Reason Rally This Weekend

My faithful friends were wondering,
And I was wondering, too,
When atheists get together—
Just what all do they do?
They have no common purpose,
And so I find it odd,
To think they join together
And talk about “no god”.

My faithful friends were arguing,
I made my case as well,
Which people went to Heaven
And which ones went to Hell.
Which version of our Holy Book
Is better than the rest,
And, ultimately, which of our
Religions was the best.

My faithful friends were fighting
And I, too, joined the fight
God’s Holy Word demanded it
And so we felt it right.
The heretics and infidels
All needed to be taught;
God will not stand for people
Not believing what they ought!

My faithful friends were killing
As we have throughout the years
An internecine battle with
Our brothers and our peers
With countless souls in suffering
And countless hearts in grief
To show that there is nothing
More important than belief

My faithful friends were dying
By the dozens, by the scores
In random city bombings
And in major bloody wars
We lose our lives as instruments
Of God’s own rightful wrath;
And when we’ve gone, our children too
Will follow in our path.

My faithful friends were wondering,
And I was wondering, too,
When atheists get together—
Just what all do they do?
They have no common purpose,
And so I find it odd,
To think they join together
And talk about “no god”.

I had forgotten that the Reason Rally was this weekend. I had a previous engagement, so I wouldn’t have been able to go anyway, but it would have been a nice chance to visit my nieces. Who would gladly have gone, too.

But I did see Penn Jillette’s piece at CNN on the rally. And for some reason, CNN decided that this would be one of the pieces they still allow comments on, cos what could possibly be contentious about a gathering of atheists? And all the usual suspects were there–the “if atheists don’t believe in God, how come they spend all their time trying to convince other people yadda yadda yadda”, the “what would or could an atheist say to a dying person?”, the “there are no atheists once the bullets start flying”–as if internet comments are a hermetically sealed environment

Oh, yeah, the verse itself was originally written in 2010, for the first Global Atheist Convention, but it has not been posted here since a requested reprise about 5 years ago. So it might be new to some of you.


  1. says

    When atheists get together
    They rejoice in thinking clear
    And wish the rest of humans
    Would likewise Reason cheer.

    When atheists gather cheerily
    Their free minds to compare
    They deplore believers wearily
    And scorn fanaticism’s scare.

    When atheists meet at rallies
    And brightly speak their mind
    Statisticians run the talleys:
    How many theists do we find?

    When atheists get together
    In mutual sympathy,
    They smile and wonder whether
    The end of faith we’ll ever see.

  2. I am really Die Anyway says

    (Although I properly logged in as Die Anyway 3 times, the system would not recognize that fact and kept telling me to enter name and e-mail address so I have had to fake it)

    I’ve been away for a couple of weeks (family emergency) so it was nice to come back and find one of my top 10 DC poems reposted. I think the “fighting” verse is my favorite. It encapsulates the whole mess in 8 easily understood lines.

    As for what atheists talk about when they get together, from my experience it is almost never about “no God”. That was settled long ago and needs no rehashing. What we do talk about is rather normal — our families, our health problems, our cars, our jobs, the latest craft brewery in town, politics, our hobbies, and occassionally about the problems that religion causes in our world. My atheist friends and I don’t focus on atheism. We focus on our lives.

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