Job Duties VS Voices In Head

Rose Marie Belforti was
A brave and honest clerk
Who said that God himself decreed
She could not do her work

To serve the state, her job required,
But Rose observed a flaw—
She could not serve New York; instead,
She served a higher law

She will not sign certificates
When same-sex couples wed;
The path to hell goes that way, and
She simply won’t be led.

She could not “hold her nose and sign”
She could not “go along”
She could not in good conscience
When her God said it was wrong.

Mind you, other people said
That God was fine with gays
But Rose Marie Belforti’s God
Sees things in other ways.

Her God is quite the homophobe
So Rose Marie is, too;
Her bigotry is there , cos
It’s what Christ himself would do.

Well, Christ as she perceives him,
Not the Christ from in that book
So really, not a claim that’s gonna
Let her off the hook.

She’s asking dispensation; could
Some clerk sign those instead?
Her job is making troubles for
The voices in her head

Story at Camels With Hammers.


  1. Becca says

    Isn’t this old news? and didn’t she go back and say that she would do her job, rather than quit? or is this another woman?

  2. says

    I’ve always found these stories to have a very easy & simple resolution: If you cannot follow the law of man because you must follow the law of god, quit. The people you will stop bothering will be grateful, your erstwhile bosses will be happy not to deal with the issue, your god will be happy you stuck to your guns and your kids can learn the benefits of an ascetic lifestyle.
    Why is it so often that believers wish to have others suffer the consequences of them living up to their principles?

  3. Joan says

    This problem keeps arising. The pharmacist who can’t in all conscience prescribe the morning after pill. The clerks who can’t with good conscience issue a marriage license to gays. The early Christians who couldn’t with good conscience worship Caesar. (Ok. I know. But you know this is going to be elevated in a nano-second to a Christian martyr story.) Still, I feel a smidgen of sympathy for these benighted people… If they don’t obey their screwed up church laws they feel they’ll go to hell. If they don’t obey the state laws they’ll lose their jobs. Opt to keep the job and eat now and they pay later, in a bad way.

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