They warned us of the taco trucks;
We gave precisely zero fucks.
The Trumpists went on live TV
To warn us of catastrophe—
A future we would surely see
If Trump is not elected
Where every corner, if we looked,
Some taco meat was being cooked
And just one bite, and we’d be hooked—
It’s tasty as expected!
They warned us of the taco trucks;
We gave precisely zero fucks.
They told us of the nation’s plight
In phrases filled with hidden fright
(Translated to “we’ll be less white
If Clinton gets the vote!”)
With immigrants from many lands
All pitching in, with non-white hands
(The metaphor was taco stands
And all that they denote)
They warned us of the taco trucks;
We gave precisely zero fucks.
Dog whistling is formulaic:
Preserve a world that’s waned archaic
By warning of a new mosaic
With skins of many shades!
On radios and tv screens
They threaten us with … new cuisines
(They needn’t translate what that means;
We see through their charades)
They warned us of the taco trucks;
We gave precisely zero fucks.
Although they mean to stoke our fears
Our culture’s changed across the years
New tasty food is cause for cheers
And not some sacrifice
When taco trucks join hot dog carts
To please our stomachs and our hearts
The nation grows, by fits and starts—
Variety is spice!
They warned us of the taco trucks;
We gave precisely zero fucks.
They warned us of the taco trucks;
We gave precisely zero fucks.
I bet you had a big smile on your face when you wrote that. I sure did when I read it.
They should stick with American food, you know, sandwiches, pizza, and espresso.
Mexican is American confusingly enough in the continental sense of the word. Peruvian and Canadian is American too as is Costa Rica. Continental is adjectivally european though which isn’t American even though the majority of Americans may still be considered European-Americans. Ah, langauge.
Also this Aussie loves Mexican food and tacos too.
Marcus Ranum @#1–
I actually wrote this one while still in bed this morning, before coffee (but after feeding cats). As it is against policy for me to smile (let alone bigly) before coffee, you lose your bet. But I am certainly glad it made *you* smile!
(It actually almost just got published as the two lines you quote, and only those two lines. But then the others asserted themselves before I could stop them.)