More Trouble For Giant Cuttlefish

As if things were not bad enough
Point Lowly now has seals
Who may decide that cuttlefish
Make very tasty meals.
For now, they dine on snappers, but
They still are a concern
With fur seals by the dozen…
Will the cuttlefish return?

Via email from John Morales, minutes ago, more bad news for the Giant Cuttlefish at Point Lowly:

Fur seals have been spotted in upper Spencer Gulf at the breeding ground of the giant cuttlefish.

Whyalla fisherman Alan Hall says dozens of seals have been feeding on snapper at Point Lowly.

So they are eating snapper now, but giant cuttlefish are basically a protein popsicle. Just the cuttlebone, no nasty needle-shaped bones, no nasty scales. Seals aren’t dumb; I am worried.

While I’m talking about Point Lowly, let me remind any of you who have not signed the petition to do so ASAP. In my opinion, international signers are every bit as important; this is a huge tourist destination as well as a local treasure.


  1. says

    Hey CuttlefishPoet, thanks for your continuing interest in the plight of Cuttlefish Country! Yes, the region traditionally gets quite a few unusual guests, as the waters reach tropical temperatures in the summer, with then fall to chilly temperate temps in the winter. Four species of visiting sea turtles have been recorded there, along with surprises like sunfish, whales of several species etc. There are definately top-level predators about including local and visiting sharks, though the only ones know to specifically target the cuttlefish are the local dolphin pods (which live in the area year-round). It’s particularly surprising to me that the seals (numbers of which I have heard from other locals are more like half a dozen, not dozens) have set up shop near the OneSteel wharf- one of the most polluted corners of the region. Anything regarding their diet and feeding bahaviour should be considered speculation at this stage.

    Meanwhile, on the positive tip, $105,000 of state and federal funding has just been allocated to cuttlefish research (assumedly to monitor next season’s migration).

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