you’re also seeing ads during the white dots on the progress bar but for me the video just keeps playing through those without interruption. I tried disabling Privacy Badger for the site and there were no obvious changes.

    What I’m left with are the lists you’re using in uBlock Origin. You can see by clicking on the icon for it in your browser bar, clicking the gears icon toward the bottom right of the pop-up, then navigating to the Filter List section. I have 6/6 of the built-in lists, EasyPrivacy under the Privacy section, Online Malicious URL Blocklist under Malware domains, and Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list under Multipurpose. uBlock Origin is very configurable and which of these lists you do or don’t use can significantly alter your experience with it.

    If any of this seems confusing feel free to reach out.

  6. says

    AHA! uBlock does work but I had it turned off for the website! I think I must have assumed when the beginning of an episode was delayed that video was blocked completely, so I turned it off. All I needed was a lil patience, like Axl Rose said.

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